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00:00Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what is going on here?
00:05A decade after their dominance, the legendary trio is back for foot birthday.
00:10Complete three games with the trio to earn a three out of five playstyle.
00:16Three playstyles?
00:17No way.
00:18Wait, three out of five playstyle.
00:20Oh, oh, you choose three to put them on all.
00:23Oh, OK.
00:24I thought it was three.
00:25I was like, nah, this is not three playstyle plus, right?
00:27Take it a step further by evolving them in Streets Won't Forget Evos.
00:31They will be available as foot birthday hero versions in packs joining the rest of team
00:35Let's see.
00:36So you get them as an 81.
00:37Oh, damn.
00:38They actually gave them like their card stats, too.
00:39That's what they used to be in the old FIFAs.
00:42Oh, it does cost money.
00:44Damn, they paywalled it.
00:46It ain't easy, man.
00:48Hundred and fifty.
00:49So four hundred and four hundred and fifty K to get the trio.
00:52Not even the one that's in packs.
00:54Damn, bro.
00:55False nine plus plus quick step plus.
00:58Damn, like that for this account, that's tough, man, because I don't have that many coins,
01:04You think one hundred fifty K is like nothing for this account?
01:07That's going to be tough for me to pull together.
01:09To be honest, I probably can only get like one or two of them.
01:12Dude, imagine this trio in a four to one three.
01:15Oh my God.
01:16My dome.
01:18That's tough, though, man.
01:19Honestly, like that sucks.
01:22I get that.
01:23It's a money grab, though.
01:24I get it.
01:25I get it.
01:26I get it.
01:27I get it.
01:28I respect the the hustle.
01:29The new evil as well.
01:30Today is the dab legend in honor of we know who.
01:33And it looks like this one, you unlock a camp position and you give them tech plus and you
01:39give them a nice boost.
01:40I mean, a ninety one is no joke.
01:41Let me see what we got for this five star four star.
01:44I wonder if this one is better for Val Verde today than the one that was the five five.
01:48Oh, the free Jude works.
01:50No way.
01:51I submitted him on this one and the other one.
01:53We have him, I think.
01:54All right.
01:55So that's it for the evils.
01:56Let's see.
01:57Yeah, it sucks, man.
01:58It sucks that you're going to have to pay probably for those cards.
02:01OK, so, yeah.
02:02I mean, he has the low driven play style, right?
02:05Bra, what is this card?
02:08Low driven shot plus.
02:09Oh, my goodness.
02:10Five five as well.
02:11Seven squads for this card, though.
02:12Eighty nine.
02:13I don't even think he's that expensive.
02:14That card looks mad.
02:15The rolls only plus no plus plus.
02:16A lot of people, in my opinion, winger is very not.
02:26This card is very not used to like people who use inside forward or wide playmaker.
02:29At least he got advanced forward.
02:31Plus, the rolls are not fantastic.
02:33I'll tell you that.
02:34But that's the only downside about the card.
02:36Everything else is good.
02:38And there is yeah, yeah, to redid it.
02:40Did we probably have no chance at a loan.
02:44They just they just don't want to do that.
02:46Unfortunately, 18 squads, three-ninety squads.
02:51Eighty nine.
02:52Eighty eight.
02:53That's going to be at least I probably two and a half mil.
02:54right which i mean it's a bit understandable for how crazy he's gonna be box to box plus plus
03:00holding plus plus dlp plus what do you guys think so we have ourselves a virtual 5-5 anticipate
03:06intercept wow martinelli 5-5 my card is crazy inside forward on both sides musiala 5-5
03:17obviously it's for birthday did he give oh he's got the he's got the low driven and tech
03:22wow that's a mental card wow that card is crazy that's a crazy card what did he give this whole
03:28team the low driven shot oh cam as well that's a strong card finesse shot impress proven
03:38shadow striker plus plus wow no advanced forward plus plus though but damn bro his team is this
03:45team is crazy good alaba wow 5-5 alaba they always do this guy dirty with the shooting though
03:53great like he's gonna be like a 98 this year with still less than 90 shooting this card is
03:57gonna be unbelievable dude i i what i was doing in the beginning of the year with her 89 she was
04:02so good that card should be phenomenal demarco as well all 90 plus stats wow what that what that is
04:11literally like a footies card man what ea you guys gotta slow this down man that is crazy
04:17every single stat is 90 plus ea is moving too quick on this game in my opinion that is insane
04:22bro what do you get dead ball plus and jockey plus no defensive traits as a left back so
04:29definitely gonna be more of a left mid but then again like even the roles he has a left mid that
04:34as good as this card is probably because of that he might be he might be i mean wide playmaker is
04:39solid he might be a bit cheaper because of that though gavi tiki-taka anticipate that's a nice
04:45card left wing what roles does he have there inside forward plus plus damn gavi mcguire
04:52nah this team is sick this team is actually crazy bro wow six six four five five bruiser and aerial
05:01what other defensive traits he has no anticipate no intercept that will keep him cheaper for sure
05:06incisive finesse shot for a cam this card is going to be insane will probably be cheaper because it's
