• 2 days ago
Sakamoto Days Season 1 Episode 2 ,
Sakamoto Days Season 1 Ep 2 ,
Sakamoto Days
00:00Thank you! Come again!
00:30Thank you! Come again!
01:00Thank you! Come again!
01:10Thank you! Come again!
01:20Man, Mr. Sakamoto, I can't get over how badass you were the other day.
01:48I've never witnessed close quarter combat as flawless as that before.
01:51Even this far into retirement, there's nobody who can match you.
01:55You showed up, and you were like, POW!
01:58Get back to work.
01:59And you iced pretty much all of them in one hit!
02:05Beloved, I know you're not about to tell me you've gone back to killing, right?
02:12But you, like, killed all those dudes, didn't you?
02:15None of their runes were lethal.
02:17Because, sweetie, and I know you know this...
02:21Break the family rules, and I'll divorce you!
02:30I'm glad we understand each other.
02:32Now then, I'm gonna go sweep the sidewalk.
02:37So, uh, what are these family rules?
02:43Why are you always daydreaming about ways to take me out?!
02:47You talk too much.
02:52Wow, Nikita Chinatown is so big!
02:56This place is great!
02:58But there must be some place closer to home we could've stocked up, right?
03:07Can't buy more than 50 per day.
03:09Meat buns?
03:10That's what we came all the way here for?
03:13To share with Aoi and Hana.
03:20Oh, man, he loves his family so much!
03:23Say, what were those family rules Mrs. Sakamoto was talking about?
03:27Shut up.
03:28All you have to do is think about it.
03:31Then I can stop asking.
03:33Hey, get out of my way!
03:36Out of the way!
03:40Mr. Sakamoto!
03:47The meat buns are crushed!
03:50Maybe we could just dust them off a little bit.
03:53Nope, I knew we can't.
03:55There she is!
03:56You're in for it now!
03:57Come back here!
03:59You're not getting away.
04:00So quit running, you scared little cat.
04:02You're not good enough to get your hands on me.
04:05Oh, boy.
04:06Mr. Sakamoto, this looks like it could be trouble.
04:10For meat buns.
04:16Wait, this isn't the time to be worried about that!
04:29Whoa, is that Tai Chi?
04:31We gotta surround her!
04:42Come here!
04:50I've got you now!
04:52Let go of me!
04:56We can't kill her, but we can hurt her.
04:59Let's start with her legs so she can't run anymore.
05:10How'd he do that?
05:16Don't move, you piece of shit!
05:19Watch out!
05:20You're gonna die, you...
05:29What the hell?
05:30She's good.
05:32Look, she's over there!
05:33And she's got her gang with her!
05:35After them!
05:36We're not a gang.
05:38But we should run anyway!
05:39Slow them down!
05:40We're gonna die!
05:43Yuzo, how are you guys?
05:50We're gonna die!
05:51We're gonna die!
05:52We're gonna die!
05:53We're gonna die!
05:54We're gonna die!
05:55We're gonna die!
05:56We're gonna die!
05:57We're gonna die!
06:00What happened to the girl?
06:02I'm afraid she gave us the slip.
06:04She's on the run with a pair of men we didn't recognize.
06:07We'll figure out who they are.
06:09Then we can track them.
06:10So you lost her again?
06:14We already killed her entire family!
06:17We had her cornered!
06:19What was the point of that?
06:20If she gets away from us,
06:22you're worthless!
06:24I'm sorry, sir.
06:26Oh yeah?
06:27Well, I'm done with you.
06:30Get out of my sight.
06:41Check it out, Sonki.
06:43He's still trying to breathe like he doesn't know he's already dead.
06:46Little brother, stop playing around with corpses.
06:50It's undignified, Bacho.
06:54These two are insane.
06:57Listen up.
06:58That girl has a key,
06:59and I need you to bring it to me.
07:01Once I get my hands on it,
07:03I'll have control of the black market.
07:05You must catch that girl, whatever it takes!
07:08We can do that,
07:09if we can kill anyone in our way.
07:13Whatever it takes.
07:19You're from a mafia family?
07:20The Lu family?
07:22Wait, they're famous!
07:23Can you please keep it down?
07:25Why are they chasing you?
07:29To get their hands on this.
07:31What's that?
07:32It's a key to my family's secret safe.
07:34My parents entrusted it to me.
07:36Well, it's not worth dying over, is it?
07:39I'd get rid of that thing.
07:41I'd never do that!
07:45My mama and papa,
07:47they gave their lives to protect it.
07:50Xiaotang, run! Now!
