• 2 days ago
👉 Una inundación ha causado estragos, dejando a muchas familias sin hogar y obligándolas a vivir en condiciones precarias. La situación es crítica, con casas destruidas y pertenencias arruinadas por el agua. Las familias se han visto forzadas a refugiarse en techos o terrazas para protegerse y cuidar de sus animales. Sin embargo, las dificultades persisten, ya que la falta de drenaje impide que el agua retroceda completamente.

🗣️ Antonio Laje
👉 Seguí en #OtraMañana


00:00Ah, you still have a lot of water.
00:02Yes, yes, it was like 30 centimeters.
00:04Ah, well, yes.
00:06And there the water went down a lot, huh?
00:08So everything, but ...
00:10Materials for construction, gin, all that.
00:13That you have lost.
00:15All the work he has had, look how far the water has gone, he has stirred the whole room. How?
00:22There I have peeled the gin, to make the second floor, all gin.
00:28You have lost.
00:29Everything is wet.
00:31And now, how are you living on the second floor? Are you inviting us?
00:34They are living on the terrace, in the open air, because the plant has not been finished from above.
00:39Well, look at the chickens, he also had to put them there.
00:42They are subsisting as they can.
00:45Above a kind of support.
00:51Where are you going up? There?
00:54Well, well, let's go up, Juan, very carefully.
00:57Ah, this is your house, for before going up.
01:01Well, here you have lost absolutely everything too.
01:04Ah, all the fridges.
01:08Of course, everything.
01:10That amount of water that came in, it was enough to ruin everything and you have not been able to go up.
01:16Look, let's try to go up to the plant to show how they are living.
01:24You are going to have an air life.
01:26This way?
01:27Well, let's see.
01:28Can you, Juan, you have more?
01:31Floor here.
01:33You have to step on a sink.
01:35And from here, to the top floor.
01:39Let's help Juancito.
01:41There it goes.
01:42Juancho Cerreta.
01:43Excuse me.
01:45Ah, the dogs up here.
01:48Of course, what was going to finish building, Antonio, finished.
01:53The family.
01:54Where are they sleeping?
01:56Ah, in the open air, in total interference.
02:01How are you doing?
02:02Have you settled here to sleep?
02:06Did you decide not to leave your property or evacuate because of fear of being robbed?
02:12To take care of the animals.
02:13More than anything for the animals.
02:15I have the kittens, dogs, chickens.
02:17So the dogs, if we leave, everyone will leave because there is nowhere to stay.
02:22You decided to evacuate because of that, more than anything.
02:24Yes, that's why we settled up here on the terrace.
02:27Look, there's the bed set up on the terrace.
02:29Of them, of their children.
02:33Here inside they have chickens too, chickens that have been saved.
02:37That are part of the day to day.
02:40We can look, look, let's try to look from here.
02:43Look, Antonio, so that we have a panorama of the neighborhood.
02:47How is it? Come here, Juan.
02:49Excuse me, I'll stand here.
02:51Look, these are the parts that we don't get to see, which are the parts behind the houses.
02:56Where in some places the water has gone down.
03:00And in others, well, constructions have been taken.
03:04The situation is complicated.
03:06This is the back part.
03:07That the water in some places went down a little.
03:09But it doesn't finish draining.
03:11Simply what the earth could absorb.
03:14Now, let's go to the front.
03:17Which is the most affected part on the other side.
03:21Let's go to the front.
03:24Come here, look.
03:25Watch out, there's no balcony here.
03:26Watch out, Juan.
03:28Let's go this way.
03:33Let's go to the construction.
03:35Which, everything it had to finish, Antonio, they lost.
03:40It got wet.
03:42And they couldn't, hello, good morning.
03:44They couldn't lift it.
03:46We are here, in an aerial image.
03:51To be able to observe the disaster.
03:55On this side, well, cars piled up, trucks, houses.
04:01A panorama of several blocks around, where the water didn't seem to give up, Antonio.
04:10No, it's just that we lived in that area with Leo.
04:13So, it's like the water doesn't have a way out.
04:20The house, yes, it doesn't have a way out.
04:23Of course.
04:24Has it flooded again?
04:26No, no, it hasn't flooded for the first time, because...
04:28It has risen strongly, because we see that the water doesn't have a place to drain.
04:31Yes, because before, when there was a storm, the storm that passed,
04:35but it reached, 20 centimeters, 20 centimeters were missing to reach the gate.
04:40To enter.
04:42It was already a complex area.
04:44Well, now it ended up complicating it.
