• 18 hours ago
Welcome to my channel! 😊 POSITIVE VIBEZ ONLY PLEASE 🦋

Beyond excited for this new journey and cannot wait to share it with you guys, let’s keep growing !🤍
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#LilJerz #vlog #pregnancy #genderreveal #liljerzgenderreveal


00:30We're parents.
00:31Prediction, what's your prediction?
00:32I don't know.
00:33I just, I want a healthy baby.
00:34I'm excited.
00:36I think I'm really expecting a boy.
00:37I'm really 50-50.
00:38I don't know.
00:39I want a boy just because I'm a boy, but I'm 50-50.
00:40Oh, wow.
00:41He finally admits it, guys.
00:42I heard you were going to jump in the pool if it's a boy.
00:43Not anymore.
00:44I got tatted yesterday, so I'm not jumping in the pool no more.
00:45We love you.
00:46We will always love you.
00:48And you are so loved.
00:49You literally have a baby.
00:58And you are so loved.
00:59You literally have a village behind you, and I cannot wait to meet you.
01:03I'm going to cry.
01:05Jersey and Anthony just want one big simple request.
01:09Everybody's welcome to film and take pictures and everything, but please do not post what
01:15the gender is or any type of smoke on the, or whatever is on the floor.
01:20Don't post.
01:22Nothing colorful.
01:26It's this Jersey and Anthony baby shower video.
01:28Damn, I should have got my glasses.
01:36Guys, I'm an ugly crier, okay?
01:38This shit is four minutes of all this.
01:40I can't believe we're having a baby.
01:41We have Rodney.
01:45Oh no.
01:46Ladies and gentlemen, have you had your attention?
01:48Did you get it?
01:49Yes, of course.
01:50Is this, I'm going to find my phone.
01:51Who put this?
01:52What is going on?
01:53Probably your dad.
01:54Have you heard the good news?
01:56What is it?
01:57I'm having a baby.
01:58I'm pregnant.
01:59I'm going to have a baby.
02:02Oh my God.
02:07What the hell?
02:08Baby, my baby.
02:09Shut up.
02:10That's so exciting.
02:11Oh my God.
02:12Okay, it's happening.
02:13Holy shit.
02:14There's a baby in there?
02:16How did it get in there?
02:17Who wants to know how?
02:18Where do babies come from?
02:19Who made it?
02:21Who made it?
02:22I don't know.
02:23What is it?
02:24A boy or a girl?
02:25It's a boy.
02:26It's a girl.
02:27It's a boy.
02:28It's a boy.
02:29It's a girl.
02:30It's a boy.
02:31It's a girl.
02:32It's a boy.
02:33Definitely boy.
02:34The suspense is terrible.
02:35Let me get to the point.
02:36Dad, I'm not ready.
02:37Do you really want to know?
02:40I can't take this no more.
02:41Fine, I'll tell you.
02:42Everyone pay attention.
02:43Not the moment.
02:44Not the moment.
02:45Not the moment.
02:46Not the moment.
02:47Not the moment.
02:48Not the moment.
02:49Not the moment.
02:50Not the moment.
02:51Not the moment.
02:52Not the moment.
02:53Not the moment.
02:54Not the moment.
02:55Not the moment.
02:56Not the moment.
02:57Not the moment.
02:58Not the moment.
02:59Not the moment.
03:00You've all been waiting for the countdown.
03:01Wait, are we going to find out what it is?
03:03Hi, daddy.
03:05I want to say I love you.
03:06I can't picture what happened.
03:07I know you are the best for me.
03:10I love you, Mom.
03:14I can't imagine it's all just a word from you, Mom.
03:17They study for me.
03:24They can study!
03:27I always hear your heart, Mama.
03:30Like music.
03:36When Daddy talks to me, I get super happy.
03:41I'm so excited to meet you.
03:44I love you, I'm excited to meet you.
03:46Is it a girl because it's a girl voice?
03:51I love you.
03:53I love you.
03:55Okay, everybody get to the grass!
03:59Oh my gosh, they're popping them?
04:01Oh my god.
04:04I'm right here, I'm right here.
04:05Ugh, my makeup is ruined.
04:07Is my makeup ruined, Nina?
