• 16 hours ago
We spent a day with the most EVIL 10 year olds to try to change them for the better.. watch until to end to see what happens 😳


00:00These are the most evil ten-year-olds
00:03They've been expelled from schools destroy everything in sight and have absolutely no respect for authority
00:11We'll be spending the next 24 hours with these kids to see if we can change them for the better
00:17Before it's too late. So we're about to meet the kids for the first time. Let's see how evil they actually are
00:30Shut up mom! You're the worst mom in the world! That's why dad died because he didn't want to be with you anymore!
00:42Now that we've seen firsthand just how bad these kids are we only have 24 hours to see if we can change them for the
00:48Better it's time to show these kids some tough love. Yeah
00:52Wait, hold on. Shouldn't we try a more gentle approach? Yeah, I mean dad's tough love approach worked out pretty well on us
00:58What do you say?
01:04Alex why don't you and Kat try a more gentle approach with Kaitlyn and me and Tanner will show Dylan some tough love
01:12All right
01:13And whichever one of our kids is better behaved by the end of today gets to keep our new 100 million subscriber play button
01:22And in order to see which parenting approach works best
01:25Each team has a separate list of activities planned to teach their kid how to behave
01:31Oh my gosh, I love your room
01:38I'm Kat
01:46What happens maybe she just has a lot of energy we should make her some more fun we should I know the perfect place
01:54Remember he's the kid. We're the adults here. You're right do it
02:00Whoa, what's going on here?
02:03Who are you guys?
02:05We're the ones that's gonna make you behave kid. Sorry, kinda like my babysitters. Well, my last one died
02:12So good luck
02:14We knew we had to get Dylan out of his room to start his first activity
02:18So we convinced him to come with us to the toy store for some new toys of rip apart
02:22Meanwhile cat and Alex were arriving at their first activity
02:26So we have a little surprise for you. You can take off your blindfold in three two one
02:33Surprise, we're at the arcade
02:36Do you think I'm a little kid
02:42You're right this is fun
03:08Sorry, hey, let's try something else
03:14I'm not gonna have to pay for this. Am I?
03:17Maybe Tanner and Alan's tough-love approach will prove to be more effective on Dylan
03:21What this isn't a toy store? Yeah
03:26And we got a long list of chores for you to get done by the end of the day or else
03:32What are you talking back to me big boy? Who are you calling big boy?
03:40You know what, I'm sorry
03:42But if I'm doing all of these chores, can I at least go use the bathroom? Yeah, so make it quick
03:51See it's already working
03:53It's that tough love but little did we know Dylan had a special surprise planned for us
04:06Now all I have to do is just scream and
04:10Wait, it's been 20 minutes. How long does it take to use the restroom?
04:36Was just playing a joke
04:38Hey, no jokes here
04:41Come here
04:43Back at the arcade Caitlin was finally starting to behave. Hey, you guys are playing basketball
04:49You know, I used to play an NBA so you can beat me. I'll give you a free $10,000
05:07Caitlin's first activity did not go as planned
05:10So if Dylan can prove himself in his first character building activity
05:14You have a strong lead to win the 100 million subscriber play button. You keep making bad decisions Dylan
05:20So it's obvious you need to be taught a lesson
05:23So for your first chore, you're gonna give my dog
05:26Atlas a bath and while you're at it, you can clean my fishbowl, too
05:39He wants me to wash his dog, well, I have a better plan for his ugly mutt but first
05:49Little Tanner jr. Is going on a little vacation
05:54To the ocean
06:13While our pets were facing the consequences of being left alone with Dylan Alex and Kat thought a more physical activity might wear Caitlin out
06:20So they took her to a trampoline park for a friendly game of dodgeball
06:24All right, listen up. I got two teams my left and my right. There's only one rule
06:42Okay, here we go she's going down
07:13Said no throwing at the face
07:30This is too much for me
07:32Caitlin is zero for two now at showing any improvement in her activities and Dylan isn't looking any better
07:38Man, I hope he did a good job. Let's find out
07:47Nothing the whole time I was just cleaning Tanner's fishbowl
07:51Where's my son?
