Today, Johnny and Daisy try to have the BEST SLEEPOVER but Marty and Gooby have different ideas! Will Johnny be able to win this sleep over challenge? Watch to the end to find out!
#minecraft #johnny #minecraftmod
#minecraft #johnny #minecraftmod
00:00Daisy this sleepover is about to be amazing. I have a whole idea of what this room should look like
00:07So let's just get rid of this. Yep. We're gonna need this space for some beds get rid of this
00:13Of course we can't be sleeping on a table get rid of that stupid table
00:21Whoa, this is sick, oh my god, we're gonna be eating these all night long Daisy
00:31At the end of the night I might gain 500 pounds of how much cake I eat it looks so delicious
00:37Okay, I'm gonna keep working on the room. This room needs a little bit more updating
00:41It's gonna break all this make a lot more space. Oh, yeah
00:45This is gonna be the most epic sleepover in the entire world
00:52Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing here?
00:54I'm waiting for the sleepover. I heard all about it.
00:58Yeah, it's kind of a me and like Daisy thing
01:01What do you mean I'm not invited?
01:03I'm in this house. Can't come.
01:05Gooby the thing is me and Daisy kind of made this idea up and it was kind of just gonna be me and Daisy
01:10Not really Gooby. We didn't want Gooby in here. So
01:14So what you're saying is you guys are gonna have a sleepover without me and I just have to be alone
01:19I mean, no, you don't have to be alone. My daddy's upstairs. You could go be friends with him
01:24So you guys are gonna have a really fun sleepover and I'm gonna spend all my time with the big fat bald guy
01:30Yes, that's what you're gonna do. Gooby get out. Now. You're making me annoyed get out. You're kicked out of the sleepover
01:35I just have one thing to say about that
01:41Do not bring my daddy down here go upstairs Gooby
01:45Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Oh my god, what is happening?
01:49Why are you screaming?
01:51What's happening here?
01:54Slap it on my furniture
01:56Daddy I had to move it because it was in the way of where our beds are gonna go. No, no sleepovers
02:04Yes, we are sleeping in your normal bed
02:06That doesn't make it fun
02:08Yeah, you are you are no sleepovers allowed. He just yelled
02:12He just yelled super super loud or almost broke all the windows because why is he not a part of the sleepover?
02:18Nope, kind of just me and Daisy thing
02:20That's messed up
02:22Well, sorry, but you know what, how about this? How do you guys go make your own sleepover somewhere outside in the shed?
02:28I don't want to have a sleepover Gooby
02:31Yeah, I don't want to sleep with Marnie
02:33No, oh, I forgot daddy. You're very old. You you never really went to a sleepover
02:39You don't even know what a sleepover is cuz you're old
02:42Hey, I do know what a sleepover is actually
02:45I had a lot of sleepovers back in my day buddy
02:47And we had some crazy sleepovers like like, uh, they were so crazy that I got thrown through the window one time
02:53Yeah, daddy. Guess what? You fell off. No more sleepovers for you cuz you're too old
02:57What did they just say to me Gooby? What did they just say?
02:59They said that you were too old to have a cool sleepover
03:01No, I am NOT cuz you know what me and Gooby we're gonna have the best sleepover that was ever made and ever created. Yep
03:07This is your dreams
03:09Are you challenging me to a sleepover battle right now?
