Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 19 Completo HD Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 20 Completo HD Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 21 Completo HD Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 19 Completo HD Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 19 Completo HD Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 19 Completo HD Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capitulo 19 Completo HD
Short filmTranscript
00:00Every day he works hard to get better.
00:02He kicked me out of the restaurant.
00:06Because I told him I was tired of receiving his humiliations
00:10and he fired me.
00:12You don't know how happy he made me leave.
00:16I'm happy for you.
00:17What is this? What is this cell phone doing here?
00:33There is something strange here, Felix.
00:35It turns out that my uncle Pepe was the one who signed.
00:38But this document was signed after he left Lima.
00:48I have come to leave a notification of the judicial power to your nephew.
00:53Can you give it to him?
00:54No way!
00:57Let's see.
00:58Put your signature here, please.
01:04I love it when a plan is made.
01:07What are you doing here?
01:08I thought you were in your classes.
01:09How did it go?
01:11It's trucha, mom.
01:14And the teacher is a smoker who just finished school.
01:19That's what Valentino taught you, right?
01:23I'm going to teach you.
01:24You're going to start living with much higher goals.
01:28You're going to be passionate about business.
01:32I'm going to teach you how to plant yourself in life
01:35so that no one, absolutely no one, including your old man,
01:39will doubt your abilities.
01:42So you're the famous Jimmy González.
01:48How do you know me?
01:50The boy that Koki Reyes wants as a son.
01:53Oh, right.
01:55And what about Joel? Why isn't he here?
01:57It seems that the incident has affected Joel a lot.
02:02He said he had more important things to do.
02:06I can't give up.
02:07I have to be with my dog, Flaco.
02:09Because it will be so difficult to delinquir in our country today.
02:13Let me take care of him for a few months
02:14and you'll see how I give him back to you like a shark.
02:18Teach him not to be so snobby.
02:21That he does not settle for so little.
02:25Be careful.
02:27Be in good hands.
02:35Mr. Tete, don't be mad.
02:38Mr. Tete, you don't know how grateful I am to you.
02:40You are grateful all my life.
02:42And I will come to visit you every year.
02:44And I'm going to leave soon because I'm innocent.
02:50Tell me, uncle.
02:52Why are you in prison?
02:53It's recorded, uncle.
02:54But I'm innocent, uncle.
02:58Old man.
02:59Why are you here?
03:01For traffic.
03:02But I'm innocent.
03:03You see?
03:04We are all innocent here.
03:06No, but I'm really innocent, uncle.
03:10Yes, I admit that I screwed up my daughter's father.
03:13But it wasn't that bad.
03:14And he deserved it.
03:16Look, until a year ago, I was a boy from his house.
03:20My mom woke me up every day and cooked for me.
03:22But she had to go far from the country
03:24because she went through a very big shame.
03:26Listen, listen.
03:28You are not in the confessional of a church.
03:31You are in Piedra Flaca.
03:32I've already told you.
03:33Here, if they hear you talking like that,
03:35they'll shoot you.
03:38Look around you.
03:41Here, everyone is a wild beast.
03:44For them, you are cannon fodder.
03:46An easy prey.
03:48The first careless, you are.
03:52Mr. Taita.
03:54Didn't you tell me you were going to protect me?
03:57I can't watch you 24 hours, Pepe.
04:00I have a pavilion to control.
04:01And it's not an easy task.
04:04Please, Mr. Taita.
04:05Don't leave me alone, okay?
04:09From what I see,
04:10Koki Reyes didn't transfer any of his wisdom to you.
04:14But no, no.
04:15Don't worry.
04:17I'm going to do it.
04:26I love my son.
04:27I swear.
04:29But the truth is that I hate what he is doing with his life.
04:33I understand you perfectly.
04:36You know my story with Nicolás.
04:39I hope you can put an end to it.
04:42The truth is that I don't know what to do.
04:44And on top of that, I have the issue of Alesia.
04:47Don't worry.
04:49I'm going to convince him
04:51to forget about González completely.
04:54And start behaving like a real Montalban.
04:58Well, I'll leave you.
05:00My son.
05:02You tell me the progress with Cris.
05:05And thank you again.
05:06You have nothing to thank me for.
05:07You know we are like brothers.
05:23I'm going to turn your son
05:27into a real Montalban.
05:30That's the favor I'm going to do to you, my dear brother.
05:38I'm also going to turn him
05:41into my unconditional ally.
05:45It is convenient for me to have an ally
05:48in the future of the Maldini Corporation.
05:52And if he is one of the heirs, better.
05:56That's how business is,
05:58my dear Dieguito.
06:00That's how we are.
06:31You have to listen to me.
