Take a trip down memory lane with me looking at all my family photos and home videos. Then spend the afternoon with some beauty appointments followed by a weekend with the kids and a fashion show with my grandma. Please check the bottom of the this description box for info on ads, affiliate links and gifted items.
Click 'SHOW MORE' below
I Wore…
+ H&M Red Jumper https://rstyle.me/+qdxYKDknVu4KKb0ezUJAaA
+ Missoma Flat Curb Chain* https://c.klarna.com/al/Bqqr/
+ Daisy Name Necklace https://rstyle.me/+4dSJlWmQVG9XZUyFIETbCg
+ Damson Madder Tote Bag https://c.klarna.com/al/CCo5/
+ F&F Grey Coat*
+ Hush Denim Shirt https://c.klarna.com/al/CCoD/
+ Aligne Barrel Jeans 'Markus'* https://c.klarna.com/al/CCoE/
+ Converse Chuck 70 https://c.klarna.com/al/CCoF/
+ M&S Leopard Print Jeans https://rstyle.me/+6mGNqG5TcdGMXQq3Bam5KQ
+ Adidas Red Gazelle https://c.klarna.com/al/CCoT/
+ Arket Black Cardigan https://c.klarna.com/al/ACH9/
I Bought…
+ IKEA lamp https://bit.ly/3ECCHJM
I Went…
+ Hershesons Hair Salon* https://www.hershesons.com/
+ Bio Sculpture* (nail colour: Anthea) https://www.biosculpture.co.uk/pages/salon-finder
+ Don't Tell Dad, Queen's Park https://www.donttelldad.co.uk/
I Mentioned…
+ Vieve Super Skin Nove https://c.klarna.com/al/CCnc/
+ Vieve Skin Nova (tube) https://c.klarna.com/al/AkFv/
+ Sweed Glass Skin Foundation* https://rstyle.me/+tAD0avD7qIavfd5AzeZS4w
+ Bobbi Brown Concealer Stick https://c.klarna.com/al/CCnk/
+ Amazon Photo Storage small https://rstyle.me/+Lj_lpeIIga4twB3fWWxnjA
+ Amazon Photo Storage big https://rstyle.me/+PXDrfIDLKpoSYTImMAPmxA
+ Amazon Mesh Zipper Pouch https://rstyle.me/+Wx7raQFx2xehZ-Q7jnoDAA
+ Elizabeth Scarlett Pouch* (similar alternative) https://c.klarna.com/al/CCo8/
+ La Mer Lip Balm https://c.klarna.com/al/CCo9/
+ Lisa Eldridge Lipstick 'Romy' https://c.klarna.com/al/CCoC/
+ Amazon Magnetic Ball Board https://rstyle.me/+X0yumrSUwDJRDw4mOE4XAQ
+ Born Bizzy Mat https://bit.ly/3EC1bPM
Any links that are ‘liketk.it' or ‘amzn.to’ or 'apparl' are ad-affiliate links.
If you purchase something using one of these links, I make a small percentage from that sale. This doesn't affect my opinions. Thanks for your support.
ad-PR Gifts that are mentioned within the video are marked with *
ad-PR Discounted items are marked with **
Often items are sent to me for free and the brands that send these know that I cannot guarantee them specific coverage. If I don't like an item I have been sent for free I very often just won't mention it, so please know you can still trust my opinion even on gifted items.
