0:00 - Introduction
2:00 - Inside Israel’s Information War on Americans
5:00 - How Israel Exploits U.S. Resources
7:30 - How Israel Shapes American Perception
10:50 - The Victim Narrative as a Shield
15:00 - Israel’s Greatest Weakness
In this video, we delve into Israel's ongoing information war against the American people—a calculated strategy aimed at shaping public perception and securing billions in U.S. taxpayer dollars. Drawing from Israeli historian Ilan Pappe's revelations in Lobbying for Zionism, we uncover how military-style propaganda units target American minds and manipulate media narratives to portray Israel as the eternal victim.
We also explore shocking statistics, such as how Israel receives more U.S. aid than 17 American states, and dissect the deeply ingrained biases in mainstream media coverage. Why is this happening? What does Israel gain from controlling American empathy? And most importantly, how can we push back?
Stay tuned as we break down the Israeli lobby's tactics, their $150 million social media influencer campaign, and what it truly means for the U.S.-Israel relationship. It’s time for Americans to reclaim their resources, demand accountability, and end the exploitation once and for all.
📌 Highlights:
- Ilan Pappe's insights into Israel’s info war strategy
- Shocking media biases and distorted narratives
- The financial toll of U.S. aid to Israel
- What we must do to fight back and spark change
💡 Join the conversation:
Let’s expose the truth, educate others, and hold those responsible accountable. Together, we can take a stand and make a difference.
#IsraelLobby #AmericanTaxpayers #PoliticalAnalysis #TruthMatters #BreezyPolitics #AIPAC
2:00 - Inside Israel’s Information War on Americans
5:00 - How Israel Exploits U.S. Resources
7:30 - How Israel Shapes American Perception
10:50 - The Victim Narrative as a Shield
15:00 - Israel’s Greatest Weakness
In this video, we delve into Israel's ongoing information war against the American people—a calculated strategy aimed at shaping public perception and securing billions in U.S. taxpayer dollars. Drawing from Israeli historian Ilan Pappe's revelations in Lobbying for Zionism, we uncover how military-style propaganda units target American minds and manipulate media narratives to portray Israel as the eternal victim.
We also explore shocking statistics, such as how Israel receives more U.S. aid than 17 American states, and dissect the deeply ingrained biases in mainstream media coverage. Why is this happening? What does Israel gain from controlling American empathy? And most importantly, how can we push back?
Stay tuned as we break down the Israeli lobby's tactics, their $150 million social media influencer campaign, and what it truly means for the U.S.-Israel relationship. It’s time for Americans to reclaim their resources, demand accountability, and end the exploitation once and for all.
📌 Highlights:
- Ilan Pappe's insights into Israel’s info war strategy
- Shocking media biases and distorted narratives
- The financial toll of U.S. aid to Israel
- What we must do to fight back and spark change
💡 Join the conversation:
Let’s expose the truth, educate others, and hold those responsible accountable. Together, we can take a stand and make a difference.
#IsraelLobby #AmericanTaxpayers #PoliticalAnalysis #TruthMatters #BreezyPolitics #AIPAC
00:00Last year alone, Israel received more U.S. taxpayer dollars in aid than 17 American states.
00:08Moving money from American pockets to Israeli pockets.
00:12Why does a tiny foreign country in the Middle East, surviving off American charity,
00:17have such a powerful stranglehold on our government here at home?
00:22In this video, we'll explore why the Israeli lobby, why did the Israeli Prime Minister,
00:27why did Israel, why was JFK, again, why?
00:31The one conversation the Israeli lobby fears the most.
00:36And it doesn't take a genius to see why.
00:43Hello everybody and welcome to Brizzy Politics.
00:46As Israel's genocidal war on Gaza seems to pause,
00:49I want to take this chance to talk about the one war Israel never stops waging.
00:54And that is its informational war against the American people.
00:59It's common knowledge by now that the Israeli lobby led by AIPAC
01:02has for decades been wielding enormous influence over what Americans can see,
01:08hear or read about U.S. policy towards the foreign country of Israel.
01:18Creating an informational environment that reflects on a healthy level of allegiance
01:23to this foreign country.
01:24However, the shocking horrors of Israel's holocaust in Gaza,
01:28exposed primarily through alternative media sources like social media,
01:31has given millions of Americans their first real look at Israel's ugly face.