06:33I did everything for...
06:35For love?
06:36In the end, your love
06:38killed us.
06:43You know very well how things were.
06:46For everything I sacrificed.
06:48For everything I lost.
06:49I finally deserve to be happy.
06:52I'm sorry, Mother.
06:53But you will never be happy.
07:11I know what you're going to tell me.
07:13I don't have time.
07:14You are committing an injustice to Jimmy.
07:16And you know it.
07:17You are not going to justify his violent behavior
07:19for his ADN.
07:21Look, look.
07:22Deep down in your heart,
07:23however gray and small it may be,
07:24you know that Jimmy is a good guy.
07:26The fact that you don't like him for your daughter
07:28is not a reason to send him to prison.
07:29No, I sent him to jail because he attacked me.
07:31And you provoked him until he exploded.
07:33Oh yeah? You were not there.
07:34Well, that's not how it was.
07:35Look, I know that guy is like your son,
07:38that you love him a lot and blah blah blah.
07:40But that González is already an adult
07:42and has to pay for his misdeeds.
07:43Enough, enough, enough.
07:44I'm going to talk to him to apologize.
07:46There could even be a civil reparation.
07:48I'll talk to the family to see how we cost him, okay?
07:51I'm not going to withdraw my complaint.
07:53It is my last word.
07:55Until we talk.
07:55Diego, Diego, Diego, Diego, Diego.
07:57Diego, Diego, the culprit, the culprit.
08:05Let me be how I am.
08:07Look, life in Cana is very complicated.
08:11Yes, I realize.
08:12Especially if you are in the eye of the storm.
08:16You're right.
08:17I'm scared of how some people see me.
08:19Yes, yes, but I'm talking about me.
08:21Carrying the title of Taita on your shoulders
08:24is a very big responsibility.
08:25Of course.
08:27But going back to what you said,
08:28do you know why they look at you like that?
08:33Because for them you are a chicken
08:34that is coming out of the shell.
08:39Here you have to look brave,
08:41thug life, do you understand me?
08:43Here you have to be and look like.
08:45Yes, yes, Mr. Taita, but I am neither brave nor a thug.
08:48Ah, but well, you're going to have to learn.
08:51And I know something that can help you.
08:55Let's see.
08:55Pass me the eel.
08:57This one here is going to be very good.
09:03Let's see.
09:04There it is.
09:05Ah, there it is.
09:06Ah, something else, come on.
09:09Is it better?
09:09Yes, but, but it's still, it's still missing.
09:15There it is.
09:17Now yes, something else, let's see.
09:20You nailed it, huh?
09:20Of course.
09:21Ah, there it is.
09:22There, little plate.
09:22It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, nephew.
09:25Ah, well, now you're done, huh?
09:28What's up, brother?
09:30Ah, I like that.
09:32That, I'll give it back to you.
09:33There it is.
09:35Very good.
09:35Of course.
09:37Hello daughter, how are you?
09:40No, I don't need anything.
09:44I was just calling to say hello.
09:47Ah, you're busy.
09:50Well, when I can, call me.
09:56Rafaela, one more thing.
10:01I love you.
10:05No, I'm not in the clinic.
10:08I'm not sick either, no.
10:11No, I just wanted you to know.
10:15Well, take care of yourself too.
10:20I love you.
10:29Well, now let's move on to your name.
10:33What's my name?
10:35What do you mean, what's my name?
10:38Jimmy sounds like a neighborhood hairdresser.
10:42Already, already, already, already.
10:44Oh, you have to get one that goes well, right?
10:47That inspires fear.
10:50I think so.
10:53I already have it.
10:54Let's see.
10:56Let's see, huh?
10:57Let's see, let's see, let's see.
10:58What do you think of Freezer?
11:00Ah, with the enemy Goku.
11:06No, no, hold on, hold on.
11:09No, I already have it, huh?
11:11Let's see.
11:12From today on, you will be Bronco.
11:18Bronco González, the adoptive son of the great Kokirreye.
11:23What do you think?
11:26Of course, yes, yes.
11:28Okay, okay, nephew.
11:29But now we go to the following.
11:32Come, follow me, we're going to mark you.
11:35Mark me?
11:36How do you mark me?
11:40Mr. Taita.
11:41Wait for me.
11:43Technician, fence.
12:03Honey, what's going on?
12:04Honey, what is this?
12:07Oh my God.
12:09What's going on?
12:10It's my mom's painting that's on the wall.
12:12Be very careful how you express yourself, huh?
12:14Sorry, love, it was the impression, but why don't you tell me?
12:18Grandma, but what's the problem?
12:20Such a beautiful photo of my mom on the wall.
