• 36 minutes ago
👉 Una familia de Bahía Blanca enfrenta la devastación después de que un temporal destruyera su hogar y negocio. Viviana Ayala y su esposo Damián, junto a sus hijos, han perdido el techo de su casa y toda la mercadería de su librería.


00:00This is the traveling neighborhood of the south, Leo.
00:03Ah, the one in Chapa, the one that looks like Chapa.
00:05The one in Chapa, yes, that's our house, yes.
00:09I imagine seeing her like that...
00:11The truth is that it's very sad, and well, the truth is that God gives us the strength to move forward for our children.
00:18They are only 8 years and 12, and they don't want to come back here,
00:23because their father went through this with the roof, and now we are again facing this.
00:28They are very scared, and we have to be strong for them.
00:32The truth is that, well, I work, my wife also works, but the truth is that there is no money here, it comes by day.
00:39But well, I thank God because the four of us are alive,
00:45and the next day I wake up and see my family, and the most beautiful thing that can happen.
00:49Of course, of course.
00:50A conversation with this person who does not find her, or what happened with the roof, right?
00:54But well, I believe in God, and I know that he helps all things for good.
00:59And that's what gives me strength to move forward, and well...
01:03You told me the kids are scared, they are scared.
01:07What could you talk to them, what could you tell them?
01:10Well, this, despite everything, to continue, that they are well.
01:15And we talk a lot with them, and we tell them not to lower their arms, that we have to continue,
01:22that, well, it's going to happen, and that, well, we have to move forward,
01:27that, well, because he also said, Dad, what are you going to sell there?
01:31He said, we can't, we can't sell one day for the next,
01:33because we can't scam other people either, knowing everything that is happening.
01:37The idea is to evacuate all this water, because we really don't take all the things,
01:43we just take a few things, because we want to come back here, because the truth is that...
01:47I imagine that Viviana also adds to you, turn around a little so they can see you,
01:53a life project behind all this, right?
01:56We have been raising our house for eight years, we are doing it by heart,
02:00that is, we were buying a sheet, another sheet, that flew away in the storm.
02:06We sold the car to be able to roof and tow.
02:09That we had sold the car to tow this roof and live here, here, in the house.
02:13And then it happened to us, in the month, it happened to us with the issue of the sheet.
02:18The storm blew up the whole roof.
02:20And well, many people, colleagues from work and teachers from school helped us,
02:27and between family and friends, they helped me get the house back up.
02:32And now I'm putting everything back.
02:34We would also like to clarify that.
02:35Viviana, do you hear me?
02:36I don't know if they give us this space.
02:38Viviana, they don't want to share an alias,
02:41let's see if we can give them a hand, that they can help us a little.
02:44Because the truth is that, as Leo said, there is the life project of this working family,
02:49with their little ones, who came eight years ago, raising their house.
02:53If you agree and you want.
02:55I don't know if production tells me if we can work in that direction.
02:59We can.
03:01Viviana, do you want to share an alias?
03:04And let's go, let's give you a hand.
03:10Yes, I mean, help, we need it, but I know that all the neighbors need it,
03:14and we don't want to be unfair to others.
03:16But it's you, take advantage of it.
03:18How wonderful, Leo.
03:19Yes, it's tierra.
03:20But you also know what?
03:22Repeat, repeat, Viviana.
03:34Viviana Ayala.
03:35Viviana the last name?
03:36Yes, Viviana Ayala.
03:40That is, when they put this alias, tierra.sombra.yeso, Viviana Ayala has to appear.
03:46As long as it's Viviana's account.
03:48Of course.
03:49And you know what, Viviana?
03:50First, it moves us that in the face of this tragedy that you are living and losing everything
03:55after so many years of building your house, the first thing you think is that there are
04:00a lot of people who are having a hard time and that it is not fair that they help you.
04:05And it is fair, you know?
04:07Because maybe you, with what comes to you, can give a hand to the one next to you or
04:12the one in front of you or the one who is a little further away.
04:15And it's a virtuous chain, you see?
04:17So you don't feel shame or guilt for passing your alias.
04:21Because, well, it's the effort of your whole life and the storm took it.
04:29Yes, the truth is that the car was floating there and now to go to work we are asking
04:34that they take us.
04:37Of course, because working is the only way to get out.
04:39In the center of Bahia Blanca too.
04:40Of course.
04:42What do you work on, Viviana?
04:43The gallery was taken to Vicia.
04:45I have a place in Galeria Vicia 2000 that was flooded, 1.20 meters below the water.
04:49You lost merchandise, you lost everything.
04:51What do you sell?
04:55Oh, on top.
04:56All paper.
04:57On top.
04:58At such an important moment, right?
04:59Because the classes were coming.
05:00Of course.
05:01High season for the bookstore.
