00:00Put your phone in your pocket, boys.
00:04Leave it in there.
00:21Have a look in over there.
00:23The other guy's still got it on his back.
00:31Mark Barnfather.
00:38Mark Barnfather.
00:40First of all, you're under sitting arrest, section 24A.
00:42The reason being, you've come to meet what you believe to be a child.
00:46Second of all, the police have been informed and the police are on their way.
00:49Last but not least, we have predator exposure and we've just exposed your fucking house.
00:53Get your hands out of your pockets.
00:56Right, do you want to tell me where you're on your way to now, Mark?
01:00I was just on my way out, see.
01:02Yeah, where were you going? Don't say any names. Where were you going to?
01:07To see someone.
01:08First of all, we're not here to hurt you.
01:11You understand that?
01:12So you're under no harm whatsoever?
01:14Yeah? Do you want to tell me where you were going?
01:17To see someone that I'd met on the internet.
01:19How old was she?
01:21No, she wasn't 16. Do not start fucking lying to me.
01:24How old was she? I'll ask you again.
01:26I'm not sure.
01:28You are sure, because she told you numerous of times.
01:30How old was she, what? Now, how old was she?
01:33She said she was 14, but...
01:35Right, now we're getting somewhere.
01:37I thought she was older than that.
01:38You thought you did, but you thought wrong.
01:40So let's not lie, alright?
01:44Who's glasses are them?
01:46Not your mam's?
01:48Are you sure?
01:50First of all, so do you want to tell me
01:52what you've been saying to this 14-year-old child?
01:55Can I just say, stop filming, please?
01:57No, you can't.
01:58Can I say, stop fucking, leave our kids alone?
02:01What do they call people like you, Mark?
02:05What do they call people like you, Mark?
02:07Not very nice names.
02:08Not very nice name?
02:09Peter Pyle?
02:13Yeah, old nonesy bollocks.
02:15You wanted a bubble bath.
02:17Saw a bubble bath.
02:18No, I didn't.
02:19Hold on.
02:20Let me rephrase that.
02:21Saw a bubble bath.
02:23Damn, I was going to help you.
02:24Bet you look good in a swimsuit.
02:26You need a hand, I'll keep my eyes closed.
02:29I might fall over and fall in the bath.
02:31You have a nice bath.
02:32Shame we could not share.
02:34Top and tail or on my lap.
02:36Listen, nonesy bollocks, are you listening?
02:38I'm talking to you.
02:41In fact, first of all, what I'm going to do,
02:43because, are you remorseful for what you've done?
02:45Yes, I am.
02:48This is a nonsaliser.
02:49A what?
02:50Yeah, a nonsaliser.
02:51What's that mean?
02:52It analyses your breath,
02:56of each breath, micro, millimetres of breath that comes through.
03:00It's just going to tell me if you're a fucking nonsanal.
03:02So what I'd like you to do, Mark,
03:04I'd just like one continuous blow into the nonsaliser.
03:07I can tell if you're blowing.
03:08Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow.
03:15One second, just let it analyse.
03:17Yeah, stop.
03:18You are a paedophile.
03:22Fucking hell.
03:23Last blow, don't spit on me hands.
03:25Have you got condom on you anyhow, haven't you?
03:28Aren't you? Are you sure?
03:30Right, blow.
03:31Big blow, big blow, big blow.
03:33Keep blowing, keep blowing, keep blowing, keep blowing.
03:36Yep, stop.
03:39Just let it analyse.
03:41100% dirty nonce.
03:44You're a fucking nonce, mate.
03:46What can I say?
03:50You fucking are Dame Edridge.
03:53Do you know who Dame Edna is?
03:54Barry Humphreys.
03:56Barry Humphreys.
03:58That's Lily Savvy.
03:59No, it's not.
04:00That's Dave Denper, actually.
04:01Is it?
04:03What is it?
04:04Pull your hoodie on.
04:06What the fuck is going on?
04:07How old are you?
04:09You're not 46.
04:11You're 46?
04:12You've had a nice fucking paper round you, haven't you?
04:15Haven't you?
04:16Have you had a wash this morning?
04:20Are you sure?
04:22Did you brush your teeth?
04:24Show me.
04:27Not a proper...
04:30Go like that.
04:32I don't think you brushed your fucking teeth.
