• 2 days ago
Use Code Winter


📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winterfnt/
📺Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/winter1k
🐥Twitter: https://x.com/WinterFNT
🥈Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UC735FovIoNl-DpVbqrdNbug
💌Discord: https://discord.gg/J9QTZXXK5U

🌟Creative Maps🌟

🎄HIDE AND SEEK: 1943-1976-0734
👑RANKED DEATHRUN: 1472-2273-4745
💅DRESS TO IMPRESS: 4311-3721-1924
🌟PROP HUNT: 2773-7093-6713
🍓FRUIT BOX PVP: 0148-1343-8863
🔥THE WALLS: 3223-1056-3507
ESCAPE LEO: 1745-4218-1438

🎥 Editor: Hydraa

Official headset and controller partner Nacon | RIG: https://www.riggaming.com/pwr

Music provided by Epidemic Sound
00:00If I gave you this image, could you figure out where I am on the chapter six map?
00:05Well, today I've invited seven of my friends and taking turns,
00:08we will need to figure out where each of us are hiding by using a small picture.
00:13I am ready to hide. I am ready to win. I am.
00:19We are in the new POI crime city. Look at this POI at night. It looks beautiful.
00:23So interestingly enough, guys, you can actually fit in here and you can just sit here.
00:28Is this not cool already? Three, two, one. What is that?
00:32Oh, new, new location. It's in the gold. It's in the gold.
00:35Yeah. Okay. Gold. I'll be in. I'll be in Oskie.
00:37I don't know where I'm going. What's gold.
00:39I don't know if they're going to find me or not. I mean, it's not a bad spot,
00:43but like I'm running. I need to beat the car.
00:45Where is that though?
00:46On a slight bend.
00:48He's like on a billboard or something. No,
00:50that's like a billboard. Yeah. Billboard billboard.
00:52That's gotta be crime city. That's the crime city sign.
00:54Oh no, they know bro. They know.
00:56There's a, oh yeah, there's a billboard right there to the bottom right. Yeah.
01:00Crime city sign, honestly. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Let's go. Let's go in Oskie.
01:04Guys, they know where I am. They're going to find me so quick. Guys, this is not good.
01:07Do you look at the angle of the road and we can look at the direction of the sun?
01:11If we look at the growth of the tree and the diameter of the sun.
01:15He's looking 240, 240 on the compass.
01:18Oh my God. That's actually tech.
01:20He's looking Southwest.
01:22Yeah, so Southwest. So he's on the other side.
01:24I hear a car. Oh no.
01:28Wait, Worthy's a genius.
01:30Where he's looking Southwest. We look for a road that's pointing South, like South.
01:34Bro, Winter just drove under me.
01:35He's on a sign somewhere.
01:37Southwest road. Look for a Southwest road. Here, maybe here.
01:41They all went past.
01:43Bro, you are nerding out so much right now, but I love it.
01:46It's crazy. On the bronze as well.
01:48This kind of sweat on the bronze is actually not appreciated.
01:51I haven't discovered any of the gold. It could literally be anywhere.
01:54Oh, where is this?
01:55I'm going to check Oasis.
01:57I'm checking shiny shafts right now.
01:59You guys are so stupid.
02:04Why are we dumb?
02:07Zam's really close. He actually might've seen me.
02:08Look for the mountain maybe with like the, with the gold streaks in it.
02:12There's a few mountains with the gold streaks in it, but okay.
02:15I'm looking.
02:17I can hear the footsteps.
02:18Dude, I'm psyched.
02:20He's got to be in Crime City because I'm looking at the exact mountain.
02:23It's literally here.
02:25Has to be, has to be.
02:27I think they're both here.
02:29I found him!
02:32Time, time, time.
02:33The smash and grab sign.
02:36A Crime City, bro. I knew it was.
02:38It's the same tree, the same rock and the same road.
02:41Dude, good eyes, Zam. Good eyes.
02:43Winter, you drove under me.
02:46Oh my.
02:48Not good looks, not good looks.
02:49Okay. Silver rank.
02:51Where would a silver hide?
02:52I don't have a goddamn plan of where I'm about to hide.
02:55So I'm just going to send it, you know?
02:57Does this show up on the map?
02:58It does, but there's so many vending machines.
03:01Surely they wouldn't just like come to this one.
03:02You know what? I feel like I have to send a picture of the flopper.
03:05All right, gang, get the timer ready.
03:07Okay, time.
03:08Timer starts, timer starts.
03:10Oh my.
03:11Where is that?
03:11Is that not the train station?
03:13No, don't say that.
03:14Bro, you're going to kill me.
03:16It's over here. It's over here.
