新闻报报看 | 随着公民团体及6名大马籍母亲就其在海外出生孩子的国籍上诉案,今天跟政府达成和解后,大马籍母亲与外籍配偶在海外生产且18岁以下的孩子,如今也可申请大马公民身分。上诉人的代表律师表示,这是一项深具历史意义的裁决,纠正了长期以来对女性的歧视。不过律师也补充,虽然18岁以下的子女已经“有资格”申请公民权,但是不是会被政府批准,还取决于宪法第26条文所阐明的条件。(主播:蔡心慧、黄宇恒)
00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04In the past, only children born in foreign countries by male or female can automatically become citizens of our country.
00:11However, children born in foreign countries by female or male must go through a long and very complicated civil rights application process,
00:18and it is not necessarily approved by the government.
00:21In order to eliminate this, it was pointed out that it discriminates against women.
00:25In October last year, the Congress formally passed the amendment
00:28to allow children born in foreign countries by male or female to automatically obtain citizenship.
00:35However, this amendment has no追溯力,
00:38which means that only children who are born after the declaration of citizenship
00:43can automatically obtain the right to citizenship.
00:46And before the declaration of citizenship,
00:48those children who are already born abroad will not automatically become citizens of our country.
00:53However, as the civil society group and the six mothers of Dalmatians
00:57have reached an agreement with the government on the international appeal of their children born abroad,
01:03it also means that those children who were born abroad by Dalmatian women before the amendment were now eligible to apply for Dalmatian citizenship.
01:12Let me tell you a little bit about the background of this lawsuit.
01:15In December 2020, six mothers of Dalmatians filed a lawsuit
01:20to jointly sue the Dalmatian government, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Registration Bureau,
01:24demanding that the court judge that Dalmatian women also have the right to pass on their nationality to their children.
01:30At that time, the High Court originally sentenced six mothers to appeal
01:33that their children who were born abroad could apply for citizenship.
01:37It's just that later the verdict was overturned by the appeal court,
01:40and the case has been appealed to the Federal Court.
01:43This legal dispute over the right to citizenship has been going on for more than four years,
01:47and it has finally come to an end today.
01:49After negotiation and in-depth negotiations,
01:52the six Dalmatian mothers finally reached an agreement with the government and withdrew their appeal.
01:57According to the settlement agreement,
01:59before the 2024 Federal Constitution amendment,
02:03children under the age of 18 born abroad by Dalmatian mothers and non-citizens
02:08can apply for Dalmatian citizenship according to Article 15-2 of the Federal Constitution.
02:14This clause allows children under the age of 21 and parents of Dalmatians to apply for Dalmatian citizenship.
02:22According to the report,
02:23the Federal Court of Justice, headed by Chief Justice Dungu Maiwen,
02:27recorded this settlement agreement this morning.
02:30On behalf of the six mothers,
02:31lawyer Gudi Yaxin held a press conference outside the court and said
02:35that this is a judgment with a deep historical meaning
02:38and corrected the discrimination against women for a long time.
02:41However, this lawyer also added that
02:43although children under the age of 18 are already eligible to apply for citizenship,
02:48whether they will be approved by the government
02:51depends on the conditions of Article 26 of the Constitution.
02:55In addition, the lawyer also urged the government to consider
02:58giving citizenship to people over the age of 18.
03:01One of the mothers, who spent 10 years fighting for Dalmatian citizenship for her son, said,
03:07This is not just a legal struggle,
03:09but also a battle of truth about love and dignity.
03:13She believes that mothers should not fight for the sake of living with their children in their own country.
03:19After the official group also issued a statement saying,
03:21they are working closely with the government
03:23to ensure that all adult children of Malaysian mothers can obtain citizenship,
03:29including those whose mothers have passed away.
03:32The statement also strongly urged the government
03:34not to delay the implementation of the amnesty.
03:36Here is a supplementary point.
03:38The amnesty for citizenship has not yet been officially issued in the constitution.