Any paid for advertisements I do, I will mark the thumbnail with AD and write it in the top and bottom of this description box. An AD means I have been paid by a brand to talk specifically about a product or service. I only work with brands I genuinely like and would recommend - watch this video on how I work with brands http://lpebbles.uk/PngWtj
Click 'SHOW MORE' below
I Wore…
+ H&M Red Jumper https://rstyle.me/+qdxYKDknVu4KKb0ezUJAaA
+ Missoma Flat Curb Chain* https://c.klarna.com/al/Bqqr/
+ Daisy Name Necklace https://rstyle.me/+4dSJlWmQVG9XZUyFIETbCg
+ Damson Madder Tote Bag https://c.klarna.com/al/CCo5/
+ F&F Grey Coat*
+ Hush Denim Shirt https://c.klarna.com/al/CCoD/
+ Aligne Barrel Jeans 'Markus'* https://c.klarna.com/al/CCoE/
+ Converse Chuck 70 https://c.klarna.com/al/CCoF/
+ M&S Leopard Print Jeans https://rstyle.me/+6mGNqG5TcdGMXQq3Bam5KQ
+ Adidas Red Gazelle https://c.klarna.com/al/CCoT/
+ Arket Black Cardigan https://c.klarna.com/al/ACH9/
I Bought…
+ IKEA lamp https://bit.ly/3ECCHJM
I Went…
+ Hershesons Hair Salon* https://www.hershesons.com/
+ Bio Sculpture* (nail colour: Anthea) https://www.biosculpture.co.uk/pages/salon-finder
+ Don't Tell Dad, Queen's Park https://www.donttelldad.co.uk/
I Mentioned…
+ Vieve Super Skin Nove https://c.klarna.com/al/CCnc/
+ Vieve Skin Nova (tube) https://c.klarna.com/al/AkFv/
+ Sweed Glass Skin Foundation* https://rstyle.me/+tAD0avD7qIavfd5AzeZS4w
+ Bobbi Brown Concealer Stick https://c.klarna.com/al/CCnk/
+ Amazon Photo Storage small https://rstyle.me/+Lj_lpeIIga4twB3fWWxnjA
+ Amazon Photo Storage big https://rstyle.me/+PXDrfIDLKpoSYTImMAPmxA
+ Amazon Mesh Zipper Pouch https://rstyle.me/+Wx7raQFx2xehZ-Q7jnoDAA
+ Elizabeth Scarlett Pouch* (similar alternative) https://c.klarna.com/al/CCo8/
+ La Mer Lip Balm https://c.klarna.com/al/CCo9/
+ Lisa Eldridge Lipstick 'Romy' https://c.klarna.com/al/CCoC/
+ Amazon Magnetic Ball Board https://rstyle.me/+X0yumrSUwDJRDw4mOE4XAQ
+ Born Bizzy Mat https://bit.ly/3EC1bPM
Any links that are ‘liketk.it' or ‘amzn.to’ or 'apparl' are ad-affiliate links.
If you purchase something using one of these links, I make a small percentage from that sale. This doesn't affect my opinions. Thanks for your support.
ad-PR Gifts that are mentioned within the video are marked with *
ad-PR Discounted items are marked with **
Often items are sent to me for free and the brands that send these know that I cannot guarantee them specific coverage. If I don't like an item I have been sent for free I very often just won't mention it, so please know you can still trust my opinion even on gifted items.
Any paid for advertisements I do, I will mark the thumbnail with AD and write it in the top and bottom of this description box. An AD means I have been paid by a brand to talk specifically about a product or service. I only work with brands I genuinely like and would recommend - watch this video on how I work with brands http://lpebbles.uk/PngWtj
00:00Good morning guys, how are you? I hope you're all doing well. Just getting ready for the day,
00:05so I thought I'd pop on the camera and say hi. This is new from Veve, it's the Super Skin Nova,
00:12so it's kind of like the popped version of this, although I do find them quite different. I think
00:19my preference would be this one. I love them both but I actually think the other one's a little bit
00:24more glowy, but this is like thicker in texture, so maybe a bit more hydrating. Both are lovely.
00:30We survived half term, we survived the first half term with both kids off. We figured it out between
00:36me, Rich, my mum did a day and Rich's mum very kindly came down from Suffolk and did a day. We
00:42do sometimes do camps for the kids but Rudy's too young for camps, so that's a bit tricky.