01:39In this video, we'll explore why the Israeli lobby considers controlling American public opinion
01:45as key to continue exploiting American resources for Israel's benefits.
01:50How it's orchestrating this campaign to shape the American mindset towards Israel.
01:56And most importantly, what can we do to push back?
01:59Let's get to it.
02:04In his recent book, Lobbying for Zionism, renowned Israeli historian Ilan Pape
02:09reveals the inner workings of how Israel orchestrates its informational wars.
02:14It turns out that the Israeli government,
02:17in partnership with the Israeli lobby in the United States,
02:20creates military-style units staffed with leading experts, demographers, historians,
02:27sociologists, propagandists, all with a singular goal,
02:31waging informational wars against the American people.
02:35Israel has colonized the minds of Americans.
02:38If you have been keeping up with this topic,
02:40you have probably come across reports from major Israeli outlets like the Times of Israel
02:45about how the Israeli government, in coordination with the Israeli lobby,
02:49has allocated a staggering $150 million to recruit social media influencers
02:56right here in the United States.
02:58Having already cemented their dominance over mainstream media,
03:01they are now trying to replicate that success on social media.
03:04And it doesn't take a genius to see why.
03:06The atrocities of the Holocaust in Gaza haven't just shattered the fairytale image of Israel,
03:11but also sparked the one conversation the Israeli lobby fears the most.
03:17An honest look at the damage Israel and its lobby have inflicted on America itself,
03:24which led to the circulating of some very uncomfortable questions about Israel.
03:29Like why does a tiny foreign country in the Middle East,
03:32surviving off American charity,
03:34have such a powerful stranglehold on our government here at home?
03:39Why was JFK in the middle of monumental challenges that he was facing,
03:43a threat of nuclear Armageddon with the Soviet civil rights movement at home,
03:47and countless other pressures?
03:48Why was he still working with a sense of urgency
03:51to register AIPAC, then known as AZC,
03:54to register AIPAC as a foreign agent right before he was assassinated?
03:59Why did the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in 2002 stand before Congress,
04:04look the American people in the eyes,
04:06and lie about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction
04:10just to drag the United States into fighting his enemy in a war
04:14that cost countless American lives and trillions of dollars?
04:19There is no question whatsoever
04:22that Saddam is advancing towards the development of nuclear weapons.
04:26No question whatsoever.
04:28They lied.
04:29They said there were weapons of mass destruction.
04:31There were none.
04:32And they knew there were none.
04:33Why did Israel attack the USS Liberty,
04:36killing and maiming hundreds of American soldiers?
04:39And the list goes on and on with questions that,
04:42whenever raised,
04:43the blood pressure of Israeli lobbyists raises along with them.
04:46But why?
04:47Why does the Israeli lobby care so deeply
04:50about what Americans think of Israel?
04:52Why does it go to extraordinary lengths
04:55solely to control the American perception of Israel?
05:03To understand why the Israeli lobby sees the battle
05:05to control what America thinks of Israel as an existential battle,
05:09we need to cut through the noise
05:10and get to the core of the so-called special US-Israeli relationship.
05:15What is the one thing that defines it?
05:17The one thing that, without it,
05:19this special relationship wouldn't exist?
05:21And the answer is
05:23moving money from American pockets to Israeli pockets.
05:27That's what this relationship is all about.
05:29And everything else,
05:30the shared values rhetoric,
05:31the only democracy in the Middle East,
05:33our best friend and ally,
05:35is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
05:38Carefully crafted distractions designed by Israeli experts
05:42to convince the American public of one single idea.
05:47That is, it's somehow in America's interest
05:50to funnel billions of dollars to Israel every single year.
05:54And they've been incredibly successful in doing that.
05:58Take this for example.
05:59According to Brown University and the World Popular Review,
06:02last year alone, from October 2023 to September 2024,
06:06Israel received more US taxpayer dollars in aid
06:10than 17 American states.
06:13In other words,
06:14the Israeli lobby succeeded in pushing the US government
06:17to funnel more money to the foreign state of Israel,
06:20$22.7 billion,
06:23than it gave to 17 American states.
06:27More than Massachusetts,
06:30New Hampshire,
06:31North Dakota,
06:32South Dakota,
06:33Rhode Island,
06:36and Alaska.
