El vicepresidente del Partido Revolucionario Dominicano (PRD), Héctor Guzmán, insta a que se preste atención a las propuestas referentes a desechos sólidos y exenciones fiscales presentadas ante el Congreso Nacional por el senador Rogelio Genao y el diputado Rogelio Alfonso Genao Lanza; considera crucial analizar a fondo las implicaciones de estas modificaciones.
00:00Let's go to the television, as always, grateful that you share with us the telesystem,
00:29the TV in the morning, our YouTube channel, simultaneously, later,
00:34and also for TeleSistema En Vivo and for many other platforms.
00:38Good morning to all, good morning Jacqueline Morel.
00:40Hello Ramón, good morning, good morning Dominican Republic,
00:43this Tuesday, March 11th begins, and here we are with you,
00:47welcoming you, with the wish that you allow us to accompany you at this time of the day.
00:51Together we are going to make a small tour of some of the important issues of the country and the world,
00:57also, as every Tuesday, Dr. Luz Rosa Estrella enriches the content
01:01with her advice dedicated to the family, psychology advice.
01:06And today we have as a guest the agronomist Hector Guzmán, who is the vice-president of the PRD.
01:11So we invite you to be with us this morning, welcome.
01:15What a good debate has been generated between President Abinader and former President Leonardo Fernández,
01:22in a moment in which we are only aware of Trump and the news from the United States,
01:28Canada, Mexico, and China.
01:32It all began with the voice of the people that the former president, Leonardo Fernández,
01:37invited President Abinader to have lunch or dinner to talk about the problems of the unfinished works.
01:43And during the week, they asked President Abinader,
01:47he said he invited him, but to Pedernales, in front of the sea, so that they could see the development of Pedernales.
01:53And then Leonel counterattacked and said that he invited him to tour the whole country to see the works and all that kind of thing.
02:01Interesting, because I would say, Jaqueline, what a shame that these two minds, all of them statists,
02:06do not meet to talk about national problems and seek common solutions.
02:11Because with Leonel's experience, and already the experience, because Abinader learned very quickly,
02:17the contribution to the country would be incalculable. In fact, President Abinader said that he invited him in 2004.
02:22It was really an invitation to the whole political rainbow that never gave that meeting.
02:28Well, Ramón, everything came to light with respect to the works that would be being carried out in Santiago de los Caballeros,
02:36that the government estimates that there are about 18, and that former President Fernández understands that there is a slowness,
02:43and that, well, that things are inaugurated by kilometers, and that the progress of the works is not such.
02:50Although President Abinader said that he was not going to refer to those criticisms,
02:55he did say that they could see what was being done in Santiago and in the country.
03:02So there was the invitation to go to Pedernales.
03:05But what is positive about all this debate, in the sense that the works that are being carried out are being followed,
03:14but it should be remembered that the Dominican presidents, especially the last ones,
03:21have used the practice that the works, first many works are announced that are not carried out,
03:28others that are carried out and inaugurated in sections, that is not new, that is old,
03:34and it is wrong to do it like that, because it gives the impression that more is being done than what is being done.
03:39But the positive thing is that the works that the government is carrying out are being followed,
03:44who is now in command is Lucia Abinader, to accompany her in that.
03:49But there is still a great inequality in the Dominican Republic,
03:55and there is no plan that should see it, from the nation to the future,
04:00a strategic program that does not matter who is in the government,
04:05because it gives an answer to the needs of the population.
04:09Because we continue to have the problems of yesteryear that none have been solved,
04:13and that should be faced one day.
04:16And if it will not be with these leaders that we have, it will have to be with a new layer of young people,
04:22managers, who can solve it.
04:24Look, in this country there is everything to do.
04:26Many schools have been built, many roads, dams, aqueducts, but it is always needed.
04:33The aqueducts are exhausted, the dams are sedimented.
04:36But if we are going to make comparisons with the governments,
04:39there is no doubt that the government of Leónel Fernández is one step ahead of the government of Lucia Abinader.
04:44Obviously, they are also different periods.
04:49Leónel Fernández had a first period that started great works.
04:53He has iconic works like the Metro, like the East Highway, elevated tunnels.
04:58Luis Abinader has made a great effort.
05:01There were management problems in his first four years,
05:04but he has a great budgetary difficulty,
05:08and it is that this government is the one that has brought the level of capital investment,
05:13that is, investment in construction, to the lowest level in the last 20 years.
05:17Less than 10% of the total expenditure is in construction,
05:22and now for this budget it is only 2.1% of GDP.
05:27When, with Leónel, it reached 4% at some point,
05:31to three and a half percent, and there has been difficulty in concluding great works.
05:37I remember that once, about three years ago, I wrote an article
05:41saying that Luis Abinader's footprint was not going to be construction.
05:47He called me on the phone and kindly invited me to a meeting,
05:51and I think that Luis Abinader's footprint is going to be of another type,
05:56perhaps of institutional type.
05:58And he is having it.
05:59And he is having it, and history will recognize it.
06:02But if you are going to measure works,
06:04Nicolás de Ovando, Trujillo, Balaguer and Leónel Fernández.
06:09Danilo also did a lot,
06:11but there, in that, I think, Leónel started to announce the one in Santiago
06:16and he stopped when he was going for 50,
06:19because there were other moments and there was more capacity of the state
06:24than there is now, because there was no fiscal reform,
06:28and because the country can no longer be indebted,
06:31and we have to recognize the responsibility of this government,
06:33which at least has held the arm a little.
06:36Well, Ramón, however, not everything is works.
06:39Works are important.
06:41And it is true that many schools and works are built in advance
06:44and they are not maintained.
06:46And I am going to make a parenthesis.
06:48In a school, yesterday, there was a press that they were not cleaning it,
06:53and that the students had to cooperate with the cleaning of the classrooms.
06:59In Japan and in the eastern countries,
07:02the students are the ones who clean the schools.
07:05That is very far from materializing in the Dominican Republic,
07:08but I wanted to say that.