04:34I can smell your breath from here.
04:35Keep your hands out of your pockets.
04:36Keep your hands out of your pockets.
04:37Just put your hands...
04:38Have you washed your clothes?
04:40Not today, no.
04:42These are clean on.
04:43They're clean on?
04:45Are you taking the fucking piss?
04:47What's that say on your top?
04:49True blue.
04:53Look at the fucking clip of that.
04:56I bet you'll look downstairs.
04:58In time, you will find out how to pleasure yourself.
05:01Play with your private parts.
05:03Maybe you should look...
05:05Maybe you should look...
05:06Can I sit on a chair, then?
05:07Yeah, sit down.
05:08Yeah, sit down.
05:09Maybe you should look...
05:10That's clear, you do.
05:11Is that chair?
05:13How come you were sending her pornographic videos?
05:17I don't know.
05:18I just was.
05:19By the way, Angel Decoy.
05:22Smashing it.
05:23What's Angel Decoy?
05:24Well, say hello to Angel.
05:26She's watching you now.
05:27Who's Angel?
05:28The little girl who you've been speaking to.
05:31Say hello to her.
05:33I don't want to.
05:34You don't want to now, why?
05:37Cos she's not a little girl, that's why.
05:38Cos she's not a little girl?
05:39She's a fully grown-ass woman,
05:41and she catches people like you.
05:43Angel Decoy, a big shout-out again
05:45for catching this dirty fuck.
05:48Scruffy cunt.
05:49You're going to meet someone like that.
05:53Can you imagine what fucking Clipper House is like?
05:55Look at Clipper, you.
05:58I'll send you a little video.
06:00You send more pornographic videos.
06:02That's what I mean.
06:03Play along.
06:04It's pleasurable.
06:05Send more porn links.
06:07You keep sending a fucking child loads of porn links.
06:12Are you a...
06:13What's the word?
06:15Fucking wanker?
06:18We'll go for prolific.
06:20What's prolific?
06:24Or habitual.
06:26What does that mean?
06:34You should have gone to fucking Specs here, didn't you?
06:37You cunt.
06:38Have a good look.
06:39You'll learn stuff.
06:40You send more pornographic videos.
06:43When you get older, you will find out.
06:45When you get older, I could show you.
06:47You have to learn some way.
06:49Not off of bastards like you, they don't.
06:52You were going for the bus then, weren't you?
06:54Going to meet her.
06:55Guess what?
06:56She's not on a train,
06:58and she's not real.
07:01So you've been talking to an adult all along.
07:04We've seen your tickle-tackle,
07:06your tally-whacker,
07:07because you sent a picture of your erect penis, didn't you?
07:10You mucky fucker.
07:12Are you looking at me
07:13when I'm speaking to you?
07:14Look into this camera,
07:16and you promise not to do it again,
07:17because you look sincere.
07:18I promise you.
07:19Wait, wait.
07:20I haven't finished my spiel yet.
07:21You look like you're sincerely sorry,
07:24and you won't do it again.
07:27Look into this camera,
07:28and fast.
07:29Stand up.
07:31What I want you to do,
07:34Keep your hands out of your pockets.
07:37I'll lean against the wall.
07:38I want you to see how fast you run
07:41if we let you go now.
07:43Show me.
07:44How fast.
07:45If you're fast.
07:47Yeah, I am fast.
07:48Yeah, look at the camera.
07:49Say, am I fast?
07:50I'm fast.
07:51Really fast.
07:52Would anyone catch me?
07:54No one would catch me.
07:55We just fucking caught you, you bellend.
07:56Haven't we?
07:57No one would catch you.
07:58No one would catch you.
07:59Look into this camera.
08:00Give me 30 seconds.
08:03Make me believe you're not going to do this again,
08:05and we'll fuck off.
08:07You best make me believe you're not going to do it again.
08:10Your 30 seconds starts now.
08:14I won't do it again.
08:15I'll delete all my accounts.
08:16Delete everything.
08:17I won't never do it again.
08:19I'll never go on the internet again.
08:20I promise I'll never, ever do it again.
08:23I'm very, very sorry.
08:24I'm very, very, very sorry indeed.
08:27I really am sorry.
08:28Now, look at me.
08:30Tough you dirty bastard.
08:31You're going nowhere.
08:32All right, you're getting locked up.
