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00:00Alright guys today. We are back on roblox and we are playing a shark dash race. Are you guys ready?
00:11All right, basically guys so you collect all the little boost over here
00:14Or you could take your shark to the treadmills to get even more speed in the back
00:20This is my treadmill
00:23No, it's mine now. I hold up. I might just realize how do you already have 600 speed?
00:27What do you mean? I just been collecting the stuff. I really oh, I'm at wait hold up
00:30Oh, I just collected a gift guys about 400 speed. I'm going crazy with it. Let's go
00:34I am kind of popping off bro. I'm not
00:38540 speed Wow all right. I'll get some free gems there we go
00:42Equip what Santa Claus? How did you get guys Emma? How did you get Santa Claus?
00:47He was my daily reward. How does Emma always have at least two days played on this game? Yeah?
00:54All right in that case I will buy I'm not buying that that is way too much Roblox nevermind
00:59I will not buy anything. That's good techie
01:01I was gonna buy the limited pet on the right side of the screen for time 60, but dude
01:05It's 600 Roblox like that is absolutely what yeah, that's insane. Yeah, I don't think it's worth it at all definitely not worth it
01:11However, I think I'm gonna go to the store and see if I can buy anything out. Oh there we go guys
01:14I think I'm gonna buy 10 devil eggs
01:18Yeah, it's 2,000 Roblox
01:24That's a lot of Roblox. Oh, I know Ava. Oh, I know trust me, and I am I'm pulling some pretty decent stuff
01:29I think at least all right. I got an exclusive. Can you guys tell me what the best one is?
01:32I want to get the two percenter. I mean I could look I guess
01:36In the store it finished anyways, I guess I'm about to find out all right and equip best um yeah
01:41Don't look at my speed guys. Just don't look at oh my god
01:48Yeah, no you are right it is not fair
01:50I will be honest, but yeah guys. I'm getting a lot of speed now. I'm on the purple
01:53He's gonna finish before us now
01:55You know guys listen the pets that I bought don't actually get never mind this one gives me times 300 this was a scam
02:01They wanted me to spend 600 Roblox for times 60 when I got like a bunch of pets for times 300
02:06Yeah, why would they do that? I don't know but guys if we reach world three together
02:09I can trade with you guys. I got a bunch of other pets that I'm already using
02:14All right for now
02:15I'm gonna buy three extra pet slots for 400 Roblox and now I can auto equip all of my pets and oh
02:20My gosh guys. I'm getting a lot of speed also. I'm probably gonna buy the V. I'm buying the VIP
02:26Seriously VIP Ashley look dude. There's a there's a golden treadmill that I could use and I'm probably gonna get a lot more speed on
02:31It so yes, I'm buying it oh
02:35This thing is awesome, bro. I'm already at 250,000 speed. I don't even have a trainer yet now
02:40What trainers should I buy guys?
02:42I don't know if the trainers are actually that good unless they're for like acceleration dude they cost a lot of gems
02:48I only have a hundred gems and the first trainer you could buy is 150 gems
02:51So I think I'll just buy the trainer for some robux for 200 robux right here
02:54He's a demon trainer and he looks kind of cool
02:57All right, I got him. Oh, there we go. I'm cooking now. We're getting a lot of speed going also
03:02I think it's time. I start rebirth that guys. I'm just gonna start rebirthing app. I'm already at three rebirths for rebirths
03:07Oh my god. I'm getting so many rebirths. What are they?
03:09No, they only cost bro. It's so worth to do it. I'm at six rebirths already
03:14This is insane and you kind of get the speed back really really quickly
03:18So if I were you guys I would do it
03:20You have overpowered pets and you're on the VIP treadmill. You do have a great point and I have a trainer
03:25So maybe don't rebirth actually. Thanks. Yeah, my bad. I'm gonna get the ten reverse and I think I'm gonna stop for a little bit
03:31But yeah, we need to get all the way up here before I stop. I am going crazy with it, though
03:35All right. I says I have another gift. I guess I'll take ten free wins
03:38Also, have you guys seen if there's any trails around bro? I feel like there would be trails in this game
03:42It's by the race area, oh my what does it cost Dave? I feel like it cost wins, doesn't it?