12:23She, who is an angel who takes care of us from heaven.
12:25Honey, one thing that takes care of us from heaven,
12:28and another one on top of the bed.
12:31Oh, come on, don't be so exaggerated.
12:34Look at her sweet face.
12:36She's looking at me, right?
12:39No, she's giving us the blessing.
12:42Oh, please, honey, come on.
12:47As you can see, Mr. Judge,
12:49law number 30, no, 20, no, let's see.
12:54Excuse me, Mr. Judge.
12:55Law number 30229, in its second article,
13:00states that to be effective a due process,
13:03it is necessary to notify,
13:05and not only notify,
13:07but to supervise the notifications in due time.
13:13And my sponsor, Jaime González Lórez,
13:16has not received any notification at his home,
13:20nor have they been registered in his mailbox.
13:24There are only a few signatures out there
13:26that are not even from his relatives,
13:28nor from his legal representative, that is, me.
13:32Therefore, I ask,
13:34I demand that my sponsor, Jaime González Lórez,
13:38be released immediately.
13:42The lawyer of the hungry dead is a pichiruchi.
13:48But I can't trust him.
13:51I need legal help.
13:54Someone who is willing to defend my interests
13:58at any cost.
14:04I need legal help.
14:18How lucky we found Cupo in that academy for mapping, right?
14:22And at the right price.
14:24Are you going to take it tomorrow?
14:26Tomorrow and every day.
14:28I will be a witness in the first row
14:30of the road to the success of our puppy.
14:33What a pity that Pepe lost it.
14:36What are you looking for?
14:38Some round gold earrings I had here.
14:41Haven't you seen them?
14:44I'm sure I left them here.
14:47Someone will know.
14:50Do you think that...
14:52Who else?
14:53I knew that sooner or later things were going to start getting lost.
14:59Mr. Miguel Ignacio should have arrived by now.
15:11Give me back what you stole, rat!
15:13And probably everything you've kept, rat!
15:16I don't want to have any problems with you, Juana,
15:18so give me my earrings or we're going to the police station, rat!
15:22Earrings? What earrings?
15:24I don't know what you're talking about.
15:25Look at her with her mosquito face, rat.
15:27I'm not a rat.
15:28Give it back.
15:29What's going on here?
15:30That here the friend of a stranger became one of hers again
15:33and stole my wife's earrings.
15:54Do you have to press so hard?
15:56She didn't cry.
16:01Until they finally turned that off.
16:03That sound was already locking me.
16:06But it's ready, right?
16:08Let's see.
16:09Yes, let's see.
16:13A little heart with an arrow?
16:16Do you have a problem with the emblem of our pavilion?
16:19No, Taita, but I thought it was going to be something more masculine, baby.
16:24But, but it's very nice.
16:26Yes, yes, yes.
16:27If I made one for real, I would like it to be like that.
16:30Ah, that's good.
16:31Look, if you want to frame yourself at some point, just show it.
16:35Like this, look.
16:41Let's see.
16:44Ah, it's good.
16:46Nobody messes with me.
16:47No, nobody is going to tell you anything because it is under the law of the pavilion.
16:51Of my pavilion.
16:52It's nice, huh?
16:56Cousin, I swear I don't have them.
16:58Cousin, really.
17:00We're going to check you from head to toe.
17:02Are you sure?
17:03There are earrings there.
17:04No, no, no, Teresa, don't you dare, huh?
17:05And I told you I don't have them.
17:07And I told them I have changed and I am not the same.
17:09We didn't believe you at that moment and we don't believe you now either.
17:12Teresa, go ahead.
17:13No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
17:16No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
17:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
17:20What's going on?
17:21That this sausage stole your mother's gold earrings and they are looking for it again.
17:26Which ones are these?
17:27I have them.
17:28Sorry for not notifying you.
17:31You see?
17:33And you attacking me without grounds.
17:36What a cousin.
17:38I don't know why you don't believe that I have changed.
17:42I should be ashamed to be accusing you without grounds like Philistines.
17:47I'm sorry, Juana, really, forgive me.
17:49No, love, don't apologize either.
17:51We had every right to suspect, right?
17:53Yes, I don't apologize either.
17:55Excuse me.
18:18Cris, tell me.
18:20Tell me.
18:26I just wanted to congratulate you for the good decision you are making regarding the job.
18:33The uncle convinced me.
18:35I really didn't want to because I didn't want to cross paths with you.
18:40I hope you learn from him.
18:42More from him than from another.
18:47I know I seem to do things to bother you.
18:51But I really do it to protect you.
18:55Protect me?
18:57Yes, of course.
19:00That's why I thought it would be good for you to communicate with Princess Duperron.
