House.of.David.S01 E03
00:20Previously on House of David master, where are we going now to find the king?
00:25You must be slain who did this your people have a legend do they not Giants prepare the horses
00:31Where are we going to summon new gods? This royal visit is a distraction. They're kings losing his mind
00:40Sorry, oh sure father
01:16Let go song
01:20Samuel is it you
01:24Speak with me
01:36His name should be Jonathan my son
01:40To another future king
01:44You will never be king
01:47Because of you know because of your pride
01:51Destroyed him destroyed us
01:55The time has passed
02:17Will make a man is not
03:02My son no Jonathan look at me, but I have been a good
03:13My son
03:30Let go Saul let go of what is no longer yours
03:45This is my
04:35Be with my brother Lord
04:39Protect him
04:43Do not take him from me
04:48And I thought that pay for my mistakes
04:55Not enough make sure the women stay outside
05:01You will hold them down I
05:04Want you to see the pain you have cost
05:07This must be quick we must share the wound before he bleeds to death and pray it lists the fever in the Sun
05:15All right
05:34Thanks, son
05:49I'm sorry
05:51I'm sorry. I do not need apologies only obedience
06:50Am honored by your presence
06:53Down here in the shadows
06:59When the animals are your business they lose their foul smell
07:05But uncleanliness is this dark I am no Hebrew Lord as you know
07:12And I'm a man of questions. I
07:16Need someone followed hmm
07:21Whose footsteps do you wish me to trace the seer which seer there are many
07:35Does he frighten you
07:37very much
07:39Would you like me to kill him?
07:42Follow him only
07:44And take note of every warrior Lord and leader. He meets
07:48Reports back to me. Hmm me only
07:53Third quietly and at once
07:57Lord governor
07:59Would it not be better to convince Samuel to lift the King's curse?
08:07What curse
08:11Is indeed what curse
08:48Are you here?
08:52Come I'll fix it. Come look at you
08:57You were up there all night. I was he spoke to you
09:03He did
09:06What the Lord asks pains you
09:10Why do you still weep for a soul when I have chosen another
09:16And so the Lord asks me to commit treason
09:27It's just funny
09:29The most highest funny funny
09:32Soul could kill me
09:36Treason against who does the wind on your skin commit treason for cooling us and not so
09:42As the mountain commit treason for standing taller than the great king
09:47Man can play with swords and crowns and words like treason
09:52But our God brings life to all and he is the great author of the story. Let him write it
10:09Think if only I had been a better father
10:12Then perhaps none of this would have come to pass
10:16Maybe the people would not have demanded a king perhaps God could have been enough for them
10:24What's done is done for Saul and for me is it
10:33For you
10:35Everything we know is about to change Hila. I am anointing a new king in the nation
10:43that has one and
10:46the beloved one no less
10:48Well, be sure to anoint a better one this time
10:54Do you know where you're supposed to find this new king
10:59I do then why are you waiting?
11:03I've not finished my tea yet
11:07God is the great author of the story. I like to be the author of the story
11:14God is the great author of the story. I like that. I'm stealing it from you
11:26I saw him only days ago. I was right there just outside my window
11:37My queen
11:40Forgive me, but I do not understand
11:45Yoshia was not a soldier
11:48He was gentle
11:53How could he die at this?
11:59The house of soul
12:03Still many enemies
12:06A veiled assassin evaded our guardsmen tempted to kill the king, but your brave son
12:14Jumped in front of the blow and spared him
12:21Please your grace
12:24Say this is not true
12:27Why would God do this?
12:29Why would he allow something so cruel?
12:39Want you to have this
12:43Small gesture that will never repay
12:48This is too sacred no better serve you than I
12:56What is written inside
13:00I'm with you. I will never forsake
13:05Or abandon you
13:12I would do anything to protect my family
13:18so you you take this and in turn I
13:23Will carry her suffering as if I myself was responsible for it
13:54How did I miss
13:56family chat
13:58You all look so sour
14:00And in here. Oh
14:03Still crying over the servant boy
14:05One that father skewered, you know, he may be losing his mind, but it seems like father's aim is still the stuff of legends
14:14Show some respect
14:15Thousands of soldiers have died on the battlefield for our family
14:18I don't recall you crawling into bed and salting your pillow for them. They died willingly in combat yet
14:24They died just the same. So what does it matter? There's one more life
14:28Sacrificed on the altar of our noble royal family enough. I don't know why you are so upset
14:34You know father's little mishap. It's the best thing that ever happened to that servant boys family from paupers to nobles
14:44Just one little sacrifice
14:49There's a reason father will never choose you
14:55No, there are many reasons
14:57But answer me this father
15:00When the king descends fully into madness and you must take his crown away
15:07What do you suppose he will throw with you
15:25Tell me it was a nightmare. I
15:30I I would never hurt him. I
15:37I didn't
15:39Know what to kill
15:42The blame for all of this is on one and one only
15:48Not you, my love
16:01That boy what what will we do I took care of it
16:10I'm going to take care of everything
16:25The greetings priest of God from the king himself
16:32King Saul would like a sacrifice offered on the mountain
16:37Then climb it
16:39I do not wish for madness and visions. I have heard the stories
16:46But I would brave it for the great one for samuel samuel is not here
16:52Please I am commanded to find the seer. He's not long gone. He and his apprentice
17:04Which way did they travel
17:22Do you know the name of the one you must anoint I have asked
17:28God answers only with signs and visions
17:36Master when will we return?
