• 18 hours ago
Prepare to be terrified by horror films that blur the line between fiction and reality! We're diving into spine-chilling movies that could potentially happen in real life, exploring the most unsettling scenarios that might be closer to home than you'd like to imagine. Get ready for a countdown that will make you question what's truly possible in the world of horror.
00:00This video is brought to you by Locked, starring Bill SkarsgÄrd and Anthony Hopkins in the
00:07ultimate horror thriller, only in theatres March 21st.
00:11You think if you save poor Catherine, you could make them stop, don't you? You think
00:16if Catherine lives, you won't wake up in the dark ever again.
00:20Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the horror movies that
00:24could theoretically take place in real life.
00:28What actually happened at the school?
00:30A bunch of crows attacked the school kids. It's the end of the world.
00:34Number 10. Saw
00:36What? Huh? This is what they do, man. They kidnap you and drug you before you know it,
00:40you're lying in a bathtub and your kidneys are on eBay.
00:42This franchise got increasingly ridiculous, but man, that first movie really packs a punch.
00:48A dark and gritty thriller, Saw is one of the most influential movies of the 2000s,
00:53launching a mega-franchise and the careers of both James Wan and Lee Whannell.
00:58The success of the film can be largely attributed to its straightforward and effective story.
01:03Two guys are kidnapped and confined inside a dingy bathroom. If they want to survive,
01:08they need to resort to some extreme measures. While the series would eventually devolve
01:12into swinging pendulums and shotgun carousels, this movie is just two guys trapped in a room
01:17with nothing but a gun, a tape recorder, and a saw.
01:21He doesn't want us to cut through our chains. He wants us to cut through our feet.
01:28Number 9. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
01:31You could have dinner with us. You like head cheese. My brother makes it real good.
01:37Serial killer Ed Gein might have inspired the story, but this film is entirely fictional. Of
01:43course, that doesn't mean it couldn't happen, and the opening crawl and crime scene footage
01:47cement the illusion that this could be a true crime story. Although today this Tobey Hooper
01:53joint is famous for its graphic and brutal violence, audiences were unprepared for the
01:58realistic portrayal of the senseless killings of these teens. Although we can't prove there
02:02are any cannibalistic families living in rural Texas, we can assure you that driving around
02:07in creepy towns and walking into random houses won't end well.
02:11If I have any more fun today, I don't think I'm gonna be able to take it.
02:15Number 8. Jaws
02:16Ten thousand dollars for me by myself. For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing.
02:24The fear of man-eating sharks. A trend started by Jaws is a tad exaggerated,
02:30as there have only been roughly a dozen confirmed attacks by great white sharks in the United States
02:36since the film was released. However, this doesn't mean that you won't be eaten alive
02:40when swimming in the ocean. The open water has always been a terrifying place,
02:44as there are a multitude of things that can hurt or kill you. Steven Spielberg and his
02:49brilliant mechanical shark took this idea and ran with it, striking gold.
02:53Its quiet little town setting struck a chord with audiences,
02:57making sure they stayed out of the water forever.
03:00You're gonna need a bigger boat.
03:02Number 7. The Strangers
03:04I haven't heard a dog bark, or a car pass. Nothing. Just us and them.
03:14The Strangers not only covers the home invasion aspect, which has scared everyone at some point,
03:19but the possible danger of living in a seemingly quiet rural setting.
03:23While inspired by his own experiences and some true home invasion stories such as the
03:28Matson family murders, director Brian Bertino's original story shocked audiences with its brutal
03:34message. As we watch young couple James and Kristen slowly realize that the horror is all
03:39too real, as they are being terrorized by masked figures at their summer home,
03:43we also start to realize we could be next.
03:47Why are you doing this to us?
03:51Because you're home.
03:53Number 6. Scream
03:55There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie.
04:00While the improbable and ridiculous masked slasher craze died out in the 80s,
04:05the 90s became obsessed with true-to-life serial killers. We were also obsessed with
04:10blaming violent movies, music, and video games as the cause of real violence.
04:15Wes Craven saw this goldmine and gave us the modern classic Scream. This blood-soaked
04:21satire follows a group of teens obsessed with violent, over-the-top horror films.
04:26They end up becoming the victims of a masked killer that may be one of their own.
04:31Oh, and if you have any hope of surviving, you'd better be good at horror trivia.
04:36Name the killer in Friday the 13th.
04:40Jason! Jason! Jason!
04:42I'm sorry, that's the wrong answer.
04:46If terrifyingly possible horror movies are your thing, check out Locked from producer Sam Raimi.
04:52My name is William. I'm the owner of the Scars.