06:37All these states shown in the map
06:39have received less money
06:41than the foreign states of Israel last year.
06:45Yet, in my opinion,
06:46the lobby's greatest success
06:48isn't just in siphoning US resources to Israel,
06:51but in ensuring that the US media
06:53portrays these exploitations as routine,
06:58nothing to report about,
06:59or sometimes even something to celebrate.
07:02They managed to make our media reflect
07:05not the American perspective on these policies,
07:07but Israel's.
07:08And if you doubt that,
07:10try finding a single American mainstream outlet
07:14that questions how giving Israel more money
07:17than 17 American states
07:20benefitted the struggle in American families here at home.
07:22You won't,
07:23because it's not in Israel's interest
07:26for anyone to question these operations.
07:32What concerns the lobby
07:34is that when they cannot control
07:36what Americans can see,
07:39and read,
07:40Americans overwhelmingly
07:42oppose using their tax dollars
07:44to fund the crimes of some apartheid states
07:47in the Middle East.
07:48So by banning TikTok
07:49and restricting freedom of speech
07:51on other social media platforms,
07:52the Zionist lobby wants to drag us back
07:55to the good old days,
07:56when the only narrative Americans were allowed to hear
07:58or to know about Israel
08:00was the one that of
08:01Israel is our best friend and ally.
08:03And to give you a glimpse
08:04on how successful the lobby has been
08:07in keeping Americans in the dark
08:09about the whole Israel issue,
08:10take this for example.
08:12In 2017,
08:13the Washington Reports on the Middle East Affairs
08:15conducted a survey
08:16asking people in Western countries
08:18what do they know about Israel.
08:20the United States was the only country
08:23where most respondents
08:24believed that it was Palestine occupying Israel,
08:28not the other way around.
08:29It's like it was Palestinians
08:30who came from Poland and Ukraine
08:32trying to establish their state on Israeli land.
08:36It's insane.
08:36It's absurd.
08:38But it's no accident.
08:40This misconception is the result of
08:42decades of carefully orchestrated Zionist propaganda
08:46designed to imprint the image of Israel
08:48as the eternal victim in the American psyche.
08:52If you were wondering
08:53how did they manage to pull that off,
08:55listen to this.
08:56In 2009,
08:57a scholar named Stephen Marmora
08:59analyzed US media coverage
09:00of Israel's occupation
09:02of Palestine
09:03and uncovered a deeply troubling pattern.
09:06He found that the death of an Israeli baby
09:08receives 25 times more coverage
09:11than the death of a Palestinian baby.
09:1325 times.
09:15set aside for a moment
09:16the glaring racism and dehumanization
09:18this statistic reveals.
09:21think about the impact
09:22this kind of coverage
09:23has on the average viewer's perception.
09:26Picture this.
09:27You're a nurse,
09:28a teacher,
09:28or an electrician
09:29coming home after a long day of work
09:31and catching the news.
09:32The story covers two children
09:34tragically lost in Palestine,
09:35one Israeli and one Palestinian.
09:37Yet for every mention of the Palestinian child,
09:40there are 25 mentions of the Israeli child.
09:43For every image of the Palestinian child,
09:45there are 25 images of the Israeli child.
09:48For every minute spent on the Palestinian victim,
09:5125 minutes are devoted to the Israeli victim.
09:55This isn't just distortion of reality,
09:57it's reshaping reality
09:58in the minds of the American people.
10:00And it doesn't stop there.
10:01The study also found
10:02that 71% of the stories
10:04portraying Israelis as victims
10:06made front page headlines
10:08compared to only 4% for Palestinian victims.
10:12This study is not only a clear example
10:14on how the Israeli lobby
10:15employs American media
10:16to shape what Americans think of Israel,
10:18and not only explains
10:20why many Americans
10:21in the Washington Reports survey
10:22mistakenly believed
10:24that it was Palestine occupying Israel,
10:26not other way around.
10:27But more importantly,
10:28it reveals a deeply troubling pattern.
10:31This type of media coverage
10:33is meticulously designed
10:35to ingrain, implant, and perpetuate
10:38Israel's victimhood narrative
10:40in the minds of everyday Americans.
