• 2 days ago
Today, we're having a TNT Shelter building competition! We'll each build the most indestructible shelters, then go head-to-head to see who's shelter can really withstand an all-out TNT attack!

We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day!

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00:00All right! Today, we're having a TNT shelter building competition!
00:07A TNT shelter building competition? How will that work?
00:11You and I will each build our own TNT shelters, and then attempt to take out each other's shelter.
00:17That sounds like fun! Let's do it! I'll build here.
00:22Okay. Then I guess I'll build mine somewhere over here.
00:26I think I'll build my TNT shelter using thick iron walls.
00:30That way, it doesn't matter how much TNT there is, because the walls of my shelter will be too thick and difficult to penetrate.
00:37I'll build right here. I guess I'll start with the floor.
00:47Okay, now I'll lay out the blocks of iron for the floor.
00:57All right, the floor is finished.
01:00Next, I'll use blocks of iron again to make a shelter to hide out in.
01:05This is probably large enough for now. I'll also make the walls out of blocks of iron, too.
01:15Okay, that should do it for the room.
01:18Now, for the outside of the room. Hmm, I think I'm going to make the walls a solid four blocks thick.
01:25I want to make sure this is an incredibly sturdy shelter.
01:37Okay, the second layer of my shelter is done. Now I'll build the third layer.
01:45All right, now I'll build the fourth and final layer.
01:50Perfect! The four layers of the thick walls are all set.
01:55I think I'll also make the ceiling four layers thick as well, just in case.
02:00These four layers on the top should make it safe from any potential explosions from above.
02:09Okay, now I'm going to add the fourth and final layer.
02:13All right, now the entire shelter's walls and ceilings are four blocks thick.
02:18I think I'll also make four layers of doors as well.
02:22All right, it's pretty simple, but I think that should be super resistant to any TNT explosions.
02:31Hmm? Oh, hey, Mikey!
02:34I'm already finished. What about you?
02:37Oh, I actually have a plan.
02:40I'm already finished. What about you?
02:42Oh, I actually just finished too.
02:44Whoa, sweet! All right.
02:47Well, in that case, I'm going to blow up your house with a giant pile of TNT.
02:52Well, let me explain the rules first.
02:54You can only attack using TNT, and if the person inside is taken out by the explosions, then you win.
03:01Okay! Then I'm going to place the TNT.
03:05From the looks of it, the TNT shelter you built is just an ordinary iron house.
03:10Well, this shelter has special capabilities, so you shouldn't underestimate it.
03:15Huh? You're just trying to act tough.
03:18I'm placing the TNT.
03:20That's a lot of TNT.
03:22All right! I finished placing my giant pile of TNT.
03:26I'm sure an ordinary iron house like this will definitely get destroyed by it.
03:31Oh, all right. I guess I'll go inside my shelter.
03:35Okay, I'm closing all four layers of doors.
03:38Now to switch to survival mode. Mikey wins if he takes me out.
03:43If I survive, I win.
03:45And now, my giant pile of TNT is going to destroy JJ's shelter.
03:49Okay. Ignite!
03:52I can hear it!
03:54All right!
03:55Take that!
03:59You took a huge chunk out. You almost got me.
04:02How'd you survive? I used such a giant pile of TNT.
04:07Well, about that.
04:09My TNT shelter walls were made of four layers of blocks of iron,
04:13so it ended up being extremely secure.
04:16I see. That's amazing!
04:19Still, the TNT shelter I built is also extremely sturdy, too.
04:23How about you try to take it out next, JJ?
04:26I don't think you'll be able to destroy it.
04:28Is this the TNT shelter you built?
04:31Isn't it awesome?
04:33Look! The outside has two layers of enormous walls.
04:38And there's also some space here between the walls.
04:41I see.
04:42So, it doesn't matter how big the TNT explosion is,
04:45it definitely won't be able to reach my house.
04:48Well, your shelter does look pretty sturdy.