07:54Let's just say he's in one of the toilets
08:09Dylan was really sticking it to Tanner and Alan. So for Dylan's second activity, they decided to call in some reinforcements
08:16What do we do?
08:17I'm thinking
08:19I'm pretty sure you can see past our top guy out. What I know who can make him behave
08:29So Zach, what do we do with him little kids you gotta be the one in control you gotta be the elf
08:38I don't let my little brothers and sisters walk all over me because I'm strict with them. Yo
08:44Whatever happens don't step in I got
09:04Dishes are done sir. Jeez. Calm down, bro
09:19What do we do
09:26He said not to step in don't step in
09:50Dylan clearly does not respect his elders and Kaitlyn was clearly having trouble making friends with kids her own age
09:57So Alex and Kat decided to give her one more chance to make some friends and soften her up
10:04Look a birthday party and they have cake you like cake, right?
10:19Oh my god
10:26What is wrong with you you're evil
10:33That's it you're on
10:39That kid is a lost cause maybe if we buy her something it'll make you feel better
10:43Kaitlyn better straighten up fast because at the end of the day
10:47We're gonna be putting her and Dylan through a series of morality tests to see who learned the most and for Dylan's next activity
10:53We decided to give him a chore he can do alone
10:55So he wouldn't be able to physically abuse anyone else know what from now on you're not allowed inside that house anymore
11:03You're gonna stay out here and wash both of these cars. You hear me?
11:07You guys suck no
11:10Tanner Tanner, he's just a kid. We're the adults here. Remember? Yeah, Tanner. I'm just a kid
11:19Listen the cleaning supplies are right there. Got it get to work
11:24This is so stupid. Just why can't they wash their own cars? Oh
11:29My god, I hope they like green
11:33Now this car is gonna be even more clean
11:36with green
11:41I'm washing this car real good while Dylan was wreaking havoc on the car
11:48Kaitlyn was wreaking havoc in the car. So Kaitlyn, what did you think of your behavior at the trampoline park?
11:55Hey, we buy you something we promised we better behaved depends when you buy me anything if you calm down, okay
12:07Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we're almost there, okay
12:14Hey, can you please stop smacking that gum?
12:18Can you spit it out, please? Yeah, sure
12:23Better help Dylan do it. How's the car always been green? What?
12:36Stop hitting the car
12:41Stop hey, stop. Stop. Listen to me put the bats down
13:06Dylan was about to face some serious consequences for his actions
13:14Meanwhile, Alex and Kat were trying to distract Kaitlyn from her bad behaviors by taking her to do her favorite thing
13:20Shopping. Okay. So here's the deal
13:23Anything you can fit inside this shopping cart in 60 seconds. I'll buy for you
14:04What pepper spray no times up you have to put the pepper spray back
14:23Back at the house Alan decided to try a different approach that would actually get Dylan in some serious trouble if he continued to misbehave
14:30Oh, thank God. He's here Alan. Nice to meet you officer Layton. Nice to meet you
14:36So, uh, what are you planning on doing with the kid we're gonna take him to our scared straight program
14:43Trust me. He won't be doing this kind of stuff when we're done with him. Where's the kid?
14:52Keep talking and you're next
14:55Come over here. Give me this back
14:59You are now under arrest you understand that
15:01I'm over here. No, come over here. You need to stop
15:31Hey get her down
15:53Luckily we got Kaitlyn out of there before the cops arrived Dylan on the other hand wasn't so lucky
15:59Turn to your left
16:02Turn to your right
16:05Look straight in the camera
16:19Why huh cuz your breath stinks
16:28Could happen in there
17:04Things just got real
17:06While Dylan was about to spend his night in prison with actual criminals
17:10Alex decided to ditch his gentle approach for a more strict approach by sending Kaitlyn to the world's strictest school
17:16Welcome to detention or should I say?
17:20This is principal graves the most ruthless teacher at the world's strictest school
17:25He gave us a really hard time when we were here in the past and he specializes in punishing children
17:29So we know he'll be able to handle Kaitlyn
17:35Except for these cleaning supplies hitting the floor now
17:42You're missing a lot
17:49It doesn't look like it's going so well
18:03Your hands this will for sure teach her how to be more respectful
18:13God you're such a little brat
18:37What does he mean by present
18:50Hear a lot it's time for you to meet your potential cellmates first up
18:54Hey there first
18:57What is that supposed to be some kind of gang sign?