17:41Well, why do you ask
17:45My wife is with child in her final moon
17:53Yes, adina. Yes. Your first my first. Well
17:59I advise you to get plenty of sleep now
18:03I prophesy that you will need it
18:07We will camp soon
18:11You will wait there until I return
18:14Thank you, but I should assist you share this burden
18:18No, see us
18:21This could well turn out to be more than a burden
18:27Might be a sentence of death, huh? No, you think of your future
18:35You will think of your family yes, yes
18:48What will you name your child I don't know yet
18:55How is he the king sleeps mercifully
19:05When will you last in endor
19:12Your mother
19:15Does she still live
19:18Or others like her
19:23I would caution you against seeking a remedy that may prove worse than the illness
19:30The king is losing himself
19:33I recognize him less and less every day
19:37But you do
19:38recognize him
19:42There are those within the city walls who still
19:45Worship other gods. Are they not?
19:48spiritualist mediums
19:51What you asked I've abandoned long ago
19:55I see it in your eyes when you look at him
19:58Look at him
19:59It's curse
20:01You've seen it before
20:04I've seen it before
20:08That's why it terrifies me
20:16But your mother didn't succumb to it she became it
20:22I tell you this
20:24Is a journey from which there is no return
20:27There's good reason why her and her kind have been banished by the king by your husband and why god has forbidden it
20:33God proclaims many things or so the prophet would have us believe
20:40I beg you
20:43I fled that life long ago
20:46Do not ask this of me
20:49I am not asking
21:19What can I help you find?
21:22We have a new shipment of cotton imported from egypt and silk, of course we're seeking something more spiritual
21:31I'm, not sure I understand
21:37Hello hello beside
21:47My queen
21:49Yes, I am your queen
21:52And you are a priestess of god
21:56I need your help
21:59Quite peculiar
22:01That the wife of the king who outlawed the mediums now seeks the help of one no harm shall come to you
22:09Many of my kind were back to the fair
22:12And back they did
22:18Then proof
22:21We have made the wrong decision
22:37You were the garments of nov
22:40the city of priests
22:47Please pray for me
22:50I have lost everything
22:53Sorry, i'm an apprentice to serve a priest not a priest myself an apprentice
23:01Then where is your master, please
23:07The prophet meditates
23:12In the hills there's not the
23:41Who are you
23:43The more you resist the more pain you will suffer
23:48But I am a reasonable man
23:51So I offer a trade
23:55I will free you once you answer this question
23:59Where is samuel
24:05My master is not somewhere he
24:08It's true. He serves the nov, but I do not serve him lies are my trade craft apprentice
24:15Do not play a master at his own game
24:18I had no plans to do research tonight
24:22But I am known for my ability to adapt
24:30Tell me silas, do you know how many bones are in an ostrich?
24:3856 counted them out myself
24:43Ostriches are unique in that. They have solid marrow throughout their leg bones
24:50Ostriches cannot fly
24:53But are much more valuable than birds that do
24:57And this my fellow
25:00Is a sharpened ostrich bone
25:06This bone is perfect for deep cuts
25:09You see
25:13These bones discover things
25:15You study the spirit. I investigate the body and I learn so many things
25:21Maybe tonight I can learn how many bones reside in the human ear. Wait, wait
25:28They do not know what you're doing
25:30I'm a servant of the most high god
25:34They want to do you want to know it's rough
25:38Here is what I have been longing to say to a hebrew and now I can say to you apprentice priest
25:45I do not serve. Yahweh. I serve my own interest and ambition if he is real, which is unlikely
25:54I invite him
25:56I invite him to show me his wrath because here is my truth
26:02He does not see all and he does not see me
26:05So now my captive bird
26:08Sing me a song and tell me where your master is or my face will be the last thing you ever see
26:17Have one
26:19He went to have one
26:22That is all I know
26:24Please please this is all I know. Let's begin. No, no, no
26:33Samuel is powerful
26:36To break a curse by him will require ancient sorcery
26:41The curse cannot be dispelled
26:44It must be deflected
27:46What do you see a lion
28:18Who was that an artisan meeting to discuss work on the palace an artisan
28:28I noticed your scriptures were gone from your bedside. What does it matter mother?