04:56What do you want?
04:57Thou shalt not steal.
04:59Starring Bill SkarsgÄrd and Anthony Hopkins, Locked is the ultimate horror thriller,
05:05only in theaters March 21st.
05:08Hello, Eddie. You're in my car.
05:15Number 5. The Last House on the Left.
05:17Why don't you just lay back and enjoy being inferior?
05:21Zoom off, you male chauvinist dog.
05:24The brutal realism of The Last House on the Left was so intense,
05:28the original poster and trailer kept reminding audiences it's only a movie.
05:33Once again, Wes Craven was ahead of his time in stoking fear in his audience,
05:37and while it may be only a movie, its real-life implications are disturbing.
05:42Who needs monsters and demons when you have a gang of perverted,
05:46demented criminals? Poor Mary and her friend learned the hard way not to talk to strangers.
05:51With the girls assaulted, beaten, and left for dead,
05:54Mary's family end up taking matters into their own hands in a bizarrely satisfying confrontation.
06:01What's the trouble, Doc?
06:02Shut your filthy mouth.
06:04Number 4. Psycho.
06:06We have reason to believe that she came along this way and may have stopped in the area.
06:09Did she stop here?
06:11Well, no one stopped here for a couple of weeks.
06:12While the captured Norman Bates stares at us blankly,
06:16his mother's voice in his head lets us know he wouldn't even harm a fly.
06:20Up until Psycho, killers in cinema always had a strong motive,
06:24or they were simply brutal monsters.
06:27Norman Bates was an early depiction of mental illness, leading a psychopath to murder.
06:32Poor Norman was such a sweet young man, so innocent and polite.
06:36Nobody would expect that he's a peeping Tom, dresses up as his mother,
06:40and kills women while they shower.
06:42The true horror here is that none of us is safe from anyone, not even the nice boy next door.
06:48If you want anything, just tap on the wall. I'll be in the office.
06:52Thank you, Mr. Bates.
06:53Norman Bates.
06:54Number 3. When a Stranger Calls.
06:59Have you checked the children?
07:02Dr. Mandrakis?
07:06Urban legends make you squeamish for a reason.
07:09They're supposedly based on real events,
07:11and their job is to scare you into thinking this happened to a friend of a friend,
07:15and therefore could happen to you.
07:17When a Stranger Calls relies heavily on the urban legend of the babysitter being
07:22stalked by a killer inside the house,
07:24and succeeds in becoming a terrifying viewing experience for everyone.
07:28We watch as the innocent teenager is tormented by phone calls from a psychopath,
07:33children helpless in their beds,
07:35and we're reminded of how many times we've been home alone,
07:38not realizing someone could have been waiting for us upstairs.
07:43Leave me alone!
07:44Jill, this is Sergeant Sack. Listen to me.
07:46We've traced the call. It's coming from inside the house.
07:49Number 2. Misery.
07:51Misery's returned?
07:53I know you didn't mean it when you killed her, and now you'll make it right.
07:58This movie offers us a more outlandish premise.
08:01A series of bad events and happenstance lead unlucky novelist Paul Sheldon
08:06to not only crash his car, but to be rescued, nursed back to health,
08:10and then held hostage by his number one fan and deranged lunatic Annie Wilkes.
08:15And you might say to yourself that you're not a celebrity,
08:18but then you realize that almost everyone today can be found via social media.
08:23Being famous comes with its risks, and of course,
08:26Stephen King was thinking of his own status as a famous author when writing this.
08:31But any one of us can have a stalker watching us somewhere.
08:37God, I love you.
08:38Number 1. Funny Games.
08:40Guten Tag. Bitte entschuldigen Sie die Störung. Ich komme von nebenan.
08:44Home Invasion has been covered in so many movies, and it certainly is a chilling experience.
08:50But it's a whole other level of horror when you invited the evil into your home.
08:54Director Michael Haneke gave us the perfect monster movie
08:58by introducing us to the calm and polite Peter and Paul.
09:02As they're welcomed into George and Anna's vacation home,
09:05they decide to have some mischievous fun, which includes torture,
09:09torment, mind games, and murder.
09:11The family is inevitably punished for their kindness and hospitality,
09:15and we're taught never to answer our door for anyone ever again.
09:25Which of these horror scenarios would you least like to find yourself in?
09:29Let us know in the comments below.
09:31I think it's crazy.
09:32What's crazy?
09:33All that blood and violence. I thought you were supposed to be the love generation.
09:37This video is brought to you by Locked,
09:39starring Bill SkarsgÄrd and Anthony Hopkins in the ultimate horror thriller.
09:43Only in theaters March 21st.