03:17Near Foxy, no?
03:19I'm so far away, bro.
03:20I'm just checking out the flopper toys, bro.
03:22Come on.
03:22Let's go, Mitch.
03:23I'm following you, bro.
03:24Wait, that's got to be the train station down here, no?
03:27Right here.
03:27There's no way.
03:28There is no-
03:29I'm about to find him instantly.
03:30I'm about to find him instantly.
03:31Check all vending machine locations, bro.
03:34Bang! Got him! Got him!
03:36I knew where that was!
03:37Okay, that might be the worst spot in Manhunt history.
03:41Let's go!
03:46No one's beating that.
03:47No one's beating that.
03:48I knew exactly where this was, bro.
03:50Is there a rank below bronze that I could possibly become?
03:53Originally, I was going to take us to a sign,
03:55but I realized I think Wynter's seen this sign,
03:57so I'm going to take us to a bird.
03:59There's a few birds across, you know?
04:01I have to get the right bird.
04:02Three, two, one.
04:03Hey, Chase, go long.
04:06Oh, nice catch there.
04:08That's not my name, quarterback!
04:13I don't get it, bro.
04:14Am I Unc?
04:15Yeah, am I old?
04:16And am I not up with the times?
04:18Okay, let me know when you're done, then I'll-
04:20Oh, we're done! We're done! We're done!
04:22Okay, okay, okay.
04:23There we go.
04:24Okay, there you go.
04:24There's the picture for you.
04:26Oh, guys, we don't have our cars!
04:27Timer starts!
04:28Who is that?
04:29Oh, that's literally the bird!
04:31Pick me up! Pick me up! Pick me up!
04:33There's no vehicles!
04:35I don't even have a car.
04:36Yeah, like, Luke, I don't know about this.
04:38But which bird-
04:40How many birds are there?
04:42Why are there no cars?
04:43You're lucky we got no cars.
04:44Is that Seaport City?
04:45Bro, Lufu's already beating Noski because there's no cars.
04:49We've actually been grieved by no cars spawn.
04:51I know my birds. I'm literally a bird.
04:53That bird is the one I hope for likes.
04:54If I'm wrong, I'm a bitch.
04:55I really hope it's this one so I don't get the lowest time.
04:58Lufu, please don't eat all those cookies.
05:00They look good.
05:01No, I'll leave some for you, I promise.
05:03I promise.
05:03I got some chicken for you too.
05:05Knock, knock.
05:06Hello, I'm here.
05:07No, it's not this one.
05:09Was it not that one, Noski?
05:10It wasn't the one that's north, no.
05:12Okay, can you pick me up?
05:12Can you pick me up on the way up?
05:14What do you mean it's not the one north?
05:16Not this one, bro.
05:17It's just north.
05:17It's not here.
05:18Where's the other one?
05:19Is it Seaport?
05:20There is one north.
05:21There's one center.
05:22There's one south.
05:23It's this one.
05:24Yeah, this one is what I mean.
05:25It's over here.
05:25Just wait for it.
05:26Just wait.
05:26I promise you.
05:27Just wait.
05:27Just wait for it.
05:28Most of them are north though.
05:29Most of the gas stations are north.
05:31I think she's baiting.
05:32Noski, Noski, Noski.
05:33I'm behind Shining.
05:35Shining's fair.
05:35Shining's fair.
05:36You drive.
05:36You drive.
05:37You drive.
05:37I'll follow you.
05:38There's a bird thingy over here.
05:40There's one over here.
05:41Are we going Seaport?
05:42Uh, I'm going to Shining.
05:44She keeps saying north though.
05:45I feel like she's south.
05:46No, no, no, no, no.
05:47She's definitely gone the one Shining span
05:49so she can look at the amazing bridge.
05:51Most gas stations are north.
05:53Why do you keep saying that though, Fruity?
05:55They are.
05:55If you get in a car,
05:56look at all your gas station things.
05:58They're all north.
05:59I'm stressing, bro.
06:00I'm actually stressing.
06:00Okay, I'm at Shining span.
06:02I'm at Shining span bird.
06:04Hi, what would you like to order?
06:07Oh, um, she's been found.
06:10I knew it was there.
06:11Stop the timer.
06:13Wait, I think she crashed.
06:14I did.
06:14I did.
06:16Okay, well, that's her time.
06:19She crashed as I found her.
06:22Oh, no way.
06:24Honestly, not a bad time.
06:26All right, I have an idea.
06:27Hold up.
06:27Wait till Ice Spice finishes.
06:31She turned on the night.
06:32Turned on the night, like.
06:33Hi, I'm the Sushi Skin in Crime City.