04:52I think I'll use a giant TNT explosion, just like you, Mikey.
04:56So, let's see.
04:58Oh, here it is.
05:00This is called Giant TNT.
05:03It's a block of TNT with a very special ability.
05:06Now, I guess I'll attack from the side.
05:09All right, it's all set.
05:11Ha! That's not giant at all.
05:13Are you sure that one tiny block is enough?
05:16It's small now, but it'll expand.
05:19This'll be a piece of cake.
05:21I'll be inside the shelter then.
05:24Okay, I'm already inside my shelter.
05:30This'll be so easy with my two giant walls.
05:34Whoa, hang on. It got supersized.
05:37Huh? What's going on?
05:40What is that?
05:41No one said it would get that huge.
05:44What do I do?
05:47Still, I built the ultimate TNT shelter, so it should hold up.
05:51I'll survive this.
05:56Whoa, what an explosion.
05:58There's not even a trace of Mikey's shelter left.
06:01What in the world was that explosion?
06:04Your TNT was way too giant.
06:06I lost.
06:08Well, that means I won the competition.
06:12Huh? No way. Let's do another round.
06:15I just thought of an incredible idea I can use next time.
06:18Oh, I'm curious what that is.
06:20Sure, let's do it.
06:22Okay, then I'll build over here.
06:25I'll surely win this easily.
06:28Yeah, whatever. I'll go build over here.
06:31Mikey seems extremely confident in himself,
06:34but I've also actually had a great idea.
06:37My plan is to build my shelter in the sky.
06:40If I build it up there, TNT attacks won't be able to reach it.
06:44That's what I'm going with.
06:46To build in the sky, I'll first need to stack this high enough for the foundation.
06:51Okay, I guess that should be high enough.
06:54Now I'm going to build my shelter at this height.
07:03I guess the walls of my shelter are done.
07:06What else is there?
07:07I guess I could use a glass floor so I could see below the shelter.
07:11Yeah, I'll make it so the entire floor is made of glass.
07:19Okay, it's finished.
07:21Hey, JJ, are you done?
07:25Oh, hi, Mikey. I just finished mine now.
07:28And you built it in the sky?
07:30Wow, impressive.
07:32That's the ultimate plan.
07:35I guess so.
07:36If it's in the sky, the TNT won't be able to reach it.
07:39What kind of shelter did you build?
07:41That's a secret.
07:43First, I'm going to take on your shelter, JJ.
07:46In fact, I've just had a super great idea on how to do it.
07:50So get inside already.
07:52I guess you're going first?
07:54You had another great idea?
07:57With this method, I'll even be able to attack your shelter in the sky.
08:01This goes like this.
08:04Whoa, Mikey's building something.
08:06What is that?
08:08And then I think I'll put these here.
08:11What are you building, Mikey?
08:13I'll put this button right here.
08:16And I'll place some redstone dust around the top.
08:19Next, I'll pour out some water and place a repeater here.
08:25Okay, it's finished.
08:27I'm a genius for coming up with this idea.
08:30This will put you in your place, JJ.
08:32Hmm? Is that a TNT cannon?
08:35That's right.
08:37With this, I'll even be able to attack your sky shelter up there.
08:40So, ignite! Take this!
08:43Wait, is the TNT about to come up here?
08:54Huh? Huh?
08:56It just barely couldn't reach.
08:58That's strange.
08:59How about this time?
09:01Take this!
09:04No way!
09:06They're exploding before they reach me.
09:08They can't reach?
09:10What do I do?
09:12Yes, that means I win this one.
09:15No way!
09:17Still, this doesn't mean that I've lost yet.
09:20I just didn't win.
09:22But I've guaranteed that it'll be a tie.
09:24How? I haven't even gone yet.
09:27Oh, never mind that.
09:29Let's head to my shelter.
09:34So you built a shelter in the sky too?
09:37That's right.
09:39And since even a TNT cannon couldn't reach up there,
09:42I guess this is a draw.
