BIG DAY! House Renovation Phase Two Begins!
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What I'm wearing:
*Monica Vinader necklace -
Margaret Howell trousers -
*Aeyde Suede Loafers -
*LeSet White Tee Margo -
*Hush wool trousers -
Lou Lou Studio leather coat - OOS
*Lancome concealer -
*Merit lip oil -
*Charlotte Tilbury powder -
*Charlotte Tilbury highlighter -
Links containing ad affiliate links are denoted by a '*'. This means that if you click on an affiliate link, go through to the retailer and purchase an item, I will receive a small percentage of your purchase.
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Follow me on LTK where I post links to everything I wear:
What I'm wearing:
*Monica Vinader necklace -
Margaret Howell trousers -
*Aeyde Suede Loafers -
*LeSet White Tee Margo -
*Hush wool trousers -
Lou Lou Studio leather coat - OOS
*Lancome concealer -
*Merit lip oil -
*Charlotte Tilbury powder -
*Charlotte Tilbury highlighter -
Links containing ad affiliate links are denoted by a '*'. This means that if you click on an affiliate link, go through to the retailer and purchase an item, I will receive a small percentage of your purchase.
00:00good morning everybody i'm just sat at my dressing table i've just put some makeup on i've still got
00:04wet hair so we need to sort that out oh there's the drilling noise the builders are back which is
00:11very exciting and i wanted to vlog today to kind of update you all and show you more of the
00:16renovations because they were kind of on pause for a little while and i know that lots of you
00:20have been asking for the full finished house tour because i thought i would be doing that
00:26sooner than i have been but we basically made the decision to go ahead and renovate the basement
00:30and also the garden so the basement's going to be done for the whole of this it's going to take
00:35four weeks so it started yesterday which was monday the 3rd of march and it's going to be
00:39finished by the end of march and then the garden is starting on march the 31st and will hopefully
00:46be finished by the end of april so the way that i'm kind of thinking about it in my head is march
00:50is basement renovations april is garden renovations oh sorry there's going to be lots
00:56of building noise this actually feels kind of nostalgic though because all of my first ever
01:00vlogs in this house were just constant kind of builders and renovations and then we've just kind
01:05of been living here for about i guess it's like four months now but it feels really exciting that
01:10the builders are back and stuff is happening things are progressing although something i
01:14haven't missed is the dust oh my goodness the basement um i think i filmed a couple of snippets
01:20yesterday i will insert those now um of what the basement is looking like i'll take you down there
01:26in a minute as well and also yesterday morning i really wish i'd vlogged this but i didn't but
01:30anyway i think i vlogged the finished result of some banana bread that i made because we had like
01:35a whole bunch of brown spotty bananas which were perfect so i made banana bread and it was amazing
01:40i also think it's quite nice for the builders first day back here to have some nice banana
01:44bread and they loved it i'm gonna blow dry my hair
01:49okay i've dried my hair i can now chat to you whilst i style it i have these new ghds they're
01:55like much wider than the usual ghds and i think they're slightly easier to use sorry i don't know
02:01why my voice still sounds like i have a frog in my throat at all times i think maybe it's the dust
02:07i never know how to style this front piece of hair like do i do it this way
02:16yeah maybe that looks better than what i did before the weather this week i think is exactly
02:22what we all needed so the way that i'm styling my hair at the moment my hairdresser taught me
02:25is doing these wiggles like this as well as traditional curls like this one and i just
02:33flip that bit around the back i really should tie half up but i don't know where a hair band is but
02:37these wiggles make it kind of look like you've had your hair in plaits overnight and i think
02:42it looks cute that wasn't a very good one like this you see just that kind of like slightly
02:50bendy wavy effect without being like a full-on curl i've also realized that i really like my
02:55hair to be straight on the ends i just think it gives a more kind of modern look and doesn't
03:00look so kind of like hollywood waves so this is how i've been doing it recently i think it might
03:05still be a bit damp which is really naughty that i'm styling it when it's still damp not good for
03:12my hair but i really just want to get ready as quickly as possible because i'm excited to show
03:15you guys the basement oh that's definitely still damp that bit okay i just had to stop chatting
03:20them because i could not do my hair and chat i think it takes a lot more concentration than i
