• 10 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “La nostra aspettativa è quella di dare un background ai ragazzi del mondo in cui andranno a lavorare. LetExpo è il luogo ideale, il più ampio per acquisire competenze perché trovano la diversificazione dei comparti del ramo del settore trasporto e logistica”. E’ quanto affermato da Emanuela Di Luca, direttrice ITS Mobilità Sostenibile Ortona, in occasione della quarta edizione di LetExpo - Logistics Eco Transport, il grande evento fieristico per i trasporti, la logistica e i servizi alle imprese, con attenzione alle attuali dinamiche geopolitiche e alla sostenibilità ambientale, economica e sociale.


00:00What are your expectations for the future?
00:04Surely our expectation is the same as always,
00:07that is, to give a background to the young people of the world in which they will go to work.
00:11And this is certainly the ideal place, the widest choice,
00:17the ability to choose, the ability to acquire skills,
00:21because they find the diversification of the departments
00:25in the field of logistics transport,
00:27from the maritime one to the military one,
00:30to that of the intelligent systems, of mobility,
00:34to that of the transport of goods on the road,
00:36but also of the interportal and port areas,
00:39so they can touch with their hands the real business and infrastructural realities
00:45in which they will be able to give their contribution
00:49as operators and employees of these companies.
00:54The companies operate in the national and international field,
00:58so the young people are fascinated by the knowledge of more realities,
01:03by the knowledge of more roles and functions,
01:05they do not feel detached from the world of work,
01:08on the contrary, they feel involved and they also have a greater awareness
01:13when they have to choose their professional profiles,
01:16when they have to choose who they will be in the future, what they will live,
01:20and I always say, guys, choose the department, the segment that suits you the most,
01:25that pleases you, because it is a dynamic world,
01:28in which problem solving is a basic element,
01:32in which global competition continuously changes the dynamics of the company's life.
