• yesterday
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 20 Completo HD Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 21 Completo HD Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 22 Completo HD Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 20 Completo HD Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 20 Completo HD Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 20 Completo HD
00:00Pados por el piso de jimmy mañana le dan la sentencia
00:06Esta desayunando el pobre al duro
00:12Su madre que bien se come aquí
00:15No te confundas ese mi cariño porque eres parte de mi clan
00:19Te molesta que julio estemos saliendo
00:23Que bueno que lo mencionas no para nada tenía miedo porque bueno tú sabes
00:31La historia
00:33No, no te preocupes
00:35De verdad soy fan de usted
00:37Que bueno
00:38Bueno, voy a llamarla
00:39Si, si, claro
00:45Pero mas fan de Chrisley
00:48Yo, yo, yo no soy choro, no soy chorizo
00:50Solo quiero que me metan preso
00:52Ah, te parece chistosito lo que te digo
00:55No, no, pero déjame explicarte
00:57Déjame explicarte
01:00Me gustan tus thumbs, tu lompa y tu polo
01:09Tienes que ver la vida con hambre
01:11Entender que solo gana el más fuerte
01:15¿Puedes hacerlo?
01:17No escucho
01:20Más fuerte
01:21Yo puedo
01:23Esa es la actitud
01:25Ahora para comenzar te voy a dar unos consejos
01:31Aquí siempre tienes que estar alerta
01:35Al primer descuido del que menos te esperas hace
01:40Te mete punta
01:43Por favor
01:45Por favor
01:46Pero ahora yo escojo la película
01:48Ay no
01:50Otra oportunidad
01:53Estoy listo
01:55Vas a dormir
01:56Despídete de tu suegra
01:58Oye Gaspar, no juegues con fuego
02:00Dale besito
02:01No, no, te puedes quemar, te estoy avisando nomás
02:30Parece que está molesto
02:32Vamos por partes
02:37No, no, no, no, Adri, tranquila, ahí está el juez
02:41Tú ya le quieres apapacharte
02:42Sí, sí, perdón
02:47¿Cómo le está pasando?
02:49Todo, todo bien, tranquila
02:51Sí, el amigo de Coqui me está cuidando
02:53Está muy preocupada por ti
02:55Todo va a salir bien, mi amor
02:57Todo va a salir perjueltísimo
03:00He armado una desvenza invencible
03:03No te preocupes, Jimmy
03:04Hoy estarás en casa
03:06Sí, es verdad
03:07Hemos revisado tu caso al detalle
03:09Y vamos a alegar a que no se ha llevado el debido proceso
03:12Así es
03:13Además, don Diego no tiene como probar
03:15Que ha sido víctima de lesiones graves
03:18Entonces confío en ti, Félix
03:20Haces bien, Jimmy
03:22Haces bien al confiar en mí
03:23Porque yo conozco el caso de arriba a abajo
03:25De izquierda a derecha
03:27No hay quien me dé pelea
03:29Vamos a sentarnos, ¿eh?
03:30Sí, sí, sí
03:54¿Qué pasa?
03:55¿Qué pasa?
03:56¿Qué pasa?
03:57¿Qué pasa?
03:58¿Qué pasa?
03:59¿Qué pasa?
04:00¿Qué pasa?
04:01¿Qué pasa?
04:02¿Qué pasa?
04:03¿Qué pasa?
04:04¿Qué pasa?
04:05¿Qué pasa?
04:06¿Qué pasa?
04:07¿Qué pasa?
04:08¿Qué pasa?
04:09¿Qué pasa?
04:10¿Qué pasa?
04:11¿Qué pasa?
04:12¿Qué pasa?
04:13¿Qué pasa?
04:14¿Qué pasa?
04:15¿Qué pasa?
04:16¿Qué pasa?
04:17¿Qué pasa?
04:18¿Qué pasa?
04:19¿Qué pasa?
04:20¿Qué pasa?
04:21¿Qué pasa?
04:22¿Qué pasa?
04:27Vamos a dar a inicio a la sesión
04:52Good morning, Mrs. de las Casas.
05:04Good morning.
05:06Hello, uncle.
05:08Walk straight. Walk safely.
05:13What did we talk about yesterday?
05:15Yes, yes.
05:16Let's go.
05:18Let's go.
05:38We have the legal doctor here
05:42to verify the report you have in your hand, Mr. Judge.