03:46I don't know. I didn't look yet. All right. Well, I just rebirth to rebirth nine
03:49So now I gotta wait a bunch till I can go to rebirth ten and then I'll be super awesome and super strong
03:54So hopefully it'll actually be worth it
03:57What's oh, I see it. Do I get it? Oh, I get one free spin
04:00All right, let me get the OP pet guys, please. Please. I got gems Wow
04:05No, I don't think you can I think that's literally the worst thing I could possibly get
04:09Really I think like the small wins packs pretty bad. Yeah, actually that might be worse. You're right. All right
04:14Well for now, I'm gonna buy double wins cuz I know I'm gonna need that for the trails and I'm also buy some double speed
04:19I am about to go zoom in guys. Good luck techie. Thank you Sage
04:22I did say I was gonna spend $100,000. So I'm gonna do it bro. We got to spend it
04:26I don't even know if I could spend $100,000 in this game. Wait, why do you say that?
04:30You could definitely do it if you really tried. No, I don't think we want to do that
04:33I don't think you have $100,000. That's probably why huh? No, I only have like
04:38All right, guys, I finally rebirthed ten times. So now all I gotta do is stack up my speed and then hit the races
04:44Well, good luck. Wait, can you upgrade your actual shark?
04:48Oh, I see them
04:50There's a red shark and I think that one's the last one you get and whoa, he cost a lot of wins guys
04:54That says six thousand two hundred and fifty wins. That is pretty insane. Yeah
05:00Dude that's gonna cost a lot. All right. Anyways on the bright side guys, I'm about to hit 10 million total speed
05:05So I think I should be with the races
05:08No, dude, I have been grinding. Also, what's the second world guys? I mean, how much do I need to leave a 10k wins?
05:13Yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's that's kind of nothing. I'm gonna be honest. Did you already make it?
05:18No, I only have 15 wins, but dude, I got a lot of speed
05:21I'm pretty sure I'm gonna make it in no time
05:22Also, I kind of want to buy this trail because it does give me more wins
05:26All right, I'm gonna buy this trail for about 200 robux. All right, and boom. Are you guys ready to see me race?
05:34All right. I'm starting the race in about six seconds. How do I remove this? There's got to be a countdown remover, right?
05:39This is insane
05:42I feel like the countdown timer is usually a thing. Oh, wait. Wait, this red sharks beating me. What he almost beat me
05:48That was close up, but I won
05:51Wait, what there's none in the shop. No, I'm on the bright side guys. I got 20,000 wins
05:56So I will see you guys in the next world. Goodbye
06:01Yeah, I also got enough wins to finally get the red shark over here
06:04So I guess I'll just cop this one. All right. Nice guys. Look at my shirt before I leave
06:12Dude it looks awesome. All right, I'm finally in world number two now
06:15So, let's see what this world looks like. Whoa guys, the trainers look so awesome
06:21There's a train over here called angel and she's 700 robux. I think I'm gonna buy her
06:25What does she do she gives me a bunch of acceleration and a bunch of other cool stuff
06:29I get more movement speed and more speed in general. I just put her on. Oh, I would probably buy that too
06:34Yeah, dude, she looks really really awesome. All right. Well on the bright side, let me see if oh my guys
06:39I think getting on the treadmills is completely buns. I think collecting the actual like little electric things are way better
06:45What really I thought it'd be the other way around. Yeah, I bro. I'm telling you now
06:48I think this is the way I am getting so much speed out of this. Oh my gosh, bro
06:54Alright, well, I might have enough speed to already win the races to be honest, dude. I'm I'm getting a bunch
06:59I guess let me test out the treadmill. Maybe I'm wrong. But dude, I was giving me a lot of speed up
07:03Yep. Yep. I was definitely right dude. The little things give you way more. Okay. Well, I'm gonna be doing that now
07:09Yeah, for real bro. It's definitely the method. All right, I'm just collecting all of them on the floor
07:13So it's the need 18 million wins to get that shark over there. That looks crazy, bro. So expensive
07:20Seriously, all right. I'm entering the race guys. Let's see if I can beat them
07:27I'm going for it. Five four three two one
07:36Guys there's a problem. I did not come in first. This is not good. What?