00:47This is the Swede Glass Skin Foundation, which I really like when I want like a really nice kind
00:55of glowy base, but it's more coverage than something like the Veve Skin Nova and less
01:01coverage than the IT Cosmetics CC Cream. It's somewhere in between, which is perfect for a day
01:07like this. I'm heading into town, I'm getting my hair done, which is not, ideally not something I
01:13would do on a work day, but I can take my laptop with and kind of just do emails and stuff while
01:19I'm getting my hair done because I can't really do it on the weekend. I feel bad leaving
01:22Rich with the kids and you just run out of time, so because I can be flexible with my working week
01:28and I've got a bit of time today, I've managed to book in hair cut and colour because these greys
01:33need colouring and my hair's just an awkward length. It's like, is it long, is it short, not really
01:39sure. So I think I'll just get a little trim and keep it kind of collarbone length. Nice. I'll link
01:44all these products down below that I'm using. For my concealer, I'm just going to use the Bobbi Brown
01:51one that I always use. Swipe under my eyes. So you may have seen on Instagram that I had
01:59all of our family photos and VHS videos made digital. I've been thinking about it for a really
02:07long time. My grandma has some of the most amazing old photos from her family. Well, it's so many. So
02:15it's my grandma's family, my grandpa's family, and then my dad also has his parents' photos. So my
02:21dad's parents aren't alive anymore, my grandpa on my mum's side is not alive anymore, just my grandma
02:25who's 94. So I've got four grandparents' photos, all their incredible old black and white photos,
02:33very different to each other. And then also just so many, like my grandma was like one of five kids
02:40and it's just so much like rich family history. And then we've got also a load of photos from like
02:47my childhood that my parents had. They were like albums at my grandma's, albums at my parents. And
02:52I just, to be honest, actually, I think it was the LA fires that probably triggered me thinking like
02:58if, you know, I think a lot of us when we saw the coverage thought, if this were to happen, if my
03:04house was on fire, what would I grab? And for me, it is that sort of, I've got like a memory box in
03:10the loft. It's the memories, it's the sentimental stuff. And then it just suddenly made me really
03:16panic that all these photos are in all these different places and like, God knows if they're
03:19looked after and like, if there was a flood or a fire, they'd just be gone. So I was like, right,
03:24I'm just going to do this thing I've wanted to do for years. I got this guy's contact years ago
03:27from someone I don't know who, who apparently comes to your house, picks up all the photos and
03:31videos, makes them more digital, gives them back to you. So I was like, right, I'm going to message
03:35him. So I messaged him and he came over and he assessed what we had. I mean, we've got a lot.
03:40It's an expensive task. It's like, I think he charges 250 pounds a day. And in terms of VHS,
03:47he can do like 20 videos in a day. But the photos are really time consuming because especially the
03:52old ones, you're scanning each individual photo. Some of the albums, the photos can't be taken out.
03:56So he has to scan the whole page. It's like a whole process. So you can imagine it did cost a
04:02lot of money. We just got them all back and I'm obviously so happy we did it. It's just so nice
04:10knowing we've got all this family history, all these photos and videos safe. The videos are just
04:17the most amazing thing. Like I'm so grateful to my parents. They videoed so much of my childhood
04:22and we went on some amazing holidays. I feel so lucky. Like watching this back, I'm like,
04:26oh my God, my children are not getting the same treatment. We went to America, we went skiing.
04:33It was just like, wow, so many amazing holidays. And it's so nice to see us. Like there's one video
04:40where the flights cancelled to New York and it's just a simple conversation. It's us sitting in
04:45the, on the train, me and my parents and my sisters. And we're talking about what to do.
04:49My dad's like, oh, has anyone got any change? Because I'll, I'll, I'll go to the payphone and
04:54like phone the travel agent. And just that whole sentence and conversation is so old fashioned
05:00and 90s. It's so funny. I haven't even watched them all yet. I just started watching some of
05:03them and it's just the best warm, cosy feeling. The photos are incredible. And now I've made,
05:09had them made digital. I feel like I can compile a few of them into little books to print for my
05:15kids. That's just like, this is your great grandma's family. Um, I actually want to find
05:20a service. I want to find somewhere where you can make photobooks, but have text. Cause I don't think
05:25I usually use them once upon, but I don't think you can add text. And I want to be able to say
05:30like who everyone is. So it makes sense. So I need to find that. If anyone has any recommendations,
05:35let me know. And now I feel like I can, yeah, make little books and it's all a bit less
05:39overwhelming. When we go upstairs in a minute, I'll try and show you some of them just because
05:43they're so amazing. I feel so lucky to have these photos and things of my family. And I know that
05:50future generations, my great grandchildren will love looking at them and hearing the stories of
05:55their great, great, great grandma and stuff. My, my regret is not really writing down my grandma,
06:01my grandparents' stories enough. My grandpa, the one who escaped Germany during the war,
06:07I need to make that into a book. I need to like make a book that's like, why do you have German
06:11citizenship for my kids? And then kind of try and write his story down. And my dad will be
06:16able to help me with that. Um, and then my grandma, she's just a bit old now for me to kind of sit
06:21there and quiz her on things. I kind of wish I'd filmed her talking through her story earlier,
06:25but I'm going to, I'm just going to try and do my best document as much as I can. Really. These
06:30sort of things that mean so much to me, I've realised they definitely mean more to me than
06:34they do to like my sisters and other people. It's something I really care so much about.