08:33Yeah, you're going to be arrested today.
08:37All right.
08:38Sit down.
08:39Stay there, Pete.
08:40Do you want it?
08:45Are you crying there?
08:48Are you on the sex offenders register?
08:50Are you sure?
08:52How many more children are you speaking to?
08:54So you're just speaking to one child?
08:55Well, I didn't know it all.
08:57You're saying you didn't know.
08:59Stop fucking lying.
09:01Mucky Mark.
09:02All right.
09:04I only wear boxes at night, unless I have company.
09:08Them really hot lot.
09:10So, what are you sleeping?
09:12A nightie?
09:13When older, it will look better on the floor.
09:16Ha ha.
09:17So when you're 16 then, give you a back rub.
09:21See if I can find something to watch to help my urge.
09:26You mean porn, don't you?
09:28So what did you mean?
09:29You didn't mean fucking telly tubbers, did you?
09:32I didn't mean porn, no.
09:33Well, what urge did you have?
09:35To pull your cock?
09:37No, nothing like that.
09:38Stick a finger up your bum?
09:40No, not like that, no.
09:41Finger bum, finger bum wank?
09:43Pokey bum wank.
09:44Pokey bum wank?
09:45What's that?
09:46It's where you poke your bum and have a wank at the same time.
09:49Stinky finger.
09:51Never had that one before.
09:52Haven't you?
09:53Give it a try.
09:54You never know, you might like it.
09:56I'm not saying I've ever had a fucking...
09:58What are you laughing at?
10:00I'm not saying I've ever had a pokey bum wank.
10:02You know I'm not.
10:03What are you lying for?
10:05See, hold on.
10:07Being forward, telling you, I need a woman.
10:10Yeah, you need a woman.
10:12This is a fucking child.
10:15Mucky mark.
10:16You understand me?
10:19What are you doing there?
10:20Why are you making squeaky noises?
10:22I'm just upset, that's all.
10:24I'm a fucking male.
10:26Where's your tears?
10:27Where's your tears?
10:29Upset because he got...
10:30Oh, wait, let's have a look.
10:31Let's have a look at your tears.
10:33Show us them tears.
10:34Show us your sad face.
10:36Hold on, let's see your sad face.
10:37Show me your happy face.
10:39Sad face.
10:41Proper happy face.
10:43Is that your happy face?
10:45Right, proper sad face.
10:47Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:50You're young and innocent.
10:52Try Google it.
10:53Sort of sexy videos.
10:55You sent another pornographic fucking link.
10:58When you're older, you will understand.
11:00When you turn 16, why don't you be a stripper?
11:08Jeans string on.
11:09I'll put notes in, lol.
11:11Just top off, not bottom.
11:14So, five pound notes.
11:16You're a big spender.
11:17What are you going to get for fiver?
11:19You won't even get a no teeth for that.
11:21What's no teeth?
11:22Tenor with teeth.
11:24Yeah, 15 with teeth, tenor with no teeth.
11:27What do you mean?
11:28A brass.
11:29What's a brass?
11:30Gas cooker.
11:32Bag of eyeballs.
11:34Oh, alright.
11:35Yeah, alright.
11:37And what fucking clip are you, mate?
11:39I don't even think you'd get one of them.
11:40What's a clipper?
11:43What clip are you?
11:44What do you mean?
11:45State of you.
11:46Oh, right, OK.
11:47No, I'm not just saying your hair.
11:48Oh, right.
11:49Your face.
11:53Look at me.
11:54Look, where the fuck did you get them glasses from?
11:57Vision Express.
11:58Vision Express.
11:59They saw you coming a long way, didn't they?
12:01No, Asda ones, actually, because I like pink.
12:04You like pink?
12:07Are you into boys and girls?
12:11Are you sure?
12:13Not wrong if you are.
12:14I'm just asking.
12:15You just sound a bit...
12:18I was getting a little horny, sorry.
12:21That's why I was flirting.
12:23Why are you flirting with a fucking child?
12:26Well, I didn't know she was a child.
12:28You did, because she already said she told you she was 14,
12:31so that's a child.
12:32Have you got a girlfriend?
12:34No, not at the moment, no.
12:36Not at the moment.
12:37You used to be a manager, didn't you, at fucking Asda?
12:40Did you work at Asda?
12:42You are definitely a back foot of a team as well.
