• yesterday
They released an update for Half Sword and I finally figured out there's way more to this game than I realized

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00:00Three to four months ago I played this game and if you remember it you remember it was quite
00:15brutal in a way and very goofy I found out a way to break it very quickly by somehow picking up my
00:22enemy and rolling around in the dirt like a bunch of pigs welcome back to half sword the game is
00:27still in a demo but I'm here to play it because I missed a whole other side of this game that I
00:33didn't even know was a part of it honestly when I launched this game for the first time if you saw
00:37my first video this is the only character I fought with I thought this was it I thought you could
00:42only fight with fists and the weapons you were given in the arena ladies and gentlemen check
00:46this out holy crap I could have been doing this the entire time in my last video and I had no
00:54idea I feel like it'd be fun to go up the ranks in this video and play as every different character
00:59you know start from the bottom and work our way up to fully armored just absolute chaos we're gonna
01:06try it all oh this is new it's like a training thing first person I forgot about that we can
01:16okay remember we got a swing crazy swing crazy okay I'm already tired this is not this is not
01:24good I'm gonna be winded is my hand broken look at my hand it's bruised already do you see that
01:31I am very curious to see how this goes so let's just do a regular old 1v1 how's it going man it's
01:39been a little bit shake hands piece of garbage you're such a scumbag every time I hate you I
01:46hate you get on the ground I know how to fight I'm so tired let me breathe dodged haymaker oh
01:57tagged him see ya buddy you better it was punched from his legs oh ow ow ow it's my arm broken I
02:10swear I just saw my arm break dude slapped oh dude you actually broke my arm I can't swing it
02:20please stop I'm supposed to win I forget no no get up get up how do you get up fast I forget he
02:28doesn't know what's going on oh my god look at that angle hello don't punch me in the head I'm
02:33sorry oh he's grabbing me they couldn't do this last time he's got me by the forehead
02:38please no more grabbing me in the head mister please I'm sorry ah okay you won that round
02:49buddy but I'm not gonna go as easy on this one what have I become I'm not satisfied
03:03that was too quick of a round we gotta we gotta play with the victim a bit I gotta figure out
03:07how to grab again how do you grab in this knock him out just knock him on the ground take out
03:14his legs take out his legs didn't let go of me oh I kicked him oh my god dude I just kicked him
03:20right in the ribs how did I do that god damn it look at my leg don't punch it even more oh god
03:33dude I've been eating too much grape juice look at me it's like grimace had his way with my mouth
03:39I'm sorry that's brutal Oh big mistake pal you shouldn't have let me get up because now you're
03:47in for a world of pit I'm good I'm okay safe to say the fistfighting didn't go as planned but now
03:54we're gonna upgrade now we're gonna have whatever this is why did they put the highlight on the
03:58crotch bro why do they hold on can I change my character okay he's got a knife now I kind of
04:03want a pitchfork like it shows in the God is good see now we have like a pitchfork type thing oh man
04:12this is gonna be insane right like this is gonna be nuts what am I doing I look like a madman ow
04:20I'm gonna kill myself with it oh Jesus why did they let me play with the pitchfork all right
04:31our first time using an actual weapon in this game I feel like I am outmatched this guy because he
04:37has short he's got short range look at him swing he's got no shit okay he's getting a little close
04:42get back demon oh I gotta get rid of this weapon I gotta get rid of the I gotta okay so as expected
05:01that was quite brutal and I feel like I figured out how to kill everybody it's not working oh
05:06I stabbed him right in the gut oh yeah I feel like I have an advantage here did I just cripple
05:13his swinging arm I don't think he could do anything oh ow we just kicked me you son of a
05:20I'm gonna mess you up swing swing down if I clip him with one of these oh shit all right just got
05:35hit him across the head oh are you okay okay yeah weapons in this game are pretty brutal I don't
05:46know how well this video is gonna fare in the long term oh wait I can block let me do some
05:50defense oh look at that let me beat him this way let me beat him why am I looking up so high what
05:56what's up there oh you're done now oh I'm gonna oh oh god I gotta stop him from doing that hey
06:07stop stop making that noise stop stop making that chill chill hey hey Tommy are you okay