06:38Oh my God, there was some really funny school plays as well in the videos that we got converted.
06:42So, so funny. I kind of want to share some bits, but I don't really know how, but let's go look
06:45at the photos. Okay. I've got these, um, folders. I need to order, order more for our photos.
06:51So for the big ones, I got these plastic folders. And then for the smaller ones, I got this
06:58container just to keep everything safe. Obviously now we have them all as digital, but
07:03I obviously want to keep the original photos as well. Let me just see if I can show you a few
07:08things without getting totally lost down like memory lane. This folder is my grandma's side.
07:16My, um, grandma grew up in East London during the war. The Jewish family in East London,
07:24her parents had come over the war before the kind of fiddler on the roof days from,
07:32where did my grandma's parents come from? I think they were Polish or Lithuanian. Like these
07:38were this, I think this is my grandma, my, oh my gosh, my great grandparents. I think this is my,
07:45yeah, I think this is my grandma's parents. So we've got some like amazing old photos like that.
07:49That one's been drawn over, which is wild. That probably was my mom as a kid. This would have
07:53been my grandma's mom's family. And like, look how super old these photos are. Um, it says,
08:00I think I may have shown this on a video before it says boy alive, because all the others would
08:04have, um, been killed. And there's Yiddish writing on the back. These are all really amazing,
08:10but these are really old. These are like my grandma's grandparents. Let me see if I can
08:15actually find some pictures of my grandma. Cause it's a bit more relevant. So many like
08:21little tiny photos. They loved these little tiny photos. This little girl here is my grandma when
08:27she was little. So, so cute. A lot of like amazing old photos of them like at the beach.
08:33This is my grandma. This is actually my mom. That's not my grandpa. That's just like one of
08:37their friends. But look, even the rubber ring, it's also like old fashioned. I love it. This
08:42is my grandma's school photo. Oh no, sorry. This is not Jessie. This would have been my grandma's
08:48sister when she was four. Look at this school photo. Isn't that amazing? It's just like so
08:54of the time. This is my grandma when she was little. So cute. Love that photo. This would be
09:00my grandma's brother who was probably in the army in the UK. So many photos of me as a kid.
09:07Ah, I don't know what to show you. I feel overwhelmed. It's so funny to see the different
09:11two different sides of the family. So my grandma's family, my mom's mom, they had no money. They
09:18looked like they had a great life. They used to run, they were all kind of in fashion. They used
09:22to run a little market stall on the weekends. They eventually opened up like factories. They
09:27used to make jumpsuits when jumpsuits weren't really a thing, but they had like no money and
09:32like five kids. And yeah, I think their parents were Polish or Lithuanian, come over from the war.
09:38And my grandpa on that side was very similar. I think my dad's side, my dad's dad had to leave
09:45Germany in the second world war because he was Jewish. He escaped with nothing, came over with
09:50absolutely nothing and eventually met my grandma. And I think my grandma's family were like quite
09:56well off for the time as far as I'm aware, not like nothing major, but you know, they were,
10:02they were living in the UK. I think my grandpa started working for my grandma's dad who owned
10:09a dressing gown factory. I really hope I'm not getting this wrong. So the style of photos are
10:14very different for the two families. This is my grandma. She just, oh, 16, 17. How beautiful is
10:23she? Like this is my grandma with two of her sisters and my mum's the little girl in this.
10:28And they're just on the beach, in the sea, on holiday. One of her sisters died really sadly
10:37in a car crash. My grandma's spoken a bit about it, but it's really sad. Like I can't even imagine
10:42that. I want to find a photo of my grandma with all of her sisters. This is my grandma and grandpa
10:47when they worked on the market stall in East London selling clothes. We also had some documents
10:54scanned like this, which is so incredible. This is a pay slip, a weekly pay slip place, pay slip for
11:03my grandma, income tax, health and pensions. I think it can't even really work out through 30, 32 pounds.
11:10Like just look how amazing, this is a pay slip from 1943. This is a telegram to my grandma for the
11:19maternity hospital. Congratulations to you and Max on the birth of your dear son. Hope you and baby
11:25are well. Sophie and Sam Schwartz. That just must be a telegram from her friends. Look at how old
11:31these look. Congratulations from daddy and Miriam. Oh, that's my auntie who's not alive anymore.