03:24realized because i'm only just starting to get good at styling my hair and i wouldn't even say
03:28good i've actually just decided to leave it now i just put a few random little curls and bends in
03:34but i couldn't fully style it because it's not fully dry yet so anyway that will do that's my
03:39natural looking hairstyle for today whilst i'm here at my dressing table i want to show you
03:44something that i bought the other day so i don't know if you remember me saying but in the last
03:48vlog my beloved long container doll ultra wear is now too dark for me that's an even darker one
03:55i have so many of these so i have been wearing this one which is 125w but i was finding that
04:01i was having to blend it down my necklace and it just feels i don't know i just don't like
04:05wearing a foundation that doesn't match my skin tone i knew that i needed 097n however it's out
04:12of stock everywhere so i went into space nk and a lovely lady there matched me to charlotte
04:18tilbury's beautiful skin foundation and i'm the color number one neutral this one and it's
04:24the perfect color match it takes no blending at all which i love and i think it's slightly more
04:30natural in finish than the long con tainted doll foundation this is much more kind of um
04:35more coverage and slightly more matte i do have to powder with this one i've used the charlotte
04:40tilbury airbrush flawless finish and then just added some extra glow with the moonlit glow
04:46highlighter this product is my new obsession oh my goodness it's so sunny it's been sunny now
04:52for saturday sunday monday it's now tuesday this is the fourth day of beautiful sunshine it feels
05:00warm even though it's still frosty in the mornings it feels much warmer in the daytimes i know that
05:04it's very english of me to be talking about the weather but it really has been quite a long dark
05:10winter and this just feels like i think we all feel like we have a new even though it's so bright
05:15filming we have this new lease of life and with the renovations starting back up again i just feel
05:21very excited so if i'm sitting awkwardly i'm trying not to get in this very bright sunlight
05:26so with the basement you may have seen me in previous vlogs mentioning that i was having to do
05:31a lot of clearing out sessions down there because when we moved in anything that we didn't have a
05:36place for in the main part of the house my chair we just literally threw it down into the basement
05:41and we're like deal with that later and then it turned out that we had so much stuff down there
05:46so my sister came over we did a huge session together got rid of so much stuff however there
05:52was still lots because i'm a very sentimental person i have multiple sentimental boxes i've
05:58kept every single item of clothing that sage has ever worn also because we would like to have
06:03another baby one day we've kept everything for baby number two every single little contraption
06:08that newborns need and babies need we've kept so we have so much stuff i cleared out all that i
06:15could and then the rest we've had to store up in our guest bedroom whilst this work is going on in
06:20the basement and then a huge part of the basement will be a big storage room so we will have a place
06:25to store it all um when it's finished but the house just feels a little bit chaotic in the
06:29meantime i'm gonna go and show you the guest bedroom now oh i feel really hot i'm filming in
06:34the sunlight in my bedroom window is actually quite stressful this is the current state of our
06:38guest bedroom so no guests are welcome for the month of march we have washing drying up here
06:44because i will show you in the basement but eventually that will be a really lovely utility
06:48space we have an old sofa as i said just every single baby thing that you could ever imagine
06:54have an old christmas wreath the baby bouncer suitcases this has never been unpacked since
07:00the move that's still got the movers and packers tape on it but that was a snoo there's just so
07:06many big things that babies need and then you can see over there i just have boxes and boxes
07:13of baby clothes all things that sage has grown out of that i just can't bear to part with and
07:18we may need to use in the future okay i'm going to take you guys down to the basement now you
07:22won't have seen this for months so i'm excited to show you and i don't know if i've ever kind of
07:27shown you the entrance to the basement even though the whole rest of the house is basically finished
07:31and been looking lovely for months um we've always walked past basically our kitchen is that way that
07:37way is the front door in the living room up they set us every time we walk past this obviously
07:42multiple times a day we just have been looking at this tanking and black tape and it just feels like
07:49not very homely so i'm very excited that we are doing this and also we don't have a door on the
