Sakamoto Days Season 1 Episode 4 ,
Sakamoto Days Season 1 Ep 4 ,
Sakamoto Days
Sakamoto Days Season 1 Ep 4 ,
Sakamoto Days
Short filmTranscript
00:00I cannot stand big crowds let's get this over with so we can go home quit clowning around
00:29don't treat this like it ain't a big deal we're hard boiled for this one boiled don't
00:37you talk down to me like you're all that who do you think you are that's emotional harassment
00:42watch it what what did i do you weren't watching where you're stepping obi guro huh could have
00:49killed an ant my target is the only life i take that's my motto you think you're so hot
00:58he's so hot one more thing what now your feet hurt need a breather and so sweet
02:37Okay, get it over with hurry up and do it quit squirming and I will hurry it up
02:44You whiny baby's medicine. It's good for you. Now. Come here. I still have to put some in your other eye
02:49You're lucky this guy just happened to have the antidote on him. Yeah standard practice when you're working with poison
02:56Who are you working for?
02:59If I answer that question, will you let me go?
03:03This knife does it have poison on it?
03:07Hey, Lou, what do you do?
03:10Every second. I'm pouring out one drop of the antidote start talking if you want me to stop
03:16Wait, I still need some for my other eye. I
03:20Was hired by a company called domed in Chi Limited a shady assassin agency that specializes in one-man operations
03:28Of course in the underworld. I guess they're all shady
03:31Aren't they for all that bluster about death not scaring you I didn't take much to get you to talk
03:36I didn't say I wanted to die
03:39This is just a paycheck as far as I'm concerned. I don't have any company loyalty or anything. Are you a
03:46JAA assassin. Yeah, of course. What's the JAA?
03:53Here my old license
03:56Japanese Association of Assassins an
03:59Organization that regulates professional hitmen. Mr. Sakamoto and I used to be in it
04:04There are about 400 registered pros in Japan. It looks just like a Japanese driver's license
04:10Yeah, but these are a whole lot harder to get you look awful in this picture. Give it back
04:16Sakamoto I have a question for you. If you don't mind I
04:20Heard you used to be a member of the order
04:23That's true. What's he talking about?
04:27I'll be damned. It's not just an urban legend
04:36We were wondering where you three had disappeared too, I don't know about you, but I'm getting hungry
04:45What have you been up to oh
04:47The guy from the show earlier was practicing his rope escape magic trick and we wanted to watch how cool you were great today
04:58Sounds great. I saw a nice place to sit over there. I can't wait to see what you made for us, Hana
05:08I hope you understand if I take these things with me. Don't mess with us again. Got it
05:13Huh, you're not gonna kill me. No, of course, we're not we came here to have fun
05:18They don't call this place an amusement park for nothing
05:41Thank you
05:44Did you say what you wanted
05:52What a bunch of weirdos
05:57That's the point of all this anyway one more ride and I'll go home
06:06What's the matter nothing that antidote is just making me a little woozy
06:12I don't think I can read minds anymore today. What you're a danger detector. It's never happened before I swear
06:20Man, it's too dangerous. We should go. I'm sorry. I've never felt so useless
06:27Excuse me
06:31You're all acting very strange you're not hiding something are you?
06:42Ah, there's something weighing on your mind happy to lend an ear Tatsu
06:50Where do you think you are slinking off to naughty boy I could answer that question if I could get air in my lungs
06:57You're a lot heavier than you look
07:00Still the smart mouth brat. I remember
07:03What is it? What are you thinking? The girl shouldn't sit with her legs spread like that
07:11Like where am I supposed to look, you know
07:16So what do I owe the privilege boiled and they'll be guru
07:20We heard you needed help changing your diaper. I swear. It's like chaperone in a field trip
07:27Lucky for you. We showed up or don't think I probably would have given you the axe
07:31Literally. Yeah. Thanks a lot. Mm-hmm. I can hardly wait. It's the legend himself
07:37Taro Sakamoto, I forgot you ain't never met him before
07:44It's starting to make my scar ache wait if it's making your scar ache did Sakamoto give it of course not I just fell as all
07:53They've got kind of a wacky vibe, but I'm not fooled
07:57Two years ago. This duo took out over a hundred people in the Balkan conflict all by themselves
08:03don't think I as martial arts masters, I
08:07Those weirdos are done for
08:10No, no, we're not hiding anything. Why in the world would we should be hiding anything? Oh, what's it the Onigiri?
