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General Hospital (March 14th, 2025) FULL 1080O HD
General Hospital (March 14th, 2025) FULL 1080O HD
General Hospital (March 14th 2025) FULL 1080O HD


00:00Oh, 65, retire and thrive.
00:23Is this correct?
00:26You're doing great.
00:28I've never heard that one before.
00:29Got it.
00:30I got nothing.
00:34I taught Uriel the bingo bingo and the man is a natural.
00:38I can't believe you brought your whole bingo kit from Bensonhurst.
00:40I never leave home without it.
00:43That is true and I think it speaks to a deeper issue.
00:49Call your doctor.
00:50It's time for a shot of B12.
00:54Hey, bingo.
00:57Oh, will you look at that?
00:59That's a four corner win.
01:01Oh my, right here.
01:03I am impressed.
01:04It is very hard to beat, Ma.
01:06Oh, come on.
01:07We all know that little Gio is a star and can do pretty much anything.
01:12Of course you brought your whole bingo set up.
01:16Well, yeah.
01:17Can't risk getting rusty.
01:18Brooklyn, you should take my spot.
01:20I have to go and meet Emma.
01:23Lucky you, Brookie.
01:24That seat's hot.
01:26I will bring your car around.
01:28Thanks, Yuri.
01:29Ladies, see you later.
01:31Have fun.
01:32Have fun.
01:33So, Emma?
01:35Emma Scorpio Drake.
01:36She's the police commissioner's granddaughter.
01:38Tell them what's going on with them.
01:42We're just going to sit here and pretend like I didn't just find out last night that all along you have known about my baby with Dante?
01:51I don't want to.
01:52No one's pretending anything.
01:55You've been avoiding me all day.
01:57I thought that meant you don't want to talk about it.
02:00Honestly, I didn't know what to say.
02:02Finding out that you've known about my baby all along kind of knocked the wind out of me.
02:07I'm sorry to hear that.
02:09I told my ma and my ma alone.
02:11I had no idea that she ran off and told you, which makes me wonder who else knows.
02:19I am so...
02:21Rookie, you don't have to worry about that.
02:24Look, I swear on the family Bible, no one else knows about the baby.
02:29How can you be sure?
02:30I would never betray your trust that way.
02:33Look, Lynn, listen to your grandmother.
02:36She knows all the family secrets.
02:37She's never let any of them slip.
02:39I would never have known, but I could sense something was eating away at Lois.
02:45She didn't want to tell me.
02:47I had to pull it out of her.
02:49How come you never told me?
02:51Because I wanted to respect your privacy.
02:54And I promised your mother I would not talk about it.
02:57And you never did?
03:00Not even a confession?
03:02Not a word.
03:04I put it in the vault.
03:06And it stayed there where it belongs.
03:09And I suggest you two do the same.
03:14All these years, I thought I was the one keeping the secret from you.
03:18And all along, you were keeping the same secret from me.
03:23If the devil himself was mad at me for not telling, so be it.
03:33I would do anything for you.
03:38Suffer anything.
03:40Suffer anything.
03:43As long as my girls and their future is protected.
03:49I love you both so much.
03:51We love you too, Ma.
03:53Even though sometimes you make it a little hard.
03:56Yeah, but this has just brought up so many things for me that I haven't let myself think about in so many years.
04:05I just need some time to wrap my head around it, okay?
04:09You take all the time you need, sweetheart.
04:12I'll be here when you're ready.
04:33If Brooklyn is this upset about finding out I knew about the baby,
04:41imagine how angry she'd be if she found out we know who the baby is.
04:49I know, Ma.
04:53Brooklyn can never know what we did.
04:59And tonight proved why.
05:21It's okay.
05:22I'm really here.
05:24I just, I can't believe it.
05:28I've been dreaming about this for so long and
05:34there's so much that I want to tell you, but I just wanted to wait till we're alone.
05:41I just thank God that you are here and you're safe.
05:46Don't thank God.
05:48Thank Papa.
05:50I am so glad that your father kept you safe.
05:55But you wouldn't have been in danger in the first place if he hadn't taken you on the run with him.
06:00Why does that matter?
06:02I'm here now and that's only because of Papa.