05:11just not a huge name player but like this card has classic 10 plus plus that's a good card too
05:17bruiser slide tackle martinez wow good pace split and crazy team to be honest 20 of silva bruiser
05:25intercept for a fullback is really good play styles five foot seven nabri they gave all the
05:31german players the low driven shot he's also got quick step he's got striker as well inside forward
05:37on both sides hasegawa 72 attack positioning hot but dm dmcm but this has got to be a dm
05:45this will be the fodder card probably anyone else no way advanced forward holy nah this guy
05:55i tell you man this guy his cards in the last year or two have always played so much better
06:00than the stats i'm sure this card will be insane i mean the balance is like a little low but probably
06:05be a bit more of an affordable option he should be insane the guys in here with the 40 mil teams
06:09guys your opinions are no longer valid guys i'm sorry this is a tyranny in here man because like
06:15no matter what ea drops you guys will never use these cards so we're gonna have to get this mls
06:20team going bro zaha messy evo suarez flashback my dough man five five zaha bro nah wasn't this
06:28like a rat card like two years ago or last year she fell off huh these should all be the fodder
06:34cards espino sub manual striker bro is a baller all right the heroes these okay so these are oh
06:43my god like these cards oh my goodness bro quick step five five e barbo man how much are these
06:52cards gonna be today so you can also pack these versions too obviously crazy i mean the real one's
06:58no gervinio the old febus was always a 70 shooting but his shooting would be like this 92 finishing
07:04it was just hidden you couldn't see it crazy cards doomby has got quick step and finesse
07:1099 stamina too oh wesley tiki-taka incisive nah he's gonna be sick i mean oh my god every passing
07:20trait nah he's gonna be like one of the goat cams right now for sure if you run a cam in a formation
07:25he's gonna be so good wait who's only he's only 700 schneider this car will be good he always has
07:31not not a good weak foot skill move combo so no one uses them but even the ones that do use him
07:36powershot is a bit they did me dirty i gotta see if my evo is still gonna be better but i don't is
07:40my evo is gonna be 4599 dribbling and they gave him low driven shot nah ea they did me dirty man
07:45they did me dirty man they did me dirty what about icons uh six icons this week this becks card
07:52forget about this guy's price forget about this guy's price good luck my dough man becks has a
07:58lot of aura five five he's a lot of aura kenny five five kenny what's the other one they gave
08:04him oh my god they gave him low driven amp a nest this dude's not gonna miss the net soul campbell
08:09slide tackle intercept five five gary with uh quick step low driven they gave a lot of people
08:16low driven gary like some of these cards should be a little cheaper if you want to try out the low
08:19driven and then i think would be shown as new right damn you guys sent it to team one you
08:27this team is crazy in my opinion no to me this team seems insane streets won't forget complete
08:32this objective to earn the streets won't forget roma trio a three out of five playstyle 84 10
08:38in the group reward so you'll get these cards here you play three you get that and then you
08:41get more packs oh my god so 25 matches with them you get 84 10 okay i feel like today definitely
08:47is a lot crazier than last friday i don't love that they made the the doombia gervinio ybarba like
08:53paid but i definitely feel like today like there's a lot more going on
08:56it's like less than like 30 i just got a foot birthday who is it
09:02oh two walkouts okay just got a foot birthday let's see now then who do we got
09:08oh dub right i don't know man this market is crazy watch him be like 30k nah all 90 though
09:19he has to be selling right don't tell me this guy is 30k man that card is crazy though he has no
09:25rolls though he's gonna be 50k nah wait what guys he's 350k yo let's go 400k what does that mean his
09:33price is gonna be monday 130 we take that man that's a dub for the market these days that's
09:37a massive dub damn bro 98 long shots he probably has crazy tree villas attacking wing back the
09:45rolls that's nah you know what guys i'm not letting you guys like do the whole thing where
09:49you guys are gonna like make me like feel like not great about packing someone that looks really good
09:55me personally i'm happy with that all right i'm happy with that now we move on yeah that's all
09:59i'm saying i feel like based on the the market the evo ea put out is too expensive because like all
10:04the players on the market are so cheap but i guess with the hype they would be more on the market
10:15who don't beat demarco again who is that super man
10:24is he usable at all yeah he's usable nah man it's a pure dm pure dm but he's a weak kid 78 strength
10:32yeah i want to use mcguire i want to get mcguire that musiala looks so good i want
10:36to try musiala but i think mcguire is kind of cheap the chat was saying right
10:42there's only two on the market bro six mil all right we're gonna watch this day we'll see if it
10:47sells okay so it's been how long 37 minutes doombia is that price mental mental nostalgia
10:53going on here in the market okay what like what is the how is he that much more packed in doombia