19:05She must have forgiven you by now.
19:08Dad, changing Yuli for Ana Lucia and Ana Lucia for Anastasia has been the worst mistake I have made.
19:14And until now I regret it.
19:16Time will make you change your perspective.
19:20If you don't look at your sister, no matter how much time passes, she keeps falling lower and lower.
19:25Why don't you talk to her and advise her?
19:29I already knew you wanted to get to that, Dad.
19:31Son, but don't worry about her future.
19:33She's not thinking, she's not reasoning.
19:35Excuse me, Dad.
19:43And you're worried about him?
19:48How will Jimmy be?
19:52We have to trust Cookie.
19:54He won't let anything bad happen to Jimmy.
19:57If they lied to him and are torturing Jimmy,
20:00tell me that he is his father.
20:05Forgive me.
20:06Dad, what if we stay positive?
20:09Yes, you're right.
20:11I don't know, I'm worried about Jimmy and tomorrow is my first day of face-to-face academy.
20:19How will it be for him?
20:35How will it be for him?
20:40Oh my God, oh my God.
20:42A spoon, don't break it.
20:43Shut up.
20:46Shut up.
20:47Calm down.
20:48Leave Bronco alone.
20:51Let's see, Bronco.
20:56Put your hand under your foot.
21:06Soon you will sleep in your bed again, skinny dog.
21:12Why do you have it so bad?
21:14Why don't you let it come to graze?
21:16I need my sponge.
21:28Hi Joel.
21:30Hi Maca.
21:32Alessia told me about Jimmy.
21:36Yes, you can imagine how we are here.
21:39Don't worry, everything will be solved.
21:52How nice it would be if you were here.
21:56How nice it would be if you were here.
22:05I miss you.
22:09I miss you too, Joel.
22:14It has been a hard day for you.
22:17I let you rest.
22:19No, no, no.
22:21Wait, I'm not sleepy.
22:26What do you think if we talk until we get tired?
22:32I think it's a great idea.
23:39In health and in sickness.
23:44Another bread with torreja, please.
23:52Let the abortion know.
24:03I think they all fell asleep.
24:06Do we take advantage of the time?
24:11Come here, my love.
24:17Don't talk to me like that, you know how I get, right?
24:20Oh my God!
24:21We saved Prince of Wakanda, that's it.
24:29What's wrong, Gaspar?
24:30It's the second time you get scared by my mom's picture.
24:33But she's there, she's looking at me.
24:34But my mommy is always with us,
24:36next to Lord God and Angel Gabriel.
24:39What's the difference?
24:40Honey, if she's looking at us from heaven,
24:43so that she stays there, down here,
24:45you have to put a ...
24:47Hey, come here!
24:49What's up, Lizura?
24:50You're going too far.
24:51Look, I'm going to forgive you this time,
24:53but don't go too far.
24:56Let's go back to sleep.
24:59Let's go back to sleep.
25:00No, my love.
25:01Look, we better go to sleep,
25:03because tomorrow I have to do a lot of things in the workshop.
25:07Yes, yes.
25:08My love, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow.
25:10Well, see you tomorrow.
25:25What is that noise?
25:39The savages of the front, for sure.
25:42It must be one of their patronal parties.
25:45Hey, hey, hey!
25:46What do you think you're doing?
25:47It's 7 in the morning!
25:48Hey, hey, hey!
25:49What do you think you're doing?
25:50It's 7 in the morning!
25:51Hey, hey, hey!
25:52What do you think you're doing?
25:53It's 7 in the morning!
25:54Hey, hey, hey!
25:55What do you think you're doing?
25:56It's 7 in the morning!
25:57Hey, hey, hey!
25:58What do you think you're doing?
25:59It's 7 in the morning!
26:00Hey, hey, hey!
26:01What do you think you're doing?
26:02It's 7 in the morning!
26:03Hey, hey, hey!
26:04What do you think you're doing?
26:05It's 7 in the morning!
26:06Hey, hey, hey!
26:07What do you think you're doing?
26:08It's 7 in the morning!
26:09Hey, hey, hey!
26:10What do you think you're doing?
26:11It's 7 in the morning!
26:12Hey, hey, hey!
26:13What do you think you're doing?
26:14It's 7 in the morning!
26:15Hey, hey, hey!
26:16What do you think you're doing?
26:17It's 7 in the morning!
26:18Hey, hey, hey!
26:19What do you think you're doing?
26:20It's 7 in the morning!
26:21Hey, hey, hey!
26:22What do you think you're doing?
26:23It's 7 in the morning!
26:24Hey, hey, hey!
26:25What do you think you're doing?
26:26It's 7 in the morning!