06:36About to do some chefing.
06:37We'll do a screenshot like that.
06:38That should be enough.
06:39Come on.
06:40That should be enough.
06:41You guys ready?
06:43Oh, oh, he sent it.
06:44Okay, time has started.
06:45Time has started.
06:46I found him, bro.
06:47That's like the new area, no?
06:49Hey, look at the dust.
06:50Look at the dust.
06:50That's like, look at the fog.
06:52That's Crime City.
06:53It's Crime City because up here,
06:54why it's always rain.
06:55Bro, I'm not going to lie.
06:56That's just like not where he is.
06:58Yeah, it's got to be Crime City.
07:00It's raining.
07:00So it is Crime City.
07:02Go, go, go, go, go.
07:03I have no car.
07:04I will be there when season 12 drops.
07:06Are you sure?
07:07Are you sure it's Crime City, guys?
07:09It's the only place that is raining and dark out, Zam.
07:12Don't you dare move, Zam.
07:13Don't you dare.
07:15Are you sure?
07:16Look for the red.
07:17Look at the red, grey.
07:18It's north.
07:19It's north.
07:19It's north.
07:20What about Lone Wolf Lair?
07:22It's like north of Crime City, like there.
07:24Bro, I'm telling you that's,
07:25that's from like a,
07:26that he's just not there.
07:27He's in Crime City.
07:29No, no, no.
07:30He's going to cheat somehow.
07:31He's just not there.
07:33This was a screenshot from earlier today.
07:34Yeah, yeah, exactly.
07:36These are the walls and there was a truck there.
07:38There was a truck there that I broke.
07:44I told you he's not here.
07:45He's got to be in Seaport or something.
07:48Yeah, hello.
07:48I would like to order one banana split, please.
07:52Extra Zam.
07:53A little bit of subscribe button and also click the like.
07:57No, this guy can't be cheating.
07:59That's so cringe.
08:00You wouldn't do that.
08:01I'm not cringe.
08:03Yeah, you're not cringe.
08:05See, look who gets me.
08:06I'm not cringe.
08:07I'm not cringe.
08:08So this is the truck.
08:15Wait, time stop.
08:16There's actually no way.
08:17Wait, what was he?
08:18Where was he?
08:19He was a stupid freaking...
08:21Mitch, I was the chef NPC that you kept on running past.
08:25He was the freaking chef.
08:28Are you kidding?
08:29Mitch, bro, you ran,
08:30you ran past me like twice.
08:32Bro, that's not what you're supposed to mean, Shreddy.
08:41Oh, he's ready.
08:41He's here, he's here.
08:42Oh, oh, okay.
08:44Yeah, timer's ready.
08:44Timer's ready.
08:45They're ready.
08:46This one's going to be really small.
08:47You have to bear with me because you will understand.
08:49Okay, okay.
08:50Oh, this guy.
08:52What, what is that?
08:53That's the bridge, right?
08:54Is that the bridge?
08:55Wait, no, I can kind of see,
08:56you can see the snowy mountain in the,
08:57in like the bottom middle bit.
08:59He might be near us, no?
09:00If he's really far away from there.
09:02Wait, are we, are we accepting this?
09:04I'm accepting it.
09:05You might as well.
09:06Bro, it's a pixel.
09:08I think he's on the wolf, bro.
09:10Wait, he could be on the wolf.
09:11Yeah, true.
09:11I think he's on the wolf.
09:13He's not on the wolf.
09:14All the way back there?
09:15The gold wolf?
09:16Yeah, he is because look,
09:17it looks so big from where we are.
09:19I think he's really far away.
09:21Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
09:22Dude, this, no, this guy's got to be cross-mapped
09:24some sort of like, yeah, okay, um.
09:26I low-key think, yeah, any, somewhere up high.
09:29No, I reckon it's the biggest mountain on the map.
09:30There's another point up there too.
09:32Noski, how does it look?
09:33How, does it look the same size from here?
09:35No, way too big.
09:36Wait, he's so far.
09:37Oh, even further, bro.
09:43Oh my god.
09:44I don't even know.
09:45I'm so sorry, Noski.
09:46What? One down.
09:49Noski, I'm so sorry.
09:50That's okay, it wasn't your fault.
09:53Holy s***.
09:54Oh yeah, maybe I'll go the other gold mound.
09:56No, it's not here.
09:57It's going to be the other gold mound.
09:58Yeah, I'm up, I'm going up to that one now.
10:00Let's see, is he up here?
10:02Is he here?
10:02He's not here.
10:03Wait, there's no snow mountain in the way.
10:05Like, what snow mountain is he looking at?
10:06Dude, I don't know, bro.