11:36Hope you're both well. Looking forward to seeing you tonight. Oh, so that's from my grandpa to my
11:41grandma in hospital. Why couldn't we be there with her? That's so sad. This is wild. This is a letter
11:49to my grandma. So my grandma worked for a short amount of time for Winston Churchill as some kind
11:57of ex-secretary, I think. My grandma, this is my dad's mum, got polio, which is thank God we have
12:04vaccinations these days. My grandma had polio and she had to go into an iron lung. If you don't know
12:10what an iron lung is, Google it. It's insane. I can't believe she was in one of those when she
12:13was younger. Dear, her name. Thank you for your letter. So she'd obviously been off work for a
12:20decent amount of time because she was in an iron lung because she had polio. Thank you for your
12:23letter on the 11th of May. I'm sorry I've been so long answering it. So this is like typewriter.
12:30It has now been decided that as you have been away continuously for over six months, your
12:34appointment will have to be terminated on the 31st of May, 1944. It will be regarded as your last
12:41day of duty. I very much hope that before long you will make a complete recovery. And if you do,
12:45I shall be very glad to consider you for reappointment to the Admiralty. Yours truly,
12:52Chief Women Officer. She got fired. This is my grandpa when he came over to the UK and joined
12:58the British army. He didn't speak a word of English. I absolutely love looking at all the
13:02old photos of him. I think he was so handsome. He lost so many of his family members. This is
13:08my dad as a baby in like his little very old fashioned pram. 1935. I don't know what's
13:16happening here. They're all standing by a boat. That is my dad. He looks nothing like that now.
13:24And this looks exactly like my nephew, which is wild. Look how amazing that is of my grandpa in
13:30literally like bikini bottoms. That would be my great grandma. So that's my little dad. That's
13:34my dad as a little boy. And that's his grandma. I also really love these old school like,
13:41like these, these are like obviously when they were showing you what photos so you could pick
13:45which photos to print. Oh, it's just amazing. I need to organise them all and make little albums
13:52just like cherish these photos. I think family history is so important. Maybe if I get the time,
13:58I might put in a little bit of some of the VHS tape footage into this vlog now.
14:05Have a nice bike ride Lily. Yeah, where did you go?
14:13You're on the beach? Do you want to go swimming now?
14:17With me? Where's daddy? What's he doing? Where have you just been?
14:30What animals did you see?
14:31This is Lily and Jake ready to go downstairs having their Christmas party.
14:47By the way, I got the Ikea lamp online. I'm so happy. It's even better than I thought it would
15:06be. Let me show you. So it lives here. I need to change this awful fake plant. Ignore that. But it
15:11lives here on this little shelf between my boiler and my toilet. And it looks great. And the battery
15:19so far is lasting quite well. I've had it on like five nights in a row and it hasn't needed recharging
15:24yet. It gives because of the pink actually gives this really gorgeous warm glow. And we found this
15:29so handy if the kids need the toilet in the night and we don't have to put on like the big light,
15:33we just put this on. But I love it when I'm like having a bath and it's just so cute. I'm so happy
15:38I found it. Okay, I'm going to go make myself a coffee because I really need one. Problem is I'm
15:43going to be in the hairdresser when it gets to... I haven't eaten. I was going to wait until like
15:46midday. Then I'm going to be in the hairdresser at that time. Or maybe I'll just get myself like a
15:50little sandwich or something on the way so I can eat when I'm there. I'm going to make myself a
15:54coffee and we're going to head into town. I'm going to go to Hershenson's to get my hair done.
15:58I've decided to go in today with my hair done, which I know seems mad, but often I will go in
16:03there, my hair's like greasy, it's in a bun. And how can they see what state it's in now, how to
16:08cut it when it's like that? I don't know. I just thought it's better to go in with it how it is.
16:14It's actually feeling really soft. I washed it last night with Pureology products and it feels
16:21super soft and nice. Okay, I just need to pack my bag for the day. I'm going to take this one,
16:25which is the Damson Madder tote bag. I'm a bit red and blue today, but let's just go with it.
