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© 2024 Sniping Soup (liquidmetall711)


00:12Terrorizer I think I flashed your mom I flashed your mom
00:30Three million damage and do had 30
00:53Before we get much further
00:54Thank you to war robots frontiers for sponsoring this video war robots frontiers is available now on PC
01:02PS4 PS5
01:04Xbox series XS and Xbox one
01:06So use my link in the description to claim your free rewards and get into battle a free-to-play multiplayer mech shooter
01:13Constructed customize your war robots squad up with other pilots online and fire up your engines in massive battles across the stars
01:21Feel the power of your massive mech with each mechanical detail cast in perfect detail
01:26You can feel the weight of your robot with authentic physics and momentum with immersive effects as you control your robot
01:33You can customize your perfect robot
01:35specialize into a brutal assault mech a stalwart defender fast flanker
01:40Supportive tactician or mix it up. The perfect machine is waiting for you
01:43You can set up ambushes outflank your opponents declare devastating charges and deploy devastating ordinance across three game modes
01:50And for richly detailed maps designed for team play and the under the wire battle passes coming on March 11th build and pilot the new
01:58war robots cyclops and unlock 35 plus galactic rewards including unique
02:03Cosmetics and battle gear so be sure to use my link below and check out war robots frontiers back to the video
02:10Lock in already lock. All right, lock in boys lock in who's gonna be a flanker. Who's gonna be defenders? Who's gonna be?
02:17Mike's my game crashed
02:24There's a bot named Dallas fight myself
02:28Is it appropriate to say all up these were robots, yeah, absolutely all up soldier the start dude, look at me fine
02:35Wait, how do you fly? Oh space bar, bro
02:38Read the damn screen boy
02:41I'm flying like I'm shooting Frank in the head
02:45Frank is killing me. Oh Frank
02:48Yeah, Frank is stanky with it
02:50Give me where the where's Dallas at? We gotta kill us
02:54Dallas is shooting my ass. I
02:57Got my first ever kill in war robots, ladies and gentlemen
03:01Congratulations soldier everybody. I think I think Dallas is coming now
03:06You got damn, right
03:12Yeah, let the enemy players respawn whoa dude, what the hell just shot some insane rockets out of my thing
03:20Dallas is over here. We got a fucking kill him. Show him who's the real Dallas or say is
03:28Can't wait shoes crotch. It'll kill him. Is there crowd like a crotch? Yeah. No, he's really low
03:35His crotch armor is insanely low. It kills him if you should
03:40Kill Dallas time to kill the next Dallas
03:47Are we supposed to take D
03:58My Dallas is back. Oh, thank you for good man down. No Dallas. Oh, he's happening. Wow. He just fucking destroyed my ass
04:14Dallas is good
04:21Not being in this game, all right, this sounds wild
04:27What is that guy doing he's going
04:30What the hell is that?
04:33What the hell is this sending to a new level that Mike is over 9,000?
04:43I just smited Frank
04:46My hand of God smited Frank right there, I don't know what I clicked. Why are you so are you so sure?