06:06I didn't even know you were coming home until right before your plane landed.
06:11How did Jason and Anna find out where you were?
06:14Papa texted Rocco pretending to be me and told him where we were.
06:18He thought he would tell you and you'd come get me, but Jason found out instead.
06:23Valentin wanted you back in Port Charles.
06:26He was worried about your safety after someone took that shot at him when we were in that cafe in Prague.
06:31See? Papa's trying to do what's best for me, even if it means he doesn't see me every day anymore.
06:41Rocco didn't even tell me that you texted him.
06:44If he had, you'd know that I would have been on the first plane, right?
06:47Yeah, Papa thought so too.
06:51Rocco's been avoiding me lately. I couldn't figure out why.
06:55But it all makes sense now.
06:58I never once gave up hope that you would come home.
07:02I know.
07:04I just wish it would have been me that came to get you, not Anna and Jason.
07:09Actually, Mom, I'm glad you weren't there.
07:15What I meant was I'm glad you weren't there because it was so dangerous.
07:19Right after Papa sent that text to Rocco, Jason and Anna came in and they told us to run.
07:27You must have been terrified.
07:29I was. But I was with Papa.
07:32We ran and we hid and we could still hear everything.
07:35The WSB came in. Jason and Anna had to fight them off.
07:38I don't think he would have been able to take those guys like Jason and Anna did.
07:42I'm scrappier than I look.
07:44And I will do whatever it takes to keep you and your brother safe.
07:48I know.
07:50And I'm happy to be home.
07:53It feels kind of weird.
07:56Good weird or bad weird?
07:58Good weird.
08:00I know the feeling.
08:02But, you know, it'll feel normal soon. I promise.
08:06How can it ever feel normal without Papa?
08:11I know you wish your dad could be here.
08:14And for your sake, I wish he could be here, too.
08:17I would love it if things were different, but you are safer here. You have stability.
08:22Sweetie, you cannot live your life on the run.
08:25It wasn't that bad, really.
08:28Papa and I saw a lot of different places and he made sure I had everything I needed.
08:35Now that I have you here, there is so much that I want to ask you.
08:41And there's so much that I want to tell you.
08:43I'm not just about your time away, but my time away, too.
08:47I missed so much those last four years.
08:50I can't wait to tell you everything.
08:52And I'm happy to be back home again.
08:55It might not seem like it, but I am.
08:57Oh, sweetie, I know. I know.
08:59You have had a crazy day.
09:02Who am I kidding? You have had a crazy year.
09:06I know you and Papa, things with you are weird, but I want you to know that he always kept me safe.
09:12And he brought you up whenever he could.
09:16Charlotte, I know how much you love your Papa.
09:23And I am so grateful to him that he kept you safe.
09:27And I'm even more grateful that he sent that text to Rocco so we could bring you home.
09:34I know how hard that was for him.
09:36I couldn't even believe it when he told me.
09:40But I'm sure it was lonely being out there, away and alone with just your dad.
09:48It was.
09:49Then we need to make up for that.
09:51Give me one second. I'm going to make a quick call, okay?
09:58Oh, it is my daughter.
10:00Okay, take it. I'm going to go talk to some folks.
10:03Okay, all right.
10:06Hi, Mom. Can you come home?
10:09I have a little surprise for you.
10:13Sorry I'm late, sweetheart.
10:15I got stuck at the party, saying goodbye to so many people.
10:20And then it just...
10:29Oh, my God.
10:37Are you sure you're all right?
10:38Fine. Just a little tired.
10:41Maybe a lot tired.
10:43Who wants some tea?
10:44Oh, thank you, sweetheart.
10:45I'm okay, thanks. I'm going to go shower.
10:48Yeah, and maybe lie down and rest a little bit, too.
10:51That's probably a good idea.
10:53Yeah. We'll catch up on everything tomorrow.
10:55I want to hear about everything you've been doing since the last time I saw you.
10:59A lot of it's boring.
11:00Not to me, honey.
11:02Well, don't get too comfortable out there, because I have an idea. You might have some more visitors tonight.
11:08Charlotte, I am really happy you're home.
11:22Did they find Valentin?
11:26He's still out there somewhere.
11:28But, Mom, he's the reason that Charlotte's here.