16:31I've got my little tech bag, which has my phone charger, my camera charger, my AirPods, and a
16:37little microphone. My glasses. Oh, my glasses case is in the car, which Rich has taken. My laptop
16:45charger and my laptop. In my little Elizabeth Scarlett, this was like an Elemis collaboration,
16:51so it's a mini pouch, which is quite handy. I'm going to put my valuables, my purse. Actually,
16:57not just valuables. I'm going to put my bits. I've been using this La Mer lip balm ever since
17:03I filmed that video with Fleur and Space and K. She was like, you have to try this. It's so good.
17:07It's very firm, but it is nice. I'm going to take that. Lisa Eldridge lipstick, which I mentioned
17:14in a previous vlog. I'm hoping I might see Ruth today. She's never in London, but she is today.
17:19And I messaged her like, are you around? She said yes. So I'm hoping I'll see her. I actually think
17:24she's got her daughter with her. It'd be so nice to see her. It's very much still coat season,
17:29so I've got my FNF gray coat on, and then I've got my Red and Other Stories t-shirt,
17:36denim shirt from Hush, I think, a line, jeans, converse, and my Downs and Madder tote bag ready
17:45to go. Okay, I'm at Hersheyston's. I'm hoping the sound is a little bit better with the mic,
17:48because obviously hairdressers can be really loud with all the background noise, but I've got a
17:53little sandwich from PrEP, and I'm going to go sit, have my hair colored. I love when I get my
17:57hair colored, because I know I can just settle down and get comfy, and the hair wash will come
18:02later. I usually see Claire for my color and Adrian for my cut. Just the usual few grays,
18:08and then just going warm. It always looks bent, normal in real life, and then camera looks so
18:14warm. So we're just covering the grays, and then she puts a toner over the whole thing, because
18:18on camera, my hair looks really warm. It's not that bad in real life, but it does
18:22tend to go warm, so if she puts a toner on it, it just kind of makes it look a little bit more cool
18:28overall. She just put oil around my hairline, which helps, I think, to make sure the dye
18:33doesn't stain my forehead.
18:52Okay, color's in. Laptop time. Got a lot to catch up on. Okay, it's haircut time with Adrian. I'm
19:11just going to go for a bit of a trim, so it's not that awkward in between length.
19:15Maybe like collarbone length, and then he does the best waves. I'm getting hungry though.
19:46Show a close-up of your wave creation. It's because you do tiny sections. I
19:53don't have the patience to do such small sections when I'm at home.
20:03Right guys, hair is finished. We were just talking about how I've got so much hair,
20:07like my hair is fine, so it doesn't feel thick, but there's just a lot of it. Very happy. Thank
20:12you so much. My camera battery is about to die because I filmed the entire process,
20:17so that's a little bit annoying, but hair's looking good. Guys, I managed to pop into the
20:21YMU office and I found a charger, which means we are back on with the vlog. Great news,
20:27and some more great news. I managed to squeeze myself in a nail equipment because my nails
20:32have really grown out and are now stuck as a chip, so I'm going to go get myself a quick
20:36bio-sculpture manicure between all these little things, and then I'm going to go meet Ruth, I
20:42think, in Covent Garden. I might just go for a nude again because at least then it's not obvious
20:46when it grows out. Okay, manicure done. I couldn't really film in there because you're like doing one
20:50hand at a time, but I went for bio-sculpture. Is it Athena or Anthea? I always get confused.
20:55I'll pop it in the description box. So nice and just clean, and it was an amazing manicure,
21:00Dry By and Herschelsons. Very thorough though, so it took a little bit longer than I thought,
21:05which means like now I can't go and meet Ruth because by the time I get there she's going for
21:09dinner. All very annoying. Gutted because I would have loved to see her, but I'm gonna head home and
21:14help Rich sort out the kids' dinner, and then I need to eat an early dinner because I'm going to
21:19choir tonight, which I'm still doing and still loving. It's been over a year. It's the one thing
21:25I look forward to every week. I will not miss it for anything. It's just the best hour and a half
21:30of singing, not looking at my phone. It's physically and mentally like one of the best
21:35things I've ever done for myself. Okay, I'm going to put my camera away because I'm about to go to
21:38Oxford Circus, but I'm going to jump on the tube, head home, and I'll catch up with you guys another
21:43day. Here's a little close-up of my nails. So, so nice. It's Saturday morning and we've come to
21:49Queen's Park, which is not an area we ever come to, but I just fancied it. I'm going to see my
21:53grandma. She doesn't live too far from here, so we thought we'd come here and go through a few
21:57little shops and cafes. We headed to Lonsdale Road, which is like a nice little side road off
22:04the high street, and I think they've just got nice cafes. Is that a choir? I feel like I can hear a
22:10choir in there. Great. I think Rudy's going to want a pan of chocolate. They are massive. I'm
22:21going to get a rhubarb, a pink one. Rhubarb is like a type of fruit. It's delicious. Look at
22:29these cookies. Oh my god, this is delicious. It's got like this cream and the rhubarb is like sour
22:38but sweet. Oh, it's so good. I'm just at my grandma's house and I'm doing a fashion show for
22:43her in her clothes from her wardrobe. What did you say? You said you got this made.