07:10That comes from the home.
07:12And they collect everything and leave it as clear as it should be.
07:16But here, it is not only the works.
07:20And if we look at the reports of international organizations
07:24that collect data, which are the same data that was provided in the past
07:28and that are being provided today,
07:31and it seems that in some aspects we are doing well,
07:34we are improving income per capita,
07:37institutional improvement, security and transparency,
07:41to mention some areas.
07:44So, not everything is works, although they are very necessary.
07:47There are still more dams, more schools, more roads,
07:51aqueducts that function,
07:54and many other things to improve as a country.
07:59And this improvement plan does not seem to be seen.
08:02And it is not only a situation of the government on duty.
08:06It is of the entire political class and all the entities of thought.
08:11That is why it was thought that in the Economic and Social Council,
08:15for example, all those meetings were going to be held,
08:18all those reforms that are necessary,
08:21those conversations to strengthen and strengthen
08:24the program that the president of the government has,
08:27but that has also been left in the air.
08:30It has been left in the air and we do not see those meetings
08:33that were supposed to be held,
08:36and those debates that are necessary to look to the future,
08:39especially now that we are in a world full of uncertainty
08:43and where each country has to have its own strategic plan.
08:46The serious problem of the country has always been maintenance.
08:49Its public policies.
08:51For example, you hear the director of the Casa
08:53talking about building new dams.
08:56When we have sufficient supply,
08:59the problem is the loss.
09:00Just as there is the loss of electricity,
09:02there is the loss of pipes.
09:03Dr. Fernandez himself pointed out in the case of Santiago
09:06that there are many neighborhoods that do not have water.
09:09And it is not because there is no aqueduct.
09:11It is because there is no water that there is a loss,
09:13just like in Santo Domingo.
09:15You have here areas, for example, like the Romulo Betancourt,
09:19that everyone who builds or has a house has to make a well.
09:23Wherever they build a tower, they have to make a well.
09:26But there is the pipe.
09:28But you have losses.
09:30You are talking about the so-called leaks.
09:33That is, water comes in.
09:35But leaks in the streets and leaks in the houses.
09:37In the houses.
09:38Sometimes you have an inodore floating around,
09:40which you consume gallons and gallons.
09:43And people don't worry because they don't pay for the water.
09:46Here they don't pay for the water.
09:47That's right.
09:48But well, one day there will be planning
09:51because you have to invest.
09:53And the private sector does not invest.
09:55Forget about the private-public alliance.
09:59The private sector invests when it knows
10:02that it is going to achieve a return, but with a lot.
10:05On the other hand, there is the case of the Indian tourists
10:13who are taking advantage of all the efforts that have been made
10:17because it is a case that transcends the Dominican Republic.
10:21It is not that they take advantage of our competitors
10:25to magnify.
10:27Always the loss of a life is important.
10:30But an accident.
10:32And there is one thing.
10:34This young woman decided to go out to bathe
10:41after spending a night of drinks.
10:44A crazy night.
10:45At four in the morning with friends.
10:49She never thought it could have been dangerous for her.
10:53And the police, the public ministry,
10:56they also say that the FBI and even President Abinader
11:01are very interested, and all Dominicans are very interested,
11:05to know with certainty what happened to this young woman
11:09if she really drowned.
11:11And I was saying, Ramón, yesterday,
11:13talking to friends about the subject,
11:15that efforts are being made.
11:17I was saying, but this corpse, if it were to die,
11:20it must appear.
11:22But sometimes it doesn't appear.
11:24The marine beasts also eat the corpses.
11:30And it is a shame, the disappearance of this young woman.
11:34But it is clear, because even the last young man
11:36who was with her has declared,
11:39and that was not said by the police,
11:41but by the chief firefighter,
11:43that he was dragged by the water
11:46and vomited.
11:48No, he doesn't even remember.
11:49He said in a statement that he doesn't even remember.
11:51He fell asleep.
11:52Fortunately, there are cameras that show when they entered,
11:54when they left.
11:55He woke up at nine in the morning
11:57and he thought she was in the room.
12:00And the worst thing is that she was dragged by the water.
12:03If you, in your tub, are dragged by the water,
12:06and it can take you, what will it be if you have
12:08a few more drinks?
12:12Youth sometimes does things that are not normal.
12:17And it is a lamentable case, and hopefully,
12:20because there is no doubt.
12:22The father, like all parents,
12:24insists on the subject of a possible kidnapping.
12:26Parents are always looking for a way out.
12:31There is no doubt that he drowned,
12:33he dragged the current,
12:35and hopefully the corpse appears for tranquility,
12:39for his father, and also for the tranquility of the country.
12:45But unfortunately, this can happen anywhere in the world,
12:49and in fact, it happens every day.
12:51We just have to wait for Holy Week
12:53so that we can count the number of drowned people
12:55who dare to bathe on the beach or in rivers
12:59that the civil defense tells them,
13:01look, it is forbidden to bathe here,
13:03and they have a sign, and even so, they throw themselves.
13:06On the other hand,
13:08it is good that we already left Luis Almagro
13:10as Secretary of the OAS.
13:12Luis Almagro was an enemy of the Dominican Republic,
13:15and at the time the Democrats were in the United States,
13:18it was a pleasure.
13:20Now, as Suriname is in fashion,
13:23Suriname is a country that is growing 40-50% annually,
13:28bathed in oil,
13:30the chancellor of Suriname,
13:33Albert Randin,
13:35is going to be the next Secretary General of the OAS.
13:39If the UN does not serve,
13:41the OAS serves less.
13:43Look, Ramon, and it caught my attention
13:45how little postulant for that position.
13:48I think there were two,
13:50and obviously one retired,
13:52and one retired,
13:53but he feels very complacent
13:55to be the first Secretary General of the OAS
13:58chosen from a country in the Caribbean.
14:01The Latinos and the Caribbean,
14:03we do not qualify at all.
14:08They see us less, at least.
