• 19 hours ago
Huqooq ul Ibaad | Rehmat e Sehr

Host: Tasleem Ahmed Sabri

Guest: Mufti Muhammad Tahir Tabassum Qadri, Dr. Syed Hamid Shah Bukhari, Abdul Rauf Roofi, Qari Muhammad Imran Naeemi

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00:00The light of the heart of the believers is the glory of Ramadhan
00:06The light of the heart of the believers is the glory of Ramadhan
00:14Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. You are watching the program Rehmat-e-Sahar
00:17with Tasneem Sabri and we are talking about rights.
00:20Mufti Sahab, there are many things that come in the way,
00:23in the rights of the way. I remember when we were young,
00:26my father used to get very upset if I sat on a chair.
00:31He used to say, get up on this chair. I don't know, it has been forbidden.
00:34Now this chair is in our hands. This mobile is a chair.
00:39We are seeing people coming and going. What should we do?
00:42Secondly, there is a mosque on the way, there is a hospital on the way,
00:47someone is going sick, someone is going to a funeral.
00:50We are passing through a graveyard. What should be the attitude?
00:53There are two or three basic things that they need to understand.
00:58What are the teachings of Islam in this regard, in terms of social life?
01:02One is that you should not create difficulties for others,
01:07always create ease.
01:09This should be the first.
01:11This is the first.
01:13The second is that no other person from your actions,
01:17no Muslim should fall prey to fear and insecurity.
01:22Wow, very good.
01:24And the third thing is that you should not sit in someone's place,
01:28or someone's property, or someone's thing.
01:34These are the three basic things, keep them in mind.
01:37Now all these things come into it.
01:40Whether you have to sit on the road, whether you have to honk,
01:44whether you have to tickle your cheeks,
01:47whether you have to break a signal,
01:50all these things.
01:52Now what we do is,
01:54for the people, as the doctor said,
01:58we are not seeing that the ultimate loss of our actions will reach us,
02:05it will reach me.
02:06Leave us alone, it will reach me.
02:08Yes, absolutely.
02:09For example, in a lane, there is a lane,
02:12every person is making a footpath in front of their house.
02:16Every person is making a ramp in front of their house.
02:19That lane has been closed, it has become difficult to pass.
02:22So this difficulty for everyone,
02:24but no one is ready to understand it.
02:27To explain this philosophy, what kind of government is needed?
02:31This is a matter of common sense, a matter of civil sense.
02:35So you are not thinking that you are making your heaven hell with your own hands.
02:41You are destroying it.
02:42When you are sitting on the crossroads,
02:44and it is becoming difficult for people to pass from there,
02:47when you have a function,
02:49you put up a tent there without thinking,
02:52close the road,
02:53people come running, running, running,
02:56I don't know where they go.
02:58You put up a loudspeaker in the mall and start playing songs.
03:03There are sick people at home.
03:06There are children, someone is studying.
03:08Even the loudspeaker of the mosque.
03:11I restrict the use of loudspeakers in the mosque.
03:16I don't let them open unnecessarily.
03:19Because this is the most…
03:22Qibla, all these things are a part of our human life.
03:27In Salat, the companions of the Prophet recited for a long time.
03:32The Prophet received a complaint.
03:36The Prophet said,
03:39He said,
03:43He said,
03:48This is Salat.
03:49This is Salat.
03:50This is obligatory.
03:51We are standing in the presence of Allah.
03:53The Quran is being recited.
03:55When there is an order to take care of people's comfort,
03:58their temperament,
03:59their old age,
04:01their illness,
04:04then the rest is left behind.
04:06Very good.
04:07Now, the second aspect of this is that
04:10when a person sees such illegitimacy in the society,
04:17such division and discrimination,
04:20it leads to rebellion.
04:22He says, he is doing it.
04:23No one is saying anything to him.
04:25Or someone is powerful.
04:27The law is different for him.
04:29The law is different for an ordinary person.
04:32If a person breaks the law,
04:35he is not being called anything.
04:37The other person is caught.
04:39He will be caught for a minor theft.
04:41What would you say?
04:42Yes, brother Tasleem.
04:44Basically, obviously,
04:45education is obtained from both hands.
04:47If we have the implementation of the law,
04:50the law is there.
04:52It is written in the books.
04:54We have been taught.
04:55By the way, this is another basic question.
04:57All the people who take driving lessons,
04:59they read the law and take it.
05:00Or they also take it.
05:02So, this is the basic thing.
