We exposed the most dangerous 1 star water parks to see if we would survive.. and you do NOT want to miss the ending 😳
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00:00Today we'll be exposing one-star water parks that are known for having bad
00:04reviews online. These water parks may seem cool with features like the world's
00:09longest glass water slide, but these water parks have poor safety standards,
00:15shark infested waters, and dangerous rides that led to multiple near-fatal
00:21accidents. But before we test out the water park responsible for the majority
00:26of these accidents, we'll be investigating two other one-star water
00:29parks. Starting with the Atlantis water park. This water park is a replica of the
00:35real Atlantis, but according to all the one-star reviews it gets, it's not as
00:39perfect as it may look. Let's investigate the first ride. This is the steepest
00:44water slide in the world. This one-star review says, I have a huge red burn on my
00:49back because of this slide, which is surprising because it's so steep. I
00:52thought I was just free falling. Oh my god, wait. That's a lot more steep than I thought.
00:573, 2, 1, GO!
01:05I'm not going on this. Are you actually going down? I'll leave it up to Alan. I'm not doing this.
01:11Help! Wait! Let me tell you something! Let me tell you something!
01:14In order to properly expose these water parks, we have one rule. We have to at least try each of these one-star rides,
01:20even if it's scary or dangerous.
01:29That was one of the scariest water slides I've ever been on. But my back's okay, right?
01:33Looks like the reviews are valid. Now that my back is on fire, it's time for another water slide.
01:40And on this one, we have company. Dangerous company.
01:43Our next ride is this one. And here's a one-star review of this ride saying,
01:48A shark almost attacked me. I'm a little scared to try this one.
01:52Hopefully we don't get attacked by the sharks.
01:56The ride starts out super fast, but it's designed to slow down the moment you're surrounded by sharks.
02:04There's a freaking shark there!
02:06There's a shark there! Go! Go! Hurry! Stop it! Go!
02:10There's a big shark coming up! No! Tanner! You have to slow it down!
02:16Well, we didn't get attacked by a shark, so I guess that review is busted.
02:21But later on, we will actually be swimming with live sharks.
02:26But before we get to that, the next ride is the wave pool.
02:30And there's some nasty one-star reviews that say,
02:32I swear everyone pees in the water here. Beware of the kids standing alone in the pool.
02:38That kid's literally standing still!
02:40Oh, he's definitely banned.
02:42And it wasn't long before we found another suspect.
02:45Why else would he be standing still? That's our guy!
02:47I think we found our peer.
02:49What? What is that?
02:51Oh, hell no!
02:53That's a nugget!
02:54Well, those reviews are definitely true.
02:58And that kid isn't the only one on his way to the toilet because...
03:01Next up is this toilet bowl ride.
03:04There's a lot of one-star reviews that say,
03:06This ride isn't even done being built yet.
03:08The water park definitely opened it early to get more customers.
03:12Oh, hell no! It is under construction!
03:15The staff was literally just using bamboo to hold up the ride until they finished building it.
03:20Are we sure we want to do this?
03:21We have to!
03:22Oh, no, no! I'm starting to regret this!
03:24Turn us around!
03:25I don't want to be in the front! No!
03:38Wait, Alan! Are you okay?
03:40What the hell?!
03:43Wait, what happened, Tanner?
03:45I'm stuck, bro.
03:46No way!
03:48Wait, I can FaceTime him.
03:50No, let's f***ing help him!
03:53I don't think they can hear you, Alan!
03:58And after waiting a whole 20 minutes,
04:00they finally shut off the water and walked me down the slide with a rope.
04:04Alan, are you okay?
04:06Oh, my God!
04:08I've got some bad news.
04:09The reviews are true.
04:10The rides here just keep getting worse and worse.
04:12I don't know how we're going to do the rest of these rides.
04:14Oh, no.
04:15That was one of the scariest experiences of my life.
04:18And this next ride is supposed to be even worse.
04:22Next up, we have the Flush 2.
04:25Did you see how fast that thing was?
04:27This one-star review says,
04:28Water was just shooting up my nose the entire time.
04:31I literally couldn't breathe,
04:32and I almost pooped myself when the floor went out from underneath me.
04:37Are we actually doing this?