03:11It's not even challenged Marnie and you're going down
03:13Oh my god the sass on this one Gooby
03:15God the sass on this one Gooby
03:17You and me are gonna have the best sleepover party ever made
03:19It's gonna happen tonight
03:21Alright fine you know what we're all gonna do that
03:23Wow alright you guys go have fun
03:25Uh you will not be invited to the cool sleepover
03:27So go have fun somewhere else
03:31You know what we're gonna do it in a tree
03:33I'm gonna make a tree house
03:35Tree house sleepover party
03:37Kinda sounds cool I'm not gonna lie
03:39But it doesn't matter cuz
03:41We're gonna make our sleepover underwater
03:43Yeah you have fun breathing buddy
03:45Cuz you ain't breathing when you're underwater
03:47Okay I'm gonna make our tree house with a rollercoaster
03:49And the sleepover's gonna be in the middle of it
03:51And there's gonna be sharks too
03:55I don't see no tree
03:57I'll build a tree
03:59I'm not telling you anymore of our cool ideas cuz you're just gonna steal them
04:01I like that rollercoaster idea
04:03We're putting a rollercoaster in our tree house
04:05No you can't
04:07We're gonna go and find a tree
04:09Oh my gosh
04:11We're actually gonna make a house tree
04:13It's like a tree
04:15Get out of here Gooby
04:17Oh my gosh Daisy
04:19This is ridiculous
04:21You guys are going down
04:23You're going down old man
04:25When I see you guys tomorrow
04:27I'm gonna see the poopiest sleepover
04:29I've ever seen in my life in this house
04:31What's that? Can't hear you
04:33Daddy can't hear you there's glass in the way
04:35Yeah well this glass is your face
04:39Get out of here
04:45I can't believe this sleepover just turned into a competition
04:47Obviously we're gonna win
04:49Yeah well I just wanted to have like a nice chill sleepover
04:51But now it is on
04:53We need to totally transform this room
04:55And make something crazy
04:57So let's start thinking of ideas
04:59Oh we're doing more than just this room
05:01Wait what?
05:03Marty's room getting destroyed
05:05It's part of the sleepover now
05:07You know what I think you're right
05:09What if we put a zoo in our sleepover
05:11It might smell bad but we could have like puppies
05:13Well no I was thinking we could put elephants
05:15In my daddy's room
05:17I mean that could be fun
05:19See that's big brains right there
05:21Okay well I guess we could just start working on this room
05:23And making it really awesome
05:25We need to redo the kitchen too
05:27Um okay I guess we could redo the kitchen
05:29I mean I thought it was fine but let's just redo it
05:31No we need to win we need epic snacks
05:33Okay let's do that
05:35Hey this treehouse is already coming out amazing
05:37Yep yep I mean it's kind of small
05:39I think we need to upgrade it a little bit more
05:41But it's a good foundation
05:43Now the real eye-catching thing is this rollercoaster
05:45Oh yeah that is gonna be
05:47The central piece
05:49The crown jewel
05:51Oh yeah I want it to be cool
05:53So I'm gonna go all the way down and make a big bunny hill
05:55And then I'm gonna bring it back
05:57Okay I think we need some torches
05:59Yeah we gotta power the rails
06:01And uh we're already winning
06:03Yeah I mean
06:05How are they gonna compete with this
06:07It's a treehouse base with a rollercoaster
06:09What are they gonna do
06:11Make a poopy poop place
06:15Hopefully they don't like ruin my house though
06:17Because I paid a lot of money for that house
06:19Baldi we don't even need a house after we make this
06:21This is gonna be our new house
06:23I hope so
06:25But it's kind of small I'm not gonna lie to you
06:27Alright well then you keep working on the rollercoaster
06:29And I'll make a big old treehouse
06:31That is a good goal
06:33These guys are probably pooping on the floor over there
06:35Oh yeah
06:37Johnny's a horrible builder
06:39Yeah Daisy's good though
06:41Yeah she's gonna be the reason why it actually looks decent
06:43We got this in the bag
06:45Alright Daisy I'm doing a little redecorations in here
06:47Check it out
06:49I'm painting the walls pink and yellow
06:51Wait this looks insane I like it
06:53Yep I'm kind of a genius when it comes to colors
06:55I'm not gonna lie
06:57Do you like the kitchen
07:01Yo this looks so much better than before
07:03Told you
07:05Yeah add as many snacks as possible
07:09We need to blow my daddy's brains out
07:11With how many snacks we have
07:13Where he's just gonna be
07:15His mouth is gonna be dripping because he wants to be in our sleepover instead