05:03The law is there.
05:04But because there is no practice on it.
05:06It is not implemented.
05:07And when we go to the West,
05:09we go to the West,
05:10we go to those countries and see.
05:11So, there is the same law there.
05:13Or we have brought it from there.
05:15It is the same.
05:16We have brought it from there.
05:17Or they have come here and given it to us.
05:19However it is.
05:20But because we are not following them.
05:22And they are following.
05:23And there, if we have a Chaudhary,
05:25if there is a Seth,
05:26he also goes and stands in his queue.
05:28Because he knows that there is an implementation here.
05:30So, because there is no implementation,
05:32this division is born,
05:33to which you pointed out.
05:35But in reality,
05:36the state of Madinah,
05:37and its founder,
05:38me and you,
05:39the Master of the Prophet,
05:41No doubt.
05:42The Master has a statement
05:43regarding this topic.
05:44He has said,
06:31Fourthly, if someone greets you while passing by, then answer him with a salam.
06:37Fourthly, do amr bil ma'ruf or nahiya nil munkar.
06:41Amr bil ma'ruf or nahiya nil munkar are two basic things that make us the best of nations.
06:46Today, we consider ourselves to be the best of nations, but we don't pay attention to the reason why we are the best of nations.
06:52Amr bil ma'ruf or nahiya nil munkar are two basic things that make us the best of nations.
06:57If we pay attention to these things, and the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
07:01has made all the laws in his state, and acted upon them.
07:04There are many sayings of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
07:07that we may not be able to translate them.
07:09One of the sayings of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
07:12was for Hazrat Zahra Pak, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
07:14and it was only to tell the world that if this is the case, then this is the case.
07:16Otherwise, those personalities who are at such a high level of purification,
07:19Our problem is that the Ameer understands the law in a different way.
07:23Then there is also the issue of our court. Our interpretation is different.
07:27It is different for you, it is different for me, it is different for someone else.
07:30When there is a difference in the interpretations of the laws,
07:33then of course, the difference increases.
07:35So, this is the fundamental instruction of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
07:38if we want to understand the rights of the people.
07:40If this is not implementation, then the reason for this rebellion is that it is not implementation.
07:47This is definitely the reason for this rebellion.
07:49But now we will not stop because of that reason,
07:51as the Qibla has pointed out.
07:53See, I have a fundamental responsibility.
07:55I am responsible for the place in front of my house.
07:58If everyone keeps burning the candle of their share, then this problem can be solved.
08:03Let's include the words of the Qibla.
08:05In the name of Allah.
08:06We are talking about Eid-ul-Adha, and today is Jumat-ul-Mubarak.
08:10Today is also Eid.
08:11So, there is a word.
08:12In the name of Allah.
08:13The word of truth.
08:16Today, the wall of Eid is in Madinah.
08:23Today, the wall of Eid is in Madinah.
08:38Jai Kar Karm Karo Sarkar, Jai Kar Karm Karo Sarkar,
08:44I am in Madinah.
08:48Today, the wall of Eid is in Madinah.
09:03Everyone celebrates Eid with happiness.
09:10Everyone wears beautiful clothes.
09:17I am in Madinah.
09:27Today, the wall of Eid is in Madinah.
09:41Jai Kar Karm Karo Sarkar, Jai Kar Karm Karo Sarkar,
09:48I am in Madinah.
09:52Today, the wall of Eid is in Madinah.
10:07I am in Madinah.
10:21I am in Madinah.
10:28I am in Madinah.
10:38I am in Madinah.
10:48Jai Kar Karm Karo Sarkar, Jai Kar Karm Karo Sarkar,
10:53I am in Madinah.
10:57Today, the wall of Eid is in Madinah.
11:11I am in Madinah.
11:19I am in Madinah.
11:26I am in Madinah.
11:36Today, the wall of Eid is in Madinah.
11:50Jai Kar Karm Karo Sarkar, Jai Kar Karm Karo Sarkar,
11:57I am in Madinah.
12:00Today, the wall of Eid is in Madinah.
12:14Shahan-e-Ramzan, Shahan-e-Ramzan, Shahan-e-Ramzan.
12:21Shahan-e-Ramzan, Shahan-e-Ramzan, Shahan-e-Ramzan.
12:27Shahan-e-Ramzan, Shahan-e-Ramzan, Shahan-e-Ramzan.
12:32Ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
12:34I will ask small questions to the scholars and try to get their guidance.