04:38Yeah, Tanner, you go on that green one.
04:40Get in there, Alan.
04:41Get in there.
04:44Oh, shit!
04:46Look out!
04:47Look out!
04:48Oh, shit!
04:49Oh, shit!
05:01Alan, are you good?
05:03I couldn't breathe the whole time.
05:04I was just like,
05:06gasping for my breath.
05:07But the only thing that did happen was,
05:09I didn't poop myself.
05:13Oh, hell no!
05:15But before we leave this horrible water park forever,
05:18we have one more challenge to face
05:20to find out once and for all
05:21if the sharks here really do bite.
05:23We are now about to swim with all these sharks
05:26in this shark tank.
05:27And we actually might get bit,
05:29according to some of these one-star reviews.
05:31This one says,
05:32A shark bit me.
05:34And that review was from two weeks ago.
05:37You guys got rid of the shark that bit someone, right?
05:39There's a lot of sharks here.
05:41So, you know.
05:43The shark that bit someone is still here.
05:45It's still here!
05:47Alex and I agree to go down for 60 seconds together
05:50to see if these sharks really do bite.
05:55Look at how many sharks there are!
06:00They're so close!
06:01Wait, what's that guy doing?
06:03Is he allowed to feed them
06:04while Alex and Alan are in there?
06:05That's just gonna stir them up!
06:06Open the door!
06:07Get out of there!
06:08Get out of there!
06:09Get out of there!
06:10Get out!
06:11That shark is going crazy!
06:13Get out of there!
06:14That's it!
06:15I'm pulling him out!
06:17It's too late, Tanner!
06:18Get out of there!
06:19Get out!
06:20Get out!
06:21You can't save them, Tanner!
06:25They're gone!
06:31Wait, there's Alan!
06:32They got Alex, too!
06:35That one shark, man!
06:36That mother****er tried to bite me!
06:38I'm never doing that again.
06:40If you thought that water park was scary,
06:42you're in for a wild ride.
06:43Because this next water park
06:44is even more dangerous than the first.
06:47Now, we're at one of the most dangerous
06:49water parks in the world.
06:51We have a lot of things to investigate here,
06:53like the slip and fly,
06:55the blob,
06:57and the contaminated lake water
06:59that's infested with alligators.
07:01So we better get started quick.
07:03We have five rides we need to investigate
07:05to see if these one-star reviews are accurate.
07:08For the first ride,
07:09we have the slip and fly.
07:11This ride is so dangerous
07:13that it's been banned in almost every single water park.
07:16But the water parks that do have it
07:18have one-star reviews that say
07:20do not go on the slip and fly.
07:22I got the breath knocked out of me
07:24and couldn't breathe.
07:25I don't think we should go on this ride
07:26after rating that review.
07:28Alan, we have to.
07:29Then you go on it.
07:30I'm... I have to record.
07:36We are high off the ground right now.
07:38Guys, I'm literally putting my life on the line
07:40to investigate this water park.
07:42In three, two, one...
07:47Wait. No, no, no, no, no.
07:49I'm not doing this.
07:50Yeah, I'm not going down this ride.
07:51Well, if you're not going down, then who is?
07:53I will!
07:57Wait, Zach, how did you get here?
07:59I followed you guys here on the boat.
08:02Didn't want to see my friends get hurt.
08:05You ready, Zach?
08:09In three, two, one...
08:21That looked like it hurt.
08:22Zach, are you okay?
08:24That review was a lie.
08:26Thank God we didn't go on that.
08:28The next thing we're investigating
08:30is this brown, stank-ass water.
08:35Because this one-star review says
08:37the water here is literally contaminated
08:40and is connected to the sewage from the restrooms.
08:43I had mysterious rashes when I left here
08:45at the end of the day.
08:46I mean, this is called Lake Alligator.
08:48I feel like contaminated water
08:50is the least of our worries.
08:51I can't even see a foot in front of me.
08:59You literally can't even see anything.
09:01So there could be a snake or alligator
09:03right in front of us and we would never know.
09:05But we're going to check back at the end of the day
09:07to see if any of us get mysterious rashes.
09:09The next thing we're investigating
09:11is this 50-foot diving board.
09:16Oh, Zach went home.
09:18I'm going home!