14:11You were very small,
14:13but once the government was about to arrive,
14:16but Balaguer,
14:18he threw the stick at him.
14:19He threw the stick at him.
14:20It was the only opportunity we had
14:22to become Secretary General of the OAS.
14:24Ramon, a prestigious televident
14:26who was watching us says
14:28that in the Santo Domingo School
14:30of his time,
14:31there he went,
14:33the foreign religious
14:35demanded the students
14:38that they had to leave
14:40all the rooms clean,
14:44and never dirty.
14:46He says,
14:47he said, Corporal,
14:48do you remember
14:49that the cleanest city
14:50is not the one that is the cleanest,
14:52but the one that is the least dirty.
14:54So I believe
14:56that hopefully this new Minister
14:58of Education,
15:00within his practices,
15:02the students,
15:03I agree, Ramon,
15:04that they should cooperate.
15:05Of course.
15:06With the cleanliness
15:07and the organization.
15:08There are things that the student
15:09cannot do,
15:10that is,
15:11you have to repair the toilet,
15:12you have to repair the bathroom,
15:13you have to repair...
15:14Hey, but leaving paper on the floor
15:15and the sofa as it is,
15:16and throwing things,
15:18that is not...
15:19When they break the sofas,
15:20the sofas,
15:21that happens in schools.
15:23There is a problem
15:24of basic family formation.
15:26When they break them,
15:27there should be a sanction
15:28and the matter should be fixed.
15:33On the other hand,
15:34there is a mission
15:35of the Monetary Fund
15:36that came to the country,
15:37that is nothing of the other world,
15:39the Monetary Fund
15:40periodically visits
15:41small member countries.
15:43You have never heard
15:44that a mission of the Fund
15:45has gone to the United States,
15:47because it is not true
15:48that the United States
15:49is going to give an opening
15:50to all its economic data,
15:51neither Russia nor China.
15:53Because I already know
15:54what they are going to say,
15:55they are going to say
15:56that the Dominican economy
15:57is doing well,
15:58that it is growing,
15:59that there is high resilience.
16:00Then later on,
16:01they say,
16:02but look,
16:03we have to rationalize
16:04the exemptions,
16:05we have to improve
16:06the quality of spending,
16:07we have to decrease
16:08the evasion,
16:09the monetary policy
16:10is going very well,
16:11but we have to flexibilize
16:12the exchange rate more,
16:13the electric sector
16:14has to decrease
16:15the losses
16:16and it also has to
16:17flexibilize the rate
16:18so that it moves
16:19according to the international
16:21so that it moves
16:22according to the international
16:24so that it moves
16:25according to the international
16:27so that it moves
16:28according to the international
16:30so that it moves
16:31according to the international
16:33The fuel sector has to
16:35continue to deepen
16:36the supervision of risks
16:37and supervise entities
16:38that are not there,
16:39such as cooperatives.
16:40Look Ramón,
16:41Why do you know
16:42about my mother?
16:43Because it has been
16:44ten years
16:45that I have been
16:46saying the same thing
16:47and I still do not get it.
16:49the fact is that
16:50obviously the country
16:51has to meet
16:52and many goals
16:53have been raised.
16:54a las entidades que recaudan, que valga la redundancia,
16:58son muy ambiciosas.
17:00Y no la han logrado.
17:01Y de hecho, en enero, el dato que se tiene de enero,
17:03no se pudo.
17:05Entonces, se estima que esta es la causa por la cual
17:09se buscan recursos con medidas administrativas
17:12para ampliar la base y, a la vez,
17:15tener más dinero disponible de esos que se tratan.
17:20Y porque nosotros, a pesar de alcanzar el mayor crecimiento
17:24económico de los países de la región latinoamericana,
17:29sigue enfrentando desafíos grandes.
17:35Lo mismo que mencionábamos hace un rato,
17:38de desigualdad, de una alta desigualdad en la población.
17:41Y esa meta ambiciosa recaudatoria,
17:45en caso de no conseguirse, pues entonces presiona
17:48al gobierno de cómo es que va a hacer las cosas.
17:51Y también a la población que espera más,
17:53en medio de un panorama en que cada día los precios suben,
17:56y suben porque el dólar sube,
17:58y sube porque hay una crisis internacional,
18:01obviamente, ya podemos decirlo,
18:04porque no mencionamos el tema de los mercados
18:06en Estados Unidos, como lo hizo ahora.
18:08Y cómo eso nos impacta.
18:11Somos parte de un todo.
18:14Y si hay algo grande,
18:17obviamente que irradia hacia los pequeños,
18:22en este caso hacia la República Dominicana,
18:24y eso impacta los precios.
18:26Pero en el caso aquí de los precios,
18:27precisamente de los artículos agropecarios,
18:29tiene su razón, y como vamos a conversar con un agrónomo,
18:32él no va a decir qué es lo que está pasando con el arroz,
18:35con qué, con el pollo, con la papa,
18:37con una serie de cosas.
18:38Hay otros precios que uno,
18:40yo compro en el supermercado para yo darme cuenta,
18:43y veo que yo voy con mi misma lista.
18:45Tú eres un amo de casa.
18:46Yo voy con mi misma lista los lunes y los viernes,
18:49y veo cómo cada vez usted nota,
18:52principalmente en los artículos industriales,
18:54el aumento.
18:55Un pelliquito.
18:56Los supermercados han inventado unas marcas genéricas
18:58que tienen unos precios un poquito menor,
19:00pero obviamente, si la tasa de cambio sube,
19:04aquí todo tiene un componente importado.
19:06Los pollos los ensamblamos, los puercos los ensamblamos.
19:09Entonces, obviamente, todo tiene que subir.
19:12Y efectivamente, señores,
19:15Biden dejó la economía norteamericana creciendo,
19:19con pleno empleo,
19:21y ya con la inflación a la meta de la Reserva Federal,
19:26que es un 2%.
19:27Estaba enteré.