07:55basement we've just had this stapled up there as like a temporary thing and these are what the
07:59stairs currently look like going down to the basement so these will all be changed obviously
08:04and be made to look nice like the stairs that you just saw next to them and i'm going to give you a
08:09little tour i've just stepped behind the curtain and the first room that you see in front of you
08:14is the smallest room and this will just be our full storage room so all of that stuff that you
08:20saw in the guest bedroom like christmas decorations baby stuff sentimental stuff
08:25things that you don't want to keep around the house will all be in here and i think we want
08:29to do some kind of nice joinery or something there uh but we're not doing that in this phase
08:36this phase we're just doing all of the as you can see this doesn't even have a ceiling so
08:42we're just making this a safe livable space right now so it needs all plaster boarding and
08:47ceiling put in boxing in of all electrics and things and then this will be where we can store
08:53all of our things oh and also flooring if you're wondering what this is this is called tanking
08:58and it was done in the first phase of the renovations to stop any kind of damp down here
09:03and it will be a totally nice usable space then as we turn the camera around here we have this is
09:10the biggest room in the basement this will be our utility room and then also on this wall here we're
09:16going to put a lovely big probably a nice big antique mirror there and then dan can use this
09:21space here to do kind of home workouts and things i am tempted to get a pellet on and put it down
09:27here but the reality is would i really use it along this wall here this will all be laundry
09:34it looks really excessive down here like it's actually a laundrette or something but it's
09:37because the previous owners left their washing machine and their tumble dryer and then we brought
09:44this one with us which is a washer tumble dryer like together combination thing but it's actually
09:49so useful to have all three because it means you can just do so much washing at once like bedsheets
09:54towels clothes everything can all be going and if i just turn around so over there that's the
10:00curtain that i came through and then this is boiler that's our air con unit for summertime
10:06this will all be boxed in and then the plan with the laundry is to do a nice work top we're thinking
10:12wooden just so it's different to the kitchen and then i wanted a sweet little like cafe curtain
10:17just covering up the the washing machines and tumble dryers and then i want to have a double
10:22sink down here so that it's good for like hand washing and stuff and just for all laundry to be
10:27all in one place and and then probably some cupboards for like cleaning stuff and then maybe
10:32at the top it would be cute to have like some open shelves we haven't fully decided everything that
10:36we want to do down here because lewis just needs to get started with the job and do all of the
10:40it's going to take a good couple of weeks even to just get walls on on top of this tanking so
10:46there's lots for him to be getting on with and we don't need to know our kind of full plan right now
10:50okay and then turning round we have the final room in the basement which is this one that's
10:55actually quite big i'd say it's like double the size of the one next door um we have lewis hiding
11:02behind the sofa there what's the plan here uh then wanted that all covered up because your tv's going
11:08in the middle so we want to cover up the alcove i'll put some ply in so we can fix the tv to the
11:12wall and that will all be boarded over this is our old sofa here so we're thinking that we have this
11:19uh against this wall have a our old tv which was huge and it was too big for the space in our new
11:26living room because we wanted to go in the corner so our old tv the big sky glass is going to go
11:31down here and this will kind of be like a little cinema room so that's the plan in here is there
11:36anything else i should tell people about what's going on right now you're basically going to stick
11:40wood to this and then you just paint the wood and that will be the walls no it would be uh
11:44plasterboards we plasterboard plastered um that allows us to obviously sneak cables pipes
11:50everything so we don't penetrate the tanking oh yeah this is this is really tricky stuff so the
11:54people who put this in have said you absolutely cannot um put anything through it basically you
12:01have to go through all of these black holes there's dan's bench which he he'll be able to
12:05use working out in this space here i just want to quickly talk to you guys about a couple of books
12:09that i've read in the last kind of two weeks oh one's over there that's good i was just looking