09:44No, Mikey, let me try.
09:46I have an idea.
09:48Well, fine.
09:50But it's no use using a TNT cannon.
09:52It can't reach up there.
09:54Just watch.
09:56It won't work, but sure.
09:58I'll head up.
10:00All right then.
10:02My strategy here will be to use this erupting TNT.
10:06This TNT launches fireballs upward,
10:08just like an erupting volcano.
10:10So if I use these for my attacks,
10:12it should be able to reach Mikey's shelter.
10:14I'll just place a whole bunch right underneath Mikey's shelter.
10:19All right.
10:21Now I'll hook them together with a redstone circuit.
10:24I'll place repeaters here.
10:26What are you doing, JJ?
10:28I can't reach this high, so there's no point in trying.
10:31Just accept the tie.
10:33Just watch, Mikey.
10:35What choice do I have?
10:39Now if I extend this all the way to the switch...
10:42All right, it's finished.
10:44There's no point, though.
10:46Sky shelters are unstoppable.
10:49We'll see about that.
10:53Ignite! Take this!
10:55It'll be fine.
10:57What? Ouch!
11:01I did it!
11:03The TNT reached it!
11:05Whoa! Oh, wow!
11:07It really destroyed the ground here.
11:09And there's nothing left of Mikey or his shelter.
11:13JJ, what was that?
11:16How did your attack reach the sky?
11:18Well, the truth is,
11:20I used this erupting TNT.
11:23It blasts rocks into the sky,
11:25like an erupting volcano.
11:27It's powerful enough to inflict damage extremely high up.
11:31I had never even heard of a TNT like that before.
11:34I lost again.
11:36And I thought it was going to be a tie.
11:40Let's do it again, JJ.
11:42This time, I'll definitely beat you.
11:45Well, I guess we can do another round.
11:48Yes! I'll make mine over here.
11:50I'm definitely going to win this time.
11:53I have an amazing idea!
11:55Oh, you do?
11:57Well, I gotta build mine, too.
12:00All right, I'll build it here.
12:02Mikey seems awfully confident again,
12:05but I actually came up with an amazing idea of my own.
12:08I'm going to build mine deep underground.
12:16All right, this is probably deep enough.
12:19Now I'm going to widen the hole a bit.
12:24Okay, that should be wide enough.
12:27Hmm, and also deep enough.
12:30Next up, I'll reinforce the walls with obsidian.
12:41All right!
12:42I finished reinforcing the walls of this hole with obsidian.
12:45Next up, I'm going to build a shelter at the bottom
12:48for me to safely hide in.
12:50Next up, I'm going to build a shelter at the bottom
12:52for me to safely hide in.
12:54And I think I'll make that out of bedrock.
12:58First up, I'll open up a space here to build my shelter in.
13:09Then I'll use bedrock, the strongest material,
13:12to build the walls, ceiling, and floor.
13:16Okay, and with the floor filled in,
13:19my bedrock shelter is complete.
13:22Bedrock is the strongest block,
13:24capable of withstanding any TNT attacks,
13:27so this is the ultimate, most invincible shelter.
13:30Plus it's super deep underground,
13:32so no TNT attacks should ever be able to reach it in the first place.
13:36Now for the final step, I'll fill the passage with dirt.
13:41My underground shelter is all set.
13:45Hey, JJ! How's it going?
13:49Oh, hey, Mikey. I just finished now.
13:55JJ, did you actually build your shelter underground?
13:59Yep, underground shelters are extremely secure, after all.
14:03Huh! You did the same thing as me again!
14:06Oh, well.
14:07I'll give it a shot.
14:08You built an underground shelter, too?
14:10That's right.
14:11I can't believe we did the same thing again.
14:13Well, watch this.
14:15I know how to take out an underground shelter.
14:18Oh, you do?
14:19Yeah. You just have to break through the ground.
14:22So, right around here.
14:26You're building something.
14:28Now I'll place some glass here.
14:31What in the world are you making?