07:17He's gonna be begging to be here
07:19Yep but we're gonna have to figure out what we put in this room
07:21We have a lot of space right here
07:23So I don't know what to do
07:25Well I got good plans
07:27What are they
07:29Um beds obviously
07:31Yeah beds would probably be a good idea
07:33We definitely need those
07:35Is this TV big enough though
07:37No it is not
07:39Get out of here stupid TV
07:41Let's see do we have bigger TVs
07:43No this one sucks
07:45Okay we're gonna have to make our own TV
07:47That is it
07:49Don't be too hard
07:51Just give me some of this
07:53We're gonna make it really really big
07:55Oh yes
07:57Yo these look sick
07:59I know right I've liked two
08:01Oh my goodness Stacey that was actually genius
08:03We need a lot more of those
08:05We need to make it look like a party
08:07What is a party
08:09It's a sleepover party
08:11Alright so the TV is looking pretty good right now
08:13Hmm where should our beds be
08:15Because it is a sleepover at the end of the day
08:17So let's see
08:19I feel like our bed should be right in the middle
08:21Because we want to be able to watch TV
08:25I don't know how to make these look good so you can do that
08:27Okay next
08:29Oh PCs
08:31Okay we need a gaming area
08:33Everyone knows that in sleepovers you play a lot a lot of video games
08:35So we can just keep them down here if we want
08:37Or we can make a totally separate room
08:39In my daddy's room
08:41I think that's a good idea
08:43We can put a TV down there too
08:45And it'll make him super angry
08:47Wait oh my god I have an actual genius idea
08:49So it's underneath us right
08:51That connects the two floors
08:53Am I just taking more space
08:55Nope I'm a genius we're gonna do it
08:57Alright time to just break entire
08:59Alright let me just break all of my daddy's bed
09:01He's gonna be so angry when he sees his bed is gone
09:03Alright get rid of all this
09:05Oh nice PC daddy
09:09Actually destroyed it
09:11Alright this is looking really nice in here
09:13Oh yeah I made a lot more extra space for our gaming room
09:15I'm putting our beds in the ground
09:17Oh that could be a good idea
09:19I think it looks cool
09:21Well I'm just breaking everything that my daddy owns
09:23I think it also looks really cool
09:25This is fun
09:27Alright now this is fully open this room
09:29I still have to do some redecorations on the wall
09:31Should we just keep the yellow and pink going
09:33Cause I will actually change this entire wall to that
09:35They are the best colors
09:37Alright but I need a cool pattern what can I do
09:39Hmm okay wait I could do this
09:41And then I could do this
09:43Okay I think this pattern actually
09:45Is looking insane
09:47Um basically it's just two big stripes
09:49And it just goes from yellow to pink
09:51So it's pretty easy
09:53Alright nice
09:55Yep we're definitely going with this
09:57Oh my god this room is coming out so good
09:59We have a gumball machine
10:01A gumball machine
10:03That's actually a good idea
10:05Alright I guess we could add that
10:07Kind of a fire idea not gonna lie
10:09Best idea ever
10:11Gooby the rollercoaster is basically done
10:13Oh yeah
10:15We made our sleeping room
10:17We're outside
10:19Yeah well look see it's like a little outdoor sleeping area
10:21I mean it's kind of cool but we're also like floating
10:23In the air
10:25It can't be floating
10:27It's gonna capsize
10:29What's that mean?
10:31It means it's gonna fall on the floor
10:33Fine I'll attach some supports
10:35We're gonna have to make like a big tree branch underneath
10:37What did you make?
10:39What did I make? I made the whole rollercoaster
10:41It's done?
10:43Alright so we're gonna do this
10:45We're just gonna put a bunch of these regular rails going down
10:47But on these little like little
10:49Bunny hills
10:51I need you to put all of these powered rails up there
10:53Okay okay I can do that
10:55Man I can only imagine what Johnny and Daisy are doing right now
10:57I bet their sleepover party looks poopy
10:59Yeah they're probably making like a big old toilet bowl
11:01I don't know if they're gonna do that
11:03Gooby I think I have a really good idea
11:05To kind of sabotage their little sleepover party
11:07Yeah I'm listening
11:09So when we're done with our stuff
11:11What we're gonna do is we're gonna camouflage ourselves
11:13Put some armor on, go over there
11:15See what they've been doing
11:17And the best room we're gonna blow up
11:19Or we can just drench it in water