26:27Hey, hey, hey!
26:28What do you think you're doing?
26:29It's 7 in the morning!
26:30Hey, hey, hey!
26:31What do you think you're doing?
26:32It's 7 in the morning!
26:33Hey, hey, hey!
26:34What do you think you're doing?
26:35It's 7 in the morning!
26:36Hey, hey, hey!
26:37What do you think you're doing?
26:38It's 7 in the morning!
26:39Hey, hey, hey!
26:40What do you think you're doing?
26:41It's 7 in the morning!
26:42Hey, hey, hey!
26:43What do you think you're doing?
26:44It's 7 in the morning!
26:45Hey, hey, hey!
26:46What do you think you're doing?
26:47It's 7 in the morning!
26:48Hey, hey, hey!
26:49What do you think you're doing?
26:50It's 7 in the morning!
26:51Hey, hey, hey!
26:52What do you think you're doing?
26:53It's 7 in the morning!
26:54Hey, hey, hey!
26:55What do you think you're doing?
26:56It's 7 in the morning!
26:57Hey, hey, hey!
26:58What do you think you're doing?
26:59It's 7 in the morning!
27:00Hey, hey, hey!
27:01What do you think you're doing?
27:02It's 7 in the morning!
27:03Hey, hey, hey!
27:04What do you think you're doing?
27:05It's 7 in the morning!
27:06Hey, hey, hey!
27:07What do you think you're doing?
27:08It's 7 in the morning!
27:09Hey, hey, hey!
27:10What do you think you're doing?
27:11It's 7 in the morning!
27:12Hey, hey, hey!
27:13What do you think you're doing?
27:14It's 7 in the morning!
27:15Hey, hey, hey!
27:16What do you think you're doing?
27:17It's 7 in the morning!
27:18Hey, hey, hey!
27:19What do you think you're doing?
27:20It's 7 in the morning!
27:21Hey, hey, hey!
27:22What do you think you're doing?
27:23It's 7 in the morning!
27:24Hey, hey, hey!
27:25What do you think you're doing?
27:26It's 7 in the morning!
27:27Hey, hey, hey!
27:28What do you think you're doing?
27:29It's 7 in the morning!
27:30Hey, hey, hey!
27:31What do you think you're doing?
27:32It's 7 in the morning!
27:33Hey, hey, hey!
27:34What do you think you're doing?
27:35It's 7 in the morning!
27:36Hey, hey, hey!
27:37What do you think you're doing?
27:38It's 7 in the morning!
27:39Hey, hey, hey!
27:40What do you think you're doing?
27:41It's 7 in the morning!
27:42Hey, hey, hey!
27:43What do you think you're doing?
27:44It's 7 in the morning!
27:47That's it!
27:48My freedom!
27:49What did you say?
27:50My freedom!
27:51My freedom!
27:52My freedom!
27:53My freedom!
27:54One day with those animals and my daughter is already throwing tomatoes,
28:01churning her pot, poor thing, my daughter.
28:04Diego, if you withdraw the complaint ...
28:08You too, Fran?
28:10That will never happen!
28:15It's a terrible stain.
28:18It must be the fault of the rebellious,
28:20mischievous and unadapted of the forehead.
28:23I don't think the Gonzalez have to do with that.
28:26Let me be how I am.
28:28The massacre, the massacre, the massacre, the massacre, the massacre, the massacre, the massacre.
28:49Hey neighbors, this is not the Plaza San MartĂn,
28:53so you go home or I call the police.
28:55What are you doing?
28:56This is none of your business.
28:59Call Colonel Fajardo.
29:01We need anti-disturbance police.
29:06Family, family, family.
29:08I think we'd better go home
29:10because if the police arrive, they can stop the situation for Jimmy.
29:13That's correct.
29:15Mister Diego can deduce you are being harassed and intimidated
29:18to influence the trial.
29:21Then let's get the house!
29:24Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimichanga, Chimich
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30:25Of course, Gaspar. It's easy for you to say that because your compadre, El Alma, didn't leave the house because of the sentimental outburst that this little woman caused.
30:34Oh, why don't you believe me?
30:36Why would it be?
30:38Stop criticizing Juanita. She is the cousin of my little turtle. Please, you have to trust her word.
30:49Well, yes, I have to eat quickly because today is my first day at the presidential academy.
30:54Juanita, but you have to have a good breakfast so you have energy.
30:57Look, I'm going to show you what champions' breakfast is like.
31:00First, you grab your bread. You cut it like this, very nice.
31:06Then you put, let's see what we have here, a tamale. There it is, the tamale.
31:13From there you put a little blood on top.
31:18Mmm, my mouth is watering.
