• il y a 3 jours
Sloane en a assez des plaintes constantes de sa famille parce qu'elle est seule pour Noël. Quand elle rencontre Jackson, qui partage son opinion, ils décident d'être ensemble pendant les fêtes. Cela évitera les questions, pressions et condamnations et rendra tout le monde heureux. Avec le temps, ils se rendent compte qu'ils ont bien plus en commun et il leur devient de plus en plus difficile d'entretenir une relation platonique.
00:00We are right on target for q3 and I'm sorry, can I call you back mom? I'm working
00:06That's what you wear to work. I want you to meet someone. This is a doctor
00:11She's much prettier with makeup. I'm wearing makeup. I am done casually dating on the holidays. There's way too much pressure
00:18It's ridiculous. Try being the only single person left in your family. Rodney said you didn't call him. You didn't call Rodney?
00:24Why didn't you call Rodney? Why didn't you call Rodney? Because I already have a boyfriend
00:31Isn't he great? He's my holiday. And what? A date solely for the holiday, no commitment
00:37That's what I need for New Year's Eve, we can be each other's holiday. Come on, friends with benefits never work
00:42Let's make it official, non-sexual holidays from now on
00:47This is great
00:49We avoid this stupid pressure
00:53And all the judgment
00:55I'll be used to it my little bunnies
01:01I want you to find someone who has real potential
01:04Not this holiday crap like your aunt. She seems like she's having fun
01:09She's gonna die alone in a wheelchair and a diaper
01:17Do we have the finger? Holiday rule number three, leave no holiday behind
01:27No hands touched
01:30Choose protection
01:32You like him, he likes you. These are not real problems. I can't just like him, like him until I know for sure that he likes me, likes me
01:41Happy New Year
01:46Maybe this holiday thing will turn into something
01:51Why is everyone so suspicious of a happy single woman? You look really sad
01:56Les êtres humains ne sont pas censés être seuls sur les vacances. Personne ne met le bébé dans un coin
02:12Personne ne met le bébé sur sa tête
02:25Les gens ne sont pas censés être seuls sur les vacances