12:13for it on the bookshelf and i was like i can't find this book anywhere and i'm sure that i put
12:17it away but it's over there on the kind of side table thing so i'll grab that in a second
12:21everybody has been talking about this book blue sisters by coco mellers but i'd heard that it was
12:26quite depressing and i just didn't feel like i needed a depressing book in jan feb time however
12:33by the end of feb i decided i'm going to read it and i read it in two days i think one evening
12:39dan went for dinner with his friends and i just read for four and a half hours straight from as
12:45soon as i put sage down to sleep until i went to sleep i was reading this book and i absolutely
12:51loved it i'd already read cleopatra and frankenstein was it last year or the year before
12:56um that was her debut novel which was really really great but it did have like a few things
13:02that slightly annoyed me about it some kind of like plot holes and character holes but i did
13:07really enjoy cleopatra and frankenstein however i think this book was nearly perfect it was just
13:14such a beautiful um what's the word i don't want to say exploration um like a or i can't think of
13:23the word but like just such a beautiful exploration of sisters and if you have a sister like i do i
13:30think this will really pull on your heartstrings i love this quote on the back that says a sister
13:34is not a friend you're part of each other right from the start the evening standard said this was
13:38little women but for the contemporary female experience i totally agree with that sorry i
13:42just forgot i left my comforty on the mantelpiece other than it being a beautiful story of
13:46sisterhood the writing was fairly sophisticated i would say and it's really quite beautifully written
13:51however it still feels really accessible and a book that you can just kind of read in two days
13:56but i really love that this had literary depth whilst also being engaging and just not too
14:02overwhelming it's a story about four sisters and we find out in the prologue so i'm not giving away
14:06a huge spoiler here that one of the sisters has died aged 27 really tragically and we spend the
14:12rest of the book getting to know how her death has affected and is affecting the remaining three
14:17sisters about their family dynamics and their relationship issues and what they mean to each
14:22other it was just a real joy getting to know these three women yes it is a sad book but it's also
14:28full of kind of hope and the beauty of relationships i think will make you just never
14:33take your sister for granted i just went to grab this one from the side table over there this is
14:38here one moment by leanne moriarty i read this before blue sisters and even there's quite a few
14:42pages i also read this one in literally two days this is what i would call your classic page turner
14:49beach read type of book i don't read a lot of books like this i think i said on my instagram
14:54stories when i finished this i tend to read something like leanne moriarty i think i read
14:59last year i read apples never fall which i thoroughly enjoyed it's kind of like when
15:04you're watching quite heavy tv shows that's something maybe like severance and then you're
15:08just craving something just easy breezy you know it's not going to be like the most exceptional
15:15prose you've ever read however this ended up being far more profound than i expected and
15:20offered some really poignant reflections on life and death it's about a psychic who is on a plane
15:27on a really kind of short plane ride that gets a bit delayed so ends up being longer than expected
15:32but it's meant to only be like an hour long plane ride in australia this woman just stands up and
15:37starts predicting people's uh age of death and cause of death with no explanation i honestly
15:44just could not stop reading this just any opportunity i got i was like i'll just read a few
15:49chapters and then both evenings that i was reading it i just read for the entire evening
15:53i'd really really recommend this one if you're stuck in a reading rut and just need something
15:58um to read very quickly however i did shed a tear at the end which i was not expecting
16:03she's the author behind um it was actually initially called i think the husband's secret
16:08even though i saw it in a bookshop the other day and they've now renamed it to be the same as the
16:12tv show big little lies which was amazing but because it was called big little lies when i
16:17watched it on tv i was like i feel like i know the ending of this then i realized i had actually
16:21read it a few years um before so yeah those are two books that i would really recommend i gave
16:27the leanne moriarty four stars on my goodreads um because i just i just feel like i can't give
16:33a book like that as much as i did enjoy it and read it quickly it just didn't mean enough to me
16:38for me to give it five stars i'm like i don't know i just feel like i have other things that