09:22Wait, so you're telling me
09:23I'm going to have to jump off of this?
09:25Do we really have to go on all the rides here?
09:27If we want to complete our investigation, yeah.
09:29Well, if this jump doesn't make me immobile,
09:32I don't know what will.
09:34In 3...
09:41Can you count the other way?
09:50Holy crap!
09:53Are you okay?
09:54I'm going to feel that later.
10:00It's not even the end of the day
10:01and you're already immobile.
10:04I just have to take a sh**.
10:08But I was about to find out
10:10that even the bathrooms here
10:11have one-star ratings.
10:13Because this one-star review says
10:15do not use the restroom here.
10:17It is disgusting
10:18and they do not have toilets.
10:20Also, beware of underwear thief.
10:22Someone stole my underwear while I was in the shower.
10:24Okay, there's no way people
10:26actually steal underwears here, right?
10:28Let's find out.
10:30So I'm just going to leave my underwear right here
10:32while I investigate how nasty
10:34this bathroom is.
10:35Oh my god!
10:36It smells so bad here.
10:38Let's see if they have toilets.
10:40What the hell was that?
10:42So they expect me to walk in here,
10:44squat down,
10:46and poop?
10:50That's probably one of those one-star reviews
10:52talking about how nasty the restroom is.
10:54Alright, I gotta get out of here.
10:55Oh wait, my underwear.
10:57Oh my god!
10:58I didn't want to believe this, but
11:00if my underwear is caught,
11:02it means someone working here
11:04is stealing the underwears.
11:06I'm out of here.
11:10And last up, we have the ride
11:12responsible for the most one-star reviews.
11:14The next ride is
11:16The Blob.
11:20And it has a high amount of one-star reviews,
11:22one of which says
11:24stay away from The Blob.
11:26I had to leave the waterpark in a wheelchair
11:28after I got launched 100 feet
11:30in the air by a fat person.
11:32The water felt like I was hitting solid
11:34rock. First of all, if he fell
11:36from 100 feet in the air into the water,
11:38would it actually feel like hitting concrete?
11:40And second of all, do we even have
11:42someone here fat enough to launch one of us
11:44100 feet in the air?
11:48Well now, we have two things to investigate.
11:50After hearing that review, we were pretty
11:52concerned that we may get hurt on this ride.
11:54So we sent Alex first, because his body
11:56is capable of absorbing the biggest
11:58impact. Alex!
12:00Are you kidding me?!
12:04I'm about to get launched 100 feet in the air.
12:06In 5,
12:122, 1!
12:22What the heck? I thought I was going
12:24100 feet in the air!
12:26I didn't even get launched!
12:28Something just touched my leg!
12:30Is it the alligator?
12:32What is it?
12:34The fish?
12:38No, I can't get out!
12:40Are you kidding me, Alex?
12:44Well, the reviews are true.
12:46That could have gone a lot worse if I wasn't
12:48so fat. Next up
12:50is Alan. There's no way he's getting higher
12:52than me. We're literally the same size.
12:562, 1!
13:04Wait, that's cheating! They used two
13:06people that time! But Alan only managed
13:08to get up 20 feet. So now,
13:10it's Sean's turn. Wait, why do I have to
13:12do this? Because you're the lightest!
13:14Ready, Sean? No,
13:16I don't think so! In 3,
13:22Good luck!
13:26Oh my god!
13:28He's so high!
13:32God damn!
13:34I think that was the world's highest launch!
13:38You okay, Sean? I'm never doing that again.
13:40Sean ended up getting launched
13:4250 feet in the air, which is insane!
13:44But it wasn't quite 100 feet, and he
13:46didn't need a wheelchair afterwards.
13:48This review is busted.
13:50But we still had one final review
13:52to do. We just thoroughly checked
13:54every inch of our body for mysterious rashes,
13:56and guess what?
13:58Nothing! We got nothing
14:00from being in that lake! Are you sure you
14:02checked every inch?
14:04Let me double check!
14:06And now,
14:08for the most deadly one-star
14:10waterpark. This waterpark has had
14:12more accidents and one-star reviews
14:14than every waterpark we visited
14:16today, combined.
14:18Most people refuse to even come here,
14:20but we're risking everything
14:22to try it for ourselves.