19:29Y cuando ganó Trump,
19:31se desparó la economía,
19:33porque las esperanzas eran muchísimas.
19:36Desde que se dio a conocer el resultado,
19:39los mercados funcionaron muy favorablemente.
19:43Quizá por la incertidumbre que había en un momento
19:45de que la respuesta de los comicios
19:50no iba a ser tan rápida.
19:52Pero como que se quitó la presión tan rápido,
19:55eso fue una señal buena, positiva,
19:57y pensábamos que iba a ir la cosa en ese sentido.
20:00Pero no ha sido así.
20:02No, no, no.
20:03Definitivamente la receta de los aranceles,
20:05los mercados la asumieron rápido.
20:08Y en eso, cualquier declaración,
20:11Trump en el fin de semana reconoció
20:14que la economía iba a vivir momentos difíciles.
20:17Él no habló de recesión,
20:19pero ya los pronósticos hablan de caída,
20:21del crecimiento y de aumento.
20:23El huevo está carísimo y escaso en los Estados Unidos.
20:26Yo lo viví ahora.
20:27Caro y escaso.
20:28Caro y escaso.
20:30Aquí está barato todavía.
20:32Y si yo te digo, Ramón,
20:33que un huevo en algunos establecimientos
20:35en Estados Unidos costaba 10 dólares,
20:37tú me lo vas a creer.
20:38Sí, y 13 dólares.
20:39Es decir, un cartón de huevo de 12 huevos
20:42te podía costar casi 60 dólares.
20:45Obviamente que hay algunas tiendas más populares,
20:48como aquí ocurre con cartones de huevo de diferente,
20:51no sé, pero tú ves que tienen diferentes precios.
20:55Ayer yo compré y el huevo más barato no lo había,
20:58había de huevo orgánico.
20:59Mira, yo tengo una foto de un huevo más lindo, azul,
21:03que están vendiendo y como rosado.
21:06Pero caro con gana.
21:08¿Quién va a pensar un huevo 60 pesos?
21:10Señores, ayer el Nasdaq, que es una medida
21:15que recoge principalmente los productos tecnológicos,
21:20se cayó un 4%.
21:22Pero empresas como Tesla, fácilmente Elon Musk sale pobre del gobierno.
21:27Tesla se cayó un 15.4%.
21:30Apple, 4.8.
21:33Pero hay otro índice allá que es el que más mide la economía,
21:36que es Standard & Poor's 500,
21:38porque son las 500 principales empresas.
21:41Y ese experimentó una caída de 2.5%.
21:44Cada caída de eso representa pérdidas de miles de millones de dólares
21:48a lo que están metidos en las bolsas de valores.
21:51Pero eso son indicadores de que hay una pérdida de confianza,
21:55porque ¿quién va a invertir en los Estados Unidos
21:57si no sabe lo que va a pasar finalmente en materia de arancel?
22:00Y hay una pérdida de confianza también del consumidor.
22:03Y todo eso se traduce en aumento de precios
22:06y en que la inversión se ralentaliza.
22:09Y eso es otro problema para la República Dominicana,
22:12porque si los Estados Unidos entran en lo que se llama esta inflación,
22:16es decir, bajo crecimiento con alta inflación,
22:19eso nos da a nosotros.
22:21Turismo, zona franca, exportaciones.
22:24Y productos.
22:25Así es que, más lo que nosotros importamos de los Estados Unidos.
22:28Exactamente, y productos.
22:29Ramón, en medio de este panorama,
22:31pues la USAID ya se llevó de encuentro el 80% de los programas.
22:38Tengo el dato de cuáles programas se quedan
22:40y cuáles fueron eliminados,
22:41pero eso dará un golpe a los países que recibían esa ayuda
22:46y ese patrocinio de la USAID.
22:48Principalmente África, con el tema del HIV.
22:51Bueno, ese es un tema que ojalá sea de lo que ya han dejado.
22:55Y otro punto es que ayer el presidente Trump tenía tres reuniones
23:01y esas reuniones, aunque la prensa no tenía acceso a ellas,
23:05finalmente tenían la posibilidad los periodistas
23:08de que luego de concluidas, pues el presidente contestara preguntas.
23:13No fue así ayer.
23:15Obviamente hay cosas que el presidente quizás no está en condiciones de contestar
23:19y mira que difícil, porque a él le encanta hablar y decir lo que sea.
23:24El momento no está para hablar.
23:26Pero hay que ver cuál es la estrategia.
23:28Y la respuesta que recibió de los países, los canadienses,
23:31han herido su orgullo nacional.
23:34Hay estados donde han prohibido alcoholes, whisky americano,
23:38y hay provincias que ya han aumentado el 25% al combustible.
23:46Hay una serie de estados limítrofes de los Estados Unidos
23:50que mueven su economía a base del petróleo canadiense.
23:54Los canadienses se han portado a la altura de las circunstancias.
23:58Y México también.
23:59Bueno, vamos a ver, con el tema migratorio,
24:02hay mucha gente que se ha autodeportado,
24:04incluyendo muchos dominicanos que ya han venido por su propio pie,
24:08me voy antes de que me voten,
24:10y obviamente que eso ha tenido un impacto y lo va a seguir teniendo.
24:14Hay muchísimos memes.
24:16Aquí están viniendo diarios, aquí están cayendo diarios dominicanos.
24:19Sí, y otros que han venido ellos,
24:21que no aparecen en esa cifra de deportados,
24:23pero que por sus propios recursos han decidido regresar.
24:27El tema es que hay incertidumbre allá, en Europa,
24:33el tema de China, y estamos esperando.
24:37Y yo no sé si Cabrera, Ramón, o tú hiciste durante mi ausencia
24:41algún programa que realmente nos ayude a entender
24:44cuál es la dinámica de Trump, qué él pretende,
24:47porque yo no creo que sea,
24:49si es hacer Estados Unidos grande otra vez,
24:51como lo ha dicho muchas veces,
24:53es así que lo va a hacer, y si es así que lo va a hacer,
24:56cuál es la fórmula.
