• il y a 11 heures
Zak, trisomique de 22 ans, rêve de devenir catcheur. Il s'échappe de l'institut spécialisé où il est hébergé et cherche à rejoindre l'école de catch de son idole. En chemin, il fait la connaissance de Tyler, lui aussi en cavale après avoir pêché illégalement des crabes. Les deux hommes deviennent amis et font route ensemble, Tyler apprenant à Zak tout ce qu'il sait. Ils sont bientôt suivis par Eleanor, la jeune femme qui prenait soin de Zak et qui est chargée de le retrouver pour le ramener au centre. Le trio poursuit son chemin vers la Caroline du Nord et l'école de catch de Clint.
00:00Look, I could have you arrested for kidnapping, okay?
00:03Oh, you're gonna have me arrested for kidnapping? How do you figure?
00:05You can't have me arrested, he's a runaway. You can't kidnap a runaway. Come on, genius.
00:08She said G.W., didn't she?
00:09I'm sure I could find some reason to arrest you.
00:11And let me ask you, what do you want from him?
00:14I'm not gonna sell him to you.
00:16No, no, what do you want for his life? His future?
00:22Why are you asking? You don't know anything about him.
00:24Yes, of course I know about the wrestling thing.
00:26Alright, so I know something about him, don't I?
00:28So, uh, you're a little late to the party. This is what's going on.
00:31I made a promise to him to give him that wrestling school in Aiden.
00:34You understand? I gave him my word. I ain't going back down on my word.
00:37Now, you seem like a nice person. You care for him and all.
00:39You came all the way out here. Maybe it's because you like me, I don't know.
00:42And, uh, I'm all for your favor.
00:44You can get on that raft with us and you can ride down there if you want.
00:48No, we're not gonna hop on your little raft and cruise around down the river.
00:52It's hot, you're confused. I'm not asking you.
00:54Hey, Eleanor!
00:58Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
01:02I want to see a saltwater friend, Nick.
01:09And I don't want to go home.