10:42Why does the lobby
10:44go to such great length
10:45to portray Israel as the eternal victim?
10:53The answer to this question
10:55reveals the shrewdness of the Israeli lobby.
10:58See, the lobby understands
10:59a profound psychological truth.
11:01Empathy breeds altruism.
11:03When we see someone as a victim,
11:05we're naturally inclined to help them,
11:07even at our own expense.
11:08This phenomenon known as
11:10empathy-induced altruism
11:12is well documented in social psychology.
11:15Therefore, by investing
11:16in promoting Israel's victimhood narrative,
11:19the lobby secures a powerful return.
11:22American empathy.
11:24Which then the lobby masterfully exploits,
11:27converting it into
11:28billions of dollars in annual support.
11:31In other words,
11:32by flooding the media
11:34with Israel's victimhood narrative,
11:36they ensure Americans feel an emotional pull
11:40to support Israel.
11:41Or at the very least,
11:42avoid questioning the billions of dollars
11:45that get funneled every single year
11:48from American pockets to Israeli pockets.
11:52And that's why if you paid close attention,
11:54you will notice a weird recurring pattern.
11:57Anything that happens to Israel or Israelis
12:00is always framed within the narrative
12:02of continuous victimhood.
12:04If there is a flood in Israel,
12:05it's the worst flood since the Holocaust.
12:07If Israeli soccer fans
12:08got into a fight in Amsterdam,
12:10it's not just the typical violence
12:11between soccer fans,
12:12it's the pogroms in Europe all over again.
12:15If an Israeli caught spitting
12:17and got a spitting ticket,
12:18that might be because he was spitting
12:20or it might be because
12:22antisemitism is on the rise.
12:24And nobody explained it better
12:26than the brilliant Israeli journalist Gidon Levy
12:29when he said,
12:30We, the victims,
12:31not only the biggest victims,
12:32but the only victims around.
12:35I don't recall one occupation
12:36in which the occupier present himself as the victim.
12:40Not only the victim, the only victim.
12:41Poor us.
12:43And as the victim and the only victim in history,
12:47again, it enables us the rights
12:48to do whatever we want
12:50and nobody is going to tell us what to do
12:52because we are the only victims.
12:54This relentless victimhood narrative
12:56ensures that Israel is always viewed
12:58through the lens of victimhood,
12:59regardless of the context or the circumstances.
13:02And I don't know about you,
13:03but I personally find nothing more despicable
13:07than exploiting people's beautiful feelings
13:09of empathy towards you
13:11just to get a hand on their cash.
13:14Unfortunately, it took a holocaust in Gaza
13:16to finally crack the victimhood narrative
13:18that the Israeli lobby spent decades
13:21constructing in the United States.
13:23The horrific footage of Israeli soldiers
13:25burning and beheading Palestinian babies
13:27alive on camera
13:29and in bragging about that on TikTok
13:31shook billions of people around the world
13:34and Americans were not immune to that.
13:36Therefore, as Israel's victimhood facade
13:39shattered in the United States
13:41and millions of Americans
13:42got to see for the first time its true nature,
13:46the tone of the conversation
13:47surrounding the Zionist state shifted dramatically.
13:51It went from Israel is our best ally
13:53to why are my tax dollars funding a holocaust in Gaza
13:57to why the F are we giving billions of dollars
14:00to this foreign country at all?
14:02See, once the empathy-induced altruism faded,
14:05once Americans realized
14:07that Israel was never a victim
14:09but an apartheid occupier
14:11led by war criminals,
14:13a state that in 2025
14:16finds itself in the same position
14:18as Nazi Germany after World War II,
14:21standing trial for genocide.
14:23Therefore, once the ugly face of Israel was exposed,
14:27the relationship with Israel began to be seen
14:29through a more rational and critical lens.
14:32This specific shift in American perception
14:36sent the Israeli lobby into a full-blown panic
14:40and rightfully so.
14:53What is often overlooked in discussions about Israel
15:06is its greatest vulnerability,
15:09its total dependence on the United States.
15:12Out of 193 countries in the world today,
15:16none of them rely on another for their existence
15:20as much as Israel relies on the United States.
15:23This very dependency
15:25that has given Israel immense strength until now
15:28is also its greatest vulnerability.