24:58Es decir, habrá momentos difíciles,
25:00pero que van a conseguir posteriormente.
25:02Tal vez, si eso se explicara, hubiera menos incertidumbre,
25:06pero todavía yo no lo entiendo.
25:08Te estoy buscando, pero me voy a ver en encontrarlo.
25:10¿Tú me lo mandas?
25:12No, porque quiero compartirlo con los amables televidentes.
25:16Hay un trabajo que hizo una fundación.
25:30¿Lo encontraste?
25:32Sí, mira eso.
25:34Déjame ver.
25:40Señores, eso es un...
25:42Te lo voy a mandar.
25:46Eso lo hizo un think tank que se llama The Heritage Foundation.
25:50Eso tiene 90 páginas, y ahí señala lo que hay que hacer
25:53punto por punto.
25:55Es decir, que lo de Trump no es improvisado.
25:57Eso está ahí.
25:58Es decir, coincide con el programa de Trump.
26:00Sí, sí, sí. Ahí te dice...
26:01Y tiene una lógica.
26:03Al final cuadrarían las cosas.
26:05La lógica es disminuir el Estado,
26:07achicar el Estado,
26:09pero ahí te entra hasta que van a reformar las reservas federales.
26:12Pero si achicar el Estado incluye el tema de los arancelestais.
26:15No el tema de los arancelestais.
26:17Y la política frente a China.
26:19Son 90 páginas.
26:21Yo me fui a lo que van a hacer con las reservas federales.
26:24Son parte de mi interés.
26:26Pero, es decir, no es improvisación lo de Trump.
26:30Eso da más tranquilidad.
26:32Aunque una cosa sea planificada, se pueden equivocar.
26:35Señores, vamos a hablar de política local y hablar de todo.
26:38Y de agropecuaria.
26:40Con Héctor Guzmán, vicepresidente del PRD.
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31:45The solid waste increases.
31:47The tax that already exists increases.
31:49Hey, hey, hey, the two are nothing.
31:51One is the Senate and one is the House of Representatives.
31:53One comes with the project of modification of the solid waste
31:57that involves an increase in the contribution
32:00that the person, the institution does,
32:03a huge increase,
32:05and that will benefit the managers
32:08that manage the solid waste
32:10in an extraordinary way.
32:12I saw that yesterday the president of La Semanal said that the sanctions project that the deputy Genao presented, that is not the position of the government.
32:21But I have not seen him say the same with the case of the modification law of solid waste, which implies an increase in the contributions of the physical person.
32:31For example, a company that is paying 500 pesos of contribution for the public procurement of solid waste is being increased to 1,200 pesos.
32:41And you think that when that company is increased to 1,200 pesos, they are increasing it 700 pesos?
32:47That is, that company...
32:49But that is a small company.
32:51Yes, yes, the one that has...
32:52Look, Hector, I warn you that no one pays that. Not even a micro.
32:56Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
32:58Those who have income up to one million pesos, those currently pay 500 pesos. Do you understand me?
33:05But that is not even so legalized.
33:07But that's what is all...
33:09You are registered because it is managed by the DGI, who sees the operations and says,
33:13but wait a minute, you are managing this amount. Perfect.
33:15That's what the law is.
33:17But now they are telling you, look, it is not that you are going to pay 500 pesos, no.
33:21You will pay 1,200 pesos.
33:23And so you go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.
33:27But when you say, and that increase of income in that solid waste law that you are proposing to me, what is it for?
33:34It is mainly aimed at managers who manage the transfer stations, the solid waste,
33:40who manage the dump, as the final deposit is called,
33:44and what is called the recycling part, plastic, that kind of thing.
33:49That there is an extraordinary increase for the payment per ton.
33:54So, I do not oppose that you modify a law like that, review it, and that kind of thing.
34:01Now, in the fiscal reform, the president referred to that part of the solid waste,
34:06but what I see is that they want to bring it to me here, by the Congress,
34:11which they already crushed in the Senate of the Republic.
34:14They presented it, the Senate crushed it, and they sent it to the House of Representatives.
34:18I say the following.
34:20There it also implies a small portion of income for the municipalities,
34:25but it is a small portion, most of it goes to the managers of the solid waste.
34:30I say the following.
34:32By law, the municipalities have 10%.
34:36The government makes transfers by the league to the municipalities,
34:40and also by this way, you are going to put income to the municipalities,
34:43that is, to the consumer people.
34:46You are like a kind of double taxation.
34:49You are using the law for 10%, which are from the public funds for the municipalities,
34:53but also here, by this modification law, I am going to look how much for the municipalities.
34:58I think things have to be transparent.
35:00You have to define that by a single law.
35:02But also the following.
35:04You have to listen to everyone, because you can't make a law in the Senate
35:08that is increasing the contribution of, let's say, of the whole sector,
35:14if you have a company, as they call it, the physical person, according to the income.
35:20You can't apply a measure of that kind without listening to the sectors.
35:25That is so serious, because those are the things that happen under the table,
35:29that a vice-minister of the environment,
35:31who has all his life dedicated to the issue of plastic handling,
35:34the FON and that kind of thing,
35:36he himself complains and says, but we were not listened to for that.
35:40And he has observations with the law.
35:42And you go to several of the businessmen who say,
35:44but we were surprised with that, the industry.
35:47We were not listened to.
35:49And then you go to many technicians in the municipal area who know about the issue and say,
35:53but no one knew about that.
35:55They took it to the Senate, they declared it urgent,
35:58and on the same day it was approved twice,
36:02like kicking the ball.
36:04And now they bring it to the House of Representatives.
36:06I hope that the President of the House of Representatives
36:10makes the Commission listen to all sectors,
36:14because I think that the municipalities have to look for resources,
36:16I think that we have to solve the issue of solid waste.
36:19The first thing I want to know is,
36:22that solid waste handling law began to be applied in July 2021.
36:27To date, it must have handled about 6 or 7 billion pesos.
