• yesterday
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup melesat 1,55 persen ke 6.647,45 pada sesi I perdagangan Rabu (12/3/2025).

Sepanjang perdagangan IHSG mampu bertahan di zona hijau dengan rentang gerak di 6.545,85-6.654,23. Nilai transaksi menyentuh Rp4,57 triliun, dengan volume 95,53 juta lot.


00:00And in the next episode, we will look at the closing data of IHSG in the closing of the one-day trading session, as you can see on the screen.
00:14Welcome to the SDO, entering the top gainers list, including BBRI, BMRI, then BBCA and also GOTO, with their respective strengths of 2.11%, then 1.68% and 2.5%.
00:29And the top losers are Wi-Fi with a weakness of 11.7%, PTRO with a weakness of 3.45% at level 3080, then data with a weakness of 24.91% at level 1100, and Raja with a weakness of 8.5%.
00:49We move on to the sectoral movement, the leaders of the sectoral movement, technology leads the strengthening with a strengthening of 5.71%, steel goods strengthening 0.79%, then property weakening 0.88% and industry weakening 0.19%.