10:08He's got to be further back.
10:09Worthy, he's further back than this.
10:11Yeah, look at that.
10:11That's like, bigger.
10:12Is there like, Shogun or somewhere?
10:14Yeah, try, Shogun could be a shout, actually.
10:16I can't even lie.
10:17Yeah, I'm going.
10:18Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
10:21I don't have my license.
10:22Well, I do, but like, I'm on my L's.
10:24I don't know, maybe you're too far.
10:26Maybe there's a green tree in Shogun
10:28that like, he's trying to throw us off with.
10:30You think he's even on top of a mountain?
10:32Yeah, 100%.
10:34Wait, this looks great.
10:35I swear it's even smaller than that.
10:36Wait, guys, can anyone pick me up?
10:38I think he might be on top of like a, what do you call them?
10:41The communication tower thing.
10:43Oh yeah, that's a shout.
10:46Check the hill above Canyon Crossing, the green area.
10:50Do you see him?
10:51Oh my god.
10:52That looks like a person.
10:53This is just cringe.
10:55Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:57Found him.
10:58No way.
10:59Wait, what?
11:01Where was he?
11:03He was like three meters away.
11:04Wait, where?
11:06No way.
11:08You drove over me.
11:09Oh my god, bro.
11:11There's no way.
11:12I literally called that, bro, if only if I was alive.
11:16Oh my god.
11:19All right, for my hiding spot.
11:20As you can see, I'm landing with these guys,
11:22but I'm perfectly timing it so that I'm 33 seconds away with our vehicles.
11:26And that means I beat Noski by one second.
11:29So if no one uses a vehicle, I technically win.
11:31Now I'm going to run this way for exactly 33 seconds.
11:34Oh, and that's somewhat.
11:35I can literally see him running away from me.
11:37Wait, wait, wait, wait.
11:38I just, yeah, wait, what?
11:40He's literally running away from us.
11:47And we're nearly done.
11:48Hold on.
11:49He's going straight 140.
11:51Hold on.
11:52And right here's a good spot.
11:53This is exactly 33 seconds away, meaning I should technically beat Noski by one second.
11:58All right, guys, I'm ready.
11:59I'm ready.
12:00Yeah, okay.
12:03Wait, wait, wait.
12:03Before we start that, before we start that, I'm going to give you my exact location,
12:07even with the map, but you can't use the vehicles.
12:09Why am I already here?
12:10A vehicle.
12:11You can't use vehicles and mobility.
12:12Oh, we're making our own rules now.
12:15I'm going to give my exact location with the map.
12:17What do you mean?
12:18Just put it in.
12:18I'm just going to get.
12:19We already know where you are, bro.
12:21Now, I want you all to start a Foxy.
12:23I want you all to start a Foxy.
12:24Yeah, you run away.
12:25That's really easy.
12:26I want everyone to...
12:28Zem, why are you here?
12:29Why are you already here, Zem?
12:34All right.
12:35What the heck?
12:36Okay, put the photo in.
12:37Put the photo in.
12:38No vehicles, no mobility.
12:40Can you get me?
12:41Is he trying to prove a point that Noski's spot is that bad?
12:43Like, is this what's happening right now?
12:45Bro, I found it.
12:46It's going to take longer than that to even get to him, bro.
12:49Yeah, but he's got all these special rules, bro.
12:51Yeah, come here.
12:52I'll slide kick you.
12:53Oh, true, true, true.
12:54Get me, get me, get me.
12:56Come on, bro.
12:56You guys, it's taking a while.
12:57We need area, guys.
12:58We need to make a perimeter.
13:00He's just over this hill.
13:02We're getting a perimeter.
13:03This guy is kidding.
13:04We need a perimeter, guys.
13:06Yo, what's up, guys?
13:07Ganon, stop the timer.
13:08Stop the timer, stop the timer.
13:10I stopped it.
13:12What's the timer, sir?
13:13No way it beats Noski's, right?
13:1431 seconds.
13:1638 seconds.
13:18Yeah, okay, bro.
13:19Yeah, right.
13:20Oh, by the way, guys, you can't play.
13:22You have to be blindfolded and you have to turn your monitors off.
13:24Noski, you know what I said?
13:26I said I'm going to run exactly 33 seconds away without vehicles.
13:32Nice, man.
13:34Thanks, bro.
13:35I feel great.
13:38I'm so bad.
13:40That is so wrong.
13:42Okay, game plan for my spot is going to be an interesting one, okay?
13:47I want to try glitch inside of the train.
13:50Look, you might call me cringe, okay?
13:52You might call me cringe.
13:53But if I can get inside of this train, I'm telling you right now, I'm winning this video.