14:33I'll put a dispenser here.
14:35And some TNT inside of it.
14:38Then I'll put the lever here.
14:41And I'll dig here a bit.
14:44What are you doing?
14:45I did it!
14:47It's ready!
14:48Wait, could this be...
14:51Is this a TNT mining device?
14:54Yep! Isn't it awesome?
14:56I'll use a huge amount of TNT to dig all the way to the ground.
15:00I'll use a huge amount of TNT to dig all the way down to your shelter.
15:04And then blast right through it.
15:07I'll definitely win with this much firepower.
15:10You're really confident.
15:12Well, I'll be inside the shelter.
15:15Alright, I'm inside.
15:17And now I'm in survival mode.
15:19Okay, I'm ready.
15:21Then I'll activate my TNT mining device.
15:24With the ultimate power to blast through anything.
15:27Here I go!
15:31Take that!
15:33Good, good, good, great!
15:36Whoa, I can hear the explosions.
15:38Go, go, go!
15:40I'm pretty deep underground.
15:42But the noise from those explosions is getting really close.
15:45It has so much firepower!
15:48Mikey's mining device is incredible.
15:50It's so powerful.
15:52Alright, looking good.
15:54Go, go, go!
15:56But it looks like it still can't penetrate the bedrock.
16:03I used up all my shots.
16:06I couldn't blast through it.
16:09Oh, does that mean you're out of TNT?
16:12Okay then, I'll switch to creative mode.
16:14And we'll see how it looks outside.
16:17Whoa, all of the dirt has been destroyed.
16:20But the rest of my shelter is completely unharmed.
16:23Oh, that's too bad.
16:25I thought it would work.
16:27I wasn't able to blast through it.
16:29Well, now I guess it's my turn to take on Mikey's shelter.
16:33So this is your shelter.
16:35That's right!
16:36And now I know there's absolutely no way you'll be able to destroy my underground shelter.
16:41I built it deep underground and made it out of obsidian just like yours.
16:46So TNT attacks will be no match for it.
16:49Oh, is that so?
16:51Then I'll just take a quick look.
16:53Whoa, that's definitely an obsidian shelter way down deep underground.
16:58That looks like a tough challenge.
17:00Well, this looks like it's gonna be a draw.
17:03Either way, I'll be inside the shelter, so attack whenever you're ready.
17:07I'll just be eating some cookies while I wait.
17:12Oh, well in that case, let's see if I have any TNT that would work on an underground shelter.
17:19I need something that can blast right through to it.
17:23Oh, wait, that's it!
17:25This TNT is exactly what I need.
17:28It's a death ray TNT, and it's famous for being able to blast through absolutely anything.
17:34It might be able to blast through Mikey's obsidian shelter.
17:37Okay then, I'll take this death ray TNT and set it directly over the center of Mikey's shelter.
17:44I'll just put a block here, and this on top, and now I'll ignite it.
17:49Whatever you're doing is pointless.
17:51It's impossible for anything to reach down here.
17:57I've activated it, so this TNT will now signal a satellite to fire a death ray that should pierce straight through Mikey's shelter.
18:04It's coming!
18:05What's that noise?
18:07Whoa, it's here!
18:09Whoa, I did it!
18:12It blasted right through Mikey's shelter.
18:19Incredible! It didn't just blast through Mikey's shelter, it deformed this entire area!
18:25What in the world just happened?
18:28That was a death ray TNT, and it launched a death ray all the way from space for the ultimate explosive blast!
18:35I didn't even know there was a TNT like that!
18:39That's incredible! I guess I have no choice but to admit defeat!
18:44There are even more types of TNT, like this black hole TNT, this hellfire TNT, and a lot more!
18:51Well, then I guess I'll just have to do better! Let's try again, JJ!
18:56If you enjoyed today's adventure, make sure to like and subscribe!
19:00Plus, you can check us out on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok whenever you want with the links in the corner!
19:06Thanks for watching! See you next time!