22:49What? Did you say someone made this for you? Yes, in the 80s. A leather dress with pockets
22:58and my grandma insisted that I put a belt on. And she thinks she wants it.
23:04She's not sure. I'm not taking anything. I'm just trying it on for fun. You're going to
23:10have it with my blessing. If you don't take it now, you'll never have it.
23:16There's too many women in the family. What else do we have that's interesting?
23:20She's looking at something else there. Is that real?
23:27No, she said no, it's not real. I don't wear real. Good answer.
23:32Sarah left mink. Mink, yeah, there used to be a lot of mink. I gave it to charity,
23:37I think. I always have my Kleenex. I'm going to put my normal clothes back on and then try
23:44this on with my normal clothes. A bit much, a bit much going on. Now for the gilet. Oh, very nice.
23:54Okay. Oh, it's soft. It's very soft.
24:05This must have been big for you. You're smaller than me.
24:09Well, we bought it and it looks real and it's very, very warm. Do you want it?
24:17No, no, because I don't go out. Birthday present. Okay, give it to me in December.
24:23Your birthday, when is it? December. I may not be alive. Oh, you will. I'm going to try it. Is this
24:28your coat that you wear now? That's the only coat I wear. It's a great coat. Can I try on your coat?
24:34But it's heavy. Yeah, I can't believe mum didn't keep any of her Bieber stuff.
24:40Any of her? Any of her Bieber stuff. Oh. Like, imagine all the amazing clothes.
24:49That is big. That's so nice. Did you have this made as well? That suits you.
24:57That's very, that's very in fashion now. Oh. Brown is having a moment again. Oh,
25:02one sleeve's rolled up and down, fella.
25:08If you think you're having it, I'm not. I'm not having it. Wait, I just, I want to show the video
25:15of those handbags. Of what handbags? Those amazing, your sister's handbags. The ones you
25:20said were Anne and Betty's. Look at these handbags. That is amazing. This one was your sister's.
25:29Auntie Betty's. Auntie Betty's handbag. Also very in fashion again now. So which one you want?
25:40Put it in the back. I'm not taking anything. This is not what I'm about. Put it in the back.
25:46Put it in the back. Oh, funny. Today we're going out for a special lunch to celebrate
25:51a special birthday for Rich's mum. But there are a lot of young kids and it's quite a posh
25:56restaurant and they're just not going to want to sit still. I know it. So I'm just
26:00packing a little bag. I mean, it's not going to help. We all know it's not going to help, but
26:06in case. We've got a Paw Patrol thing. We've got this like a magnetic, I actually love this,
26:13this little magnetic thing. I'm not taking my Dawn Busy Mats today. I've spoken about them a lot.
26:18They're amazing, but we use them a lot. So today I'm trying to pull out all the things that we
26:24don't use that often. We've got drawing, doodling and colouring activity book. This is actually
26:29really good because it kind of like has lots of different things in it. And a couple of just plain
26:34notebooks and these pens, which are on a little ring. A few Paw Patrol figurines that he'll throw
26:42around the restaurant. Top champs football. Grey's very into these. Yeah, this is good because it's
26:47like year of birth 1987. So it's teaching her like thousands. Double classic. We have got a
26:52new double connect, but they're not into that yet. Or she's not into that yet. And then I'm
26:56going to throw this in because I think two kids can play it together. And it's not like loud or
27:01interfering. Oh, can you grab me a couple of puzzles? Rudy's suddenly got into puzzles recently.
27:10So funny how seeing how their brains work differently. Grey was never a puzzle kid.
27:13So that's the plan. Is it going to be muddy because I'm wearing my suede boots?
27:17Unless you go for a walk. I think everyone else is going to be in like nice clothes.
27:22There you go. Fingers crossed.