06:15I am adept with this weapon dude and look at the way I'm holding it
06:27we're gonna try a multiple people why y'all aiming at me did word get out that I've been
06:39kicking ass in these oh Jesus oh my god guys okay so so much for not doing single combat
06:52because it seems like one of them is about to nail what don't turn around blocked get away
06:59handle it yourselves okay I'll come in what am I doing hold on one second hey
07:12okay so turns out I'm really deadly with a pitchfork so we're gonna get off the weapons
07:26here cuz I'm kind of traumatized by that one so let's let's level up to the next one let's see
07:29what kind of variety we can get a shield okay that's gonna be brutal I'm not gonna I feel like
07:36I'll be really good with that thing and it scares me okay now hold on I feel like I just have to
07:44pick this guy based on the outfit like look at this he's wearing like a traffic cone on his head
07:48and he's got traffic cones on his feet and he's wearing a white outfit you know what I mean like
07:52it's kind of just written in stone that I got a plate where's my weapon where's my am I just the
08:04weapon am I just meant to lean my head forward and run it people okay now I have a sword bring
08:10it on my good man okay so you you lost your sword I feel like if I just stand on it you won't be
08:19able to get it and you're just gonna run into my sword and die anyway okay I'm gonna need this
08:32back I'm gonna okay I'm gonna need this back okay I feel like I can't get tried for murder there
08:44there's no way okay he's squirming around he I'm just gonna yeah you don't want to mess with me
08:50see what happened here buddy you're just gonna walk right in it oh oh god I kind of hit him in
08:56the dick though but he kind of wait a minute first person sword combat here we go oh god my
09:04hat you bastard oh Jesus my head you bastard okay the other outfit just wasn't doing it for me so
09:10I decided to switch I definitely did not get killed back to the main menu I did not die that
09:15hard that is definitely not what happened you can't kick in this game ow Jesus these guys are
09:21brutal but not brutal enough cuz I'm more brutal I'm the king die oh I don't think we can show
09:35that I don't think we could show that at all that's we got we gonna have to blur that that's
09:40crazy it looks like I'm a shit blood out my pants yeah last round was kind of bad oh my back I feel
09:49like I just need to watch people fight I'm a little I'm a little traumatized after that one
09:54so I'm just gonna watch these guys duke it out very spirited competition so far what is going
10:02on okay there oh my god did you say yes I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry oh my god I'm
10:32I won though W that's it now it really looks like I'm shit blood holy crap give me this are you
10:41kidding me and then I use this last video I can't remember I'm breaking the bones with this thing
10:47oh yeah sit down buddy oh okay this guy might actually be proposing I'm gonna go ahead and
10:59throw on this night helmet all right buddy I want you to test the durability of my helmet
11:04please ow that was my shoulder helmet helmet please oh okay yeah that's good I think that's
11:12good oh the king will be pleased his armor is many is manufactured greatly oh god you keep
11:19hitting me in the shoulder there's a wedding going on in Europe that's it please don't kick
11:26me in the head or kill me I feel like my brother just is beating the shit out of me like we're
11:37doing some dumb shit okay let's level up let's see what's going on at the next level let's try
11:44and get some goofy weapons and see what the difference is I don't know at this point okay
11:48this kind of looks awesome we'll run this so each time you seem to just get better weapons and armor
11:53I suppose oh I can block let me block a good stab from this guy oh I got it now hit hit right here
12:00jeebs hit right here nice that's my leg don't don't don't cut my leg stop you're being a dick
12:07that's it swing wildly swing wildly and win get closer oh that's not good please don't he's
12:18missing we should be able to we should be able to get up okay we got you son of a bitch I'll
12:27kill you this time I'll kill you this time what's going on I dropped my weapon pause pause pause
12:40stop you you have to pause legally you're not allowed to oh I'm gonna beat your ass with the
12:44shield that's the best of what's going on hello kiss me did you yield because I'm holding on to
12:53you you freaking coward you coward you had the better weapon and you hold on let me kick the
13:02top of your head like a symbol wake up okay now that I know how to kick this kind of changes
13:10everything so I got a new strat in mind it's not working out I got him kicking the nuts kicking
