Dengar Pengaduan CASN, Ombudsman Minta Pemerintah Kembali ke Cara lama
00:00Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia held an audience with a representative of the
00:09National Civil Apparatus Candidate CASM in 2024, which was suspended until October 2025.
00:18The audience, which took place at the Ombudsman's office in Jakarta on Thursday, March 13, was
00:24shocked by the presence of 50 official complaints received by the Ombudsman regarding the suspension of the suspension.
00:35Ombudsman leader Robert Na'en Dijaweng said the audience was held so that the Ombudsman
00:41could get direct information from CASM.
00:44He said there was a lot of damage to CASM 2024, both materially and other damage
00:52due to the suspension of their suspension.
00:55He asked the government to review the suspension policy of the CASM suspension in a
01:00way that could damage many parties, especially the National Civil Apparatus Candidate CASM.
01:08If the government cannot convince the public, then the Ombudsman will return to the old model.
01:14All this time we have never had the name of a suspension.
01:19This is not a presidential election or a presidential election.
01:22All this time, as far as the NIP has been set, then the suspension of the suspension has been
01:28given, each institution then finds its own schedule.
01:31What does it mean?
01:32The suspension is gradual or just in accordance with the conditions of each institution.
01:37For us, it is quite damaging, actually.
01:39It is very damaging and very dull for us.
01:42Because what do we want after this?
01:45In fact, it creates unemployment, new unemployment.
01:48What else is this?
01:49The losses are various.
01:51Some have already resigned, some have to pay a penalty, some have already bought
01:57plane tickets and cannot be refunded, some have already moved to a location.
02:04The Ombudsman considers the suspension policy of the CASM suspension has an impact on public
02:09services in many places and many sectors.
02:12Transparency, which is the basis of policy making, must be immediately conveyed to the
02:16government to revive public trust.