36:32What has been done with that money?
36:34Because the dumpsters are there.
36:36No, you see the country is a single dumpster,
36:38wherever you go, you go all the way,
36:40seeing how the garbage is.
36:42I ask you, the 6 or 7 billion pesos,
36:44what has been done with that money?
36:46Because for you to justify to me,
36:48greater income, you have to tell me,
36:50what has been done with that money?
36:52Because, look, I have very strong information on that subject.
36:59In a dumpster that has to be,
37:01that has been paid through the funds of the FIDEICOMISO,
37:05who supervises the amount of tons of garbage that is deposited there?
37:11And I come from the municipality,
37:13I spent 12 years in the City Council,
37:164 with Peña Gómez,
37:184 with Feyo Suburbí,
37:20and 4 with Corporal de los Santos.
37:22I know what I'm saying,
37:24I'm not going to be fooled by that.
37:26Who supervises the amount of garbage
37:28that is deposited in those dumpsters
37:30for you to later pay them in tons
37:32from the funds of the FIDEICOMISO?
37:34That's why I say,
37:36you have to tell me,
37:38those 6 or 7 billion pesos,
37:40what has been handled there?
37:42What has been done with them?
37:44What has been done with their funds?
37:46So that we don't sit down and talk about that.
37:48And it's like I say,
37:50here, you see that on the one hand,
37:52they come to you with administrative measures
37:54to generate income,
37:56and on the other hand,
37:58when things have to be transparent and upfront.
38:00In this case, I know that the government
38:02is in a difficult economic situation at the moment.
38:04Luckily the digital tax didn't pass.
38:06Let's not go to a commercial break.
38:08Because we also have to talk about politics.
38:10Of course.
38:42Let's continue this morning on Telematutino 11,
39:02talking to the Agronomist Engineer Hector Guzman,
39:04Vice President of the Dominican Revolutionary Party.
39:08And well, I'm not going to ruin the agenda
39:10because Ramon, before the break,
39:12said we were going to talk about politics.
39:14And precisely, this is a new government.
39:16It is supposed to be allowed to govern,
39:18but the opposition must do its job.
39:20And there are many who understand
39:22that the opposition is not doing it,
39:24and that it must do it in any case
39:26that it does it to contribute.
39:28How do you see the outlook?
39:30Look, Ramon, I didn't finish answering
39:32the question about food,
39:34but there is no doubt that...
39:36No, because you...
39:40Unfortunately, the best example
39:42of how agricultural production is going
39:44is that imports have increased alarmingly.
39:46You have to look for more dollars
39:48for the onion,
39:50more dollars for the rice,
39:52more dollars for the garlic,
39:54more dollars for the potatoes,
39:56to import.
39:58And remember how we have spoken.
40:00Not only for supply and demand,
40:02but if you have to bring more than half
40:04of the population to Bichuela,
40:06you have to look for dollars,
40:08and the dollar is going up.
40:10What's going to happen with the prices?
40:12So, in addition to having the problem
40:14that production has gone down,
40:16you have to use dollars
40:18in the importation of products
40:20that you could generate here
40:22at a more comfortable price.
40:24But, well, that also has to do
40:26a lot with the onions.
40:28Now, with the political part,
40:30I would tell you that it is true
40:32that the opposition has been able
40:34to organize, how to say,
40:36like the baseball tournaments.
40:38A season passes,
40:40and you have to organize the teams.
40:42We, for example, in the case of the PRD,
40:44we are reorganizing the party
40:46at the national level.
40:48We have been doing a job.
40:50First, we visited the entire province.
40:52Two commissions were created,
40:54one headed by Mrs. Peña,
40:56one headed by me,
40:58and we visited the entire province
41:00of the country to make a diagnosis
41:02After we visited it
41:04and exchanged with them,
41:06we have been organizing meetings
41:08with regional leaders.
41:10We already did one in the east,
41:12one in Azoa with the south,
41:14the province of Santo Domingo
41:16and the national district,
41:18and we also did one in La Vega
41:20with the central city council.
41:22This Saturday we are going to meet
41:24the provinces of Ocoa, San Cristobal
41:26and Peravia in San Cristobal,
41:28and we are going to conclude
41:30the entire national territory
41:32with two objectives.
41:34First, to conclude the diagnosis
41:36of what we have in each place.
41:38Second, to listen to them
41:40to hear their opinions on the evaluation
41:42of the situation and what they propose
41:44to do the work.
41:46And third, to define the action plans.
41:48This is called organizing the house
41:50because the party law establishes
41:52that every year you have to update
41:54what is called the pattern,
41:56especially the pattern of the leader.
41:58We are going to organize the house
42:00and from there,
42:02we are going to talk clearly
42:04about the growth of the party.
42:06Because the political panorama
42:08here is not defined.
42:10There are many issues here
42:12to define.
42:14It is totally temporary
42:16to talk about presidential candidacy
42:18at this time,
42:20in addition to being a violation
42:22of the laws that we have now.
42:24I am waiting for the board
42:26to approve it.
42:28Yes, but it is not of communication,
42:30it is of action.
42:32Look, here are two things.
42:34Many people in the villages
42:36have already started to talk
42:38about independent candidacy,
42:40to promote themselves,
42:42and they are all independent.
42:44And now, deputies and so on
42:46are not independent.
42:48I have been asked for an interview
42:50many times.
42:52I say no.
42:54With this campaign,
42:56it is going to take a long time.
42:58But also, not only the parties,
43:00the board has to apply measures
43:02to stop this time campaign.
43:04The publication of surveys,
43:06that is also prohibited.
43:08The board has to send it,
43:10not to the company that is promoting
43:12surveys or that has the dissemination
43:14of surveys, but to the survey company
43:16that the board has to notify
43:18and has to sanction it.
43:20It cannot be in social networks
43:22and the board knows it.
43:24But Rino, you cannot see
43:26how the government is doing.
43:28No, no, because that is another thing.
43:30We are talking about preferences,
43:32the economic situation.