13:17the nuts kicking the nuts kicking the nuts you will surrender because I will keep kicking you
13:22in the nuts no one said anything about fighting fair there's no way he reverses this what are
13:37you trying to swim brother were on you stupid idiot kick you even harder cuz you're dumb let
14:14like 20 seconds now and he's just been doing I mean I mean you probably just saw most of it
14:20because we'd probably just left it in the video but I I think I might have hit him too hard in
14:25the head well let me see if I can correct them real quick he's grabbing onto my leg okay he's
14:32still British we need to hit him harder oh he's fine YouTube he's fine YouTube he's okay all right
14:48let's get serious guys come on run it right through I'm so fast you guys can handle this
14:54I'm so quick kicking the nuts what'd you just call me that's it I'm gonna solve racism right
15:03here I heard that this is for you guys I missed okay next level what do we got is that a javelin
15:14hold on I want I kind of want something I don't know what I want but I'll know it when I see it
15:19you know what I mean Oh goddamn banana man with a 2x4 with a goddamn nail sticking out of it come
15:29on this is gonna be look how long this it dude this thing is menacing if this is a real person
15:36they are dead I'm literally gonna kill this person in three seconds count it count it right now I'm
15:41doing single combat in three seconds watch okay I can't sprint well don't count that
15:47okay if you're counting in Mississippi's okay good news guys I lost the first banana guy but I got a
16:07boom oh my god count that three seconds bitch new weapon I got a battle axe now cuz I thought it was
16:16a good idea but I still really want to try something so let me see how do I get my other
16:20weapons out here I have other weapons how did anyone fight like this bro how did anyone do
16:26this finally the sword of destiny is a putt wait he cut my arm here we go you just tank that shit
16:40and let me come here let me kick you I'm gonna win this fight one way or another this is my
16:47last chance I got a nail this throw okay hold on here it comes fuck right at the ground
16:56how's he not killed me yet this is kind of embarrassing for him if I get up and win this
17:04is not gonna look good on his resume oh my god oh my god oh my god get your breath get your
17:10breath Smitty get your breath this is primetime this is it right here you've survived your outfit
17:17is a whole nother color at this point you're supporting a whole different kingdom grab grab
17:22grab close close combat close combat kick punch punch punch him immobilize his weapon hand and
17:30keep punching oh my god I'm out of stamina just keep grabbing it's fine don't let him swing Smitty
17:35he's swinging he's actively swinging oh shit all that progress no not like this I will survive
17:45he cannot finish me off he just can't look at me he can't stop me the helmet is the MVP right now
17:54it's crazy okay all right next level what do we think we just get more and more armor it seems
17:59and maybe better weapons I can't really tell I feel like I don't want a sword here though because
18:04everyone has so much armor I need something that's like blunt like this oh yeah hold on my
18:11good sir good luck to you and it's just that easy people it's just that easy he just gave up so easy
18:25that was embarrassing attempt number two fuck shit okay that's not working that strat never
18:31works where my weapon go where'd it go I I lost it can we just wait a second my guy I I don't know
18:39where it went I think it's gone how do I oh my god there's an inventory system what this changes
18:45literally everything wait how do I oh there we go yeah didn't expect the second weapon did you
18:54dick shit you know what have this I don't even want it I don't even want this weapon you could
19:01just have it take it out now I got the dagger now you're in trouble buddy now you're in freaking
19:10trouble now we're playing London simulator for real Oh Oh cleared get cleared fall fall fall
19:20down gold shit oh oh are you good are you okay are you okay why'd you just hump the ground what
19:27was that like thrust it up really quick all right let me get it let me let me do them the final the
19:32final fully armored piece you know let me see what we could do here I have to admit I kind of this
19:39thing looks menacing we're using this I kind of miss just fighting with my fist there was something
19:44so primal about it once you get into more armor it just becomes like a battle of who can just hit
19:50the smallest point in the armor you know and I'm just not really interested in that like this okay
19:57was hoping to line up something really cool there but it didn't work medieval combat was actually
20:01nuts these guys would just like hit each other but wearing like metal and it was just like