31:20How delicious. You put a little ham on top and that's it, the sauce on top, all the onion.
31:50And the most important thing, before you bite it, you soak it in milk like this.
31:58No what?
32:00Don't you think it's too much combination?
32:03Why don't you take an anisito? You may not like it.
32:07Oh, please, love. How can I not like it? As if you didn't know me. This is normal.
32:16Don't you feel like having breakfast?
32:19Breakfast, lunch or dinner? I don't know, I'm a little confused. How are you, Alicia?
32:24The same, with jet lag.
32:25Yes, well, no.
32:26And what?
32:27I'll leave you, I have to do some things.
32:33Oh, it's still weird. My cousin's situation has affected him in a different way.
32:40I'm so sorry to see him like this. I would like to hug him all day.
32:48He's sad, love.
32:50We are all worried about Jimmy's trial.
32:53Tomorrow they will give him the sentence.
32:57Now yes.
32:58What will the poor man be having for breakfast?
33:00Hard bread.
33:01If the prices don't take it away.
33:03Of course, because surely they are like you, cry.
33:06Why do you get me nervous?
33:08Please, calm down.
33:10Give me the olive oil, please.
33:12You have to taste it.
33:13No, I'm going to eat olive oil.
33:19Oh, your mother eats so well here.
33:23Don't get confused, that's my love because you're part of my clan.
33:27Thank you, Taita.
33:29Now, Bronco, keep telling me about your love story in China.
33:33What you told me yesterday was fine, cool, it looked like a novel.
33:36Here all the people looked at a very cool light of Puna.
33:40But you tell me, you tell me what the story was like.
33:43I keep telling you.
33:46So I arrived in China, I passed through Shanghai,
33:49and I had to look for Alessia everywhere.
33:52And I didn't know, but she was always thinking about me.
33:56Oh, how beautiful, how beautiful.
34:00But when they finally met and saw each other face to face,
34:04what did she tell you?
34:06She told me, I love you, Jimmy Gonzalez.
34:10No, but say it with the voice of your germ.
34:13No, but say it with the voice of your germ.
34:15No, but how am I going to say it like that?
34:17No, say it with the voice of your germ.
34:19I love you, Jimmy Gonzalez.
34:22That's what she told me.
34:24Another thing.
34:26The only thing missing was the romantic song in the background of the lion of Puna.
34:30Forgive me, my love.
34:33No, beautiful, beautiful.
34:35Another thing.
34:37Do you want me to keep telling you?
34:40I imagined the Chinese wall.
34:47So you can eat blood and have a coffee.
34:51How's the defense?
34:53Fine, very good, the defense.
34:55What is not very good is me because I am very tired.
34:58I have not slept at all.
35:00Read, let me read you.
35:02Well, maybe I can help you by reading and subtracting some things, right?
35:05In total, I am Alessia Pandoro's lawyer.
35:07True, huh?
35:08Yes, help me with this.
35:10This, read well.
35:13Well, Felix, I think you better change the coffee for a tea.
35:16What you need is to sleep.
35:18Fortunately, my work as a watchman has taught me to reconcile sleep for short periods
35:25and wake up fresh like a lettuce.
35:28Look, I'm going to do a demonstration.
35:38Did he really sleep?
35:40It seems so.
35:47Is that normal?
35:49I could not tell you.
35:51Oh, my lip is falling off.
35:55What am I?
35:56Why am I like this?
35:57Who has taken my patch?
35:59Fresh like a lettuce.
36:05That, how handsome.
36:23Hi, Juli.
36:49Thank you, love, for preparing my lunch.
36:52Oh, my life, I do it with all the love in the world.
36:55But why don't you go look for Mappy?
36:57Because it's actually getting a little late.
37:00I'll be right back.
37:07Flatulin Extra Forte.
37:09Your solution for flatulence.
37:11Oh, my God, I hope it works.
37:16One, two, three, four.
37:20Maybe we put a little more.
37:23There it is.
37:27Mom, I'm going to the kitchen, my love.
37:30This is yours, daughter.
37:32May you do very well.
37:35May we have an extraordinary day.
37:37And this is yours, my love.
37:39Enjoy it.
37:57I hope the owner appears quickly.
38:00You are a good, skinny dog.
38:02What do you think you're doing?
38:04Oh, you are the owner.
38:06Oh, no, I already lost.
38:07I already lost, but that's it, that's it.
38:09Oh, so you're Choro.
38:10Affirmative, I'm Choro.
38:11Chorizo, yes.
38:13And who told you that you can come here to work in my area?
38:15Oh, no, no.
38:18If you want to work here, you have to pay a fee like the others.
38:22Hey, hey, hey.
