• il y a 3 jours
Pour la quatrième fois, le roi Henri VIII parvient à faire annuler son mariage. En effet, la beauté germanique d'Anne de Clèves n'est guère le genre du souverain anglais. En juillet 1540, la pauvre Anne est répudiée. Henri se sent maintenant plus libre. Il décide d'approcher la séduisante Catherine Howard. Celle-ci accepte de lui accorder ses fougueuses faveurs, jusqu'à lui faire oublier la lourdeur de sa charge. Pris de passion, Henri entreprend d'en faire son épouse. C'est alors que Joan Bulmer, une amie de la courtisane, s'interpose. Elle exige de devenir dame d'honneur de la reine. Si Catherine n'accède pas à sa demande, elle menace de révéler certains secrets compromettants...


00:00As far as I'm concerned our marriage is at an end.
00:07I want her dead.
00:08It's finished.
00:11Don't go.
00:14Don't go.
00:17I like her not.
00:18I like her not.
00:22Miss Catherine Howe.
00:27Will you not come to bed, my lord?
00:31His Majesty is coming.
00:33I come here this day to introduce to you my new wife.
00:36It seems incredible to have obtained such a perfect jewel of womanhood,
00:39who bears towards me such perfect love.
00:42To Queen Catherine.
00:43To Queen Catherine.
00:46Do you know how old she is?
00:51I feel almost like a new man, Charles.
00:56Great medicine.
00:57Do you have everything you want?
00:59Everything you need?
01:06Lady Mary, you are now my step-daughter.
01:11But Lady Mary doesn't treat me with respect.
01:14I see you are still not pregnant.
01:16She will soon tire of you.
01:19You'll see.
01:20How do you find the English God?
01:22I find it full of mean creatures,
01:24whose only desire is the destruction of this country.
01:27We should start hunting down all the Lutherans in his Majesty's kingdom.
01:31Some of them are very close to the king.
01:34Most of you are liars,
01:36who look only to your own prophets,
01:38and know what you're plotting.
01:41You could arrange for some misfortune to befall you.
01:46Queen Catherine, she's a little fireball.
01:48Do you hope for you, Mr. Culber?
01:50Tell me you can't imagine her without her clothes on.
01:53I am not so used to everyone looking at me.
01:57My lady, you must give me leave to look.
01:59There's no hope for it.
02:01You are with child.
02:07I would do anything in the world to bring you comfort and make you happy.
02:11He wants to visit you privately.
02:14A secret.
02:16Nobody else need ever know.
02:18Not the king, not anybody.
02:21I trust you found something to amuse yourself while I was away.
02:27There are many rumors at court.
02:29It would strengthen your own claim to the crown.
02:36What does this letter say?
02:43What has happened is your fault.
02:46No! Your Majesty!
02:49Do you really want to fight again?
03:07You would not like to be queen of England?
03:10No! You know what happens to us queens.
03:12Everyone knows what happens.
03:14To war!
03:17They will either fight or I will hang them by the wayside.
03:21Welcome to your bed tonight.
03:23They should know that we do not lack the courage to fight to the death for justice.
03:30For King Henry!
03:32For England!
03:34And for St. George!