04:51Why are you guys short guy? I feel like you're like shorter than I am
04:58We lost
05:35I'm getting flanked. I believe by a flanker. I do believe we just can't jump. No, I take the objective
05:43Again, oh, no, it's a spot. Oh my god. Oh my god. Help get out of my fucking
05:54Rocking in the shadow of him dude, dude. Why are they only targeting me? I gotta fly out here
06:08We got a cat boy, so we'd like to
06:14Focus on this guy. No, I'm sorry. God. He's so weak when I get movement. Yes
06:26They're all on C
06:31Titan and then I'm gonna go get C
06:39Stop I had a respawn there. I don't have any motorboats. Come on. Fuck you in the wrong neighborhood
06:49I'm bringing out a Titan to
06:59I'm going to get D. I'm always going to get D
07:04More than bitches need dick. I'm I can't
07:07Make a beeline to D. Do you see what I mean? Make a beeline to D beeline to D. I'm on D
07:13I'm on D. I'm always on that D
07:19I don't lose damn. Oh my god. Thanks are fucking Opie. They are. Well, not for me. So
07:42Good shit, dude three-player killstreak
07:58Wanna ram this guy damn, right? You are
08:11Teleporting so you're teleporting
08:23My kills bro, I don't want to hear it dude. Are you it's your monitor even on three kills, bitch
08:32390k damage meaning that you literally just stole every single
08:36the entire time
08:39Got him that low so you could kill him
08:43Guys sound mad right now. I am who a war in a robot
08:50Ah, I'm raising my hand of both I upgraded my I upgraded my my robot a lot and now I'm making him look pretty
08:56How are you? Are you like changing the color of your robot? Yeah
09:00You you'd know you paint like where you can go to tuning you go to paint. Yeah. Oh, yeah, baby. Now we're talking
09:08I'm making mr. Krabs
09:13Yeah, which stickers on I mean, come on this is something I need I gotta feel confident in my mech now we're talking I like
09:20this search
09:22Game is going to go. Well, this game is going to go
09:31Can I build a gorilla robot
09:34That's incredible
09:36Write that down write that down robot. We need a crab Mac and a gorilla Mac
09:41My Mac's not going anywhere. I'm less than this whole game about diet. I'm going straight for me. See already
09:45Why are we all sitting in the objective? We already own?
09:51What is that why is it so shit?
09:58Let's just say I got a cool robot a or b guys. Come on. Let's just say my robots a badass now
10:05All right. I'm not gonna say that. Oh
10:08Yeah, I'm gonna be okay
10:13It's okay, they took our main a place
10:33Back to a
10:37Where's a
10:39Holy shit, let's do laser. Damn. I'm beaming. I'm on beaming. I'm on beaming. I'm terrorizing. Oh my god
10:52These guys can't even wait they're having a they went behind a they're actually tapping a right behind terrorizer
10:58I think I flashed your mom. I flashed your mom. Well, thank you
11:03Everybody meets in the middle
11:12We're doing wrong on the same spot we work better as a gaggle a gaggle of bots
11:18Flash you
11:21Man you wanted it earlier
11:25I don't know
11:28I'm trying to come back bitch. Come back. Oh my god. We're actually winning. We're actually winning. We're actually winning. Oh my god
11:34I feel cool
11:39I'm happy for you, buddy. Finally. I'm ripping him up on see we got multiple
11:44I don't know what I just called in kill Frank kill Frank kill Frank. I think I just calling something crazy
11:48What's my god big-ass bubble? Oh, no, that's your thing. Yeah, you call it. Oh, I can die. Billy's dead
11:54Billy is to be holy shit. I call it my beast mode
11:59Let's go to yeah, yeah, they're taking D take our home base
12:04Let him have the
12:15I do that shit. I'm sure leave a man. Hey, you guys want to move a little bit. I appreciate
12:26Need to all up fit through these tight holes. It's a very obvious jo arm
12:31Wow, they're taking see how do they flip this shit on us because because we stopped a good point for one second
12:38back to see
12:41We have a pretty healthy lead though, you gotta remember
12:53Frank is hurting my back
13:08Oh shit Frank's here Frank's here Frank
13:18Thank you in the wrong hood son, oh this guy fucking hurts my tits nice Frank's that kill Doc Doc is here
13:24Okay, Doc is a tank. I need help. I'm Alton. I'm Alton. I'm taking D. I'm waking up. Oh, it's chungus time
13:35Hold these objectives
13:39Kill and do kill wrath of God
13:50That's crazy, I wonder I can't find that woman
14:00Check the upper lane on the map
14:08Country earn that free Camaro boys. Oh
14:16Yeah, I'm the MVP baby
14:22Yeah, I'm maxing out
14:24Oh, yeah, baby. I just wanna let you guys know I have made America bot that is red white and blue and it's maxed out
14:31It's a beast. Oh, yeah, it's a bad little shawty. Okay, so
14:35Oh, yes, that's a good point. Yeah, I'm also ready
14:44Getting off to this the whole time person
14:50Yeah, mama ready to kill people in war
14:53Yeah, I'm serious as to how fast they're going to die, especially if we all like shoot one person
14:58Are they just going to are they just gonna like instantly explode? That's what my expectation. I am so ready. Okay
15:05I'm actually I'm I'm hi
15:09It is time to dominate oh, it's over. Oh, yeah, mama. I ain't scared of shit
15:16Let me see
15:20Faster to look at my
15:23Yeah, I got a thunder thighs baby. Yeah, you do ain't no stopping America, but
15:30Go get D. We're so lucky. Are we Russian B?