28:43God rules this house. He will restore father. We must not turn our back from him
28:50King saul of benjamin rules this house and one day you will too
28:57but until then
28:59You will remember who bore you
29:46the lord's
29:47great prophet
29:49While we are honored by your visit. We uh
29:52must first ask
29:54Do you come peaceably?
29:58I come to worship the most high with you
30:05Send for the family of jesse I wish to make a sacrifice with them jesse son of over it. Yes
30:13Jesse no longer sits with the elders since he fathered a bastard child by the daughter of an enemy
30:32God is funny
30:36Very well
30:39Where is his home
30:48The tracks lead down into the valley it'll be a dangerous journey my king
30:53My father told me many stories of giants as a boy
30:58He told me they lived in a great valley
31:03I wish he was here to see this
31:06We should keep moving I have horses waiting down below
31:41Oh lord, there is a reason none returned from this place
32:07The fear that you feel is the fear we seek
32:16Yes, my king
33:11Who approaches
33:15lord king of goth
33:17Prince of the philistine empire. I have come to seek an audience with the anahemu walk among us. God was no friend of anag
33:31Yet I wish to be friends of yours
33:34May I enter?
33:36Many enter
33:38None return
33:40The peace of my house depends on it
33:43Do you still request this?
33:46Yes enter lord of god you and no other
34:07No my king
34:44My lord samuel
34:48It is an honor
34:51To have you in our homestead
34:54Jesse son of boys, why do you tremble?
35:00Stand up stand and look at me
35:08I've come to make an offering to the lord gather your sons. We will sacrifice together
35:24Lord of god
35:30How did you find this place
35:35Your kindly deep footprints
35:39My seers tell me you are called orpa
35:42I am
35:45Which in the old tongue is mother of giants
35:50No one speaks in the old tongue
35:54It was buried long ago
36:06I have come to offer an alliance between goth and this household
36:12I will speak to the father
36:16Then you must speak to the gods
36:20And you would not survive the conversation
36:24They keep few bargains with men be they kings or beggars speak to the gods
36:31That's impossible
36:34And yet you are here
36:38Tell me goth lord
36:40If mighty ones of old walked the earth
36:48What would you offer them
36:52Speak well, if you wish to leave this place alive
36:58I would offer wealth
37:04their rightful place amongst mortals
37:07But most important against the children of israel who drove you from your lands and into these caves
37:19I offer vengeance
38:05Father what is this?
38:07The seer has gone mad. I saw it at gilgal
38:16Why is david not here
38:22Eliyav the oldest of my sons
38:35You are the one the lord demands
38:39the beginning of your father's might
38:44Strongest in dignity and power
38:50As unrestrained as the ocean's tide
38:58And yet
39:02Why are you so afraid
39:46I told you his mind is gone
39:54I do not understand
40:01Why have you disobeyed my command are there no other sons of jesse
40:10There is
40:12one more
40:14the youngest of my sons david
40:19He watches the sheep
40:23Send for him
40:30Ava go get david hurry
40:35Yes, sit, please
40:37Break bread with us while we wait
40:39No one will sit
40:41No one will eat
40:43We will stand until your other son is here
41:05David david come
41:14Your father wants you I will watch the sheep what happened are you safe?
41:19Everything's fine. You're right
41:21No more line to fear go
41:27Son of boaz
41:30These are the words the lord god speaks to you
41:35Why are you ashamed of what I intend to magnify
41:39Why do you hide the great light
41:43This is david's doing what has he done to bring this upon us
41:48Whatever it was
41:50Can't be as bad as that guy. Hmm
41:52Surely you will not be slain. Why not because that would be madness. Yes. No, I will not allow it
42:01You will not allow it brother you will be slain as well
42:13This is david
42:16The youngest of my house
42:19Son of a different son of your shame
42:36Who are you I am samuel prophet of the most high
42:55Look at me son of jesse
43:15Any of
43:37No, I came expecting a great warrior
43:45And yet god
43:49Does not see what man sees
43:53Man sees the outward appearance god
43:59Looks into the heart
44:06Son of jesse
44:09Simple shepherd
44:11When this day is true
44:15You will be something
44:17Entirely new
44:26Oh god, it's funny
44:47Behold the greatest of my sons
45:07What is his name I am goliath
45:28Neil son of jesse
45:35David least of your brothers
45:41The lord of hosts has chosen you
45:53Lion of the tribe of judah
45:59Your heart seeks after god and therefore
46:05He has sought after you
46:15The lord has rejected the house of saul forever
46:25He claims you as his son and in your house
46:34All of israel
46:37Shall be blessed
46:42Rise david
46:46The lord's anointed
46:51As what?
46:53King of israel
47:49Slayer of the amalekites
47:54Protector of all israel
47:59Giant among men
48:02first king of the promised land
48:05And wrath of god among our enemies
48:11Now returns triumphant to his throne
48:17Hewn from the gates of kings fallen
48:25May the house of saul endure forever