14:24Now, we're at the world's longest
14:26water slide. This water slide
14:28is literally 1,000 feet off the ground
14:30and 10,000 feet long.
14:32But, it's not as long as the list of
14:34one-star reviews, with the first
14:36one saying, this is the most dangerous
14:38water slide I've ever been on
14:40in my life. I almost fell off the slide
14:42three times. Who thought it would be
14:44a good idea to put a water slide on the
14:46edge of a mountain? And there's another review
14:48that says, I almost fell off this slide
14:50and got multiple bruises while going down from
14:52banging into the sides. Not to mention,
14:54I almost fell off the lift on the way up
14:56to this water slide. By the way,
14:58we're at the bottom of the water slide.
15:00So, before we can even ride it, we have
15:02to make a dangerous journey up this mountain
15:04and pass two major obstacles,
15:06starting with
15:08the cable car lift.
15:10Hey, this doesn't look too bad.
15:14why is it making so much noise?
15:16Nope, nope.
15:18It's honestly going pretty slow, so I feel safe for now.
15:20Oh, shoot.
15:24Holy sh**!
15:26We're like 500 feet
15:28off the ground. This water slide
15:30is so far up off the ground, we're literally
15:32going to be above the clouds.
15:34That's if we make it up there.
15:36I'm scared!
15:38It's literally shaking!
15:42It's about to get bumpy right here.
15:46Why is it shaking so much?
15:48Me and Tanner lied about our weight to get on, so
15:50hopefully the cable doesn't stop. I thought it didn't matter.
15:52Hold up, there's a weight limit?
15:54Yeah, but we're slightly above it,
15:56so I think we're fine.
15:58Get me the hell out of here!
16:00I didn't mean
16:02to lie about my weight.
16:04We're almost there!
16:06Everybody hold on!
16:10We made it!
16:12Go, go, go!
16:14Guys, we're higher
16:16than Mount Everest right now.
16:18You can't even see anything because of how many clouds
16:20there are here. But we still have one more
16:22obstacle to face before we can
16:24ride the world's longest water slide.
16:26This is the
16:28world's longest glass bridge.
16:30And the terrifying thing about it is
16:32only three years ago,
16:34the glass literally shattered when someone
16:36was trying to cross.
16:38All right, Alan, we need to be extremely careful.
16:42Be careful!
16:44The only
16:46thing keeping us from falling through this
16:48is a piece of glass one inch thick.
16:50We can't all be on the same glass.
16:52Everybody spread out!
16:54Oh my gosh, why is it shaking?
16:56Stop moving like that.
16:58It's not me!
17:00How is this legal?
17:02I just looked down.
17:04Don't look down. Alan, stay calm
17:06or you're going to slip again.
17:10And after nearly
17:1230 minutes of slow walking across
17:14the bridge, we finally
17:16made it to the end. And now that we've
17:18passed both obstacles, it's
17:20finally time for us to take on the world's
17:22longest glass water slide.
17:24There are hundreds of one-star reviews
17:26for this ride, and poor safety measures
17:28have led to dozens of accidents.
17:30Someone even crashed and shattered
17:32a glass, but the park kept the ride
17:34open anyways.
17:36Wait, we have to go down that?
17:38I'm scared! There's no other way down,
17:40so we have to go down this.
17:42Is the ride safe?
17:44Hell no.
17:46So long.
17:48Wait a minute!
17:50Oh my gosh!
17:52Oh my gosh!
17:56We're inches away from falling
17:58down the beach!
18:00What the f*** is that?
18:02I'm going to get off! Oh my God, look at that!
18:08These edges are too low, man!
18:10I feel like we might fall off!
18:14It's too bumpy! We're going to fall off!
18:16Look how fast we're going!
18:1825 miles per hour!
18:20Get out of the f***ing pillow!
18:22Stop the ride!
18:24Stop the f***ing ride!
18:26I can't do this.
18:28Take it off, man!
18:34What the hell? That was the worst
18:36ending to a ride ever. I think I broke my toe.
18:38I don't even know if I can walk.
18:40We made it!
18:42Let's go!
18:44Let's go!
18:46Wait, I just realized that we have to
18:48take this glass bridge all the way back down.