04:09Wait, where are we supposed to be at?
04:13Where are we looking?
04:16Yo, is that part of it?
04:18Shut up.
04:19Hey, y'all gotta get over here to pull up.
04:21You're lying.
04:22Are you so-
04:23Wait, are you guys being deadass?
04:27What the-
04:28You're ruining it.
04:29Bro, what?
04:34Wait, do we look this way?
04:36Where do I look?
04:38There's no-
04:39No way.
04:40No way.
04:41Bro, you guys are insane.
04:43Yo, that's lit, I ain't gonna lie.
04:45What the-
04:46Okay, come on.
04:48Yo, the suspense is real!
04:50Oh, shit!
04:52Anthony, I'm so scared.
04:54Yo, just go!
04:55I don't know what to record.
04:56I don't know, Anthony, I can't see.
04:59I can't see because of this thing.
05:04Can you see it?
05:27Oh my god!
05:29Oh my god!
05:32Can you believe that?
05:35Can you believe that?
05:37My face is crying now.
05:40I can't even do it.
06:11I was expecting a boy, you're nice, oh, bro, this is crazy, I'm like, oh my god, oh that
06:28pulled up earlier, the same helicopter, oh my gosh, thank you, oh lord, guys, this, that's
06:37crazy, I need like two shots right now, that was about the most craziest, I was not expecting
06:45that, honestly, when we walked over here, I thought we were just doing poppers, and
06:48I was like, okay, bet, that it was crazy, I low-key, I low-key figured once they had
06:52it, the video, once it was a girl voice, a little girl voice, that's what I thought too,
06:58okay, I literally looked at him and I said, is it a girl voice, because it's a girl, and
07:02he just didn't hear me, it's just a baby voice, dance it off, dance it off, I'm sober, 30
07:14days, baby, did you take one, you took one, nah, re-sun, all right, we're excited about
07:21our little mija, our granddaughter with green eyes, by the way, green eyes, green eyes,
07:25juicy lips, big booty, big booty, all right, and smart as hell, smart, her brain is big,
07:30oh, it is big actually, it didn't bubble, it didn't bubble, it's okay though, yes, cheers,
07:43to so much pink in our lives, oh my gosh, I'm so excited, I've been waiting for you
07:49for so long, I have four boys, and I wanted a girl, and Jersey girl brought me, she's
07:56gonna have six uncles, yes, no, five, pardon justice, oh yeah, because Anthony's a dad,
08:01Anthony's a dad, yeah, five uncles, he just said, I'm just broke, I'm forever gonna be
08:06broke, yes, yes you are, they're gonna, Anthony's gonna be a dance dad, a cheer dad, maybe she'll
08:11play flag football, yes, I can tell her, soccer, she's never gonna want for anything, she's
08:17gonna have all the love in the world, all the love, and her Grammy will always get her
08:22hair done for her, yeah, always, always, I'm gonna learn how to braid real good, I
08:27told you guys straight from the jump, Jersey and Anthony know, I am like, I think I'm 100%
08:32free throw accuracy on studying these ultrasounds, because I can tell by ultrasound if it's a
08:37girl or a boy, and I just, I straight up knew it was a girl, I told you guys, I never changed
08:42my answer, everyone was like, come on, you think it's a boy though, for real, and I was
08:45like, nope, it's a girl, so congratulations, I'm excited for you guys, and I can't wait
08:49to meet her, now we can say her, Jersey and Anthony, I am so happy for you guys, and I'm
08:54proud of you guys, I know you're gonna be great parents to your baby girl, and I just
09:00can't wait to see what's to come, love you guys, I can't wait for this baby, and I'm
09:06so glad that it's a girl, and that I can't wait to be your cousin, and taking you to
09:13Ota and all the girly places.
09:16Aww, what about you?
09:18Have a niece.
09:19That's it?
09:20I am just so excited that she has a girl, and I'm just excited to have some fun with
09:25Jersey and her baby, I'm just excited that we have a cousin, I'm just so excited.
09:31Congratulations, Anthony and Jersey, I knew it was a girl all along, but I know you guys
09:35are gonna be great parents, and I'm so excited!
09:38Congratulations, I knew it was a girl, I've always seen a girl, I never switched up, I'm
09:44so excited, you guys are gonna be such great girl parents, this is so exciting, I cannot
09:49wait to start shopping!