43:34They always put the candy in front of you.
43:36Yes, they come to you talking
43:38about the problems of the country,
43:40but they come to you because
43:42some use it as a campaign tool.
43:44I take advantage of this program.
43:46The board has to act
43:48against the survey companies
43:50in this country.
43:52You have to register in front of the board.
43:54The board has to act.
43:56We talk to the company
43:58that is presenting it,
44:00a TV company or others.
44:02No, no, no, to the survey company.
44:04They have to notify and tell them
44:06that they have to stop it,
44:08because we cannot continue with this relaxation.
44:10If you are going to notify the parties,
44:12you have to notify the survey companies.
44:14I think that the parties have to do it
44:16and take measures.
44:18But we are talking about
44:20an independent candidacy
44:22when that has not even been regulated.
44:24You say that nothing is defined.
44:26But there is a question.
44:28Every government party
44:30with the resources it has,
44:32if the opposition is divided,
44:34it stays.
44:36In the same way,
44:38the party that is divided in power
44:40and you have experienced that,
44:44And we saw it with the PLD.
44:46And now the opposition
44:48is divided.
44:50I know that chicken.
44:52I know that.
44:54You have their genes
44:56and they have yours.
44:58As long as everyone is aspiring,
45:00the party looks strong.
45:02The conventional processes
45:04of the parties are successful
45:06depending on how they end,
45:08not how they start.
45:10You see a lot of people aspiring.
45:12It depends on how the process ends.
45:14I remember
45:16when Jacobo Maluta
45:18left the PRD.
45:20Why do you think he left the PRD?
45:22After the years that he left,
45:24I asked him very confidently
45:26why he left the PRD.
45:28He told me,
45:30I got tired of fighting.
45:32He told me,
45:34you spend two or three years
45:36internally fighting
45:38and telling yourself
45:40that when you are going to compete
45:42you are going to win.
45:44It all depends on how the process ends.
45:46Here, no one knows
45:48how the candidacy process
45:50of the PRD is going to end.
45:52But there is a survey
45:54that he won.
45:56We are many years
45:58and it is very early.
46:00The PRD has a challenge
46:02on the 26th
46:04with the election of new party
46:06authorities and then the candidacy.
46:08That is their challenge.
46:10In La Fuerza del Pueblo,
46:12their challenge is to wait
46:14to see if it is the party or the candidate.
46:16So that we are clear.
46:18And the Secretary General?
46:20That is another topic.
46:22That is a simple topic.
46:24The other topic.
46:26In the case of the PRD,
46:28you still don't know who will be the presidential candidate.
46:30And the other parties,
46:32we are the ones organizing.
46:34And we clearly know that when we are organized
46:36well, we have to have a good candidate
46:38to grow. Because the politics
46:40have changed. And here you have to have
46:42a strong party, a structure, but
46:44that already becomes the electoral machinery.
46:46What moves,
46:48what makes the parties grow,
46:50are the candidacies.
46:52And the money?
46:54Of course, that goes behind.
46:56That is the reality of Latin America,
46:58not just of the Dominican Republic.
47:00So all that is to be defined.
47:02Here, what each of us has to do
47:04is organize the house, prepare us as a party
47:06and do what Jacqueline said,
47:08a responsible opposition.
47:10Gentlemen, you can't imagine,
47:12well, you have to imagine because you live it.
47:14Here we live talking about how everything is fine,
47:16but this country is living a delicate situation.
47:18I saw a research
47:20that a company did
47:22for the private sector
47:24that worried me. The government must have it.
47:26The government must have it.
47:28That is, a research
47:30made about problems,
47:32about what people think.
47:34There are several worrying facts.
47:36Gentlemen, more than 61%
47:38of the population understands
47:40that the country is going down the wrong path.
47:42First fact.
47:44Mainly young people and the poor.
47:46Second, do you know
47:48which are the three main issues that it reveals?
47:50Some coincide with many of the surveys.
47:52In addition to the high cost of living,
47:54the issue of insecurity,
47:56Haitian migration.
47:58The Haitian issue is not easy.
48:00And here that is to be seen as, look,
48:02that is dark.
48:04One has the fear that
48:06that will be brought here and people, listen to me,
48:08there are people with weapons
48:10on the street, hanging a rifle
48:12like the April Revolution.
48:14I saw it when I was a boy here.
48:16You were walking down the street, you are very normal,
48:18why do you defend? And that is dangerous
48:20what is happening in Haiti.
48:22And we are full of people from there.
48:24And the issue of
48:26road safety. Gentlemen, what is happening
48:28with road safety in this country,
48:30we have to pay attention to it.
48:32People die every day on the highway.
48:34For example, the case of the Duarte highway.
48:36I think the government should intervene
48:38on the Duarte highway.
48:40It should intervene because there are so many deaths
48:42in accidents that it has to draw attention.
48:44That Duarte highway
48:46has become that every week
48:48people die, die, die by accidents.
48:50Something is happening there.
48:52I think the most serious thing that can happen
48:54to a citizen is death, gentlemen.
48:56And here the accidents
48:58happen every week.
49:00So I think the authorities should intervene
49:02on that road, to see what is happening
49:04and take measures to prevent those situations.
49:06What we are talking about are delicate situations.
49:08For example,
49:10the case of insecurity.
49:12Here we have...
49:14But crime has decreased.
49:16All that is theory. Ask the population.
49:18All that is theory.
49:20The authorities have to understand that one thing
49:22is what you say, another thing is what people understand and feel.
49:24Look, here,
49:26after 8 p.m. there is a kind of
49:28involuntary stay here, in this country.
49:30It's a kind of involuntary stay
49:32and people don't want to go out at night.
49:34And why? Because of the state of insecurity.
49:36Those are things that one has to see.
49:38The high cost of living.
49:40Look, gentlemen.
49:42That survey that I was watching,
49:44which is for the business sector,
49:46one of the things that rebels is that the government
49:48has to pay a lot of attention to this.