38:23Excuse me.
38:24Are you a criminal?
38:25No, I'm Chayan.
38:26Hey, hey, hey.
38:27No, listen to me.
38:28I'm not Choro, I'm not Chorizo.
38:30I just want to be put in jail.
38:32Oh, you think what I'm telling you is funny.
38:35No, no.
38:36Let me explain to you.
38:37Let me explain to you.
38:39I like that you are.
38:41Your lump and your polo.
38:44My love.
38:56Are you crazy?
38:57My love.
38:58My love.
38:59My love.
39:00My love.
39:01My love.
39:02My love.
39:05My love.
39:13This could work.
39:31Come in.
39:33I'll give Yuli the voice now.
39:35Of course.
39:36Wait for me.
39:39I'll be direct.
39:41Does it bother you that Yuli and I are dating?
39:45I'm glad you mention it.
39:48Not at all.
39:49Quite the opposite.
39:50I'm very happy for you two.
39:52Yes, you two are excellent people and you make a nice couple.
39:56I was afraid because, well, you know...
40:01The story.
40:02No, don't worry.
40:03I'm a fan of yours.
40:05That's great.
40:06Well, I'll call her.
40:07Yes, of course.
40:12But I'm more of a fan of Chrisley.
40:20For now, your job is to learn.
40:22See me and learn.
40:24See and learn.
40:25Watch my movements.
40:27Watch how I move, how I speak, how I laugh, how I get angry, how I look.
40:34I'm going to take you to all my meetings.
40:36I'm going to introduce you as my right hand.
40:38And for that, you have to behave as such.
40:43Thank you very much, uncle, for the opportunity.
40:45I will try.
40:46No, I don't want you to try.
40:48I want you to do it.
40:50This is not the school where you are awarded to try.
40:52Here the facts are recognized.
40:55I understand.
40:56I have told you that I see a lot of potential in you.
41:00But you lack attitude.
41:03You have to see life with hunger.
41:04Understand that only the strongest win.
41:08Can you do it?
41:10I can.
41:11I don't hear you.
41:13I can.
41:15I can.
41:17That's the attitude.
41:19Now, to begin, I'm going to give you some advice.
41:24Bronco, you always have to be alert here.
41:29The first carelessness of the one you least expect, Sass, gets you in trouble.
41:34Your look communicates many things.
41:37It depends on how people will treat you.
41:40For example, the look you have right now only says,
41:44I'm good people, hold me like an idiot.
41:48But that's how I always look.
41:51Look inside your hunter look.
42:04How was it?
42:06No, no.
42:07You look too pale, bro.
42:09What? How?
42:10No, it's just that you have to relax your face a little.
42:13Have you been to the park of legends?
42:16Have you seen the lion's cage?
42:17Have you seen how the lion looks?
42:18Yes, yes.
42:19As if he had no respect for anyone.
42:22And that's the same thing you have to do.
42:24Of course, of course.
42:25Ah, because you know that with a slap, the head tears off.
42:28You have to look with fury.
42:30Lion's gaze.
42:32Let's see.
42:35Lion's gaze.
42:40Like this?
42:45With time you will do better.
42:47But you have to practice more.
42:49Second step.
42:50The port.
42:51How it stands in front of your life.
42:53The place you enter, the place that belongs to you.
42:57People see you and say,
42:59this guy doesn't dance.
43:02Now the walk.
43:03You have to walk firmly, safe, determined.
43:08With your back straight.
43:09That the people who walk around here open up.
43:11And you turn, right?
43:13You turn, that's it.
43:15Walk firmly.
43:17That's it.
43:18Now turn to the other side.
43:20That's it.
43:21Let's see.
43:22You alone, you alone.
43:23I want to see you.
43:24That's it.
43:26Turn, turn.
43:27There it is.
43:28Drag your feet.
43:29That's it.
43:30That's it.
43:33That's it.
43:38What is that?
43:40Is that your safe step?
43:42Yes, what's wrong with it?
43:45Keep practicing.
43:57Yes, I love that movie.
44:00And besides,
44:01don't you remember that part
44:02when the girl was there next to the dog
44:04and, no, you can't see her.
44:06Oh, I don't remember that.
44:10but now
44:11I choose the movie.
44:13Oh, no.
44:15Give it a chance.
44:16It's yours.
44:17It's mine, it's mine.
44:19Oh, but what else can we do?
44:21Let's go on a picnic.
44:22Yes, yes, yes.
44:23Yes, yes, yes.
44:24We can also, I don't know,
44:26go bowling.
44:27Yes, but you know what?
44:28If we go bowling,
44:29I'll stay.