07:43I was spamming sage. I'm telling you the dude at first is really strong
07:49You gotta go train techie. You gotta train again. I think I know what it is. I gotta buy another shark
07:55Okay, we're buying this one for three million wins
07:58Yes, it probably is I think the Sharks give you more speed bro, so let's go try the race again
08:02And what about the trails? I already have a really cool trail on stage. So it's definitely not that oh
08:06Oh, you can't upgrade your trails anymore
08:08I mean I can but the only better one is like a thousand robux and I'm not spending that
08:13All right. I'm gonna see if I can beat him this time
08:20I'm going as quick as possible guys. I lost again. There's something wrong. I
08:26Bought out. Oh click. I'm gonna try one more time. I should technically be able to win this one with autoclick, right?
08:31There's no way I lose. Sure. Yes, absolutely. Okay. Yeah, you're right. You're right, right?
08:35Just gotta lock in lock in lock in. All right, press autoclick at the bottom left. Yeah more than lock in
08:39Okay, you're right more than lock in. All right, the race is starting the race is starting and go. Okay. Oh
08:45It's going it's going it's good. Yeah, I know. Nope, not faster than I'm Wow. Okay, dad
08:51Dude is extremely fast you guys like what am I even supposed to do in this situation?
08:56I don't even know how that's possible. I don't either cuz I feel like I am super fast, bro
09:00Well, there's only one thing left to do guys. I got a rebirth and then keep on rebirthing. Good luck techie. Thank you Sage
09:07I'm turning auto rebirths on though. Oh, that's gonna drain you pretty quick. Are you sure? Yeah, I think I need to bro
09:12If I want to keep on rebirthing a bunch of times, there we go. I'm at now 12 rebirths 13 rebirths
09:16I just keep on going up bro. I'm going crazy with it so far
09:19All right, I think I'll probably get to like 15 to 20 rebirths and then I think I'll stop and see if I can beat him
09:23Again, that's pretty smart. Yeah, I'm gonna need a lot more speed bro. I am nowhere near fast enough just yet
09:29All right. Finally, I'm now at 15 rebirth
09:30So I guess I'll turn auto rebirth off and just let me see if I can finally beat this guy
09:34I might have to buy the red shark. Maybe that's what it is, bro. Let me buy the final shark
09:38There we go. And now hopefully hopefully I can beat this guy
09:40I thought you had the red shark already. No, that's a different red shark. Oh, okay. Yeah, this one's way better
09:45Oh my god, wait, there's a golden shark guys 400 robux
09:52I bought it sage. I bought it. I bought it. Oh
09:56My gosh, it looks insane. Oh my goodness
09:59I think I am about to be real overpowered just saying I think you already were even when you left here
10:05Yeah, but I couldn't beat this guy. So I clearly wasn't that overpowered but now I feel like I'm super strong
10:11Okay, I should be able to beat this guy, bro
10:13I got more than double the strength that I had last time that I tried versing him
10:16So it should be pretty easy
10:17You know what?
10:18I'm gonna get to 1 billion strength before I finally set a verse him again, but let's see
10:21We're going crazy with it so far, bro. Oh my gosh. I'm getting a lot of speed right now. Good luck techie
10:25I'm not a billion guys. It's time. I enter the race. All right
10:33All right, it's about a countdown oh my god, I see him. Okay, it shows his strength is 450 million
10:39I could definitely beat him guys
10:45Guys it wasn't even close he got destroyed
10:50Thank you guys, oh my gosh, dude, I'm going crazy with it. I got 59 million wins for that race
10:56What are you gonna do with all those wins go to world number three?
