PT Bank Tabungan Negara (BBTN) membidik pendanaan dari Bale Korpora hingga Rp90 triliun atau bertumbuh lebih dari 50 persen secara year-on-year. Sedangkan jumlah pengguna Bale Korpora diharapkan dapat mencapai 21.000 pada akhir 2025.
Seperti diketahui, emiten BUMN ini bakal meluncurkan layanan Bale Korpora by BTN. Direktur Distribution & Institutional Funding BTN Jasmin mengatakan, nantinya Bale Korpora diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu penggerak pertumbuhan bagi pendapatan BTN di luar bunga, yaitu fee based income.
Seperti diketahui, emiten BUMN ini bakal meluncurkan layanan Bale Korpora by BTN. Direktur Distribution & Institutional Funding BTN Jasmin mengatakan, nantinya Bale Korpora diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu penggerak pertumbuhan bagi pendapatan BTN di luar bunga, yaitu fee based income.
00:00In 2025, the National Bank will continue to push for an increase in its digital banking services.
00:11This is done by the BTN Bank, which promotes the optimization of digital services
00:16through the Bali Corpora application,
00:18which offers comprehensive services in the business and consumer segments.
00:23PTBTBK has launched a business wholesale banking platform called Bali Corpora by BTN
00:35as part of the effort to strengthen the financing machine.
00:38In a discussion, BTN's Director of Distribution and Institutional Funding, Jasmin, explained
00:44that BTN continues to educate institutions that have large nominal transactions
00:48and need better cash management.
00:50With this digital service, BTN hopes to boost financing from Bali Corpora to 90 trillion rupiah.
00:56The figure is expected to grow by more than 50% this year.
01:00With the great potential of financing, BTN seeks to attract institutional customers
01:04by emphasizing the advantages of Bali Corpora on more relevant Bali Corpora features
01:09and solutions designed to consider customer needs.
01:12With Bali Corpora, BTN aims to segment customers from various sectors.
01:17Jasmin explained that Bali Corpora is a gateway to all BTN wholesale services,
01:22not only cash management, but also e-guarantee, financial supply chain management, and other services.
01:29With Bali Corpora, everything is integrated.
01:32So when customers log in, all the menus, all the features,
01:38customer needs are already in Bali Corpora.
01:40So it will allow customers to transact quickly, safely,
01:45and also in real time.
01:48Because they don't need to come and go all the time.
01:52In the future, the number of Bali Corpora users is expected to reach 21,000 users at the end of this year.
01:58Through Bali Corpora, all BTN wholesale services can be integrated.
02:03Jakarta Rajopatmo IDX Channel