05:49Headaches, dizziness, muscle pain, lack of concentration.
05:59Do you confirm having had all these sequels, Mr. Montalban?
06:08Could you repeat the question?
06:10Ah, you see, Mr. Judge, you see.
06:12My client is still dragging sequels.
06:14No, no, lie.
06:18We demand the second opinion of a professional.
06:21Silence, defense.
06:23Here I have...
06:24Ah, ah, ah.
06:26Yes, very good, very good.
06:28Here I have a USB with all the videos of all the times
06:32that the accused and his family have entered my house,
06:36climbing walls, through the windows.
06:40It is musicalized with 80s rock for a better viewing.
06:45I would let you know if you require more evidence, sir.
06:49Now, can you tell us how the assault was?
06:53Ah, yes, of course, of course.
06:56The boy here appeared in my restaurant out of nowhere
07:03and threatened me in front of the waiters.
07:06I asked him, calm down, calm down, calm down, please.
07:10And I turned around to avoid conflict.
07:13And that's when he threw me a fistful of betrayal.
07:17I fell, I fell on the floor, I hit my head
07:23and I stretched out my hand asking for help.
07:26But he told me no, that he was not helping me,
07:29that he was going to avenge himself by messing with my daughter
07:32and then grab a chair and throw it.
07:35No, that's too much, Mr. Judge, that's a lie.
07:37The objection of that version is pure, pure.
07:41An impeccable health professional like Dr. Malpartida here
07:46has confirmed all the injuries.
07:49I confirm.
07:50We demand to see the videos from the restaurant's camera.
07:54The security cameras were in maintenance just that day,
07:58so there are no records.
08:00Ah, what a convenience, what a convenience.
08:02What a mess, what a mess.
08:04How can this be possible?
08:08Order in the room.
08:15Don't scream so much, please.
08:19It's violence, it's violence.
08:22Our Father who art in heaven,
08:24hallowed be thy name.
08:27Thy kingdom come,
08:29thy will be done,
08:31on earth as it is in heaven.
08:33Give us this day our daily bread.
08:36Forgive us our trespasses,
08:38as we also forgive those who trespass against us.
08:41And lead us not into temptation,
08:44but deliver us from evil.
09:14since you have tried my representative,
09:17the accusation of Mr. Diego Montalban
09:20of serious injuries
09:22is an exaggerated, malicious accusation.
09:26You can't prove what you say.
09:29Well, I can, I can.
09:31I have the testimony of his own daughter,
09:34where he mentions the numerous times
09:37that Mr. Diego Montalban has acted as a bad judge
09:40against me, the defendant.
09:44My daughter was under sentimental manipulation.
09:47His word doesn't count.
09:49Of course it does.
09:50You are the only manipulator here.
09:52That's information against my defendant.
09:54And he tells me that I am violent
09:56when he was told on the bus stop,
09:57look for him if you want.
09:58This guy deserved it.
10:00My defendant did not mean to say that
10:02and denies all the accusations, sir.
10:04Let's see.
10:05Mr. Judge, also as I explained in my allegation,
10:08you have not taken the case lightly.
10:10How could he have taken the case lightly?
10:11He ran away!
10:21Order in the courtroom!
10:50And Felix, how do you see the matter?
10:54My defense has been lonely.
10:56I think the judge will underestimate the accusation, Yauel.
11:01Do you think?
11:02I'm very sure.
11:04Mr. Miguel Ignacio's lawyers have nothing.
11:08I would even dare to say that the judge will immediately reject
11:12the punishment they want to impose on you.
11:17Let's get out of here.
11:29And due to everything exposed, Mr. Judge,
11:31the defense of Mr. Diego Montalvan
11:35asks for five years in prison for Mr. Jaime González Flores.
11:41Five years, so crazy.
11:43Right now we are going to see how the judge will laugh in his face
11:46and he will send him well.
11:49I will review the case
11:51and see you next week to dictate a sentence.
11:58How to review?
11:59What do you have to review, Mr. Judge?
12:02Five years in prison, so crazy.
12:06Are you telling me what I have to do?
12:10No, of course not.
12:12Then see you next week.
12:31How to review?
12:32What do you have to review, Mr. Judge?
12:34Five years in prison, so crazy.
12:36Then see you next week.
13:01Five years in prison, so crazy.
13:13Justice will be done, Fran.
13:15The fruit bird is going to get five years.
