Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta terus berupaya mengantisipasi terjadinya banjir rob, yang diprediksi akan melanda pesisir Jakarta pada 28 dan 29 Maret mendatang. Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Pramono Anung memerintahkan jajarannya untuk mengaktifkan 200 titik pompa air di wilayah Jakarta, dan juga akan membangun tanggul di tiga titik utama.
00:05Jakarta's provincial government continues to anticipate a flood
00:11which is predicted to hit the coast of Jakarta on the 28th and 29th of March.
00:16Jakarta's Governor-General, Pramono Anung, has ordered his government
00:20to activate 200 water pumps in the Jakarta region
00:24and will also build a dam at the three main points.
00:31Jakarta's provincial government continues to anticipate a flood
00:36which is predicted to hit the coast of Jakarta on the 28th and 29th of March.
00:41One of the efforts that will be done is to activate water pumps in 200 locations in Jakarta.
00:47Meanwhile, to prevent the flood from hitting the north of Jakarta again,
00:50the Governor-General of Jakarta will build a dam at the three main points
00:53such as Muara Karang, Cilincing and Muara Baru.
00:56The project will be carried out after Eid.
01:00On the 28th and 29th of March, there will be a flood.
01:05And for that, I have ordered our government to anticipate from now on.
01:14At Muara Karang, Muara Baru, Cilincing and so on,
01:22the water pumps must be activated from now on.
01:25Once the flood occurs, the pumping will be carried out
01:31and we have prepared approximately 200 water pumps.
01:36Hopefully, the effort can have a positive impact for the people of Jakarta
01:41in handling the flood that has not yet been resolved.
01:45Jakarta Pusat, Ranistona Sanjaya, IDX Channel
01:52Jakarta Pusat, Ranistona Sanjaya, IDX Channel