11:21Okay a little secret spy mission
11:23Okay now get a cart
11:25Yeah I'm gonna try this
11:27I'm gonna light up all these little rails
11:29And then I need you to be the test dummy
11:31Alright I'm ready
11:33Give me a second
11:35And too late I'm going
11:37I'm looking pretty
11:39Okay I'm ready now
11:45You don't have to be one
11:49Now you're stuck in it
11:51See they don't even have a rollercoaster
11:53I'm looking at their house right now I don't see anything
11:55I mean Gooby look at my house
11:57I don't see anything yet I can't even see them in the windows
11:59Are they even in the house right now
12:01I don't know but whatever they're doing
12:03It's gonna be much worse than ours
12:05Gooby what are you doing right now
12:07I'm trying to make a little like next level here
12:09And I think I want to put a hot tub there
12:11A hot tub that's actually a really good idea
12:13Yeah that should be a good place to relax
12:15You know
12:17Yeah I mean your colors are actually horrible
12:19Why it's both of our colors red and blue
12:21But they're like knock off versions of our color
12:23I want like a brighter red
12:25Your blue looks really like eh
12:27It's made of wood okay that's the only color they have
12:29Alright well I need to look up the solid blocks of these
12:33No they're planks right
12:35Oh got you okay
12:39Well the water's not gonna be able to be in a slab
12:41Fine this is just a ground walk
12:43Okay sure
12:45Look see you're already messing it up now there's holes in it
12:47Just put another slab
12:49That's just too much work
12:51I'm gonna make it a pretty deep hot tub because I kinda want it to also be like a pool
12:53Oh it's like a hot pool
12:55Exactly we just do the red like this on the sides
12:57And then maybe we put like a blue floor
12:59I like it I like it
13:01Um the slabs aren't really walking though
13:04You already messed it up you gotta break it
13:06I'll fix it I'll fix it
13:08Now I need you to fill it up with water
13:10You'll be the water boy
13:12Wait a minute I just had a really good idea
13:14What's the good idea
13:16Okay so instead of using water
13:18And making it hot
13:20What if we just use lava
13:22Why would you use lava we're gonna die in it
13:24Wait Marty look why don't you go inside of it
13:26I'm gonna die
13:28No you won't
13:30Why is it fake lava
13:32It doesn't look that bad
13:34That's cool cause you're like going in a lava tub
13:36Yeah but we definitely need to connect this to the actual trace
13:38Cause we kinda look like we're just building random stuff in the air
13:40Which we basically are
13:42I mean I think it's cool that it's floating
13:44But I guess if you wanna do that
13:46You can
13:48Alright well I'm gonna do that
13:50I'm gonna walk more on the lava tub
13:52Oh yeah this bottom room is totally looking different
13:56Daisy Daisy
13:58Come down here right now it looks so sick
14:00I need your help decorating it but everything else looks sick
14:04You gotta check this out
14:06I'm gonna show you what I did I think you're gonna be pretty proud
14:10This is good
14:12And look this is my favorite part I put a fish tank
14:14Okay this is awesome I think Marty's gonna like this
14:16Yeah I mean he literally used to have his bed right here
14:18But then I put a fish tank where it was
14:20It's so much better
14:22Okay but we need help decorating all this
14:24And I think this is where the gaming room should be
14:26So we gotta make it insane
14:28I was working on a rollercoaster
14:30Wait what I wanna see the rollercoaster where
14:32I just started it
14:34Okay well let's see what you did up here anyways
14:36Woah wait who is this guy
14:38Um I don't know I just thought you'd like it
14:40Oh my god I can change his color
14:42That's pretty cool
14:44Well everything you did in here looks so good Daisy
14:48Oh my gosh the TV looks way better
14:50Oh the I don't know about these butterflies
14:52Those are kinda weird
14:54But everything else looks really good
14:57Oh heck yeah I love me some gumballs
14:59Okay so where's this rollercoaster at
15:03Ooh an outdoor rollercoaster
15:05Yo this is gonna look sick
15:07Just started it but it's gonna be like a wall defense
15:09I like how you're using the same
15:11Colors that we used downstairs
15:13Okay I'm gonna help you build this
15:17If we just work on stuff together it can go super fast
15:19Very true
15:21So you wanna use this as a wall defense that can actually be pretty smart
15:23Yeah I just don't trust Marty and Gooby
15:26Alright just gonna do something like this