12:46What do you mean, back foot team?
12:48You back foot of a team, definitely.
12:50What do you mean?
12:51We're both sides.
12:52Are you bottom or top?
12:54What do you mean, bottom or top?
12:55Do you push back?
12:57I don't play football, I don't like football.
12:59Are you a giver or are you a receiver?
13:01I don't play American football either.
13:03You don't play American football?
13:05So would you prefer to be...
13:07I don't know what you mean.
13:08Mammy or daddy?
13:10Well, females don't play American football to get hurt.
13:13Yeah, well, I suppose they do.
13:15That's why you don't play it.
13:17Explain what you mean, I don't know what you mean.
13:19Do you push back?
13:21Depends if I'm a quarterback.
13:23Yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:24You know what I mean?
13:25I don't understand what you mean.
13:26I'm just saying, would you push back?
13:27Push back?
13:28Or do you push forward?
13:30Depends what position you play.
13:32On all fours?
13:34You're not on all fours in football, though, are you?
13:36You will be in jail.
13:38So if they ask you in prison,
13:40do you want to be mammy or daddy,
13:42what would you prefer to be?
13:44I don't know what you mean.
13:46If they said you're in a prison cell...
13:49Leroy gets you and says,
13:51do you want to be mammy or do you want to be daddy,
13:53what would you say?
13:57Pick one.
13:58I'd be the son.
14:00I don't want to be a mum or dad.
14:02You'd be the son.
14:03Right, listen.
14:04Leroy just gripped you in prison.
14:06If you answer this right, I'm fucking off.
14:08He says, do you want to be mammy or daddy,
14:10what would you want to be?
14:11I don't understand what you mean.
14:13Give or receive.
14:14I don't get what you mean.
14:16Well, you'll fucking know what he means when he grips you.
14:21You in a gym skirt,
14:23make sure you're wearing knickers.
14:25All I can say is easy access.
14:31Talk about school and homework.
14:34You talk about a school and a homework.
14:39It'll be so long before I have sex.
14:42You haven't had sex in a while, have you?
14:45Do you like to dance to Beyonce?
14:49Do you like her, though?
14:51One day...
14:52I like musicals.
14:53You what?
14:54I like musicals.
14:55Do you?
14:56Do you know any musicals?
14:59Which is your favourite one?
15:00Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Starlight Express.
15:04Yeah, Chess.
15:05Fiddler on the Roof.
15:06Do you know that?
15:07Fiddler on the fucking roof.
15:09Fiddler on the roof.
15:10That's a bit ironic, isn't it?
15:12Can you sing?
15:14Can you do that fucking...
15:16What's that thing called?
15:19Can you do one?
15:20Show me your best one and then I'm off.
15:22Heavy up.
15:23Show me your best one.
15:24Yeah, come on.
15:25Heavy up, then we're going, boys.
15:26Come on, it's freezing out here.
15:27It's fucking freezing.
15:28Show us your best one.
15:29Come on, then we're off.
15:32Do one of them.
15:33Whatever they're called.
15:34That where you jump and cross your leg.
15:36Yeah, yeah, go on, then, and I'm off.
15:37Heavy up.
15:38Heavy up.
15:39I like that.
15:40Get up, then.
15:45Let's have a look.
15:46Don't put your hands up like that.
15:48Put your hands up.
15:49Come on.
15:50Yeah, man, that's all right.
15:52I can do it better than that.
15:54Come on, then.
15:55I've got a problem.
15:56I'm all inside here, mate.
15:57Right, listen, you're not going to speak to any kids anymore, are you?
16:00No, I promise to that.
16:01You promise?
16:02I promise.
16:03Are you going to delete all the accounts?
16:04Yes, I will.
16:05Right, listen, we only come to give you a stern warning.
16:07Do you know what I mean?
16:08You know it's wrong, don't you?
16:10Yes, I know it's wrong.
16:11And you shouldn't be speaking to children, really.
16:14Do you know what I mean?
16:16I'll just do that last time, then I'm off.
16:18Don't blow spit all over my hands, though.
16:20And this will just tell you something.
16:23All right, this is just going to give you one final warning.
16:26I'll just program it in.
16:28Yeah, it'll give you a warning.
16:34Deep throat.
16:35Deep throat.
16:38Deep throat.