11:32She said that he took really good care of her.
11:35And he made sure that she didn't forget me.
11:38It doesn't surprise me, because I know how much Valentin loves Charlotte.
11:42But she is still better off right now away from him.
11:46I agree.
11:49I just hope he stays away for her sake.
11:52All these years.
11:55Heard you were at your grandpa's house. How was it?
11:57Good. He's changed a bunch of stuff. It was kind of weird being there without Charlotte.
12:03It doesn't have to be weird anymore.
12:06Oh, my God. You're back.
12:15I don't want to be interrupted for the rest of the night.
12:19Yes, it's that important.
12:23Is our third date living up to our first?
12:26Well, technically.
12:28When you asked me to the Rice Museum, you didn't say it was a date.
12:31And then, for Valentine's Day, I didn't know that was a date.
12:34So, that doesn't count.
12:36And since we're staying in tonight, this doesn't either.
12:39Valentine's was definitely a date, and so was painting.
12:43Okay, and they were good dates, too.
12:48So, what would make tonight feel more date-like?
12:51Would a kiss help?
12:53It might.
12:56Yeah, it definitely feels like a date now.
13:06I'm going to ignore it.
13:08What if it's an emergency?
13:18Hey, Ava, what's going on?
13:20Trina, thank God.
13:22Trina, thank God.
13:24I've locked myself out of the gallery. I can't find my keys.
13:27It's freezing, and my phone's about to die.
13:30Can you come quickly, please?
13:35Okay, um, Ava locked herself out of the gallery,
13:39and she needs me to come let her in before she freezes to death.
13:42I totally get it. Ava's your boss and your friend.
13:45I was just about to head out anyway.
13:48Oh, uh, okay.
13:50Um, well, thanks for being so cool about it.
13:53I guess I'll see you tomorrow.
13:55For sure.
14:01Ava, I got here as fast as I could. Did you find your...
14:04What the...
14:07You guys!
14:09I can't believe you did this.
14:11What the hell?
14:12You know, you really didn't think we'd forget your birthday, did you?
14:15Okay, well, I mean, I know that my parents are successful and driven.
14:18I just thought they'd be, like, running the hospital or Aurora.
14:21I wouldn't have been mad.
14:23Honey, we're never too busy to celebrate our beautiful birthday girl.
14:28Can I get in on some of this birthday love?
14:30Yeah, definitely. Thank you so much for coming.
14:32Oh, I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
14:34Happy birthday, sweetheart.
14:36I know you're gonna have an incredible year.
14:38That'll only get better from here.
14:40I like the sound of that.
14:42And, you know, I was the one who was supposed to be distracting you
14:45while everyone got ready for the party.
14:47But I thought of someone better for the job.
14:53Was I right or was I right?
14:55You was right, as always.
14:59Happy birthday, little girl.
15:02And these are for you from Ace.
15:05And he made the card for you himself.
15:09Oh, my gosh, this is ridiculously cute.
15:13I know.
15:14Thank you so much for letting him make this for me.
15:19And thank you for being here.
15:21There's no place else I would rather be.
15:24Besides, I think it's what Spencer would have wanted for me to be here.
15:32Oh, honey, I know last year was a very tough year for you,
15:35but I have to say I'm very, very glad to see you in a better place
15:39and willing to celebrate your birthday.
15:42No, that doesn't mean I've forgotten about Spencer.
15:45I don't miss him every day.
15:47Honey, I would never think that about you.
15:51You know, neither of us will ever forget Spencer.
15:56I mean, he was one of a kind, right?
16:01And he loved you so much, and he would be so happy to see how happy you are tonight.
16:07You know, I miss seeing the light in your eyes.
16:10I'm glad it's back, and Spencer would be very glad it's back.
16:16You're welcome.
16:21Oh, it is my daughter.
16:23Okay, take it. I'm going to go talk to some folks.
16:26Okay, all right.
16:29Hi, Mom.
16:30Can you come home?
16:32I have a little surprise for you.
16:36So a group of us athletes are actually working with the hospital.
16:40We're visiting the sick kids in the pediatrics wing
16:42and hopefully spending as much time with them as we can.
16:45We want to give them some fun in the middle of all the hard stuff they're going through.