15:28We're gonna have a little bunny hill right here
15:30There we go and then we're gonna go back up
15:32Woah Daisy you're going very tall over there
15:34Yeah it's supposed to be good
15:36Yeah you're right
15:38Everyone knows that bad rollercoasters are very small
15:40And they don't go high
15:42But the good rollercoasters go super high
15:44Oh yeah
15:46Now we are cooking up here
15:48Oh yeah this is looking so sick
15:50Okay um where do I need to go from here
15:52So I'm up here
15:54So I gotta go
15:56Oh I can go over the house a little bit
15:58Wait this is a good idea
16:00This is actually a good idea
16:02Let me cook over here
16:04So I'm just gonna do another yellow
16:06And then we're just gonna do this
16:08And then maybe we go up a little bit
16:10Yep we are going over the house right now
16:12Yo would it be crazy to go inside the house Daisy
16:14Um it might get in the way
16:16Yeah but maybe just like one track
16:18As long as you make it look good
16:20Oh I can make it look good trust me
16:22I'm thinking about it
16:24I'm just gonna keep going and then hopefully I can think of a way to get it inside the house
16:26Alright let me see what you're doing over here Daisy
16:28Ooh okay
16:30So you're going up and down right here
16:32Doing some bunny heels
16:34Okay okay so let me see where I need to go
16:36Alright let me just close this wall in
16:38Just like that
16:40Oh this is actually looking cool
16:42And then right here is gonna be the end drop
16:44Where you just go flying down
16:46Boom yep that's gonna be so good
16:48Hmm let's see how can I go inside the house
16:50Cause I feel like we need to make that happen
16:52Ooh the kitchen could be good
16:54Yo what if I go into the kitchen
16:56You go up high and go over everything
16:58Yeah but um I don't really know how to do that
17:00Let me see okay I'm just gonna try and do it and see what happens
17:02Scooby we have a problem
17:04What what's the matter
17:06I looked at my house
17:08I looked at my house Scooby and look what they're doing
17:10Come over here
17:12What what what
17:14They're building a rollercoaster
17:16Hey that was our idea
17:18We're being camouflaged in the night
17:20We're gonna go over there and we're gonna destroy it
17:22Yeah you know what they cannot make a rollercoaster
17:24That was our idea
17:26Alright we need to go down below
17:28And we need to sneak around
17:30We gotta make sure they don't see us
17:32I'm gonna sneak in the grass right now
17:34You see Johnny or Daisy
17:36Where are you
17:38I'm on the street
17:40I'm on the opposite side of the house
17:42This is perfect
17:44Let's destroy the whole thing
17:46Let's go crazy
17:50Yeah I know
17:52These dummies
17:54Look out by me
17:58Wow Daisy
18:00This rollercoaster is really coming together
18:02And right here I had an idea
18:04We're gonna do a little circle
18:06Since we got some space back here I'm gonna go this way
18:08Go over your rails and it's gonna connect
18:10Right over here
18:12Obviously it's gonna work
18:14This is my idea
18:16Wait a minute something happened to our rollercoaster
18:18What are you talking about something happened where
18:20The front is destroyed
18:22Oh my god
18:24What the heck happened
18:26No clue
18:30Oh my god it's probably like a meteor that came in and blew it up
18:32No it would have hit the house
18:34Yeah and none of the floor is destroyed
18:36What the heck happened here
18:38This is a little weird and suspicious Daisy don't you think
18:40It definitely is
18:42Guess what I just rebuilt it so
18:44Whatever happened it's all fixed now
18:46Probably a bunch of meanie weenies
18:48Oh no
18:50What's going on Daisy do you hear that
18:52There's aliens
18:54Oh my god
18:56What the heck
18:58My daddy and Gooby are getting taken over by aliens
19:02Wait what
19:04There's a UFO
19:06Oh my god
19:08I don't know let's go over and see what's happening
19:10What's going on over here
19:12There's the worst people ever
19:14Oh my god
19:16Looks like your base is getting destroyed a little bit
19:18Don't mind if I just help spread the lava around
19:20I'm gonna help some too
19:22No no no you can't do this
19:24Oh nice rollercoaster
19:26Let me just break a few tracks here and there
19:28You guys are serious
19:30Oh man
19:32I built this rollercoaster
19:34I built my rollercoaster too
19:36You copied us
19:38Let me just spawn some of these guys
19:40There's aliens
19:42There's aliens spawning
19:44Oh no
19:46They're trying to make this their home