12:41Is it permissible to drive without a license?
12:46What does Shariah say?
12:49Shariah says that driving without a license is against the laws of the country.
12:53But Shariah does not prohibit it.
12:55If you know how to drive well, you can drive without a license.
13:01And if you don't know how to drive, it is not permissible to drive without a license.
13:06When you harm someone, you take a license.
13:11But if you don't know how to drive well, Shariah will prohibit you from doing so.
13:17This is the real issue.
13:20And if you know how to drive well, you can drive without a license.
13:24Is it permissible to drive without a helmet? What does Shariah say?
13:27No, Huzoor. It is not permissible to harm yourself and others.
13:33Because it is said,
13:35Do not kill yourselves.
13:40Those who ride a motorcycle without a helmet suffer the most.
13:44They are the victims of the most accidents.
13:47And we have generally heard that a person was injured in the head,
13:50after which he could not get up.
13:52Those who ride a motorcycle can be safe.
13:55Is Shariah permissible?
13:57Yes, it is permissible.
13:59Hazrat Allama Sa'alabi, may Allah have mercy on him,
14:04Do not kill yourselves.
14:06He writes,
14:08Any situation in which your life is in danger is not permissible.
14:12Any situation in which your life is in danger, Shariah does not permit it.
14:17In the matter of underage, Rufi wants to add something.
14:21Mufti sahab, you said that if someone knows how to drive,
14:25and does not have a license, he can drive.
14:28I have heard that Huzoor has said that
14:31it is necessary for you to respect the laws of any country,
14:34as long as it does not contradict Shariah.
14:36No, I have already said this.
14:38But this is not a Hadith that you are saying.
14:41Which one?
14:42That Huzoor said that respect for the laws of the country is not a Hadith.
14:48But I have already said that
14:51respect for the laws of the country is necessary.
14:54It is necessary for a good person too.
14:57And it is very important for a Muslim.
15:00So according to the laws of the country,
15:02if you do not have a license, then you should not drive.
15:05But if you have taken a license, as it is before,
15:08And even he does not know how to drive.
15:10Is it permissible to break the signal? What does Shariah say?
15:14No, in breaking the signal,
15:16first there is the issue of the prohibition of the laws of the country,
15:19and then there is a lot of risk in breaking the signal.
15:22When you break the signal,
15:24then there is a risk of colliding with someone,
15:27there is a risk of losing life,
15:29there is a risk of traffic jam.
15:31Therefore, it is imperative to avoid this,
15:34according to the spirit and temperament of Shariah.
15:37Is it permissible for underage children to ride motorcycles?
15:41Brother Tasleem, the request is that whether it is permissible or not.
15:45But basically all these laws are made for our protection.
15:50Therefore, this is the meaning of a Hadith,
15:53that if there are not four walls on a roof,
15:58then my Lord takes care of those people.
16:04It is a great responsibility.
16:05It means that if you do not protect yourself,
16:08the blessings of Ayatul Kursi are in their place,
16:10the blessings of Dua-e-Ishaq are in their place,
16:12but first it is our responsibility.
16:14First they should complete it.
16:15They should tie their knees.
16:17Then they should trust.
16:18There is a big issue,
16:19that we have a motorcycle driver,
16:21a car driver,
16:22who is driving and is on his mobile phone.
16:25I don't know what such a thing has come in it,
16:28which is more important than driving.
16:31What will Shariah say about this?
16:33Doctor has just said that
16:35the Shariah command here,
16:37more than that,
16:38Allah has given you consciousness.
16:43He has given you this intellect.
16:45Do you know what distinguishes a human being from other animals?
16:51This is intellect.
16:52That is, in our logic,
16:54there is an animal,
16:55so when an animal is associated with an intellect,
16:58an animal is an intellect,
16:59then it becomes a human being.
17:00Now what does intellect mean?
17:01It has consciousness.
17:02It has insight.
17:03It has the ability to think and understand.
17:06Now you don't know
17:08that when you use your mobile phone while driving,
17:11what are its side effects?
17:14You are creating a risk for yourself and for others.
17:19That is, where you feel like,
17:21you park it in the middle of the road and go.
17:23And it takes a moment of carelessness,
17:26just a moment.
17:27Big accidents.
17:28And we ourselves,
17:29I don't know how many times,
17:30we are saved from these things.
17:31Yes, yes.
17:32How many times have there been such terrible accidents
17:35while using a mobile phone,
17:36that the whole family died.