15:35I'm going for anybody on this d3d over here enemy spotted. Oh, dude. He's a mountain. Oh, they see my ass
15:43Run away up like a grenade. Oh, no, I did it. I do not appreciate
15:54All right, they're gonna
16:29Go a somebody go a they're gonna be somebody go right in there right now. Dude. How are we barely winning?
16:34I keep forgetting that
16:39Right now
16:43We're going to
16:49Really bad and I'm scared it's America roll out. I feel invisible
16:56That's sad
17:30I'm behind enemy lines. I'm going to D. I'm going to D
17:34Dude, he's a easy cap. There's no one here. There's so many of these are all the D. They're all
17:40I take you know, my friend. You are the loser level one. I'm dead
17:55Don't want to die yet. I don't want to die doing so good the firing so many things. I'm getting later like fucking mad
18:02Oh, they're on D. They're heavy on D. Wait, dude, are you really spectating? Oh, yeah, I'm spectate Andy
18:15Applaud you I I don't know how you die twice
18:26I mean the gig is up
18:28Till I didn't want to come out here and have to address this cuz like this is just my product business
18:32But like since Dallas a front and like, you know, like I only like that bro. Like yeah, like, okay
18:37Like yeah, like I got a bit of sugar my time the big fucking deal like, you know
18:41I'm still flippin burgers this year. Like I still not supposed by my side, bro
18:44Like I had a drop squirrel dough like he equate by in and all that like I'm saying I saying with that
18:51Boy, like no y'all like this. I'm like I don't change why I am bro
18:55Like I'm just a person bro. Like yeah, okay
18:58Like yeah, like I take some dick in my shell from time to time and say it ain't no big deal, bro
19:04it ain't no big I don't know why like y'all gonna announce that shit like
19:08Like, you know, I was just like it just come across like pedantic or some shit. I don't even know bro. Like
19:14Look like man. I'm just a crab road. Well, I yo like that's wrong, but that's
19:22Nana y'all got me fucked up though. Like for real don't like y'all got me fucked up. I'm getting all up in his business
19:33That is mr. Krabs if I've ever seen him back in one target acquired rain down
19:53I think they killed me. I just realized being bulwark. Well, that's cool
20:00I'm getting gangbang. That's not fun. They're all going to D. They're all going to D capture the other fucking flags
20:06There's five of them. I'm gonna get now. No, please. I'm gonna be my shit
20:11I'm getting my shit rocked accidentally went laser beam on accident
20:15My god
20:22These points
20:25They logged back in hounders are back on they're actually playing again
20:30Yeah, that was cute
20:34It's that simple just go capture the other points
20:39Oh god, I'm choking to get better. Oh god guys are
20:50They handed their controllers to their older brothers, it's over
20:56Oh my god
20:58Dude they are soup and John you a good luck with that shit. I'm going to a
21:05Missiles oh
21:08My god
21:12I'm just gonna cap a and hope to God that yeah, they're all over here. They're all over here. We're capping D
21:18Yeah, we got to go cap see
21:23No, I died that was my final one
21:31This is my final robot
21:46Dude there's no friendly fire. I'm shooting the motherfucking dumbass turn around
22:01I think they deployed
22:08This ain't good man, yeah, I can kill this guy I can kill this guy I can with it. Yep. That's why you got a robot
22:28Dude like all of those missiles hit me by the way
22:33Yeah, oh my god, oh, they're on a
22:38Torso's weak
22:45All right, you guys have to assault see you have to see
23:17Please it's
23:19No, it's only one two though, they've got come on
23:27Robots are gonna win. Are you serious?