09:52I wanna say congratulations, very proud of you two, and very excited to be with you guys
09:59during this journey, I knew it was a girl, she knew it was a girl, and hey look, all
10:04I gotta say is, Anthony, get your pockets ready, cause now you're about to have another
10:09one of these girls in the mix, and they're expensive, trust me, love you.
10:14We are just so very excited to have another little girl, you're gonna be a wonderful mother,
10:20and Anthony, you're gonna be a wonderful daddy, we cannot wait.
10:25We're very happy for both you guys, and we'll have a little boy the next year, okay?
10:30We love you guys, bye bye.
10:32My new baby girl, this is your great grandma, and we can't wait for you to come into the
10:38world, you are going to have an amazing life, love you, all ready!
10:42Congratulations Jersey and Anthony, grandma's really happy for you, and I'm so glad it's
10:48a girl, wish you all the best, very very happy, love you all, even the baby!
10:53I'm the original papa, I'm the one that started all this mess here, and I'm proud of it, and
10:58I have nine grandbabies, six or eight great, the more the merrier, I love them all.
11:03Hi baby, it's your Thea Bree, I'm so excited to meet you, and spoil you, and love you,
11:10and yeah, I can't wait, I'm gonna start crying.
11:14Me too baby girl, I'm so excited to meet you, and dress you up, and put you in the cutest
11:18little outfits ever, you're a baddie already, trust.
11:21Hi pretty girl, I can't wait to meet you, and I love you so much already.
11:25Hi, it's Thea Nisi, and you are already so loved, and you are going to be so spoiled,
11:30I promise you.
11:32Hello baby girl, I knew you were a girl from the moment she told me that she was pregnant,
11:36I literally said you're gonna be a girl, and you are a girl, so, just know you have the
11:41best mom ever.
11:42I can't wait to tat you in 18 years.
11:45Mother daughter tat?
11:47Hi titis baby, it's Nina, and I just wanna let you know that you are already so spoiled,
11:52and so loved, and you have the best mommy ever.
11:54Also, I also knew that you were a girl from the minute I seen you at Galentines, love
11:58you already.
11:59Team girl!
12:18Baby girl!
12:20Baby girl!
12:21Are we ready?
12:22Cut it.
12:24We're getting married!
12:25I'm just joking.
12:26Alright, let's see.
12:27Baby girl!
12:29It's lowkey hard.
12:32Maybe I should just go like that?
12:34You should've went all the way down.
12:35Should I go all the way down?
12:36Alright, I'm going all the way down.
12:37I've never cut this big of a cake before.
12:43It's not pink!
12:44It's confetti!
12:46Oh, it's pink right there!
12:49That's pink!
12:51Actually good, I ain't gonna lie.
12:53Thank you for the cake, baby girl.
12:55Well, I got everybody to come watch, and it's kind of telling.
13:00What is it?
13:01Oh, yeah.
13:02Alright, we'll see if this actually works.
13:04I don't know.
13:05Okay, you go.
13:06Just go cause it's pink.
13:10Ruining it!
13:11It's still not pink!
13:14It's pink right there, y'all.
13:15Okay, it's pink right there.
13:16It's pink right there.
13:17Okay, I'm gonna take a bite.
13:18Let's try it though.
13:22It's pink somewhere.
13:23It's got pink in it.
13:24It's good though, huh?
13:26Brie, my bestie right here, she literally made strawberries.
13:28She did so much freaking stuff for everything, and I just love her.
13:31She's such a good friend.
13:38Baby girl!
13:39We're really having a girl, brother!
13:41Baby girl!
13:44Alright, you guys.
13:45This is the end of the video of everything that you guys have seen.
13:48Literally, I have just trusted Nick to record everything, and I'm just still in shock that
13:55I'm literally having a baby girl.
13:57I'm literally gonna have a mini me, and that's actually insane to think about.
14:02But I'm so happy, and I cannot wait to meet her already.
14:06I'm happy to finally be able to say her rather than just the baby or whatever.
14:12Thank you guys so much for supporting and being along on this journey with me, and I
14:17love you guys so much, and hope you enjoyed the video.