16:42books have to have going on with them in order for me to give them five stars however blue sisters
16:46was a five stars for me i just started and i mean i'm literally about 30 pages in last night i
16:52started our march book club pick which is glorious exploits by oh god no i can't remember the author's
16:57name i'll put it i'll put it in the description box i think it's fernan something and i'm really
17:01excited about it because it's something really different for me i do read a lot of books that
17:05are set in ancient greece and i love greek mythology but i'm more kind of reading things
17:09like cersei or ariadne which i hated by the way ariadne um loved cersei what else did i love
17:16ah the pat barker one not boyer chokes i haven't read that yet i think it's called silence for
17:21girls i loved that one but i read that like four years ago anyway glorious exploits is completely
17:27different to anything i've ever read before and that's why i feel so excited about it it's meant
17:31to be really funny it hasn't been funny yet but i'm only 30 pages in it's just kind of setting
17:36the scene and i can't really tell you a lot about it yet because i haven't read it but i'm excited
17:41if you want to read along with us please do join the book club it's free i will put the link at the
17:46top of the description box as always right it's 10 to 11 and i have my friend poppy coming over
17:50in a minute she hasn't been over to the new house yet we haven't caught up in the last time i caught
17:54up with her was when i was living out of the last house when we were kind of like in between houses
17:58basically so i'm really excited to show her the house and then we're going to go for a walk on
18:02the heath and just have a nice catch up it's a bit later now i'm in the kitchen i'll tell you why in
18:06a second um it feels really strange because i didn't want to get my massive tripod out just
18:11to film this little clip so i've got my tiny tripod sat on the island but then it's too it's
18:17not very level is it there we go but i can't stand up and talk to you on my small tripod i don't need
18:22my big one to do that so i'm just sat on a dining chair anyway i went for a walk with my friend
18:26poppy it was lovely such a beautiful day out there and we had the nicest catch up although
18:31we could have done with about five hours and then i came back and had some bits and bobs of work to
18:35do for a couple of jobs that i've got coming up this week and then dan said to me i've got 20
18:39minutes free it's a beautiful day would you like to go for a walk and grab a juice with me and i
18:43thought that sounds lovely however on the way there i tripped and i fell over full like toddler
18:51style like the way sage falls over when he falls over you know how toddlers they just go like flat
18:55on my face that was me the saddest part is you know my nice margaret howell trousers that are
19:01new and i showed you in the last vlog how much i love them they now have a hole in the knee i'm
19:06going to show you this is the hole it's like a proper a proper hole that i can kind of get my
19:13finger in which is really sad so if anyone knows the best way to repair a hole like that like do
19:18i need to get more of the material and put it underneath or can you just stitch that up my mum
19:23would know the answer it was just quite a shock to be honest and i was most upset about my trousers
19:27but also my knee does really hurt and it's you just don't really have falls like that as an adult
19:33unless there's something wrong so it just took me by surprise is all but i just thought i would
19:36tell you guys that because it was part of my day anyway i'm okay it could have been a lot worse
19:41and i just don't really know how i did it dan was like how did you manage that but i'm about to make
19:46some pancake mix because today is pancake day and traditionally in my family growing up and i think
19:52dan said his was the same we would always have pancakes for tea or dinner or whatever you call
19:57it like an early dinner of pancakes so that's what we're going to do with sage today i've seen a lot
20:02online about the mixture being better if you let it rest for at least an hour so i thought i'd make
20:07it now and then i'll go get him and then we'll come home we can all have pancakes together also
20:11just have to laugh at me doing a tutorial of how i style my hair and then it going horribly wrong
20:16today but i don't know i kind of don't mind this but just kind of an average day today just as long
20:21as it has a bit of a bend and a wave in it and isn't that kind of dead straight that my hair
20:25likes to be then i don't really mind uh just don't take hair tips from me guys so it's the mixture
20:31we need 100 grams of plain flour
20:36whoops i did a hundred times do you know what sometimes it's better to have a bit more