05:03And your husband, what does he do, Vivi?
05:05And well, he works in a cleaning company here in Bahia Blanca.
05:10He is an employee.
05:12He is an employee.
05:13And they are working now, beyond the fact that, well, everything is cut off and ...
05:18And they are helping to remove the mud from the center.
05:21Of course.
05:22Of course.
05:23Because the baby doesn't make mud, right?
05:24And well, today I had to work and we were on Chiclana Street.
05:30And between Israel and Branson, we were there, well, fighting with all the boys,
05:37trying to do our job, right?
05:40Of course.
05:41Helping each other to be able to get Bahia forward, right?
05:44So that, well, Bahia is back as beautiful as it is, it is fine as it was, right?
05:50So, nothing.
05:52And tonight, Viviana, where does the night pass?
05:56What is your husband's name?
06:00Damián, where do they spend the night?
06:01Damián and Viviana.
06:02Where are they going to spend the night?
06:03We followed what my parents did.
06:06They took refuge for us.
06:07How are your parents?
06:09How did they go through this?
06:12And with the soul, they are in pieces because they are retired.
06:18They help us as much as they can.
06:19Did they also flood?
06:23They were drips because the roofs were not prepared for the rain.
06:27Of course.
06:28So much rain all together.
06:29And do you know what I was also thinking?
06:31Well, there was a suspension of activities.
06:33I understand that the municipality, well,
06:35plans to reschedule the reading cycle on Wednesday, if possible.
06:39Your little ones go to school nearby.
06:41How was the school?
06:43How was the school?
06:44Can they go back there?
06:45Because that's another drama.
06:48And the teachers are doing a hard cleaning job.
06:54And on Wednesday they are going to start.
06:56The truth is that I am really worried about the mood of the children.
07:00Of course.
07:01In general.
07:02And yes, it is a big trauma.
07:04Because they are very scared.
07:06The experts say that they will need therapeutic assistance.
07:10Not only the boys, but also the older adults or the adults, right?
07:15Because it is very complex.
07:17And to think of those boys who may have been able to save something,
07:20but they may have lost a lot.
07:21The toys, the notebooks, the backpacks.
07:26We, I mean, I tell you, we in the church,
07:29we have been in contact with many children.
07:33And the children hear the rain and they start to tremble.
07:35Of course.
07:36Of course.
07:37Because apart from that, they had already experienced that strong wind
07:40that blew part of the roof, right, Viviana?
07:45Yes, the city was terrified.
07:49Of course, of course.
07:51Earth, point, shadow, point, plaster, to give a hand to this couple,
07:55this family, this young family.
07:57How old are you, Viviana?
08:02Well, they are going to recover.
08:03We have no doubt that with you, with love.
08:08I don't know if you can go checking, Viviana,
08:10so you leave us alone.
08:12That the little hand of the people is entering.
08:14That it is always important to check that it is working.
08:17If you have a way to check it, I don't know if there is a signal there too, Leo.
08:22No, there is a lot of problem with the 4G signal, a lot of problem.
08:26Well, keep sending anyway.
08:27Although it has been restoring more to the center, but ...
08:30It will arrive.
08:31Well, nothing, the rain is going to receive it.
08:34The nobility of Viviana.
08:37Yes, and this gesture you had of, there are many people who have a bad time
08:41and I don't deserve it, the truth is that it is chicken skin.
08:45And I thought, you go to your parents' house and you have to feed a lot of cows.
08:50Your mom, your dad, the kids, you.
08:53I don't know if all the businesses are open,
08:57also as long as one does not work, no money comes in, you see?
09:00Of course, of course, of course.
09:01Are they okay? Do they have to spend the day, to have dinner?
09:07We have had the help here from the churches of Villa Jardin.
09:11Of course.
09:12Of course, you attend.
09:13They make meals and distribute in the afternoons.
09:15Of course, attend the church, Viviana.
09:17They distribute to people who attend, yes, but they also distribute to those who do not attend.
09:22It's very good, it's very good.
09:23Viviana, can you show us, if you can be recognized in the midst of that madness,
09:30those places that you say, insist, that you want the municipality to open,
09:34so that tomorrow, when the water comes down, they are streets.
09:37And also help the neighborhood, within what can be moved, Leo, let's see.
09:42If you see here the cord of the light, I don't know if you see the palm trees.
09:46Yes, yes, very clear.
09:47Well, and there in the background you see some bushes.
09:52That would be the street that they have not wanted to open for us.
09:55They never opened it, right?
09:56The bushes that are preventing the exit, no, they never opened it.
09:59And why? What is the interest behind not opening it?
10:02What do you want to avoid by opening it?
10:04Why? Is it decided or is there a business behind this?
10:08And one always tries to think that it is decided,
10:11so as not to think that they are profiting from what happens to all of us.