13:57If we can't glitch into the train, I'm just going to find some last second makeshift spot.
14:01But I'm hoping the train does work.
14:03Come on, hurry up, train.
14:04Hurry up, train.
14:06Okay, throw that on that.
14:08Okay, now we need to wait for the train to go around a bend.
14:11And now I should just be able to drop into the train if I'm not mistaken.
14:15Oh, okay.
14:17I was in it.
14:18I was in it for a second.
14:19I was in it for a second.
14:20No, no, no, no.
14:22I think I missed my only opportunity.
14:24Okay, we're just going to send a screenshot then and pray for the best.
14:27Bang, bang.
14:28Okay, okay.
14:29Hello, hello.
14:29Best of luck, everyone.
14:31Yeah, let's see it.
14:31Winter, you wouldn't be in the train, would you?
14:33He's in the train.
14:34Oh, he's in the train.
14:36He's not in the train.
14:37He's on the train.
14:38Oh, guys, guys, this is bad.
14:41This is bad.
14:42Isn't he in the train?
14:43Yeah, that's the train.
14:44That is the train.
14:45That is the train.
14:46Someone, someone check the train.
14:47One person check the train.
14:48Yeah, I'm at the train.
14:49I'm at the train.
14:50I think he's sitting on the train.
14:52I got him.
14:53I got him.
14:53I got him.
14:54I got him.
14:57Wait, where was he?
14:57He's on the train.
14:58He's on the train.
14:59He's on the train.
15:00Hey, he sucks.
15:01I knew it.
15:02I've actually been...
15:03What was that?
15:05Wait, bro, I was just on the train.
15:06Wait, you suck.
15:08I did not expect you guys to hook to the train that quickly.
15:10Well, oh my God.
15:12Was that meant to be a good spot?
15:14You actually just suck.
15:16Well, I didn't come last and that's all that matters.
15:19So, yay.
15:21I'm worthy and I'm going to help Worthy beat the time.
15:23I'm going to help him.
15:24I'm going to help him beat the time.
15:25He is going to beat the time.
15:28All right, all right, all right, all right, I'm done.
15:30Oh, oh, oh, okay, okay.
15:31We're ready.
15:33Yeah, let's go.
15:34Oh, easy.
15:35Okay, go, go, go, go.
15:37This guy's trolling.
15:43Oh my God.
15:44Worthy just did not land where he was meant to land.
15:49Is he trolling us?
15:51I don't even know.
15:52He can't be trolling us.
15:53He's like getting ready to have it.
15:56He's got to be there.
15:57He's trying to expand.
15:58He has to be.
15:58Yeah, yeah, it has to be on the bridge.
16:02Come on, Zem.
16:02Go away.
16:03No, no, you...
16:04Bro, Elite's going to kill me.
16:06Honestly, I don't believe you.
16:08I don't think we even need you for this round because we're going to find him.
16:12Just do it.
16:12No, no, no, no, don't do it.
16:15I don't think you guys are going to find me.
16:18Oh, I see the little speck.
16:20Go away.
16:21What are you guys doing, bro?
16:23He's chasing me.
16:24I'm 1 HP.
16:25Do it.
16:26Do it.
16:26Honestly, just do it.
16:28Don't do it.
16:29How do I get up?
16:30No, wait, how do we get up there?
16:31Wait, what levels are there?
16:32He's on the top.
16:33He's on the top.
16:33I'm going to grab a gun and kill you, bro.
16:35Yeah, are you?
16:35I'm going to do it.
16:36Do it, bro.
16:37Because I got a gun right there.
16:40No, no, no, please, I'll do it.
16:42I can't.
16:44Yeah, Worthy, you suck.
16:46Wait, are you serious?
16:48Zam didn't stick the landing.
16:50No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
16:52Stop the time.
16:52Wait, Elite killed him.
16:54Elite is a stream sniping bitch.
16:57No, no, mom's soul, mom's soul, mom's soul.
16:59That was not a stream snipe.
17:00Mom's soul, mom's soul, mom's soul.
17:01Oh my God.
17:02I was only killing, I was killing Zam because he killed me the other round.
17:05No, no, and Worthy, mate, you're worthy, mate.
17:08You're not the smartest, mate.
17:10Worthy, one minute and 59 seconds, meaning chances.
17:14You are the winner, my friend.
17:16Congratulations, bro.
17:18Well done.
17:19Well done.
17:21Dude, what the hell just happened?
17:23That's pissed me off.
17:24Worthy, you know, if you grabbed the gun and killed him, like that would have been fun.
17:28I didn't.
17:28I was looking for a gun.
17:30If you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out last time I did a manhunt.