08:15Did it not agree with you? Are you still hungry? Was it not enough?
08:22The Onigiri was delicious and we're having the time of our lives Anna. Uh-huh. This guy's having so much fun
08:28He fell off the roller coaster. Oh
08:31That's good, I'm so glad you're all okay now
08:34We think we know what our next stop is if you're up for it, of course, we can go anywhere you want
09:00Mr. Sakamoto, it doesn't look like there are any threats in the area. We're in the clear. It's a nice bright open space
09:06Conditions that aren't suitable for assassination
09:08Here we are
09:10It's the haunted house
09:12Drying conditions for assassination
09:14Welcome friends to the hospital of terror
09:16The vengeful spirits of the dead
09:18We're here to save you
09:20We're here to save you
09:22We're here to save you
09:24We're here to save you
09:26We're here to save you
09:28We're here to save you
09:30Vengeful souls of patients carved up by a mad doctor haunt these halls
09:36Careful now, no one's ever walked through here and lived to tell the tale. Oh, my heart's beating out of my chest
09:44It's scary, huh mommy?
09:48Huh, what you got there my anxiety medication
09:54Scaredy cat
09:57Now I hope you enjoy your stay
10:08All right, I think it's about time for a horror show of our own
10:26I can see why it's japan's number one haunted house. This is impressive. Yeah, nice attention to detail
10:35Good news your family's having a great time stay focused, right? Not a problem
10:43Watch out
10:48Wait what
10:50Why did he stop moving?
10:52He pretended to be scared so they wouldn't see him when he fought back mr. Sakamoto's the best
11:00It's scary, huh, what's that?
11:04Oh, it's his hitman license
11:07He must be a rookie. He hasn't had it very long. Well, if that's all they've got left
11:11I'd say that means we've got nothing to worry about
11:14If that's all they got left
11:18Hmm for a guy of his size he moves pretty well
11:23Now I want to find out what he's capable of when he really has to try
11:29Just imagining it it's giving me the shivers you don't mess with him
11:35I'm gonna hard boil his ass
11:38The sound of that thing is driving me crazy that stress workout habit of yours can't possibly be good for you
11:45Don't worry. I'm not gonna get in the way of your good time. He's an old friend of yours, isn't he?
11:57He ate my friend a guy like that he couldn't be
12:05Hey there you're sakamoto, yeah
12:10I've heard about you word is you're a lot stronger than you look
12:15Friend of mine said you steamrolled him in field training the other day. I had to see for myself
12:21Uh, you don't need to worry I ain't looking for revenge or nothing
12:29Stone cold killer. I like you you're hard-boiled
12:34Me and sakamoto were two of a kind we started spending time together not just in classes or on assignments
12:44You know sakamoto
12:46It's valentine's day for the regular people of the world too bad
12:50A couple of hard-boiled guys like us. We ain't getting no chocolates from no girls
12:56Excuse me sakamoto
12:59For you, I made these chocolates myself and I borrowed some empty bullet casings from your favorite 44 magnum to use as the molds
13:14I got all this chocolate from the girls in the assassination department
13:18Hmm who's that guy no clue
13:25If you want any of it the chocolate's yours
13:28I didn't take any from the girls in the poison department though. Hey move your ass
13:41I really thought me and sakamoto were two of a kind
13:44But it turns out he wasn't hard-boiled after all
13:48He's got a grudge against this guy
13:50I see what's going on
13:52This is a job that means something to you because you're trying to settle an old score. I'm shivering
13:57I am not
13:58I ain't trying to settle nothing. I love it when he acts tough. It's so hot
14:07How many people did they hide in this place cost of labor yikes
14:14I want to go home. I don't like it here
14:19This is the most fun i've had in my whole life just as you'd expect from a sakamoto
14:24Unlike you hana's got nerves of steel
14:27Leave me alone
14:29I can take it
14:31Geez, what is that stuff? Anyway?