13:20They still dictate a sentence next week,
13:23but the judge seems to be on the side of decency.
13:26We went out to dinner today.
13:28This deserves to be celebrated for all the high.
13:36You are a monster.
13:37How can you dance at a time like this?
13:40Daughter, I only expose the facts.
13:44The judge, in his infinite wisdom, will impart justice.
13:49Facts, the only thing that has come out of your mouth are lies.
13:54I am angry and ashamed to be your daughter.
13:59Someday you will understand me.
14:09Listen to me.
14:11Everything will be fine.
14:14And if next week there is a problem,
14:18something goes wrong, we can appeal.
14:21There is always an option.
14:22No, let's talk about it.
14:23No, let's talk about it.
14:25Jaime Gonzalez.
14:26It's time to go.
14:29No, I already know.
14:30Get up quickly.
14:31They are the rules, miss.
14:34No, please.
14:35It's okay.
14:38I love you, okay?
15:10Lord Jesus Christ of infinite goodness,
15:13please protect Jaime.
15:17Let's pray to the Lord.
15:18We pray to the Lord.
15:22Good news.
15:23Good news.
15:24Felix, tell us.
15:28It seems that they are going to give him five years back.
15:45Koki, I think everything is arranged
15:48for Ginny to be declared guilty.
15:51We will not be able to do anything to save him.
16:15My God.
16:20My God.
16:23I already told my wife.
16:26She was devastated.
16:28She didn't even go for the first flight and she comes.
16:31I promised her that I would take care of her children
16:34and I have failed her.
16:36Don't feel guilty, Tortolita.
16:40This is another trick of the neighbor.
16:44He is such a heartless man
16:47that he doesn't hesitate to hurt his baby.
16:51The good thing is that we already have a free bed.
16:55And then they say I'm the beast.
16:58No, no.
16:59I say it because it is uncomfortable that Alesia
17:01must be sharing a bed with Jolin, right?
17:03We are fine.
17:04Thanks for your concern.
17:07And is there no way to prove that your father is lying, Alesia?
17:09Of course.
17:10As far as I know, the blow was real,
17:13but not the sequels.
17:14Well, but suddenly there is something else that can be done.
17:19Hire a lawyer with more experience than me.
17:22Félix, come back.
17:23I have no face to give them.
17:25Oh, Félix.
17:27Let him.
17:28Félix makes him want to, but the truth is that he is missing.
17:31He has already lost two trials too.
17:33No, no.
17:34He did a good job, yes.
17:35Only he faced a being like my father.
17:40With the help of my little dove.
17:44We are going to get him out of jail.
17:48Did you say little dove?
17:49Yes, little dove, son.
17:52Of course.
17:54Because I am useless.
17:56It's not that, but ...
17:59We are going to pray to the little dove
18:02so that it supports us.
18:05I'm going to serve you an apple so you can calm down, okay?
18:15He has already returned from the trial.
18:17It seems that they are going to give my nephew five years.
18:20A fist, right?
18:22A fist, right?
18:23No, but let's see what he does.
18:35Don't worry, nephew.
18:37Five years go by fast.
18:39And the best of all is that you are going to get out of here well.
18:42The best of all is that you are going to get out of here well, Faiteh,
18:44with everything I'm going to teach you.
18:48I could have been here for five years, I remember.
18:53But it makes me sad.
18:55My family.
18:58My brother.
19:00My girlfriend.
19:03I had my plans.
19:06Look, I know it's a shame.
19:09I've also had this kind of problem.
19:12My family is out there, I've left them there.
19:16But you can't disarm here.
19:19You have to stand up straight.
19:21Turn into steel.
19:27But I know how you can get rid of all that.
19:34Tell me, do you like acting?
20:28Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
20:29I thought I had been clear with you.
20:31Jimmy doesn't deserve to be locked up.
20:33I don't put the punishments.
20:34It is the law that makes them.
20:37You know perfectly well that the sentence will favor you.
20:42I'm serious.
20:51He went to China because he loves her.
20:52And she came back to him.
20:53There is nothing you can do.
20:57Five years for a punch.
21:00No, you were stupid from before.
21:06To the great love they have.
21:08I remind you that love does not pay the bills.
21:11What is my daughter going to do?
21:13What future is she going to have with that starving man
21:15who doesn't have a penny where that dead man falls?
21:21You are not seeing the whole forest.
21:23You are only seeing the tree.
