• 21 hours ago
Fazail e Ramzan - Episode 14

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#FazaileRamzan #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:00Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen, wassalatu wassalamu ala sayyidil anbiya wal mursaleen, amma baad
00:13faqad qulullah tabarak wa ta'ala fil quranil kareem, a'uzu billahi minash shaytanil rajeem,
00:19bismillahir rahmanir raheem, atiullaha wa atiur rasool, sadaqallahul adheem, wa sadaqa
00:27rasooluhun nabiyyul kareem, assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
00:57Ramazan is not a festival where we just have to stay hungry and thirsty, have iftaar parties,
01:17and if someone is given tarawih and that's it.
01:25It's not just about the blessings of sehri, iftaar, and the qayam of tarawih, subhanallah,
01:31and all the other things of fasting, subhanallah, but it's taking us to a purpose.
01:37And what is that purpose?
01:38La'allakum tattaqun, that a person should have fear of Allah in his heart,
01:41and that a person should be completely connected to the religion of the Prophet,
01:45and that a person should be completely connected to the religion of the Prophet.
01:47The purpose of this talk was that Ramazan is not just about fasting,
01:51tarawih, and the rules of fasting.
01:56In fact, in Ramazan, we need to learn the religion of Islam from every perspective.
02:00We need to learn it from every perspective.
02:03When the Prophet, peace be upon him, said about fasting,
02:06he said that the one who fasts with faith and understanding,
02:09Allah the Almighty forgives all his sins.
02:12The Prophet, peace be upon him, said that
02:14fasting is that a person should assess his overall life,
02:17assess his overall life situation, and wherever he feels a deficiency,
02:22in Ramadan Mubarak, a person should remove that deficiency,
02:25and then follow the Shariah of Muhammad throughout the year,
02:28practice in Ramadan Mubarak, and then make it a certainty throughout the year.
02:32Dear viewers, when Allah the Almighty bestows blessings on a person,
02:35then with that blessing, Allah the Almighty also gives responsibility.
02:38When a person is given a position, then along with the position,
02:41he is also given a responsibility.
02:43Fulfilling that responsibility is a must.
02:45It is a part of his obligation.
02:47Whenever Allah the Almighty bestows a blessing on a person,
02:49then it is necessary for him to fulfill that responsibility with honesty.
02:56Dear viewers, one of the greatest blessings of Allah is the blessing of children.
03:00The one whom Allah the Almighty bestows the blessing of children,
03:03he should be thankful to Allah.
03:05Ask those who do not have the blessing of children,
03:08that children are such a precious thing.
03:10If Allah the Almighty bestows a son to someone,
03:12then it is a great blessing of Allah.
03:14If Allah the Almighty bestows a daughter to someone,
03:16then it is a great mercy of Allah.
03:18But dear viewers, remember this,
03:20when Allah the Almighty bestows children,
03:22then the upbringing of children is the responsibility of a person.
03:25Allah the Almighty has made the upbringing of children obligatory on a Muslim.
03:29If Allah the Almighty bestows children to a person,
03:31then a person will be asked about his upbringing.
03:34A person will be asked about his upbringing.
03:36How did you educate him?
03:38How did you take care of him?
03:40How did you take care of him?
03:42Dear viewers, children are a blessing.
03:44But it is necessary for every Muslim to educate his children.
03:47When children are young,
03:49they are not given attention.
03:51They are just watching their play and enjoying it.
03:54But when they grow up and start going to school,
03:57then their age increases.
03:59Then they start deciding their own ways of life.
04:02Many parents cry that their children are on the wrong path.
04:05Their children are not attached to them.
04:07Their children are going towards wrong beliefs.
04:09They are going towards wrong deeds.
04:11They are going towards the wrong company.
04:13Then you are asked,
04:15dear viewers,
04:17when they were young,
04:19why didn't you educate them?
04:21When they were young,
04:23why didn't you make an attachment with them?
04:25Dear viewers,
04:27Islam is the complete code of life.
04:29Islam encompasses all aspects of life.
04:31How a person should be in business,
04:33how he should be in a mosque,
04:35how he should be at home,
04:37how he should be as a father,
04:39how he should be as a son,
04:41how he should be as a family.
04:43Islam encompasses all aspects of life.
04:45That is why we say,
04:47if you are attached to Islam,
04:49you will find guidance in everything.
04:51Dear viewers,
04:53Allah says,
04:55O believers,
04:57save yourselves and your children
04:59from the fire of hell.