20:06custom it was since I was there it was insane what is this one wait are they all gonna be like
20:14peasants oh my god this is incredible I have our aren't you supposed to be fighting me guys guys
20:20aren't you hey I'm gonna get involved hey aren't you supposed to be fighting me guys I'm the one
20:28you should be targeting because I have the armor look you guys can't do anything to me it's so
20:33funny ow ow you stop hurting me stop hurting me stop you guys are so messed up dude don't mess
20:43with me man I'll kill all of you I will kill all of you I will be a ruthless person what are you
20:49gonna do that's what I thought you are still stuck me like a pig I have to knock him over yes I
21:47was gonna we're just gonna oh oh oh the screaming may have been my superpower out please ow jesus
21:56kick kick kick to get away oh my god it's working wait that's working I'm dodging every hit where
22:04is my arm what happened to my arm what did that happen like my hand what the fuck when did he
22:10gentlemen don't get not this again I forgot about this dude could you imagine if that whole last
22:19round we were hearing me just freak out about dying I'm glad I turned it off I mean I'm sure
22:24that it did we didn't get them am I gonna die again okay I need to dude I can't waste this
22:29gunmetal armor this shit looks awesome oh yeah yeah pick on the little guy first yeah one down
22:37bitch oh yeah two down oh I'm the goat he's got the fun weapon though we're gonna have to try
22:44something here shit what are you doing what the hell why do I have it down there I knocked it
22:57out of my hands sword time die I will not die to another peasant I just can't my ego cannot
23:08handle it a worthy adversary but not worthy enough not worthy enough finally glory hey
23:23little buddy how would you like to be my test dummy what do you think do I have you stabbed
23:28in the oh god oh it's uh it's stuck I'm just gonna leave it in there dude that is bad I'm
23:38I'm sorry do you want another one in you maybe okay I'm dude I'm sorry I don't know what I'm
23:46doing right now I may have too much power in the armor suit I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to go
23:50back to fisticuffs for a little bit because I really enjoy that okay I had fun playing every
23:53everything else though that was a good time but my heart belongs here and honestly now that I
23:58know how to kick this completely changes the aspect of this entire game get close to them
24:03get close grab get kick okay holy crap wait I forgot we can cut that out right yeah come over
24:19here bitch get away kick right in the nuts twice I'm gonna kick you again what the hell
24:27it's like wave me off he's like yeah you're nothing what are you doing did I break your leg
24:34I think I broke his leg hold on let me try and correct that for me go ahead and stand up and
24:40hit your head on that he's gonna fight me fucking fucking wait wait for it wait for it wait for it
24:55what the pay me like one of your French girls boy you better get this get the hell out of you
25:08with that shit come here ow dude this is wild what am I doing oh my god oh oh my god this is
25:21oh dude that was nuts holy shit oh that was brutal let's do it again we're gonna knock
25:33him out quick get him do get him to the ground just like that just like that I may have just
25:40killed him I accidentally killed him hold on hold on maybe we could still
25:45what am I doing to him that was crazy even for my standards that was actually nuts okay this is
26:06insane this is nuts what I'm doing there's no way this is crazy I go stop I think we're done
26:18with this game bro I think we're done half sword you are fantastic game but you are wild what is
26:24going on thank you so much for watching half sword another video on this game it uh they
26:30made it way more brutal than it was the first time but uh I hope you enjoyed it I don't know
26:35how this video is gonna turn out but uh hopefully YouTube doesn't have too much of a problem with it
26:39we'll see I guarantee you we're gonna have some problems but we'll see I mean there is settings
26:43to turn down the you know the violence but I thought I would see what it was like and it was
26:47pretty it actually it scarred me I'm mentally scarred subscribe if you do the channel I would
26:54say for more stuff like this but I don't know if there is anything on my channel like this maybe
26:58blade and sorcery when I used to play that in VR but the reason I stopped playing that game was
27:02because I kept getting age-restricted which is totally fair some of the stuff I did in that game
27:06was insane I'm not gonna say it's close to this because I don't want to raise any flags but you
27:10know thank you for watching and hopefully you enjoyed all right thank you I'm just gonna run into this