44:48I'm ashamed to use my basin
44:50knowing that Juana is there.
44:53don't worry.
44:55Act as if she weren't there.
44:57Besides, the curtains cover everything.
45:00I can't concentrate.
45:03I think she's listening to everything.
45:06Keep going, Mr. Gilberto,
45:07just in case you can't hear anything.
45:10You see?
45:13Now I'm going to have to stand up
45:15to go to the bathroom.
45:17Oh, but I told you
45:18you couldn't hear anything.
45:31We're nothing.
45:33We're nothing.
45:37I don't even have privacy
45:39in my own room anymore.
45:44Besides, I have to run to the bathroom.
45:47If not,
45:49I'll lose it.
45:50The academy was super cool.
45:52The teacher explains super well.
45:54They have patience.
45:55I think this time
45:56I'll be able to pass the admission test.
45:58I'm sure you will, honey.
46:00We're very proud of you, honey.
46:04Well, get some rest.
46:05I'm going to sleep.
46:06Okay, bye.
46:07Good night.
46:12Oh, no.
46:14What's wrong, Tito?
46:18I feel
46:19something weird in my stomach.
46:22It's like
46:23I'm constipated,
46:24as if I had the guts.
46:26I was researching on the internet
46:28and it seems very serious.
46:30It seems
46:31it's fatal.
46:32I didn't want to worry you, but...
46:34No, no.
46:35No, Tito.
46:36It's nothing serious.
46:39That's the attitude.
46:40Thank you, love.
46:41That's the attitude in cases like mine
46:43where I don't have much time left.
46:48I swear you're not serious.
46:50It's just that I
46:53your soda
46:54with a little bit of flatulin
46:56and it seems
46:57I overdosed.
47:01What's that about flatulin?
47:02It's a remedy
47:03that helps you
47:04with digestion.
47:05You're a concert
47:06at night, Tito.
47:09The worst betrayals
47:12are always those
47:13you least expect.
47:15But why do you call me a betrayal?
47:17I just wanted to help you.
47:20Now I feel
47:21like I ate cement.
47:23Tito, don't say that, love.
47:25I just wanted to help you
47:26with digestion.
47:27You know what?
47:28Good night.
47:29This natural gas plant
47:31is going to sleep
47:32in pain
47:33and betrayal.
47:35Don't say that.
47:37No, I swear
47:38I didn't want to hurt you.
47:40What a relief!
47:43You started it.
47:47Good night.
47:48Good night.
47:52I'm so tired.
47:54Now I'm going to sleep
47:55like a baby.
47:58For God's sake!
48:01What happened?
48:03Now you're in trouble.
48:04Now you're in trouble.
48:08if you put a picture
48:09of your mom,
48:10I also have the right
48:11to put one of mine.
48:12You're not doing it
48:13out of love.
48:14You're doing it
48:15to bother me.
48:16Mom, I told you
48:17that your mom's picture
48:18intimidates me.
48:19But you insist
48:20on seeing her.
48:21And she's not going
48:22to move from there.
48:23Now much less.
48:24Excuse me.
48:26It's time to sleep.
48:28Are you going to sleep?
48:29Say goodbye to your mother-in-law.
48:31Hey, Gaspar,
48:32don't play with fire.
48:33Give her a kiss.
48:34No, no.
48:35You can burn yourself.
48:36I'm just warning you.
48:37You know, right?
48:51Good morning.
48:55Hello, uncle.
48:58Straight back.
48:59You walk safely.
49:00What did we talk about yesterday?
49:01Yes, yes.
49:02Let's go.
49:03Let's go.
49:04Mr. González.
49:05From whom?
49:06We have received
49:07an anonymous call
49:08accusing him of theft
49:09and commercialization
49:10of stolen cars.
49:11We have received
49:12an anonymous call
49:13accusing him of theft
49:14and commercialization
49:15of stolen cars.
49:16We have received
49:17an anonymous call
49:18accusing him of theft
49:19and commercialization
49:20of stolen cars.
49:49We have received
49:50an anonymous call
49:51accusing him of theft
49:52and commercialization
49:53of stolen cars.
49:54We have received
49:55an anonymous call
49:56accusing him of theft
49:57and commercialization
49:58of stolen cars.
49:59We have received
50:00an anonymous call
50:01accusing him of theft
50:02and commercialization
50:03of stolen cars.
50:04We have received
50:05an anonymous call
50:06accusing him of theft
50:07and commercialization
50:08of stolen cars.
50:09We have received
50:10an anonymous call
50:11accusing him of theft
50:12and commercialization
50:13of stolen cars.
50:14We have received
50:15an anonymous call
50:16accusing him of theft
50:17and commercialization