21:25What's going to happen when my daughter inherits?
21:28I'm going to have all that remora
21:30there wanting to get his cut.
21:33I've been in jail for five years.
21:35They could ruin Jimmy's life.
21:41Anything else?
21:44Yes, there is something else.
21:47Withdraw the complaint or you know.
21:58You didn't have to get that letter.
22:00You forced me.
22:03You wouldn't be able.
22:05You would go to jail.
22:07You know perfectly well that I would be able.
22:19This is the envelope that Mrs. Francesca gave me
22:21to shut up and disappear.
22:23And she promised me an equal every month.
22:27But you know what?
22:29I didn't ask for it and I don't need it.
22:32And she thinks she can buy everything with money.
22:36But if you do that injustice to Jimmy,
22:40I can respond in the worst way.
22:45You have two hours to think about it.
23:03With blackmail to me.
23:07My answer is no.
23:13Little puppy.
23:15Always in the good and in the bad.
23:18We were on an adventure.
23:21Navigating for more than 20 days together.
23:25This adventure will last a little longer.
23:29At least it will be about five years, but
23:32there we will be together, brother.
23:36There I go.
23:38Mr. Policeman, Mr. Policeman, please.
23:41I need you to help me.
23:42I beg you, please.
23:44They have swindled me.
23:46They have harmed me.
23:47Listen to me, please.
23:49It's a guy. It's a guy.
23:51His name is Joel Gonzalez.
23:53The guy sells stolen cars.
23:55Yes, he has sold me a car.
23:57Please, I beg you.
23:58Listen to me.
23:59Arrest him soon, agent.
24:00Arrest him soon.
24:02He is in block 8 of Juan Carlos Fernandez Street.
24:07Go carefully because it is very dangerous.
24:08Very dangerous.
24:09Yes, thank you.
24:16But skinny.
24:18There I go.
24:31I heard them.
24:33Are you going to talk about everything?
24:35I would have done the same.
24:37He is defending his children.
24:39That bastard is not even his son.
24:42He is the son of his ex-wife,
24:44who put the pussies on him with the Spaniard.
24:46I remind you that I am not
24:48Isabella's biological mother either.
24:50And so everything.
24:52She could not be my daughter anymore.
24:54I still don't think Coqui dares to take such a risky step.
24:57One for his children is capable of everything.
25:01Fran, I've been reading.
25:04And for covering up or obstruction of justice,
25:07they can give you up to 10 years.
25:09Do you really think Coqui is going to eat a decade
25:12to save his little son from five years?
25:15No, that guy is an opportunist.
25:18He is a guy who lives in the grave.
25:20They just think about saving his skin.
25:22Diego, remove the denunciation.
25:23You are not listening to me.
25:25He is not going to open his mouth.
25:27It is not convenient for him.
25:29The one who is not listening is you.
25:31That boy attacked me.
25:33And now there is a trial in the middle.
25:35You lied.
25:37You lied and became a simple blow
25:39but an attempt to murder.
25:41You have also done your little things.
25:43And you don't know how I regret it.
25:53We have received an anonymous call
25:55accusing him of theft
25:57and commercialization of stolen cars.
25:59No, no, no.
26:01You are wrong, young people.
26:03You are wrong.
26:05His photo comes out, sir.
26:07And his name.
26:09Well, it's okay.
26:11They already caught me.
26:13I already lost.
26:15How do you want me?
26:17On the floor, on my knees.
26:19I don't know.
26:21Please take me to the cell.
26:23We have to carry out some investigations.
26:26Are you sure?
26:28Because I am a very dangerous criminal.
26:30I mean, I think they should take me.
26:32You take me.
26:34Look, I can tell you.
26:36Sir, sir.
26:38Stop, sir.
26:40Stop, sir.
26:44Let's go.
26:46Can you take me to the cell, please?
26:47Let's go.
26:52Alessia will never forgive you.
26:57It's going to happen to her.
26:59As if you didn't know her.
27:01Fran, if this is the price I have to pay
27:03to get her away from those people,
27:05I will pay it with pleasure.
27:07I can't go back.
27:09It's the only chance I have to separate them.
27:12If there is something I have learned in my life,
27:13it is that the evil you do today, sooner or later,
27:16will return to you.
27:18But we are not talking about someone valuable.
27:20We are talking about a González.
27:22We are talking about doing things wrong.
27:24I'm tired.
27:28Tired of carrying this guilt.