16:49That sounds pretty great, actually.
16:50It's pretty sweet that you're getting involved, too.
16:52Yeah, it's the least I can do.
16:54I actually met the guy who came up with the whole program.
16:56He's a congressman.
16:58Drew Quartermain.
16:59The guy who slept with his nephew's wife.
17:01Yeah, that's the guy.
17:03He seemed okay, but I don't know anything about his personal life, and I don't really care.
17:08I mean, this program is going to change these kids' lives.
17:10And that's the part that's really great.
17:13Kai, are you sure you're not taking on too much?
17:15I mean, I would totally understand if you needed to back out of my animal rights charity.
17:18No, I can do both.
17:19Look, now that I'm not playing football anymore, I have plenty of time.
17:22Plenty of time.
17:26All right, time for cake.
17:31My goodness, this cake is gorgeous.
17:36All right, now.
17:37There it is.
17:38Okay, everyone, let's sing happy birthday.
17:40All right.
17:41Happy birthday to you.
17:45Happy birthday to you.
17:49Happy birthday, dear Trina.
17:53Happy birthday to you.
18:00All right, make a wish and make it good.
18:15That one's from Jocelyn.
18:17She's really sorry she couldn't be here.
18:19She's still on Easter Island, but she did make sure that her gift was sent directly to the Q's and trusted to me for delivery.
18:30Oh, yes.
18:32Joc is amazing.
18:33She knows that I've been having a hard time sleeping at night, so she got me this.
18:36Oh, my gosh, I love her so much.
18:39Okay, this is the last one.
18:42That one's from me.
18:44It's heavy.
18:53Yeah, the guy at the bookstore couldn't stop talking about it and said that it's a must have.
19:04This is amazing.
19:06Okay, everybody.
19:08Thank you so much for all the thoughtful and amazing gifts.
19:12Now, go have another slice of cake and get more to drink and let's just party.
19:20Happy birthday to you guys.
19:31You've been pretty great lately.
19:34What do you mean lately?
19:37You pushed your animal activism group forward.
19:40You kept me company at a crypt one night when I camped out.
19:43You gave Kai a pretty good pep talk.
19:47Why do you sound surprised?
19:49First few times we met, didn't come across as someone who'd do any of that.
19:54You seemed a lot different.
19:58This is who I am now.
20:01Makes me wonder who the real Emma is.
20:06I know.
20:08Me too.
20:11How's things going with Drew and Congressman Henderson?
20:14He was able to help with a few obstacles, but Drew, he's so focused on that pediatric sports initiative,
20:19he's even planning a press conference at the hospital with Portia to talk about it.
20:26And guess what?
20:28Aurora Media is covering it.
20:30You know, I really hate helping this guy rehab his image.
20:34Baby, pick your battles.
20:36Supporting Drew on this can elevate Portia.
20:39But if you get in the way of that, you're going to hinder her success.
20:42And Portia deserves to shine.
20:44Drew, be damned.
20:46Thank you so much for referring Rick.
20:49And for, you know, being there for me throughout this whole situation.
20:54Of course.
20:55Thank you for confiding in me.
20:58If the truth came out, it would only hurt Trina.
21:02Well, Rick and I had a good first conversation, but the conversation we had after that
21:06was the opposite of what I was hoping for.
21:09In fact, it was devastating.
21:22I can't keep this up forever.
21:24No, you don't have to.
21:26Drew has a lot of powerful enemies.
21:29Nina, Carly, and Curtis.
21:32Jason, Michael, all the quartermates, they all hate him, right?
21:36It's only a matter of time before Drew's house of cards collapses
21:40and one of his many other enemies will take care of him for you.
21:44Well, someone needs to do something, and they need to do it soon.
21:48I think Trina left.
21:50Hope she's okay.
21:52She was here for quite a while tonight.
21:55It was almost like having our old Trina back.
21:59But she might have gotten a little overwhelmed, and
22:01a party like this probably had her thinking about Spencer.
22:04Well, I just hate to think that anything could put a black mark on her special night.
22:08Oh, it didn't.
22:10Grief doesn't follow a timeline, and sometimes
22:13a loss is felt most during your happiest moments.
22:31I love you.