04:46Look, here we see a house.
04:48The neighbor's house has lost everything.
04:50Yes, yes, because everything, everything, everything, always because...
04:53Look, look, Juancito.
04:55On this side, Antonio, look, there is a house that now the water has gone down,
04:59but we notice at the height of the door.
05:02It is also a house that they were building.
05:06And it ruined it.
05:07The neighbor also doesn't live because...
05:09They left.
05:10They left because the dog stays and I give him food sometimes.
05:13The dog was abandoned there.
05:16Look, the dog that is lying down there, Antonio, was abandoned.
05:21Now we are going to try to get there.
05:23We believe that...
05:24I'm going to try to tell one of the rescuers that the man throws food at him from here.
05:29They were rescuing pets.
05:31Why did they leave?
05:32Because there is nowhere to stay, because everything filled the water and at least they had...
05:38They left the dog there.
05:39He was a little boy, so they left because...
05:43No, no, how is he going to be in the water all day because...
05:47Of course, they didn't have like for you to be on the roof.
05:52Well, yes, the dog is with... there he looks at us.
05:55Well, let's take more food to see if we can take it.
05:58Let's go out and try to get to the house in front and go through other houses
06:03of the people who have decided to stay.
06:05There are some people who have decided to stay due to different situations.
06:12Do you have some food that I can take if you want?
06:15Can we take it?
06:16I'm going to cross.
06:18I save a cross, if you want not to get wet.
06:21Someone else will bring food for the dog that is...
06:24He is lying down almost without moving.
06:26He was abandoned there, Antonio, because the family had, well, small children.
06:32And well, nothing, they decided to spare the life of the family.
06:36It was very difficult.
06:37The patrolman has already left.
06:41Yes, the patrolman came and left.
06:43That's where his task ended.
06:45He could have done something else, but hey, he's in that place.
06:53Well, it ended up being family violence, apparently.
07:00But there are still complaints of all kinds.
07:04There we go.
07:05We are freezing the image.
07:07Yes, yes, the sidewalks.
07:08There we started to leave.
07:10We are leaving.
07:11There we take the food.
07:15The rooster too.
07:17The blind wells are full, of course.
07:19I'll take a little bit of food, if you give me.
07:21Now, let's go back.
07:23Yes, the bathrooms are not unusable, Antonio.
07:26Is this a bathroom?
07:27Yes, it's all over the area.
07:29The blind wells exploded, all of them.
07:32Yes, the Napa rose.
07:34The blind wells exceeded the level and the pollution is a lot.
07:40And at this time, the waste, the people who have remained, are being in a bucket and thrown into the flood.
07:47There is no place.
07:49There we are going to cross to the house where the abandoned dog is, to bring him food.
07:54We see him dying there.
07:57Here we have.
07:58Thank you, master.
07:59We are going to the front.
08:02I think you have it in front.
08:04I'll try to get there.
08:07It's just the house on the sidewalk in front of where we are.
08:12The family just told me.
08:14The water began to grow.
08:17Thank you very much.
08:18He had to go.
08:19We will try to get there.
08:21And the dog stayed there.
08:23There is a well.
08:24I cross to the right.
08:29I cross to the right of the car.
08:30There is no well.
08:34Behind the car is deep, but then it is taken, they tell me.
08:39There we lost the signal.
08:40We were waiting a little.
08:41There it is.
08:42There we are.
08:43There we accommodate.
08:47Well, here it is a little deep.
08:49You, Juan, if it's complicated, wait for me there.
08:51A little higher.
08:53Let's try to get there.
08:54Here it is.
08:55It's really complicated.
08:56There is the puppy.
08:58Poor thing.
08:59Now let's see if there is a rescue.
09:00You can.
09:01Go get it.
09:03It's very difficult down there.
09:08Of course.
09:09The family.
09:10Come, come.
09:12Let's give him food.
09:13He's a little scared.
09:14We're going to leave him here.
09:16The puppy is afraid, but still.
09:20We are going to leave the food here.
09:24Here is another bag that I could not open.
09:29Someone brought him a little more food.
09:32Now we are going to make it more comfortable.
09:34The dog is very skinny.
09:35Now he got up, but he was lying down.
09:37It's wet.
09:39And he hides behind the house.
09:40This family had to leave.
09:42Let's see.
09:43Guard Juan, huh.
09:45Let's see if I can get closer here.
09:47Slowly the puppy.
09:49Well, he stopped there.
09:50He stayed there.
09:52He's quiet.
09:53Now, surely when we move, Antonio is going to come to eat.