11:00Yeah, sorry, I'm a this world is pretty awesome. Oh my gosh, it's all lava themed and stuff wait guys
11:06There's a better shark in here. It's all galaxy themed
11:12I bought it you bought it. Oh, you guys have to see this. No, I'm not kidding
11:17I actually meant to teleport to the older worlds. You guys have to see this bro. Come back here. We want to see okay
11:22I'm where you guys in world 1 or world 2
11:27Okay guys, I'm coming to world 1 right now
11:34Let me let me see this sage where you are bro, you got a look at this. This is insane
11:38Okay. Okay. I just got finished and let me just go and
11:46Told you bro, it's insane. I know it gets really really insane. Also, I could sit here and collect speed
11:52It gives me the same amount. I just realized
11:55My bad, let me just take this golden one. All right, I'm out of here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here
11:58Wow techie really? Yeah, my bad. All right, I'm teleporting back to world 3. Hopefully I can actually beat this world, bro
12:04I think I should be able to beat can you see how strong the bosses actually are and how much speed need to beat them?
12:08I think you can if you um hover over the sharks, right? No, I don't think you can as well
12:13Yeah, no during the race. You just have to catch a glimpse of their power. I think that makes a lot of sense
12:18All right. Well right now I'm only a 2 billion bro. So I don't think I can be any of the sharks over here
12:22I probably need to get all the way up to 10 billion if I won't even beat them
12:25But we're gonna sit here on the grind and I'm collecting a bunch of speed off the floor. I'm on that grind, too
12:30I'm on the second world. All right, I'm on when you get the third I'll trade you a pet and I'll give it to you for
12:36Actually, I'll give you one too I got a bunch of them bro, so don't worry I got you
12:39But for now you guys got to keep on grinding bro
12:42Cuz I'm the only one in this world so far and I just got here with all the stuff that I bought
12:44Well, it's pretty hard techie. Yeah, I know that but if you guys want to get here you gotta you gotta grind
12:50Okay, I got to the second world nice sage good job
12:54I'm only at 5 billion power, bro. I need to get my power up even higher if I want to leave this place
12:59All right. Well, let's keep on grinding bro. Also, there's rainbow pets. What is this? Wait, can I put my rainbow pet?
13:05Wait, I can't put any of my pets in there. Are you kidding me, bro?
13:08I think it might be glitched. I think you have to do the gold ones first and then make them rainbow
13:11I think you're right Emma. All right. Well for now, it's time to just keep on grinding and getting my speed up
13:16You know what? I think I'm gonna go race guys
13:18Let's see how far I can actually go. Hopefully sends me really really far though. All right guys now
13:23I I hope I don't lose this guy has oh, I'm cooked guys
13:28Guys they all have way more than me. Oh my gosh. Oh
13:34Yeah, that's bad news. This is embarrassing. I'm actually getting destroyed this dude in yet guys
13:40I came second at last like this is really
13:43I know
13:45This is horribly bad. I think I need to spam rebirths if I want you want to like progress through the world
13:50I was just doing rebirths too. I think you have to okay guys
13:53I think I'm gonna buy some rebirths bro, cuz this is embarrassing. All right, I'm turning auto rebirth on bro
13:57I can't even do nothing right now. All right, I'm at 16 rebirths
14:00I'm gonna get on the treadmill though, and I'm just gonna keep on going and hopefully I get a bunch more
14:04There we go. My rebirths are starting to stack up a lot. Now. Finally. I am at a total of 18 rebirths now guys
14:13Emma I think you're at a total of five. Oh, that's bad. No, it's not not horrible
14:30My bad bro, I was trying to be nice and I realized it actually is horrible. Okay, you don't have to repeat it
14:36Okay. Okay, my bad. Also guys, this might take me a long time to go to the next world
14:39So if you guys want to see a part two in this game like and subscribe