27:30The guilt of having ruined the lives of the Pampañaupas.
27:33The guilt of having invoked that poor man.
27:36The guilt of being a distant mother
27:38who only had a head for business.
27:40The guilt that Mariano had died for me.
27:43Even the guilt of having pulled the trigger.
27:46Guilt, guilt and more guilt.
27:49I have been a bad person.
27:51And how does life pay me for kidnapping my daughter?
28:06Remove that complaint.
28:08Remove that complaint.
28:10Get that boy out
28:12and get your daughter back.
28:15It's the only thing you can do.
28:17It's the only thing you can do.
28:47You can do it too.
28:49Go to the BSP app and start saving.
28:51Talk, little hand.
28:53Who has everything under control?
28:55Your aunt Mata.
28:57Who trusts in Haggis Dermacare.
28:59The softest diaper to protect your skin.
29:02The only one with vitamin E.
29:04Ultra soft and thin.
29:06With protection up to 12 hours.
29:08Baby, know the softest diaper for your skin.
29:10The softest diaper for your skin.
29:27I had already forgotten. I wanted to be here.
29:32Good evening, sir.
29:34Do you know a thin man?
29:37His name is Jimmy.
29:38They call him Thin Dog.
29:40Daddy is a dog.
29:42Don't worry. I'll ask this person.
29:49And you? Are you new, clown?
29:56I think he recognized me.
30:01There's a woman here.
30:03A woman?
30:06She must be the social worker.
30:15What's up?
30:22I'm late.
30:26Calm down, brother.
30:28It's a play.
30:30We're rehearsing.
30:32Right, guys?
30:36It's a play.
30:38It's one of the activities of the prison, brother.
30:41Why a woman?
30:43It's the only role left.
30:45The director told me it's a small role.
30:48But the next one can give me a leading role.
30:50That's good, Juan.
30:52Good evening.
30:54I'm glad you came to visit us.
30:56I came to visit you.
30:58I was in a hurry to accompany you.
31:00I wasn't going to leave you alone here.
31:08Sorry, uncle.
31:10I forgot.
31:14Excuse me.
31:21Diego was right.
31:24It's going to cost me sweat and tears to harden this boy.
31:28I'm going to make him pay.
31:31I'm going to make him pay.
31:33I'm going to make him pay.
31:34I'm going to make him pay.
31:46The one who doesn't dance is left without a cake.
31:49I've said.
31:51They won't dance.
31:53I'm going to cheer them up.
31:55I'm going to get down.
31:57What are you doing?
32:34Para tu casa
32:37Usted no Jimmy González el que se marcha
32:42retiraron la denuncia que vi en su contra
32:51El tiene para rato
32:53You know
32:56Manito manito se fuerte se fuerte si tranquilo mano yo voy a ir por allá
33:00Si voy a encontrar el felix y te vamos a sacar de acá
33:02Así que te vas cachorro así es
33:06Gracias gracias por todo señor taita no sé qué habría hecho sin su ayuda más bien me lo cuida pero es mi hermano
33:12No te preocupes bronco que aquí nos encargamos de él bronco se fuerte mano
33:18Yo te voy a salvar
33:29Tu cacharro como que se me hace conocido de dónde
33:36Mi cacharro
33:39Mira el único papel que queda disponible es el de chica guapa te interesa
35:04Joel está adentro
35:05Sí, ya lo sabemos con su permiso voy a hablar con mi nuevo representante pero esta vez chambea bien pues
35:12Porque le dices eso porque es una bestia no te das cuenta
35:16Felicitó no le hagas caso a los que dudan de ti tú vales mucho más de lo que imaginas
35:25Piense en todos los años de estudio y esfuerzo que le has dedicado a tu profesión
35:33Bueno tres horas por el felicitó para que recupere la confianza en sí
35:53Un honka que no la hace
36:06No recogí
36:38Yo sabía que la tercera era la vencida
36:42Así es si no caballero tiraba la toalla
36:46Siempre hay que tener confianza en uno mismo
36:50y cuando libera la cual mañana mismo como todo un invento de su imaginación no le habían pruebas para condenarlo la metieron por
36:58Porita insistencia seguro
36:59malo con mi hermano
