Did you know that Fortnite forgot to remove the Elemental Chests when season 2 started? Today we look for the only one left on the map and see what's inside!
Use code tomato because it's cool. (Epic Partner)
Music from epidemicsound
Use code tomato because it's cool. (Epic Partner)
Music from epidemicsound
00:00So Vader messaged me yesterday. He said he found a secret
00:05Elemental chests from last season still exist in fortnight. I'm super excited. These might be crazy
00:12They might have vaulted weapons in them
00:13I feel like fortnight was supposed to get rid of them. But here it is. The elemental chest is still here
00:20Hi, hold on. I don't want to open the chest yet. I want to make it a surprise go away. Oh
00:26It's a pot. We're chillin
00:29Anyways, now I know what you're thinking who cares but listen to me. This is actually wild
00:34I feel like fortnight was supposed to get rid of these and forgot about this one
00:38There's a chance it has vaulted boons
00:40Vaulted weapons from last season and let me tell you why I think this on fortnight GG
00:45There's a map and you can filter it for elemental chest spawns
00:48It says there's one of them still on the map, but it's not this one. Oh, I'm over at the Turtles
00:53They say that there's an elemental chest here. So we're gonna go check later. But this one is not on the map
00:58I thought this was gone. Let's see what we get. Come on. Oh
01:05Interesting. So we got a new boot which doesn't make any sense because why would for tonight update the elemental chests?
01:12Well, there's only one of them. We also got a purple shotgun, which is good
01:15This is the only thing I could use for this game
01:19Unless the other elemental chest exists, let's head over there. But first, let's take out these players. Hello
01:28Wow, you are far away from me, right?
01:32There's one. Hey, stop leaving take this
01:37Yes, I was actually perfect except it only did six damage. All right, I gotta fight a car
01:41I gotta head to this other elemental chest
01:42So I did some testing before I filmed this video the elemental chest that appears on the map over there
01:47I actually haven't seen it spawned which makes no sense. If there's only one elemental chest on the map
01:53How is it on the turtle and not where the actual map says it's very weird
01:59There's one oh no, I'm getting shot wait don't do it. I'm a friend and by friend I mean
02:07I lagged
02:11I'll be honest with you. I hate the twin fire. I think it's a horrible shotgun. Oh great more players. Do not worry
02:17Wait, where they go? Hi
02:21There's one I love eliminating bots, it's my favorite pastime
02:26Yeah, still hate this game. I am really hoping that this elemental chest
02:29That's supposed to be over there actually spawns cuz I'm definitely gonna need another weapon if I want to win this
02:34I find it really weird that fortnight actually coded elemental chests to have different loot when they're not even a part of this season
02:41Why would they keep one of them? Maybe they're supposed to actually be more. I'm not sure. Hello
02:46I have an elemental chest and I'm not afraid to come back
02:51Don't come back. Oh
02:58There's sniper bullet pushed me forward and now I have no tires. All right, this area is out of the circle
03:03I've got to be really quick. Dude. I hate no tires
03:06So on the map, there's supposedly an elemental chest right here
03:11It used to spawn like right over here, but it literally doesn't spawn anymore
03:15It doesn't make any sense. I'm at the correct spot, right? I know I'm in the storm
03:19But yeah, I'm in the correct spot and there's just no elemental chest here and I've tested this a few different times
03:24It makes no sense for tonight. All right, I gotta get out of here before I die
03:27so the good news is I
03:29Found a secret an elemental chest that doesn't exist on the map that you can find over at the turtle and you can actually get
03:35Boons and decent weapons from it. However, since there's only one of them
03:39That means I gotta win this game with a twin fire shotgun only that's not gonna be easy
03:44I'll try my best and if at first you don't succeed run them over
03:50Stay tuned because after this game, I'm gonna try one more
03:54I really want to see if this other elemental chest actually spawns two of them would be insane
03:58I really want two of them
04:00Also, I want to know is it possible that they drop the new like a scanner or the kneecapper?
04:07Some of the purple weapons that normally you would get out of elemental chests last season
04:12They drop things like booty masks and stuff like that. Maybe they accidentally kept them in. I really want that
04:17Imagine if I'm the only one with the Odie mask, that would be unstoppable
04:21It's possible for that has left vaulted weapons by accident before there are medallion players over at the lair
04:27I'm definitely walking towards it and that's a horrible idea. I just keep holding W. I'm still doing it. I'm still going closer
04:34I hear someone hi
04:37Have no idea. I'm here. Holy moly. Don't don't jump on. Oh, no, that would've been so perfect. Hey, I stay there
04:43Stay there. You're doing great. Keep it up
04:47Keep it up. Keep it up. Keep it up. Keep it up. Keep it up
04:52No, well they jumped off I jumped off but they have no health and we're fine, let's go
04:58Well, I gotta go
05:01Oh, no, no
05:04Let me up. Oh
05:05Okay, hold on. I'm insane
05:08All right. What do I do now? There's a medallion down there. Hey, okay. Bye
05:14You can have it. I don't want it. I did get two dill bits
05:17However, there's probably nothing I could do with them. But maybe there's another boon I could buy maybe I don't know
05:24Maybe hey it earth's right, dude. I wish I could use mr. Earth sprites
05:29I really should oh, this is the elements only challenge, but if I gave him this shotgun
05:34I'd probably get such a better weapon, but I won't do it. Not this time. Mr. Earth's right. You know what?
05:39Mr. Earth's right. Here you go. Take some shield potions. I don't even know what he gives you if you give him shield potions a
05:46Chug-chug imagine that would be sick. I
05:50Don't want this at all. Thank you though. Bye
05:53There are a lot of players nearby and I'm very scared I could sneak up on one
05:57Maybe I think I'm just gonna try to go to the black market buy a boon and then hide
06:03I only have a shotgun. Okay, ten players left
06:07Will the elemental chest carry me to victory? Probably not. All right, I got to be very fast here
06:12There might not even be anything to buy
06:15Hey, somebody just left a golden version
06:19Okay, yes, I will take this even though it's not very helpful and that's about it
06:23That's the only thing I can take all right, bye bolt the storms that way ah
06:27I'm officially safe. I actually have a pretty decent spot here if I didn't only have a shotgun. Also, this grass is floating
06:34five players
06:36four players Oh
06:38Dream circle I might actually win this
06:45Huge fight up there. I can't let them see me three players. I am a tree
06:53Well, they're fighting oh no two players, but I can't third party up too far away they've got to come towards me
07:02Hi wish I didn't have just a shotgun
07:09All right
07:14Oh hi, what
07:26Why does this reload for six hours, I hate this good
07:29Worst good on earth elemental chests are trash never using them ever again fortnight
07:35I'm glad there's only one of them. In fact make it zero now wait before you leave. I
07:41Did say I wanted to try it one more time. Just really quick. I want to see what I get
07:44Maybe I get a boon. Maybe we get something that was vaulted. Give me a second. Come on. Give me something good
07:50Anything other than a twin fire?
07:56This is honestly almost worse