17:38And these are the reports that come daily.
17:41Then you say that it is illegal.
17:43Yes, absolutely illegal.
17:44People understand this.
17:47People want to hear this language.
17:52It is permissible.
17:53What does the Shariah say?
17:54I had already said that in the Shariah,
17:57every action and every deed is illegal,
18:02due to which the other person is harmed.
18:05The other person is insecure.
18:06The other person's right is being violated.
18:09I gave a condition.
18:10Now what you just said,
18:11that you park the car and leave.
18:14We see it with our own eyes
18:15that you have parked the car behind the car
18:17and left.
18:18Now a person has to leave.
18:20He is looking for that poor person.
18:22I don't know how important his work is.
18:24Then you have parked the car in the middle of the road
18:27and are on your mobile phone.
18:29Yes, absolutely.
18:30You are blocking people's way.
18:31All these things are illegal in Shariah.
18:35The ambulance is passing.
18:36How important is it to give way for the ambulance?
18:39It is very important.
18:40It is obligatory.
18:41It is necessary.
18:42Because it is obvious
18:43that the patient in the ambulance
18:44is in danger of life and death.
18:47And in Shariah,
18:48that is, in Islamic jurisprudence,
18:49we have been given a rule.
18:50That is,
18:51la zarara wa la ziraara fil Islam.
18:54That you do not cause harm
18:55and do not harm anyone.
18:58In any case,
18:59we have to eliminate harm
19:00and provide comfort to others.
19:03But it is such a condition
19:04that the patient is in such a condition
19:06that he is in danger of life and death.
19:08It is necessary to give way for him.
19:09It is obligatory.
19:10It is necessary.
19:11Some people say,
19:12I have seen that it was empty.
19:13That is why there is no way.
19:14The patient must be going to pick it up.
19:16But this is our responsibility.
19:17The patient must be going to pick it up.
19:18In any case,
19:19it is not our responsibility in these things.
19:22We cannot do that.
19:23It is important to keep in mind.
19:25No matter how empty it is.
19:26If it is empty,
19:27the patient must be going to pick it up.
19:29In fact,
19:31in our country,
19:32people follow the ambulance
19:33as soon as they see it.
19:35We also follow the ambulance.
19:36This is such a big injustice.
19:37They run the ambulance
19:38as soon as they see it.
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26:21They run the ambulance
26:22as soon as they see it.
26:23Babaji, Ashfaq Ahmad used to say
26:24to create ease for people
26:25to create ease for people
26:26and Allah is the creator
26:27for you
26:28definitely it is also
26:29the translation of hadith
26:31yes, it's the translation of hadith
26:33the fellow who creates ease
26:35for the believer
26:37Allah creates ease for him
26:39Allah creates ease for him
26:40the one who becomes an
26:41assistant for a Muslim brother
26:42God makes it easier for him
26:44the one who covers up
26:45the bricks of his Muslim brother
26:46God covers it.
26:49Yes, Qibla
26:50Huzoor, Allah
26:50says that all the words
26:52I would like to say a few verses and two hadiths in this regard, in short.
26:56One is that,
27:00All these laws are our covenant with this state, government, country.
27:07If we break this covenant, we will have to answer for it.
27:11Therefore, the compliance of these laws is necessary.
27:13Second, Allah has said,
27:18Allah has established this earth with great peace.
27:21Now you are not allowed to create disorder in it.
27:24If we break the laws, then this disorder will come in the midst of the earth.
27:34We will become Muslims only when other Muslims are safe from our hands and tongue.
27:39Until we comply with these laws, it means that we cannot become true Muslims.
27:45They will only become when we comply with them.
27:48Master Kareem has also said,
27:59Therefore, these laws have been made to respect each other.
28:02Just as the Prophet has said,
28:05You make things easy for others, Allah will make it easy for you.
28:08This sentence was coming to my mind,
28:10These laws say that if I make things easy for myself, Allah will still make things easy for me.
28:15This is a very good thing.
28:18This is a very good thing that we think that this is my benefit.
28:22Ultimately, it is my benefit.
28:24Master Kareem, the new law of safe cities that our government has brought,
28:28I am not talking about Lahore or Islamabad,
28:30even in a small city like Gujarat,
28:32you say that the law is being implemented there,
28:34people are getting benefits,
28:36then it is a matter of great joy that now my driver also ties a seat belt for me.
28:40So it is getting better.
28:42If we understand from this excuse,
28:46then this is also a big thing.