15:32Because if America woke up tomorrow and said,
15:34you know what?
15:34Thinking about it,
15:35it seems like JFK was right all along.
15:38It's time to honor his legacy
15:40and finish the job he started,
15:42the job, some might argue,
15:43he was assassinated for,
15:45registering AIPAC as a foreign agent.
15:48Enough is enough.
15:49Israel has drained our resources
15:51and cost us trillions of dollars over the years.
15:54From now on,
15:55the money that's been sent to Israel
15:57will be invested right here at home,
15:59creating jobs for Americans
16:01and improving the quality of life
16:03for the American people.
16:05If enough Americans took this stand,
16:07it would be a matter of time
16:08before AIPAC loses its ability
16:10to exploit American empathy
16:12for Israel's financial gains.
16:14And that loss would deal a blow to Israel
16:17unlike anything we could imagine.
16:20And nobody understands this better
16:22than the Israeli lobby itself,
16:25which is why it's working over time
16:27to suppress this specific conversation
16:31using every tool at their disposal,
16:34starting with banning TikTok
16:35to pressuring states and social media platforms
16:38and college administrations
16:40to adopt rules that stifle criticism
16:43of the Israeli government.
16:44Just think about that for a second.
16:46A lobby of a foreign country
16:48pressures American institutions
16:51to enact laws specifically crafted
16:54to prevent Americans
16:56from freely questioning the actions
16:58of that foreign country.
17:00This is unheard of.
17:01And now they're rolling out
17:02a $150 million campaign
17:05to recruit pro-Israeli influencers
17:07here in the United States,
17:09all with the same goal
17:10to ensure Israel continues draining
17:13American resources.
17:15Israel has driven so many American wars.
17:18These have been at huge cost
17:20to the United States,
17:21cost of trillions of dollars,
17:23cost geopolitically.
17:25They have never apologized
17:27for dragging the United States
17:29into countless wars in the Middle East,
17:32spending trillions of dollars,
17:34running up US debt,
17:36and doing what?
17:37Creating chaos.
17:40So, what do we do?
17:41We need to finish the job
17:43that JFK started on October 31st, 1962
17:47and register AIPAC as a foreign agent.
17:50Because only when AIPAC
17:52is officially recognized
17:54for what JFK identified it to be,
17:56a foreign agent,
17:58will politicians who truly stand up
18:00for Americans have a fair chance
18:02to serve their constituents
18:04and their country
18:05and not bow to a lobby
18:07of a foreign country
18:08of fear of facing
18:09tens of millions of dollars
18:11weaponized against them
18:13in their next election.
18:14I introduced legislation
18:15that would stop arms sales
18:16to Netanyahu.
18:18We got 19 votes,
18:19which observers thought
18:20was very significant.
18:22But if you stand up,
18:24you're going to find that AIPAC
18:26are going to go to war against you,
18:27putting huge amounts of money
18:28in a primary in your general election.
18:30So, it's not a question of not understanding.
18:32There are many members of the Senate
18:33who will come to you privately and say,
18:35my God, what Netanyahu is doing is outrageous.
18:37I just can't vote
18:38because money is going to come
18:39and destroy my political career.
18:40Registering AIPAC as a foreign agent
18:42would pave the way
18:44for more leaders
18:44like Republican Thomas Massey,
18:46Independent Bernie Sanders,
18:48or Democrats Jamal Bowman
18:49and Cori Bush,
18:50leaders who,
18:51whatever you agree with them or not,
18:53paid the price
18:54for refusing to bow
18:56to the foreign government of Israel.
18:58Obviously, registering AIPAC
19:00as a foreign agent
19:01is no simple task.
19:02The lobby is more entrenched
19:04and powerful now
19:05than it was in Kennedy's time,
19:07making this fight
19:08even more challenging.
19:09But let's not forget
19:10that this is a nation
19:11that kicked out
19:12the British colonial rule
19:13over some taxes on tea.
19:16Surely it can take on a lobby
19:18that has drained trillions
19:20of US dollars.
19:22We are 63 years overdue
19:24in getting this done.
19:25JFK must be turning in his grave
19:28seeing the damage AIPAC
19:29has inflicted on the country
19:31he loved to death.
19:32It's time we honor his fight
19:34and let them rest in peace.
19:37Thank you for your time.