10:59what what i undercut for this guy 6 9 8 9 6 9 8 8 what a discount man so this guy undercut by
11:09that one wow so that we have a sale five million coins somebody just bought for this gervinio now
11:15if you put this gervinio next to like a layout evo or you know like this card like i'm i will
11:21be there for the nostalgia i i get it trust me like that everyone will tell you i'm a nostalgia
11:26merchant bro but ain't no way man five mil dude he has been a machine all right 85 10 we got a
11:34full birthday that's gonna be el costa they call him the baby ml uh the baby mlse baby mlse all
11:42right you're not even gonna watch the second walkout how did you know how did you how did bro
11:48know that was not gonna be good you just assumed i don't think she sells she's got a nice card but
11:52market might not respect the aura 87 10 left wing team of the week only one for birthday here
12:02just one we got one for birthday here guys
12:08it's gonna be mandanda 87 10 only one for birthday
12:13oh how bruh guys do not do the icon for birthday that was an 87 3
12:22oh i thought for a second he maybe had i thought he had gary maybe
12:30nah nah nah nah nah 85 10 for birthday
12:38cdm 2 2 that's gonna be hasegawa 91 91 to start
12:46martinez 92 i don't know how much he's going for but
12:53bro check the back of the pack yo open your eyes bro open your freaking eyeballs this guy didn't
12:59even see small rick are you kidding me he doesn't even care this guy doesn't even care this guy
13:04doesn't even care how much is smaller rick oh he's a barca fan that's why he's a barca fan he's a
13:08barca fan that's why he's oh man wait is that better than the evo you have intercept anticipate
13:14wait wait wait we gotta see is it better i mean i don't know bro to be honest your evo is crazy
13:20that's why he was shaking bro i couldn't understand why this guy was shaking
13:31nice cane i thought it was maybe gonna be keep getting trolled with that one guys
13:3689 that's fodder man how did 87 10 so bad i don't know so what's the deal like heroes in the back or
13:43what is what is that what does that mean that smaller rec was in the back if you only had one
13:47foot birthday with small rec would he have walked out all right let's see but birthday 87 7 cbm
13:56spain it's gonna be two right zuba mendy i think
14:02yeah it's gonna be two the second one oh my door moussiala that's crazy he saved up my
14:10compacts for today guys he got himself a crazy moussiala car that car looks ridiculous man
14:17low driven five five wow man i think he's like a mil and a half maybe he's got a lot of supply though
14:25that's a w guys
14:29here we go
14:32again who's the foot birthday only one in this one
14:36dude how is that possible ow my hand broke my broken chair how is that possible how man that's
14:44so stupid that's unreal man i have no idea how that's happening bro that actually makes no sense
14:53all right 88 5 is also a foot birthday right mid
15:00is that some manual
15:01all right the second one
15:08hasegawa now there could be something else behind right
15:13there could be i don't know if there's gonna be but nah bon mati though
15:17bon mati halland wow high rated really high rated though
15:20how much is alaba that's the first time we packed him that's decent man looks very good
15:34maybe like 400k 500 take that that's not bad at all 300 guys yo rasta what's up oh my god
15:43that's tradable that's tradable how much is he oh my god how much is he you oh my god he's shaking
15:50nah bro he's shaking that's tradable bro that's taiyo oh my god so rare how what the is he actually
15:58a mil and a half 1.7 how much is taiyo these days what is this guy cooking oh my god another player
16:07oh my god another player this guy is the craziest pack look ever taiyo is 300k he's made 2 million
16:13coins off like five player pick oh my god nabri swanson how much is swanson yo this guy is cooking
16:24nah he got cooked in the last one how much is swanson damn i'm shaking for this guy
16:29swanson's gotta be like 250 at least bro she's so good i mean this guy also has the og rank
16:34through rewards we will never forget the time when you got 285 10s now you get one pack
16:38so he's got two chances trade tradable right here he goes
16:45wow nabri again who let this guy cook
16:50damn dude that was pretty cool that he saved the reward so we can see how the
16:53foot birthday player picks were today you guys said they dropped more cosmetics today as well
16:58is that like the same pack it was like the same pack bro yeah all good man all good will what is
17:04that guy on bro we have to man we have to we have to complete him man it doesn't matter i'm gonna
17:12spend i'm gonna do it all on the other account 400 450 i'm gonna spend all the pre-roll points
17:16this account i'm gonna have to fundraise i have to get good foot champs rewards to do all three but
17:20i have to man we will be there you know i have to do it all on the other account 400 450 i'm gonna
17:25do it man we will be there you know i will i will be doing that oh that's a hero
17:34no freaking way to start
17:39oh my god i didn't know it was not a double oh my god that i thought that was gonna be like
17:44the craziest people pack ever still though what the hell man that's so sick you already have him
17:51what is wrong with these dupes today of course that's why you got him again how much is he how
17:56dude that card i need him man i need wesley bro