19:48Alright Daisy I think we did enough damage
19:50Get out of there
19:52Oh my gosh
19:54Look how much damage we just did to their base
19:56We can't even leave here
19:58Oh god I don't know why there's an alien over there
20:00It's a boss
20:02It's a boss
20:04I'm not complaining
20:06I'm going to decorate the game room
20:08Yes and then after that
20:10I think our sleepover is completed
20:12Oh man
20:14Scooby our base is on fire
20:16The aliens are flying away
20:18This is so not fair
20:20This whole place is like a battleground
20:22Our rollercoaster
20:24The hot tub
20:26I even made a cold tub
20:28Oh gosh
20:30Now I would never be able to go in it
20:32Now I can never go in our nice treehouse base
20:34Our sleepover is ruined
20:36You know what I think this gives me an idea
20:38You still have your spy tools
20:40I say we go sneak into their base
20:42Yeah we just blow that up too
20:44Yeah maybe I'll just live there
20:46Yeah maybe we try sneakily living in there
20:48That's a good idea let's go over there now
20:50And done
20:52The rollercoaster is completed
20:54And it looks so awesome
20:56It's got hills
20:58It's got turns
21:00It literally has everything
21:02Let's give it a little test ride
21:04Here goes nothing
21:06We need a button here
21:08Just gonna get rid of this one
21:10So now when I press this
21:12It actually goes
21:14Here goes nothing
21:16Yes yes yes
21:18It's going
21:20This is insane
21:22Little bunny hill
21:24I fly around this corner
21:26Go up here
21:28I'm almost at the end
21:30Little bunny hill
21:32And boom
21:34It's not stopping
21:36Daisy help me
21:38What's going on
21:40The rollercoaster won't stop
21:42Is it fun
21:44The rollercoaster is so fun
21:46Come look at the gaming room
21:48Let's see what you did
21:50This is insane
21:52No this is actually crazy
21:54It's so good
21:56Did you hear an explosion
21:58No I did not hear an explosion
22:00I heard one
22:02Why is there explosions
22:04I hear that too
22:06What is going on
22:08Who is shooting that
22:12What are you doing
22:16What are you guys doing
22:18Get out of here
22:20That was an accident
22:22What are you guys doing
22:24Back into our sleepover
22:26The aliens
22:28Destroyed our home base
22:30We thought we could just live here
22:32You want to live here
22:34The aliens destroyed our base
22:36We thought we could just live here
22:38With you guys
22:40You're coming back around
22:42Guess what
22:44No you're not living here
22:46Whose house is this
22:48Guys I think it's about to be no one's house
22:50The aliens are back
22:56Not our sleepover
23:00The aliens
23:02Destroyed all of our home
23:04Destroyed all of it
23:06Why is there aliens in this game
23:08Oh my god
23:10It's all destroyed
23:12It was so good
23:14I put so much work into it
23:16These aliens aren't going to leave us alone
23:20The spaceship is landing
23:22I'm going to beat you up
23:24It's me
23:28What are you doing here
23:30Hi what are you doing
23:32Ernie do not place more aliens down
23:34Aliens attack
23:36Ernie stop it
23:38This is embarrassing
23:40Why did you destroy all of our sleepovers
23:42Why didn't you guys invite me to your sleepovers
23:44Oh no
23:46That's not what this is about is it
23:48We are family
23:50I'm going to tell you one of your stupid sleepovers
23:52We didn't even think about you once
23:54How does that make you feel
23:56It makes me feel very left out
23:58Oh my gosh
24:00You destroyed all of our sleepovers
24:02We would have invited you to me and Daisy's
24:04Right Daisy
24:06Now we can't because you destroyed it
24:08You messed everything up
24:10Hey little kid you also destroyed my house
24:12Look at this
24:14I can't even live here anymore
24:16I'm going to call your parents and they are going to pay for it
24:18I'm going to be a part of your sleepover party
24:20And I'm not paying for it
24:22Me and my parents we are not paying for nothing
24:24Hey where are you going
24:26Get back here
24:28You can't just show up with aliens and do this
24:30Oh my gosh
24:32Well guys I think we are going to have to figure out somewhere else to live
24:34I think so too
24:36Maybe somewhere with less aliens
24:38Yeah maybe wherever we go we can just have one big sleepover
24:40And not fight anymore
24:42Yeah I agree
24:44I like that idea
24:46Oh daddy what about right here
24:48Here we go this is our new house
24:50It's a shack
24:52Well daddy that's all we can afford
24:54Well if you guys made it to the end of this video then make sure to leave a like
24:56And everyone subscribe right now