09:56He is afraid.
09:58His family had to leave this by their own decision.
10:02We see how far the water has reached inside.
10:05There is still a lot of water inside the house.
10:07And they did not have what the neighbor had in front of them.
10:11To be able to stay above the roof.
10:13The car, well, it's lost, right?
10:15What you were talking about insurance and that.
10:17There are people who are going to be very complicated.
10:23Here is a well.
10:25Guard Juan, huh.
10:27Well, they were looking for pets.
10:29They should.
10:30This is life itself.
10:32We should get the puppy out.
10:34Volunteers are coming to bring food.
10:37Now I want to see if we can talk to someone to come and rescue him.
10:42Because he has stayed in that wood with very little food.
10:44He is very weak.
10:46And there some volunteers with food arrive, Antonio.
10:49Because people desperately ask for water and food.
10:53It is something that does not exist.
10:56And well, the ground below is very soft.
10:58It is a dirt road.
11:00Now it is muddy.
11:02And there they come.
11:03Now we are going to talk to the people who bring food.
11:05Let's see.
11:08If they are from here or ...
11:09If they are from here or ...
11:11Or ...
11:12Yes, yes.
11:14They come to help.
11:16Let's see.
11:17We are going to get closer.
11:19There we started to advance.
11:21We would believe that they are volunteers.
11:25They are helping the neighbors.
11:26They bring food.
11:28Hot things.
11:30For many it is very cold.
11:31The water is very cold, Antonio.
11:33Ah, they leave them here in the bricks.
11:34Let's see.
11:36If we can talk to them.
11:38Let's get closer.
11:41Does a volunteer come to help?
11:44Does a volunteer come to help?
11:46Yes, in a private way.
11:48We come from Cañuela.
11:51We decided with the family.
11:53My wife is from ...
11:55We live in Cañuela.
11:56My wife has the whole family here.
11:59And well, why not put a grain of sand
12:01and collaborate a little with these people
12:03who are having a really bad time, right?
12:05What have you brought?
12:06Can you see?
12:07Yes, of course.
12:10Laundry is very necessary.
12:12Bread, milk.
12:13Bread, milk.
12:14Let's see.
12:15And this.
12:16We are going to open.
12:17We did a ...
12:18a collection of ...
12:19of merchandise, clothes.
12:21Through the ...
12:22the mothers of a school.
12:24There of ...
12:25of Maximopaz.
12:26From Cañuela.
12:28We take this bag with cookies.
12:35How is it?
12:36Well, the basics as for ...
12:37As to collaborate.
12:38A peanut.
12:40As to give a little more protein and ...
12:42and calories to people.
12:45Laundry is very necessary.
12:47So good.
12:48Laundry is very necessary
12:49because there are many people without laundry.
12:51I ask you a question.
12:52Have you seen any rescuer?
12:54Well, we are rescuer ...
12:55voluntary rescuer, whatever.
12:56We are rescuing a dog.
12:58Fer Penoni.
12:59Now I'm going to send Antonio.
13:00He is a person who is dedicated to this.
13:01I'm going to send him on vacation.
13:02For there are already a few minutes.
13:03Many people are writing to me
13:04for the puppy that has been here very weak.
13:05Without his family.
13:06That he had to evacuate for ...
13:07for difficult issues.
13:08Well, there they start to distribute more food.
13:09They are hitting house by house.
13:10What I was talking about is the insurance of the cars.
13:12Antonio here and ...
13:13Well, a truck too.
13:14That had the water to the ceiling
13:15and now ...
13:16He started to go down.
13:17They are warned among those
13:18the places to transit
13:19because there are many wells.
13:20So it is very ...
13:21very important.
13:22And we are going to send him
13:23to the hospital.
13:24We are going to send him to the hospital.
13:25We are going to send him to the hospital.
13:26We are going to send him to the hospital.
13:27We are going to send him to the hospital.
13:32It is very difficult.
13:33The family here
13:34also had to leave the place.
13:35And situations that ...
13:36And stories that ...
13:37One story outweighs the other
13:38in difficulties.
13:40In people who ...
13:41who do not finish wanting to leave.
13:42Look, there is a person.
13:43Let's see.
13:44Who decided to stay.
13:45We are going to try to get there.
13:46There we see them wet.
13:47Also up to the knee.
13:48Well, the situation is
13:49for other complex houses
13:50that have lost everything.
13:52And it starts now
13:53to get to bring him food.
13:56the situation is
13:57for other complex houses
13:58that have lost everything.
13:59And it starts now
14:00to get to bring him food.