28:48The real thing is that
28:50more than education and training,
28:52the thing that improves the human society is the implementation of the law.
28:56That is the concept of punishment and reward.
28:58This is also the principle of Allah and the Prophet.
29:00I wish people don't lose by watching school or hospital,
29:03I wish they don't have to make a speed breaker there,
29:05that it will be slow here.
29:07It is played so intensely here,
29:11that at that time the person's heart will burst.
29:14If you go to foreign countries,
29:16they consider it as abuse.
29:18There is no concept of it there.
29:21We have become used to it for no reason,
29:23there is no need for it.
29:25Where there is no horn,
29:27we must be restless,
29:29there is no sound.
29:31After a long time,
29:33we call here and tell our friends to let us hear the sound of the horn.
29:36Mr. Mufti, thank you very much for coming from Lahore.
29:40Dr. Farooq Shah, thank you for coming from Gujarat.
29:45Mr. Rufi, thank you for coming from Faisalabad.
29:48And Mr. Qari Muhammad Imran Naimi,
29:51thank you for coming from Samundri.
29:53Thank you all very much.
29:55And I have told this to all the cities,
29:58that it is a collective,
30:01that ARYQ TV is the representative of the whole of Pakistan.
30:05That is why I have mentioned the names of the places
30:08from where the guests have come to us.
30:11And you have made this program vibrant.
30:14Prophet Kareem, peace be upon him, was on a journey.
30:18The companions were with him.
30:20The Prophet changed his path.
30:23And to reach his destination,
30:25he took the longest path.
30:28He left the shortcut.
30:31And he took the longest path.
30:34The companions asked him,
30:37what is the wisdom in this?
30:40The Prophet said,
30:42that at this place,
30:44a certain prophet's nation was punished.
30:47That is why he left that path.
30:50So the Prophet left that area,
30:53that region, that path,
30:55where Allah's punishment,
30:57or some form of Allah's punishment,
31:00has urged him to leave that path and not to go there.
31:05A few days ago,
31:07we had an international news report,
31:10that where the Titanic sank,
31:13a family went to see that wreck,
31:16and it sank.
31:18And all the family members sank.
31:21When this happened,
31:23I said that the Prophet has forbidden this.
31:27Where there is a form of punishment,
31:30what are you going to see there?
31:33Whatever the Prophet has forbidden,
31:36there are many wisdoms in it.
31:39We should take it without thinking,
31:42that this is the Prophet's order.
31:45In the end, Rufi Sahib will present the Qibla.
31:48And tomorrow, God willing,
31:50we will meet again.
31:52I give permission to Tasleem Ahmed Sabri.
31:55See you tomorrow.
32:26I give permission to Tasleem Ahmed Sabri.
32:29See you tomorrow.
32:56Don't stop looking for us
33:01Don't stop looking for us
33:06Don't fall in the hands of the enemies
33:11Don't fall in the hands of the enemies
33:16We believe in you
33:21We believe in you
33:26You are our life
33:31You are our life
33:36Your face is like the Quran
33:41Your face is like the Quran
33:46Your love is in our hands
33:51Your love is in our hands
33:56Don't fall in the hands of the enemies
34:01Don't fall in the hands of the enemies
34:07We will definitely drink
34:13We will definitely drink
34:18We will definitely drink
34:23We will definitely drink
34:28Your love is in our hands
34:33Your love is in our hands
34:38Don't fall in the hands of the enemies
34:43Don't fall in the hands of the enemies
34:48We will definitely kiss your feet
34:53We will definitely kiss your feet
34:58We see God in you
35:03We see God in you
35:08We hold you in our hands
35:13We hold you in our hands
35:18Your love is in our hands
35:23Your love is in our hands
35:28Don't fall in the hands of the enemies
35:33If I don't see my beloved
35:39If I don't see him, he is there
35:44Where will I find him?
35:48If I don't see him, he is there
35:53Where will I find him?
35:58He is the one who holds you in his arms
36:03He is the one who holds you in his arms
36:08He is the one who holds you in his arms
36:13Whether you see him or not
36:18Whether you see him or not
36:23Whether you see him or not
36:28Whether you see him or not
36:33Whether you see him or not
36:38Whether you see him or not
36:43Whether you see him or not
36:48Don't fall in the hands of the enemies
36:53Don't fall in the hands of the enemies
37:08The light of the believers' hearts is the glory of Ramadan
37:13The light of the believers' hearts is the glory of Ramadan