37:02Un montón no eso de dejarse encarcelar solamente para acompañarte no lo hace cualquiera
37:07y ya le hablaste a tu mamá si ya está tranquila
37:16Todo está
37:22Aguanta hoy voy por ti voy por ti
37:31Seguro que fue pal taller pues y se lo llamas después me acabo de acordar que se molesta con él
37:38amorcito acuérdate que tienes que comer light
37:41Pero me gusta el pollo por eso te he preparado pollito con ensalada
37:51Bueno familia aprovechando que mi hermano no está le dije que baje sus cosas
37:59Me encuentro
38:09Mira mientras alesia
38:12Diva en esta casa tú vas a dormir en tu cuarto y alesia con las chicas me dejo entender
38:18las noces tan conservadoras
38:21y la amiga de lo ajeno tiene razón chica ya son otros tiempos
38:26además y dos personas y quien tiene que estar juntito
38:31Esto que la tía te ha dicho sólo para mayores de edad
38:35Pero se está refiriendo a mayores de 25 de 50
38:38Bueno igual nosotros ya me voy a juntas. Sí
38:42Pues a la casa se le respetan es cierto que el garito
38:45Solina o que lo deben entender de que estamos hablando
38:48Claro que entiendo mantecato y si lo ponemos a votación que buen intento bravo bravo bravo tú come tu pollo no más ya
38:58Que buena
39:13O lejita hablamos afuera
39:28Hija no vas a decirme nada retiré la denuncia
39:32y qué quieres que te agradezco que todo vuelva a ser como antes si eso es lo que espero
39:36Papá lo metiste preso con mentiras el golpe fue real la cara me quedó así
39:41inflamada me contó todo lo que le dijiste y y aunque no apoyó la violencia y estuvo mal lo que hizo tú no tenías por
39:46Qué humillarlo de esa manera sí sí acepto que me excedió un poco
39:50Pero todo lo hice con una buena intención no me puedes culpar por querer proteger así como cuando lo mandaste becado a méxico
39:57Pero no te he dicho que vine a fregarme la vida
40:01Yo sé que estás cometiendo el peor error de tu vida estando con jimmy pero estoy dispuesto a respetar tu decisión
40:10Y ahora a cambio de una cosita
40:15Vuelve a la casa
40:16pero cómo puedes preferir estar en esta casa infecta llena de ratas en vez de estar en tu casa linda con jardín con piscina con
40:23Agua caliente las 24 horas
40:26Pollo trufado con salsa de champiñones no voy a la brasa con harta papa frita y todas sus cremas
40:37Me muero
40:42Ya falta poco ya falta poco para volver a estar juntos
40:48Perdón a la caucita pero esto lo hago por una buena causa
41:00Aló ya no está molesta conmigo
41:06Que liberaron bajo él gracias por avisar mi amor gracias
41:12Donde estoy estoy en el trabajo en el taller si hago una champita y me voy para la casa
41:20Señor policía el antifaz si eso es el que me quiso robar
41:44En tu casa
41:51Pero me gusta
41:55Esto es el colmo teresa yo me vine volando porque me dijiste que joel estaba libre porque te juega con algo tan delicado
42:01hay por dios una mentirita
42:03Piadosa no es para tanto donde estaba trabajando ya te dije trabajando bueno te perdiste el pollito
42:09Que ha pedido pollo no me guardas si además tú no te lo mereces
42:13Ansioso está ya el joel viene mañana mismo para que te calmes y me prestes atención aquí esa tensión
42:24Por dios que te está pasando
42:26Porque te pones así si mi mamá es como un angelito que cayó en el cielo
42:30De esa luz es hipócrita todo el mundo sabe que tu mamá era bien especial
42:44Lorena que tienes estaba moviendo el mueble y eso fue lo que sonó
42:51Perdón mi amor perdón pero por si acaso mejor tomate tu flatulín no no no no no nada de flatulín
42:58Esa vaina me endurece el estómago y además cada vez que la tomo me mareo
43:03Te advierto tito que yo no voy a dormir contigo si no te tomas tu remedio
43:07Bueno y yo te advierto que no voy a dormir contigo si no me dejas comer lo que me da la gana ya
43:12Aquí no te da vergüenza expelir eso que expeles que feo tu corazón lorena que feo de manos
43:18¿Por qué te pones así si tú me conociste así?