19:02You know this game sign
19:04Hey, that's enough get back here. I'll break that middle finger off and eat it next up. We got Padre Coco
19:24Next up we got scary Terry hello, miss sunshine. You think this is a joke?
19:28I mean
19:32Have you tried
19:37Last but not least muscle Mike
19:53The doors not fully open
20:03Scary Terry was not lying because he still has some unfinished business to settle with Dylan
20:08But first, let's see how Kaitlyn's bathroom duty is going
20:14While we thought Kaitlyn was finally beginning to make a little progress she was secretly plotting to get revenge
20:22So principal graves, is there any hope for is she getting better? I don't know. She did the best she can in the classroom
20:28I hope she's doing a good job in the bathroom. You're done. It better be clean in there. I'm gonna check it out
20:35I even filled up the bucket
20:52The strict approach clearly didn't work on Kaitlyn either so Alex and Kat had to come up with a new strategy
20:59But now it's time to see if scary Terry can teach Dylan a little respect
21:04Have you tried parole?
21:06You little piece of s**t!
21:07Well, hello little Miss Sunshine.
21:09Didn't they tell you I was gonna see you again?
21:11Say something now, son!
21:13What you gonna do?
21:14Do you have any jokes to tell me, son?
21:16You got some jokes?
21:17This ain't no game!
21:19I got kids like you, son!
21:21You wanna hit me, son?
21:23That's what you wanna do?
21:24You wanna hit me?
21:27Then hit me.
21:28Swing, son! Swing!
21:43Listen, son.
21:44I don't mean to be hard on you.
21:46But I did what you did.
21:48I disrespected my mom.
21:49Go in your room.
21:50My dad.
21:51You're not listening!
21:52I wasn't paying attention to no one, son.
21:54What happened? I ended up in the streets.
21:56I don't wanna see you in here.
21:58Do better.
22:00Just be better, son.
22:02Guys, I'm pretty sure he learned his lesson.
22:04Let's get him out of here.
22:05I agree.
22:07Well, guys.
22:08Can we get him out of here?
22:09Well, Dylan.
22:10What do you think?
22:11I promise I've changed.
22:13No more pranking.
22:14I'll be nice to my mom.
22:16Just please don't put me back in here.
22:19Well, I'm happy that you've made the decision to be better.
22:22Let's get out of here.
22:27Now that our 24 hours with Caitlin and Dylan is up,
22:29it's time to see just how much they actually improved.
22:32So we came up with three challenging morality tests
22:35to determine which one became less evil.
22:38And the winning team gets to keep our new 100 million subscriber play button.
22:42For the first test, we're here with the kid's grandma.
22:45And we put $1,000 in her purse
22:48to see which one of the evil kids will steal from their own grandma.
22:52And we planted hidden cameras all over her room.
22:55So we're gonna be watching their every move.
22:57From our surveillance room.
22:59Caitlin's definitely gonna win this.
23:00No, she's not. She couldn't even pass detention.
23:02Well, Dylan went to prison.
23:03Whoa, okay. What are you doing?
23:05Hey, guys, guys, guys, calm down.
23:07Dylan's here.
23:08Oh, Dylan, what are you doing?
23:10You have your shoes on.
23:12Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
23:13You need to get off the bed now.
23:15Dylan, if you could stop.
23:17I'll give you a cookie.
23:19And, um, another thing.
23:20Could you go in there and get my purse?
23:22It's in the other room.
23:24Oh, thank you, honey.
23:25Dylan's gonna do the right thing.
23:26Just wait and see.
23:29Wait, look, he found the purse.
23:35Steal me, Dylan.
23:36Do it now.
23:40Did you find it?
23:44Wait, Dylan!
23:51Oh, you found it.
23:52Oh, thank you so much.
23:54Wait, did Dylan take the money?
23:56I can't tell.
24:05That wasn't my money.
24:06Let's go!
24:08I had a feeling this whole time he wasn't gonna take it.
24:10Well, Kaitlyn's not gonna take it either.
24:12All right, let's find out.
24:16I hate coming over here, Grandma.
