• 2 minutes ago
Simple changes to you shopping and driving could massively reduce your household spend.
00:00£1 billion worth of loyalty points are just sat in accounts being unused. And approximately,
00:07you could say they've got about £19 in unused loyalty points. So it's really a call to action
00:13for everyone to basically say, if you've got a loyalty card of anything, go and have a
00:18look to see if there is any money on there. One of my favourite tips is whenever you're
00:22shopping online for clothes or gifts, for example, if you do a little trick where you
00:28add items to your online basket, and then you basically abandon them, you don't go ahead
00:32with the purchase, you leave it in the basket and go and do something else for a few hours.
00:37Retailers are now sending out emails basically saying, you've left stuff in your basket,
00:42here's a coupon to get you some money off that item. So when it comes to loyalty cards,
00:46it's probably worth signing up for all of them because loyalty cards in general, most
00:50of them do send you coupons or offers just for being signed up to them. So another tip
00:55that I recommend you do is basically to sign your whole family up for birthday freebies.
00:59So if you know your birthday is coming up, sign up for basically everything, the email
01:04schemes because retailers will send you deals, coupons, discounts to get you money off their
01:09items. And this can add up to quite a bit of money once you've signed up to all of them.
01:14A little tip for that as well, I've set up a separate email so it doesn't spam my normal
01:19email account with a load of different offers, so I miss my normal emails. But if you can
01:23set up a free email account for free, get all of these offers into your email account,
01:27then hopefully you'll save a bit of money there. If you are driving as well, I've got
01:31a few tips that will help you save some money on your fuel bill. So if you wanted to drive
01:37more efficiently and increase your miles per gallon in a car, because the price of fuel
01:42is so high at the moment, this can actually add up to hundreds or even thousands of pounds
01:45worth of savings over the year. So there are three tips that can help with your fuel economy
01:50and miles per gallon. The first one is if you can drive at 60 miles an hour rather than
01:5670 miles an hour, that can add up to quite a bit of money saved because your car is more
02:00fuel efficient at a lower speed. So if you don't have to be anywhere in a rush, you can
02:05do that. If you see a red light or a traffic light or a roundabout up ahead, if you lift
02:10off the accelerator before you get to that place and not just use a heavy right foot,
02:15then that can save you quite a bit of money. And also, if you brake slowly as opposed to
02:20brake suddenly, you know, sort of drive up to a roundabout and then just stop. If you
02:23brake suddenly, that can save you quite a bit as well. And because the price of fuel
02:27is so high, that can really add up.