43:21Todo el tiempo es boom por aquí boom por allá me ahogas tito así bueno a pepe no le molestaba ya
43:30Pepe pepe pepe pepe te has casado con pepe o conmigo contigo pero mi compadre era más comprensivo
43:38Como tú lo dejaste sin olfato una de dos
43:42Más respeto mi compadre
43:44Eso es eso es son un par de asquerosos que no pueden contener sus sucios efluvios
43:52Que asco
43:54Golpe bajo lorena golpe bajo
43:56Golpe bajo el que te tiras tú todo el tiempo
44:00Me ahogas tito
44:08¿Dónde están mis pañuelos?
44:12Ay perdón perdón don Gilberto
44:14Es que Olinda me dio un cajón muy chiquitito
44:16Pero he puesto sus pañuelitos y sus medias debajo de la cama en una bolsita
44:20No le molesta ¿verdad?
44:26No supo sudar
44:28No supo sudar
44:30¿Qué pasó Gilberto?
44:32¿Cuándo se va tu prima?
44:34Ah ya pronto pronto
44:36Eso me dices hace días
44:38Por favor Gilberto baja la voz no te vaya a escuchar
44:41Que se ponga tapores pues
44:43Gilberto Collazos
44:45Tienes que ser más paciente
44:47Así como están las cosas no es fácil encontrar trabajo
44:49Además ella tiene una condición
44:51Condición dices
44:53¿Sabes cómo se le llama en mi pueblo?
44:55Cuidadito con lo que vas a decir
44:57Su presencia en esta habitación
44:59Es insostenible
45:01Ay por favor
45:03No seas exagerado
45:05Me mueve las cosas
45:07No me mueve las cosas
45:10Me mueve las cosas
45:12Entra sin tocar
45:14¿Qué le está pasando a todos?
45:16Están así hace unos días
45:18Qué raro
45:28Yo sé que
45:30Molina lo prohibió
45:32Pero yo creo que te puedes ir a dormir acá
45:38¿La hija me parece tentadora a mí?
45:52¿Qué está pasando aquí?
45:58Olinda no seas pesada
46:00Mira que acabo de salir de la cárcel
46:02Solo por esta noche nunca más te prometo
46:04¿Hace acaso omiso a lo que me están diciendo?
46:07¿A quién va a su cuarto caramba?
46:09Un piquito de despedida
46:11¿A la una?
46:13¿A las dos?
46:15Corre, corre
46:19Si los dejo solos un segundo
46:21¿Qué no harían?
46:23A su cuarto chiquita
46:25Sí, a su cuarto
46:29Un piquito larguito para que dure hasta mañana
46:31Cocacho larguito
46:33No, no voy allá
46:36Uno si me lo pidieras
46:38Yo te daría todo, todo lo que quieras
46:42Una noche en una playa desierta
46:44Tú y yo solitos con las estrellas
46:48Esta noche no se duerme
46:50Perdemos el control
46:54Nos olvidamos de todo
46:56Y que fluye el amor
46:58Es que contigo todo puede suceder
47:02Y me rodillo pa' que seas mi mujer
47:06Llámame Juana
47:09Llámame Juana
47:19¿Qué tal este suñas?
47:21¿Cómo siempre?
47:23¿Cómo eres tan loco?
47:25¿No quieres que me lo haga?
47:27¿O enterré ese muerto?
47:31No papá, por favor
47:35Que te corten las patas
48:03¿Cual es tu nombre?
48:25No te enamores
48:27Me dijo una gitana
48:29Yo lo sabía
48:31It was too late and I didn't understand wise words
48:36Like in a fairy tale
48:40But my eyes were telling me
48:44I didn't sleep anymore
48:46Only I didn't sleep
48:47And my earrings, I lost them
48:49Oh, where are your earrings?
48:51They're probably in your room, right?
48:54To your room!
48:58Enough, I'm sorry!
49:16Yeah, brother!
49:18I thought you were going to be late!
49:20No, I got here early
49:23Thank you
49:25My intuition tells me
49:27That you had something to do with Jimmy's release
49:31I didn't think it was fair
49:33For the boy to spend five years behind bars
49:36For an unfortunate reaction
49:38In a moment of emotional weakness
49:42Was that it?
49:43Or were you afraid the police would go and tell them about Claudia?
49:48Hi, Joel
49:49Hi, Rubia
49:50At least tell me which port I have to leave from
49:52And don't be too expensive, please
49:56I'm Teresa Covillazos
49:59My measurements?
50:03Find out!
50:06Give me your chocolate
50:12Give me your chocolate
50:14I'm not going to give it to you