20:41flour i did just take a little bit of the flour out but i do think having like 10 grams over what
20:45recipes say for pancakes is better okay 300 ml of whole milk
20:52uh-oh i should have done this in the big neutral bullet not the little one
20:59i feel like this is not going well the one time i filmed this and we do pancakes all the time but
21:03i don't usually do i usually half the mixture but we are all having them tonight so we need
21:08the full mixture oh my eggs rolling off two eggs there's one
21:15two eggs there's one
21:22two and making them in a blender is a game changer because
21:26it just makes the batter really nice and smooth
21:32okay it fits just about
21:37look at that i actually think it was the perfect size using this little
21:41it basically just fits all the mixture in in the mini neutral bullet thingy okay i'm
21:46going to pop this in the fridge and then i'll show you the pancakes when we make them later
21:52do you want a chocolate and banana one or would you like
21:56so we squeeze lemon
22:13good morning it's the next day now and i'm just getting ready to go to an estee lauder event and
22:18i just thought that i would show you what i'm wearing today because it's a very simple outfit
22:22however i was inspired by a photo i saw online so i'm going to show you i was just on my laptop
22:27this morning i was clearing up my desktop which i try and do every now and then as we all do
22:31and i saw this screenshot of an outfit and it is so simple i cannot remember for the life of me
22:36where i screenshotted this from so i can't give credit to wherever this is from but it looks like
22:40it's from a website or something but i just love the kind of smart but really kind of puddling at
22:45the bottom black trousers with a belt a simple white tee and then a kind of knee length leather
22:52jacket and then some suede shoes so i'm going to show you my version so this is the base layer of
22:57the outfit very very simple i'll have to start by saying this is not my favorite white t-shirt
23:02it's just all of my favorite lissette margot teaser and the wash so i'm wearing this one
23:06from reformation it's really really old and i mostly wear it as a pajama top i've got on my
23:11little um monica vinegar necklace that i had on yesterday belt is to haunch and then these are my
23:16hush trousers that you have seen countless times and will continue to see countless times i think
23:21they work really well because they puddle just the right amount at the bottom just like in that kind
23:25of inspiration image i had there and then these are my ad brown leather loafers that i haven't
23:29taken off since having them finally added the knee length leather jacket and i really love this i
23:35actually think it's such a useful thing to do i'm sure you all do this already anyway but if you see
23:39an outfit that you love online even if it's not like on a person on instagram or whatever and
23:44it's even just on a website as you're browsing and it's how the website has styled something i
23:48think it's just so useful to have references to those days where you just need a bit more
23:52inspiration it just makes getting ready that little bit easier and i actually love this outfit
23:56and i haven't worn this coat in so long and it's actually warm enough to be wearing
24:00kind of this is a fairly thin leather jacket today just arrived in covent garden another
24:05gorgeous blue sky day i never come here but this is where the sda lauder event is and it really
24:13reminds me of being a child and coming to london as a tourist just giving you guys a little tour
24:23continuing my mini tour we're now on the other side of the square
24:29and we're almost at the event
24:51i'm you all today to celebrate our amazing partnership with legerie
24:55and so i'm anne-berongère fichier i'm the marketing director for sda lauder in the uk
25:00looking slightly more disheveled now but it's the end of the day and i just wanted to sign off
25:06this vlog and say goodbye i have just been with sage this afternoon and then just bathed him and
25:12put him to bed and thought i must end this vlog dan was working in the office today and then won't be
25:18home for a little while longer so i'm going to read glorious exploits oh look now i can tell you
25:23the author um that i've forgotten the name of yesterday ferdia lennon so i'm going to read this
25:29um i also do need to make some dinner for me and dan because he will be home not too late and then
25:34have a bath and go to bed thank you all so much for watching as always and if you enjoyed this
25:40video please do give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you're not already i have don't think i've said
25:45that since being back on youtube but always nice to know that you enjoyed the video leave me a
25:50comment tell me how you are i'd love any book recommendations as always so if you've read
25:55anything amazing recently that you think i should read let me know in the comments bye