49:50People want to solve their problems
49:52from day to day.
49:54People don't have expectations of big things.
49:56It's the problem of day to day.
49:58The problem of food,
50:00of electricity, of transportation.
50:02Those are problems that have to be addressed.
50:04And we know that the government
50:06handles them with a budget.
50:08With a budget that they know
50:10that debt is one of the most serious
50:12problems that this government has.
50:14The program of loans
50:16that the government has in the budget,
50:18in addition to 5 billion dollars,
50:20is going to be used to pay interest.
50:22Do you know why?
50:24Because last year they paid interest
50:26of about 259 billion dollars.
50:28And they budgeted
50:30333 billion dollars for this.
50:34And when one says,
50:36and the rest?
50:38Well, how are we going to invest in construction?
50:40And most of the people who look for it
50:42have to take it to pay interest.
50:44When you go to capital investment,
50:46what's left?
50:48176 billion pesos.
50:50And the government has to
50:52reorient its public policy.
50:54And its investment policy.
50:56And its debt policy.
50:58You satanized the road of Samaná.
51:00You have to go back
51:02to road concessions now.
51:04This country cannot allow you to
51:06suddenly charge this generation
51:08with road construction.
51:10You have to do it, the concessions.
51:12Just like the handling,
51:14I was talking about the handling
51:16of the waste.
51:18There were prestigious companies
51:20from the United States
51:22that said, give me the dukeship
51:24that I will solve it without
51:26giving a penny to the state.
51:28And they looked for a loan of 100 million dollars
51:30to solve this issue.
51:32And I said, how is it possible
51:34that the state is going to alleviate
51:38Here you have to make a government
51:40investment policy, thinking more
51:42about all this problem,
51:44but also reorient it.
51:46Reorient what people are needing.
51:48And watch out.
51:50The president, Elio Abinadel,
51:52has to understand that a governor
51:54who is no longer going to aspire,
51:56is going to behave very seriously.
51:58We call it productive life
52:00of this type of government.
52:02We call it productive life in politics.
52:04Do you know what that means?
52:06These two years, you have the 25th and the 26th,
52:08because on the 27th each one picks
52:10a candidate, and the government
52:12is left alone, the president is left alone.
52:14In this case they don't call him Pato Cojo.
52:16No, I have lived that.
52:18I have lived that.
52:20That is, a president has
52:22one or two productive years,
52:24because the others are for politics
52:26and to pick up.
52:28No official
52:30dares to get into
52:32strong situations when he sees
52:34that the government is already missing one year.
52:36Everyone starts picking up.
52:38So, in terms of productive life,
52:40you have two years, the 25th and the 26th.
52:42And that, perhaps the president of the government
52:44has not lived it, but I am telling you
52:46that I have lived it.
52:48Whatever you do, do it now, the 25th and 26th.
52:50Because even the one who aspires to a Carlos,
52:52if he sees that in this year he does not get it,
52:54he already understands
52:56that they are not going to fulfill it.
52:58That is, all those situations occur
53:00in a government of this type.
53:02And I think the country is ahead.
53:04Here there are issues that the government has to face,
53:06thinking about the country, which are issues of the country,
53:08not of a party or a government.
53:10Go to the power plant,
53:12go to the power plant and update it.
53:14Let's go to the sectors, sit down.
53:16Because everyone knows what to do.
53:18Everyone knows what to do.
53:20Hector, unfortunately our time is up.
53:22Jaquelin and I talked a lot in the comments.
53:24We got excited.
53:26We took your time.
53:28But we have a lot of time.
53:30And if there is opposition?
53:32No, but there must be opposition.
53:34I do not agree to make it constructive,
53:36but to make opposition, that is logical.
53:38We go with Dr. Luz Rosa Estrella
53:40with her segment on psychology dedicated to the family.
53:46Today we are going to talk about a topic
53:48that is almost never touched,
53:52Even a topic
53:54that is very despised.
53:56Nobody wants to see it,
53:58or touch it, or let it happen.
54:00But what are we going to look at today?
54:02First, failure is
54:04very natural.
54:06Failure is even good,
54:08because it constitutes
54:10an opportunity to learn,
54:12to recapacitate.
54:14And it is very good,
54:16because it also helps to lower this ego
54:18that lately is very inflated.
54:22failure can be very useful.
54:24And what else?
54:26Well, in most cases
54:28we can see that failure
54:30constitutes an element
54:32for a damaged mood
54:34and even depression.
54:36So, what is it?
54:38What is the use of failure?
54:40How important is it to fail?
54:42In addition to that learning that I already told you.
54:44Well, because we can also
54:48the fact, the failure that happened.
54:50Well, we can turn it
54:52into a step, to then take
54:54one more step and go up a little more
54:56in something that
54:58we need to know,
55:00to show
55:02that we have already learned it.
55:04So, there is
55:06a little bit of the call,
55:08as a person, as a family,
55:10because there are failures, right?
55:12They are group failures.
55:14There are individual failures.
55:16So, see how we can get
55:18the most out of that failure.
55:20I think that the first thing is
55:22look, if we fail,
55:24we are already alive,
55:26and the living fails.
55:28So, understand it.
55:30But then,
55:32from there, no longer.
55:34It is already
55:36on the platform
55:38from which I learned,
55:40and now we go for more,
55:42and now we go much better than before.
55:44Better armed,
55:46better prepared for
55:48other new challenges that come,
55:50similar to that,
55:52or not so similar.
55:54But in the same way, they are positive.
55:56That is, I failed,
55:58I learn.
56:00If you have to cry, our little cry.
56:04peace with failure.
56:06And from there, what's next?
56:08We continue with the next goal,
56:10with an attitude,
56:12not only of forgetting
56:14the failure, no.
56:16I stay with what I learned from him
56:18to apply it today.
56:20We continue with
56:22Telematutilo 11.
56:57All that's left for us is to say goodbye
56:59and see you tomorrow.
57:00Have an excellent Tuesday.