• yesterday


00:00Hi guys, here is my travel day going to the British Virgin Islands for spring break.
00:04I got up around 5 a.m. to go ahead and get ready because we were headed to the airport around 6.
00:08I made sure to wear layers because I knew it would be hot by the time we actually arrived at our destination.
00:13Once I was ready, I packed up the rest of my stuff, which honestly took a little bit because I'm an organization queen.
00:18Owen's dad got us all water bottles with our name and BVI's on it. It's so cute.
00:22Once we were ready to go, Owen went ahead and brought up all of my stuff and put it in the car.
00:25And then we were off to the Atlanta airport.
00:27We all know that I'm actually scared of this airport, so I was a little bit nervous.
00:30It's just very different than my St. Louis airport at home.
00:33It was the first time I've ever done curbside check-in. It was honestly so easy and so fast.
00:37I don't know why I haven't done it before.
00:39Also, my bag wasn't even 40 pounds, mom.
00:41TSA made me extra anxious today because my bag got searched because of my tripod.
00:45So that took a while, but once we were done, we went ahead and got some breakfast at Great Wraps.
00:49And instead of eating there, I made Owen and I walk to our gate.
00:51Our flight was boarding soon after we finished our food.
00:54And this was a super easy boarding process because I was sitting with Owen and his dad.
00:57Owen was literally already asleep before we even took off, but I was so excited I couldn't sleep yet.
01:01The takeoff part and landing are two of my favorites, but there's so much turbulence in the beginning of this flight.
01:06I fell asleep for a little bit, but made sure I woke up for a snack.
01:08And that was me falling asleep yet again. Owen did me so dirty.
01:11I went to the bathroom for the first time ever on a plane, so I was so proud of myself.
01:15And before I even knew it, we had already landed in St. Thomas.
01:18We got off the plane straight onto the tarmac, so we headed inside to get our luggage.
01:21It was so pretty outside. I was so excited to actually feel warm.
01:25Once we got our bags, we had to take a taxi to our ferry.
01:27And let me just tell you, it was real hot inside that car.
01:30We had some time to kill before we got on the ferry, so we got some lunch.
01:33And I was so nervous to get on this ferry because I get motion sick really bad, which you'll see later on.
01:37I ended up getting sick.
01:38Once we got off the ferry, we had to go through customs.
01:41And then take another taxi to get to the catamaran that we're staying on.
01:43At this point in the day, your girl was tired, but I was still so excited to just be on the boat.
01:48We put our stuff in our rooms, and I immediately got a diet coke.
01:51And then after sundown, we went to go get some food.
01:53Good night, guys.