24:17It's always so boring.
24:19Oh, well, honey, I'll give you something to do.
24:21Can you go in the other room and get my purse, please?
24:24Why can't you just get it yourself and use your legs and walk over there?
24:27Whoa, this girl, Kaitlyn, really hates her grandma.
24:30There's no way Kaitlyn's gonna take it.
24:33Oh, there are gold diggers!
24:34Hey, wait!
24:35Whoa, whoa, whoa.
24:36Wait, okay, but maybe Kaitlyn is.
24:38Let's find out.
24:45Steal me.
24:46Steal me.
24:52What's taking you so long?
25:04Hey, Grandma, I found your purse.
25:05Oh, thank you.
25:06You found my purse.
25:08Oh, great.
25:14Oh, dear.
25:16Kaitlyn, did you happen to see any money in here?
25:20Well, well, well, gold digger confirmed.
25:23I thought I put money in here.
25:24Well, you didn't, so you're losing your mind.
25:27You should go see a doctor right away.
25:29Oh, well.
25:30Dylan's honesty made him the clear winner of the first challenge.
25:34But this next challenge will test a new aspect of Dylan and Kaitlyn's morality.
25:40So now, you two will be playing split or steal.
25:44The green means split, and the red means steal.
25:48If you guys both hit split, you guys evenly split the $10,000.
25:55If one of you hits steal, you get to steal the entire $10,000,
25:59and your sibling goes home with nothing.
26:01However, if you guys both hit steal, then you guys both go home empty-handed.
26:07You guys ready to play?
26:08Yes, we've been ready.
26:10We'll let you guys talk and make your own decisions.
26:12All right, Kaitlyn's definitely going to pass this test.
26:14That's what you said about the last test.
26:16If we both pick split, then we both go home with $5,000.
26:20So, I think split's the best option, so we go home with something.
26:23Both of us, not just one of us, both of us.
26:26See, Kaitlyn's doing the right thing.
26:28Yeah, probably because she just robbed her grandma.
26:31She's already rich.
26:33Can I trust you?
26:36Of course, I'll never steal from my sister.
26:42Okay, looks like you're going to split.
26:44Maybe both of our teams are going to pass this test.
26:47Three, two, one.
27:05Oh, my God.
27:07Did Dylan just betray Kaitlyn?
27:09Wait, what'd you pick?
27:15I said for you to pick split.
27:17You're such a horrible brother.
27:19Cry about it.
27:21That's so annoying.
27:24I'll share a bed.
27:25No, you can't.
27:26You can't do this.
27:27That's not fair on your sister.
27:29Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
27:33All right, so Kaitlyn and Dylan are now tied,
27:37which means there's only one more test to determine.
27:40What the?
27:42Why is the hospital calling?
27:48Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll be right there.
27:50Guys, Kaitlyn and Dylan's mom just got into an accident.
27:53She's at the hospital.
27:54We got to go.
27:55Oh, my gosh.
27:56Oh, hey, kids, your mom was in a bit of an accident.
28:00Do you want to go in and see her?
28:01Yes, yes.
28:02Go ahead.
28:04Hey, I'm sorry, family only.
28:08After everything we've done, she'll be considered family.
28:12What's wrong with our mom?
28:14Kidney failure.
28:15She doesn't have much time.
28:16She needs a donor ASAP.
28:18Where can we find a donor?
28:20Well, the easiest way to find a donor is from a family member,
28:23and you two are both a match.
28:25We are?
28:27I just need one of you to agree to give one of your functioning kidneys to your mother.
28:32Time really is of the essence.
28:42I'll do it.
28:47Whoa, guys, neither of you have to give up a kidney.
28:50Wait, what?
28:51And your mom's actually okay.
28:55That's right.
28:56This was all just an experiment to see if Dylan and Katelyn learned to respect their mom.
29:00And after seeing the way they treated her earlier today,
29:03we thought this would be a perfect final morality test to see if they had actually changed.
29:08I love you guys.
29:10But I love you more.
29:13Because Dylan was willing to give up his kidney, my team wins, which means...
29:19Back off!
29:25Yes, sir.
29:27I'll do the dishes next time.
29:36What was that?
29:37I can't tell my neck.