07:53Hurry, there's no time!
08:02What kind of daughter would throw it away now?
08:05How could I look them in the eye when I meet them in the afterlife?
08:09Anyway, my sob story is none of your concern.
08:13Sorry I got you involved in this.
08:15I'm sorry.
08:17Sorry I got you involved in this.
08:22Here's where we say goodbye.
08:25Do you, uh...
08:26You don't know how to make meat buns, do you?
08:29What? Meat buns?
08:31Yeah, I think papa had a recipe.
08:34So I should know the basic flavors anyway. Why?
08:36Mr. Sakamoto, are you sure this is what you want to do?
08:40Hanging with her could be dangerous.
08:42Restocking the store can wait.
08:45We're helping the girl.
08:48When it's over, you can thank us by making your dad's meat buns.
08:52Those are our conditions.
08:55Who are you people?
08:58Mr. Sakamoto!
09:08Mr. Sakamoto!
09:10We wasted too much time talking to each other.
09:12These two...
09:14Great. Now we're in real trouble.
09:19Have I ever told you that you have no style?
09:22Give me a break.
09:23Why should an assassin be worried about style?
09:27Kill the target on sight.
09:29You can always arrange the corpses nicely afterward.
09:32But the problem is how you kill the targets.
09:36I swear it's like talking to a monkey.
09:38I take it you know these guys?
09:40Son He and Bacho.
09:42The twin assassins.
09:45For a fee, they'll kill anyone.
09:47And they don't ask questions.
09:48They're serial killers who take pleasure in taking lives.
09:53Disgusting creeps who bring the heads of their victims home to sketch them.
09:57Wow. I didn't know we were famous.
10:00Isn't that great, Son He?
10:02No, you fool.
10:03Hitmen should live in the shadows.
10:05You should be ashamed if you stand out.
10:07Couldn't have said it better myself!
10:11Did we upset you by killing your friend?
10:14Well, aren't you a sensitive little flower.
10:17What the hell are you talking about?
10:19You think that was enough to kill him?
10:23If you don't know Mr. Sakamoto,
10:26then you're an amateur at best.
10:27Yap all you like, little dog.
10:44Son of a...
10:46Who do you think you are?
10:53A red bean bun would be nice too.
11:14Where are we?
11:20He must be a rather powerful man, don't you think?
11:26The roof was rotting, so what?
11:28Just another asshole we get to kill.
11:33Hand the key over to us now,
11:35and your death will be a beautiful one.
11:37Sound fair?
11:38My parents trusted me with this key.
11:41I'll gladly give my life to keep it safe!
11:45But your parents said the same thing right before we killed them.
11:50You fools.
11:51Caring more about your trinkets than your own lives.
11:55That only proves how worthless you are.
11:57Shut your mouth!
12:04What are you doing?
12:07You can't let them get under your skin so easy.
12:11They can't get in that safe.
12:13Everything my family's ever cared about is in there.
12:16Mama and Papa were protecting it,
12:18when these monsters...
12:20Let me help.
12:25Now what would you do that for?
12:28Sounds to me like she wants to be with her parents again.
12:31You can't choose what's important to others.
12:34That's their decision to make.
12:38I don't get it.
12:40Why are you trying so hard to protect somebody you don't even know?
12:54You're covered in blood again.
12:57I just got back from work.
12:59You mean, you just got back from killing people, huh?
13:02How can you bear to do something so awful?
13:05I couldn't afford to buy you a present if I didn't work.
13:08Well, I don't want a present that's been stained with blood money like that!
13:14I've had enough.
13:18If I can't convince you to change,
13:20then I...
13:23Then I can't be with you.
13:36What's going on?
13:36Someone just fell!
13:39Watch out!
13:44That was higher than I thought it was.
13:46I'm glad there's snow on the ground.
13:50Don't you see?
13:51When I was falling,
13:53you were thinking about how sad you'd be if I died, weren't you?
13:57Do you get it?
13:58You wanted to save me because of how much I matter to you.
14:01Everyone has someone that cherishes them the way you cherish me.
14:06Right now, I need you to make a promise.
14:12Promise me you won't kill anyone.
14:15This is our number one rule.
14:17And to make up for the lives you've already taken.
14:20From now on,
14:21you'll devote yourself to helping people instead.
14:30Bleeding stopped.
14:32No killing, Shin.
14:36Right, Mr. Sakamoto!
14:38Quit acting like you're so cool, amateur!
15:16Turns out you're not half bad.
15:21Bacho, time to use it.
15:23Alright, big brother. Let's do it.
15:31I am part special technique!