23:31Three million damage and do had 30
23:3530 30 total
23:38Like you had what you had to a robot
23:44John like usually for for capture point maps you literally send one for the first point everyone else goes to the next shut up nerd
23:57I'm here to blow shit up do it responses like this. That makes us lose every game. Okay, it's having no mechs
24:04Is what makes us lose the games? Oh my god
24:07I'm getting toe up from the flower. I'm good. I'm trying to help dude. I'm you got some more coming in here right now
24:14He's almost dead blows body
24:19America boss gone. Um, I am I am dead as shit
24:25Get rekt fey
24:28There's no way there's no way I died. I need help. Don't see I just start expecting. I got blinded my new mech just dropped
24:34Oh, no, this is bad. This is bad. Oh, I might holy shit. Okay, guys, we're losing. We need to get three hold three
24:46This is bad, this is really bad
24:52Okay, I'm trying to kill I'm gonna lose a little I'm trying I'm gonna die
24:56Stop trying and start doing a lock-in lock-in. Don't I am locked in? Oh, oh my god
25:03Oh my god
25:11It's okay, it's okay. This is this is this is my robot. Let's get the soup. I'm coming back to help
25:17This is this is not my third life. Please help. Get him John prank. I'm John prank. I'm John. I'm already
25:21Yeah, good prank a prank a prank. Yeah
25:26Guys we're about to oh god, there's some
25:28On back in Tom and Claire want my tookus I'm hitting them for 40k face almost that face almost dead. Yeah
25:36Okay, nice, okay
25:40My two Titans are gone. Oh, no, I have large man. I'm good. I'm good. He's fucking amazing. Holy god
25:47How do I call him on Titan? You have to go to like a look like a control point that you have
25:51I'm calling Billy. It's gamer time. Good job getting D. Hey phase on you. Sue not for long. Let me kill Faye
26:04Sorry, I caught him on Titan I got excited. Oh
26:11Tom meet God buddy. Go back to my space. Tom is dead
26:21I know I know
26:27Holy not anymore, I guess oh they have a Titan care. See you man. Hey 20 seconds to heal. Okay, I'm gonna
26:41Shoot her arm shoot her arm burn that dude burn that I'm running them. Oh, they're dead. Yeah
26:51I'm in pain
26:56Push this guy I might die. I might die. I've gotten. Oh, no. Oh my god, please please please please shoot his chest
27:02He's almost dead you fuck. I'm trying. Okay, we're losing a how's it looking? Not good. I'm dead
27:07I don't want a terrorizer is like my save
27:13Guys are insane. Oh my god. Wow. We're gaming. We're gaming a chance. We're gonna recap. Come on. Oh, yeah
27:21Taste the Titan baby special assistance needed. I'm coming to see them. I am waiting for them. No shotgun
27:29You're getting
27:33Oh, he bombed me back Oh God Oh
27:39Yeah, because I'm literally 1hp I've been like edging 1hp for like 20 minutes
27:48Was struggling I was down to my last my last robot, but I
27:53You died a lot out the Titan the Hail Mary
27:56It's because we have no regard for our life or for using cover or for being smart
28:03I'm like smooth brain rushing in just yeah clicking everything soup walks into an objective with with literally the entire enemy team
28:12Turning faces and they just start mashing buttons and he just gets immediately nuked to orbit
28:18That's fun boys. Yeah, that was good. Once again. Thank you so much war robots frontiers for sponsoring this video
28:24If you enjoyed and want to check the game out for yourself, please be sure to use my link down below in the description
28:29It helps me out and I would greatly appreciate it. And thank you so much for watching. I'll catch y'all in the next one
28:42Don't give a shit
28:45Don't give a shit
28:48And I don't give a shit
28:50I traded my Gucci for a can of dip, but I still use my sister for that sexual relations
28:58You too can kiss my honky ass. I got all their money and I ain't getting it back
29:04Support my channel by clicking that like if you don't enjoy this country shit to take a fucking