10:15And they tell us that since it is not programmed,
10:18that it is not a neighborhood designed or planned,
10:21we have to wait or we have to go knock on another door.
10:24We knock on another door and that door does not open either.
10:29Viviana, then pass Leo a cell phone,
10:33because people are contacting us who want to help you.
10:37In fact, from a very important toy and bookstore distributor,
10:40they tell me that they want to help you rebuild your company,
10:44that they are going to make you the link with the suppliers,
10:47that they have merchandise to provide you.
10:49Well, I like that.
10:50The people are super supportive.
10:51Thank you, Loli.
10:52That's very good and it starts ...
10:53Thank you, Loli Berliner-Blau.
10:54It starts to build up.
10:55Don't cry, Viviana.
10:56Don't cry, I'm going to help you.
10:58Don't cry, Viviana.
10:59Don't cry, I'm going to help you.
11:01Don't cry, Viviana.
11:02Don't cry, I'm going to help you.
11:04You're going to be able to reassemble.
11:06You have to save energy and be strong.
11:14No, nothing to thank for.
11:16How long have you been in business, Viviana?
11:18Because you were just talking about eight years building your house
11:21and your business, how long?
11:25Six years.
11:26Six years.
11:28Of course, and from day to night you realize that there is nothing left.
11:32And also with all the investment in merchandise,
11:35a lot of money went there.
11:41But one goes on and says,
11:42Yes, but of course.
11:43I'm going to get out of this.
11:44Because as my husband said,
11:46we have God and we have someone to fight for,
11:48who are our children.
11:49Of course.
11:50Bring it to Damián, who is back there.
11:53Bring it to Damián,
11:54so they give each other a hug and are together.
11:57They are going to need each other a lot.
12:00Hello Damián.
12:01Facundo Pastor greets you.
12:02How are you, brother?
12:03Hello, how are you?
12:04How are you?
12:06Well, there we are.
12:07Asking God to give me wisdom, direction,
12:11to know what to do,
12:12because the truth is that with all that is happening,
12:18I don't know, my son tells me,
12:19Dad, let's sell there.
12:21The truth is that I say,
12:22I don't know,
12:23I ask God to give me wisdom, son,
12:25and I can do the right thing.
12:27And they will have it, Damián, they will have it.
12:29I know what we've been through.
12:30They will have it.
12:31They have to trust that there are a lot of people
12:34who want to help them,
12:35who want to accompany them.
12:37And they have to hold on, Damián.
12:42To what you were just saying,
12:44that the four of them are together,
12:46which is the most important thing, you know?
12:50It is the most valuable thing.
12:51It is the most valuable thing, Damián.
12:53It is the only thing.
12:55If everything else is fixed,
12:57it is recovered,
12:59you are hard workers,
13:00you have worked hard to build the house,
13:02you will work hard again,
13:04there are a lot of people who want to help you,
13:07now we are going to put the alias again in the basement
13:10so that they can be transferred,
13:11so that they can…
13:12There it is permanently.
13:13It is perfect.
13:14Land, dot shadow, dot plaster,
13:15to give a hand to this family.
13:17I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
13:18but I just don't want them to help me,
13:21but everyone else,
13:22the person who needs it,
13:24that we are going through such a difficult situation.
13:26Well, but look, Damián,
13:28think about it like this,
13:30think about it like this.
13:31Because they are also going through it.
13:33Look, think about it like this,
13:34we give you a hand,
13:36and you constitute yourself there
13:38as a delegate of the neighborhood,
13:40and you give a hand to whoever you want.
13:42And just as Marina said,
13:43it is just getting together, you know?
13:46Well, well, thank you.
13:50No, you don't have to thank me.
13:52It is good that this can be solved,
13:54and you can open here, I don't know,
13:57a street so that the water can drain,
13:59because we want to return to our house.
14:02We want you to solve this.
14:05Let me…
14:06So that this doesn't happen to us again.
14:08Please, I beg you,
14:10that you can fix it here,
14:11give us a solution.
14:12Because I have the car,
14:14I have all the things,
14:16like all the families that are here,
14:18they have all their things,
14:19and they want to recover their house,
14:20because they are all workers,
14:22with the desire to progress.
14:24We are all young people living here,
14:26with their families and children,
14:28and well, we have to continue for them.
14:31So may God bless all Bahía Blanca,
14:35and well,
14:36and bless those people
14:38who are having a very bad time,
14:40who lost a child,
14:42that's sad,
14:43because I can say that my family is with me.
14:46Damian, Viviana, we hug you.
14:48We are on our way with Leo.
14:50Thank you both very much.
14:52I hope that the hands of the people are accompanying you,
14:55and of course we stay with the image of you hugging,
14:58fighting for the future,
15:00and for your family,
15:01and for what is coming.
15:02A lot of strength for both of you.