14:35An old family remedy to keep evil spirits away
14:40I thought you called it medicine. That's straight alcohol
14:56Keep it down. You're so loud. Why'd you have to open the damn door?
15:06We're getting separated
15:32Out of the way
15:34Long time no see remember me sakamoto. Can't say I do. Where's my family?
15:44I'm gonna show you hell
15:47When we're done here you will remember me not that I care one way or the other
15:55Hana mr. Sakamoto
16:03They're only unconscious. Ah
16:06Looks like I drew the short straw
16:09The little ones always leave me feeling unsatisfied
16:12Who the hell do you?
16:18Come at me grandma. These moves have been passed down for four thousand years. You mean tai chi a drunken fist
16:26You're weak
16:28Well, well, aren't you a lively one?
16:31You're giving me the shivers
16:36You really don't remember me sakamoto that's hard to believe I said I don't give it a rest
16:43Now, where's my family?
16:45Well, that's fine with me because I barely remember you either
16:50Just so you know
16:52Answer the question
16:53If you lost something find it yourself
16:56What do you think? I look like your mama?
17:22You disappoint me sakamoto
17:32Sound like it started keep your eyes on the prize grandma
17:40You're not half bad
17:43That was a nice punch it had just the right amount of spice what'd you say that said
17:50You'll have to do better
17:53I'm gonna be sick
17:57All right
17:59If I felt so inclined I could finish both of you off in no time at all
18:04But that wouldn't be very satisfying for me
18:08so instead
18:13What are you doing get off me i'm gonna motivate you to try a little harder
18:20Based on personal experience people reveal their true potential when they have no other choice
18:30The rules are simple from now on you have to make contact with me once every 10 seconds
18:36If you can't manage that i'll have the boy shredded to pieces
18:42Your time is already running out makes you shiver, huh?
18:48I'll never be able to do that. Goodbye
18:53Now she's a sad drunk
19:03You've been out of the game for a long time now
19:07You feel it sakamoto
19:09You just got hit by the five-year gap
19:12between me and you
19:15It's sad really back in the day you were about as hard-boiled as they come
19:23No sense fighting back
19:25not with my signature super ball bombs aka
19:31and my rocket dynamite punch aka
19:37I can hit you from any distance at any angle
19:41Bet you forgot that too. Didn't you so lame? Hey sakamoto nagumo. Look at this
19:50You put dynamite inside this canister and the explosion propels your fist forward sick shit, huh? Oh
19:57Interesting. What'd you call it? It's my rocket dynamite punch for just rdp
20:04That's lame you should just call it super punch super. Oh, maybe I could use that for my super balls
20:12All these names are so lame
20:14Punch is all you need what why super punch? I used to look up to you
20:22All your missions were flawless girls gave you chocolates, but now look at you you're weak the shadow of the man you were
20:31And I can never forgive you
20:36You're half-assed can't even protect your family all you are is a top of lord
21:04It's been real sakamoto
21:17So long to the good old days
21:24What was that I feel a bloodlust in the air potassium perchlorate 10 grams
21:31Ammonium nitrate 4.8 grams
21:3520 grams penthrite
21:373.5 grams nitro glycol. He knows what my super ball bombs are made of
21:44I remember now boiled
21:52From here on i'm not holding anything back
22:30I want to get out of here and try to take you away
22:37Ah, I'll be fine, because you'll be by my side
22:49I want to hold on to these days when our feelings overlap
22:55I want to hold you tight, I want to never let you go
22:59Even though you're not normal
23:06I want to tell you that I love you
23:10When you smile so normally
23:16No, I want you to smile with me
23:22I want you to smile with me