16:39Go on, deep throat.
16:40Oh, yeah.
16:41Oh, yeah.
16:42That'll do.
16:44You dirty, greasy, nonsense bastard.
16:48You're fucked.
16:50You're fucked.
16:52Right, we're going to go now.
16:56Don't do it again.
16:57All right, can I just get...
16:59Because normally when we catch these, we've got one who's got to a nine.
17:03Can I get your best, oh, yeah?
17:06Go on.
17:07Oh, yeah.
17:08No, put some effort into it, mate.
17:10I've fucking come a long way to see you.
17:11Oh, yeah.
17:12No, like this.
17:13Oh, yeah.
17:16I don't do things like that.
17:17Just try it, then we're off.
17:18Oh, yeah.
17:19If you don't put effort into it, I'm phoning police.
17:21I'll tell them to phone police now.
17:23Oh, yeah.
17:24Like, look into the camera and give me...
17:26Oh, yeah.
17:28Oh, yeah.
17:29No, that's shit, mate.
17:30What about that?
17:31It is a lot better.
17:34What's your best Eeyore noise?
17:36I don't like Eeyore, I just like Disney.
17:38You like Disney?
17:39Fuck me, Tony.
17:40You are a proper fucking...
17:42Hold on.
17:43I don't like Eeyore.
17:44One day might take you through things,
17:46like playing with yourself for pleasure.
17:48Are you alone, place your hand between your legs
17:52and slowly rub your private parts.
17:54This is where I think you've got your cock in your hand
17:57when you're talking like that.
17:59You is not just woke up fucking last week
18:02and started talking to kids.
18:03You have been doing this for a long fucking time.
18:05What's up with you?
18:06I've got high blood pressure.
18:08Calm down. Do you want some water?
18:10No, I'm fine.
18:11Are you sure?
18:15Does this happen normally?
18:20Like I said, we're not here to hurt you,
18:22so just chill out.
18:23Calm your blood pressure down.
18:25Try this.
18:27Try it.
18:28No, it's...
18:29Try it.
18:30No, no.
18:31Just try it.
18:32I'm fine.
18:34Rub nice and slow up and down,
18:36then slowly put your hand in your knickers,
18:38then move up and down.
18:42Put fingers in and slowly move around
18:45until you find...
18:49Until you find a spot that feels good.
18:52Have you found a spot that feels good?
18:56It will take practice.
18:57Have you ever heard of teams like us before?
19:00Have you ever seen them on internet?
19:03You can read that, can't you?
19:05What's it say?
19:06Predator exposure.
19:09Now you know.
19:10There's plenty of teams, go up and down the country...
19:12Like I said, I am very, very, very sorry.
19:14I don't believe it.
19:16Honestly, I...
19:17I'm just going to delete all my accounts.
19:19I can do it right now in front of you if you want.
19:21Show me your tongue.
19:22Good dog.
19:25Hang on, I found a video.
19:27Sam's pornographic video.
19:29Being naughty too.
19:31Playing with my privates.
19:33Don't tell anyone I am helping.
19:36Will you?
19:37Why are you helping?
19:38You're not helping, are you?
19:39You're being a dirty bastard.
19:41If you thought she was an adult,
19:42why are you telling her not to tell anyone?
19:46Well, I don't know.
19:47Because you were lying to her, Reg.
19:49That's why.
19:50I could go to jail too, lol.
19:52It's not a fucking lolly matter, is it?
19:56What's that mean?
19:57Laughing my fucking heart off.
19:59Like, lol.
20:00Laughing out loud.
20:02So don't tell anyone.
20:06Someone's just recognised him
20:07and said it's his friend's boyfriend.
20:10Oh, is it?
20:11His friend's boyfriend?
20:12His friend's boyfriend.
20:14I thought you don't play for other teams?
20:15I don't play for them.
20:16No, it might be.
20:17Yeah, yeah.
20:18Female friend, yeah.
20:19I was playing with my private parts.
20:21It's big now.
20:24Would you send a picture of your private?
20:26Obviously, you'll get one in return.
20:29I'm watching naughty stuff and playing.
20:31If you were here, you would lol.
20:37Yeah, whatever it is.
20:40All you would do is sit on it.
20:42I would be gentle.
20:43I will wear protection.
20:44Have to teach you to kiss too lol.