15:33Tofu Scramble!
15:37Prepare to be shredded!
15:45Mr. Sakamoto, are you okay?
15:48Pulled a neck muscle.
15:50Here, this should help.
15:53How did he dodge us?
15:54No one's ever escaped our Tofu Scramble.
15:58And he's huge.
15:59How could he be completely unscathed?
16:03Bacho, time for the other one.
16:05Alright, big brother. This will get him.
16:09You're only the third person to witness this one.
16:13I am part special technique!
16:22You bastards!
16:27My Chakram's supposed to be unbreakable.
16:30And he shattered it.
16:32It's impossible!
16:37Been a while since I held something that heavy.
16:40Kinda hurt.
16:41Your hand! Let me bandage it.
16:43Damn it!
16:44I'm not gonna worry about them anymore.
16:47I'll just kill the woman!
16:49I can hear everything!
17:10Okay, I'm gonna ask again.
17:13Who the hell are you guys?
17:18Just shopkeepers.
17:22I don't get it.
17:23But I guess I don't have to, huh?
17:25Come on!
17:26What the hell are Bacho and Sonny doing?
17:29A treasure is right behind these doors, and yet...
17:32I can't get in!
17:34Until those two maniacs bring me the key.
17:36Special delivery!
17:40Bacho! Sonny!
17:44Who the hell are you two?
17:45What's my security doing letting you...
17:47Shut up.
17:48Don't say another word.
17:50Who is that?
17:52I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done it!
17:55I'll do anything you ask!
17:57Anything! Please!
17:58I want my mama and papa back, but you can't do that, can you?
18:02Ask for forgiveness in hell.
18:12That's all you're doing?
18:13You sure that's enough?
18:15How about a little more, just in case?
18:19Why do you have to think about killing me all the time?
18:22Don't get carried away.
18:26This is plenty.
18:30If I killed every person who'd done me wrong, you'd never stop.
18:33Papa always said to live a happy life.
18:36That's the best revenge.
18:43Hey, lady, how long does it take to open a door?
18:45Don't be so rude. And don't call me lady.
18:48I have a name.
18:49It's Liu Xiaotang.
18:51This lock is tricky because it's such an old key.
18:57Hey, look at that. You got it.
18:58What's inside?
18:59Why are you going in before I do?
19:05Gold and silver and...
19:08Books, CDs and stuffed animals?
19:11There's all kinds of stuff here.
19:14Oh, an inventory?
19:18What do we have here?
19:19Every generation's family ahead
19:22must offer their greatest treasure to the Liu family vault.
19:25Okay, so everything in here came from a different family head.
19:29I wonder what Papa left behind.
19:38Care to share with the class?
19:40Sake to drink with Xiaotang when she comes of age.
19:46He always put me first.
19:49Hello? What does it say?
19:53It says that this is the most delicious bottle of sake in the world.
19:57Have some, as thanks for your help.
20:01Okay, but it better be as good as you say.
20:06I can't believe you held on to those, Mr. Sakamoto.
20:09What are they?
20:11They all got smashed.
20:12Yeah, because you jumped on them.
20:14Didn't hurt to taste.
20:20Oh, wow.
20:22Japanese meat puns aren't too bad, are they?
20:50I want to run away somewhere
20:54And try to kidnap you
21:00I'll be fine
21:03Because you'll be by my side
21:19Southerly winds blow
21:21My feelings for you are getting stronger
21:24I want to hold you tight
21:27and never let you go
21:31It's not like you're normal
21:36You smile as if you're normal
21:40I wish I could tell you how much I love you
21:46No, I was just laughing next to you
21:52I was just laughing next to you
22:16Bossman, the apron's a perfect fit
22:18Wait, what the hell are you doing here?
22:20Where else am I gonna work?
22:22He hired me to make meat buns
22:24You have a mountain of treasure, why do you need to work?
22:26I can't just sell off my family heirlooms like that
22:29Ya dumbass
22:31What'd you call me?
22:32Would you prefer dipshit?
22:34Keep it down, I'm begging you
22:36Oh, I almost forgot
22:38Hey, Mr. Sakamoto
22:40I heard your story, about why you quit killing
22:43Who told you?
22:46You were thinking about it during the fight yesterday
22:49I just wanted to tell you that it really moved me
22:53You're part of the family now, so you need to follow the rules too
23:03Rule number one, never kill anyone
23:06I'll kill you if you break them
23:08You can't, it's against the rules
23:11To be continued
23:15This came from the JAA
23:18They've put a substantial bounty on the big guy
23:22A billion yen
23:40To be continued