20:48Who the fuck's going to want to kiss you,
20:51you ranky bastard?
20:55Do you even brush your hair?
20:58Did you wash your knob this morning before you come out?
21:00Had a shower.
21:01You haven't had no fucking shower.
21:04See, with all you've got fake tan on, you mucky cunt.
21:07Clip of you.
21:09Not enough out of your hair.
21:10What do you mean, clip of you?
21:11What does that mean?
21:12Clip of you.
21:13Look at you.
21:14What does it mean?
21:15I don't know what it means.
21:16It means you're just a fucking clip of you, you scruffy cunt.
21:20What does it say, scruffy?
21:22It's using words.
21:24It isn't a big word.
21:25It's four letters.
21:26I know it's letters, but I don't understand what it means.
21:28Well, I'll just explain to you.
21:30Taxi's here.
21:31Your taxi's here.
21:33Angel, well done on this again.
21:36Just say thank you, Angel.
21:37Thank you, Angel.
21:38Thank you for catching me and stopping people like me.
21:40Thank you for stopping people like me.
21:41No, you need to look into the camera.
21:42Sorry for stopping people like me.
21:44I'm very, very sorry.
21:45Very, very sorry.
21:46I am.
21:47Honestly, I am very, very, very sorry.
21:49See if Angel replies, and she'll tell you what she puts now.
21:52Angel, if you could reply on, if you accept his apology.
21:55We're going to hand you over to these officers now.
21:57As they give you, they take you to your colleague.
22:00Yeah, my colleague.
22:01Do you want to come with me, Mark?
22:04Careful, he's got his hand there.
22:09Sorry, Mum.
22:10Sorry, Mum.
22:23He's got his phone on him as well, so he can delete everything.
22:26Get all the information from Peacock.
22:28You've probably got her in jail, I don't know.
22:30Have you got your contact details?
22:33You had a real life?
22:36Some bullet points.
22:37Yeah, that's for Facebook.
22:39So you don't have to read through all that.
22:41Yeah, no, that's fantastic.
22:42Just gives you sort of stuff that he's been saying and stuff.
22:44I've got an email if you want to take it from him.
22:47Yeah, will you write it down?
22:48Yeah, yeah.
22:49Because I'll end up spelling it wrong.
22:50We'll get all that sent straight over as well.
22:53And then we'll get that sent over to Pete.
23:01Early morning training.
23:10I'm not quite done.
23:20I feel it tonight already.
23:23I feel it tonight.
23:33I think I've got a pen in my pocket.
23:46What's that on YouTube, yeah?
23:50Want me to type it in and get that?
23:53Spin around for me.
23:56Just going to go round your waist.
23:59Oh, we've got it, we've got it, we've got it.
24:06Anybody else live there with you?
24:09Come on.
24:13All right, jump in for me.
24:15Jump in for me.
24:22Oh, boy.
24:46Another click on the wall, live footage exposure.
24:49Download it from YouTube.
25:15Another click on the wall.
25:22Another click on the wall.
25:25Another click on the wall.
25:32No need to see your...
25:35Office as well?
25:37Right, you won't be needing us now, will you?
25:39No, no.
25:40If you need anything, you've got telephone numbers.
25:44As you can see, that's another one.
25:46Bites the dust.
25:48Just going to search his property now.
25:52Keep sharing, guys.
25:53And ice-peeled, because we might be back.
25:56You know what I mean?
25:57We're in Blackpool.
26:00Hold on.
26:01One second while I just...
26:02Oh, well, I'll phone you back.
26:04Ice-peeled, anyhow.
26:05Keep sharing, guys.
26:06Get it out.
26:07Share it to your friends and get these...
26:09Get these beasts.
26:10No, man.
26:11He's locked up.
26:12He's getting locked up.
26:13He's got police officers going in his house,
26:14searching his house.
26:15Keep sharing.
26:16And ice-peeled today.
26:18Or, you know, you never know.
26:20Peace out.
26:21Thank you, Angel, so much.
26:22You're a fucking legend.
26:23I know my team, Predator Exposure.
26:25We're fucking here to stay.
26:26Fuck the nonces.
26:27And that's it.
26:28Oh, and for all haters,
26:29suck my fucking balls.
26:31I'm not going to swear, whatever.
26:32Peace out, people.
26:34That lasted about 30 seconds.