05:01Allah says,
05:03it is incumbent upon you,
05:05it is part of your responsibilities,
05:07to stop yourself from sinning,
05:09to stop yourself from disobedience,
05:11and to save yourself from the fire of hell.
05:13And to educate your children in such a way
05:15that they too are saved from the fire of hell,
05:17which will eventually happen by people and stones.
05:19Dear viewers,
05:21Allah says,
05:23the most important responsibility here
05:25is to educate your children,
05:27and to stop them from sinning.
05:29For example, in Bukhari,
05:31the Prophet Muhammad,
05:33peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
05:37every one of you is a ruler,
05:39and he will be asked about his subjects.
05:41The Prophet did not say
05:43only about the rulers of the states.
05:45He said,
05:47like the king of a state,
05:49he will be asked about the system of a state.
05:53listen to this Hadith carefully.
05:55The Prophet said,
05:57every one of you is a ruler,
05:59and he will be asked about his subjects.
06:01This means that the head of the family,
06:03the father, the husband,
06:05is the head of the family.
06:07The people under him,
06:09his children,
06:11the people who come under him,
06:13the Prophet said,
06:15you are their ruler,
06:17and they are your subjects,
06:19and they will be asked about you.
06:21You will not only be asked about your prayers,
06:23you will not only be asked about your fasts,
06:25you will not only be asked about your Taraweeh,
06:27you will be asked,
06:29how did you raise your children?
06:31If your children went on the wrong path,
06:33then it will not only affect your children.
06:35Yes, if you raised them,
06:37and you tried,
06:39and despite that,
06:41they went on the wrong path,
06:43then it is your responsibility.
06:45But if you did not raise them,
06:47then it will not only affect them,
06:49it will also affect you.
06:51So if you did not raise them,
06:53if you did not try,
06:55then you will also be asked about them.
06:57The Prophet said,
06:59you will be asked about your opinion.
07:01You will be asked,
07:03how did you feed your children?
07:05It is not that you lived your life,
07:07you worked,
07:09you spent,
07:11you lived your life,
07:13my car is better,
07:15my everything is better,
07:17and the children were hungry at home,
07:19then the most important thing is,
07:21how did you raise your children?
07:23How did you raise your beliefs?
07:25How did you raise your actions?
07:27You will be asked about everything.
07:29It is the responsibility of the husband,
07:31the responsibility of the father,
07:33that the husband feels the responsibility of his wife,
07:35that he fulfills the needs of his wife,
07:37that he protects his wife,
07:39and provides for her needs.
07:41And then it is the responsibility of the father,
07:43that he feels the responsibility
07:45of his children's education,
07:47and Allah will ask him about it.
07:49And secondly,
07:51it is the responsibility of the wife,
07:53that she raises her children.
07:55If the husband is at work,
07:57he is earning halal,
07:59he is working hard all day,
08:01to raise his children,
08:03to raise his children,
08:05to provide for his children,
08:07to provide for his children's needs of good life,
08:09then a woman will also be asked,
08:11that the husband was fulfilling his responsibility,
08:13did you take care of your husband's children or not?
08:15What do women do nowadays?
08:17They just sit and watch dramas,
08:19and give cartoons to their children.
08:21They do their work,
08:23and leave their children in the playgroup.
08:25It is not like that.
08:27It is the responsibility of the woman,
08:29that she raises her children.
08:31It is the responsibility of the mother,
08:33that she raises her children.
08:35Then it is the responsibility of the woman,
08:37that she tells her about her father,
08:39that she tells her about the sacrifice
08:41that she is making for her children.
08:43That she tells her about the hard work
08:45that she is doing,
08:47that she tells her about her father's absence.
08:49The children feel that their mother
08:51cooks for them,
08:53even if the child urinates,
08:55the mother cleans it,
08:57and the mother is at our service all the time.
08:59The father is not at home.
09:01It is the responsibility of the mother,
09:03and it is certainly one of the responsibilities
09:05of Allah,
09:07that the mother tells her children
09:09that the burden of the whole house
09:11is your father.
09:13The whole day is not seen,
09:15because he is working hard for you.
09:17He is working hard for you.
09:19He is working hard to give you a good life.
09:21He is spending all his life.
09:23When people give a car,
09:25they write that it is my mother's prayer.
09:27The prayer of the mother is the air of heaven.
09:29There is a lot of blessing in the prayer of the mother.
09:31And it should be said about the prayer of the mother.
09:33But sometimes mention the father.
09:35You took the car and wrote that it is my mother's prayer.
09:37Did the father curse you that
09:39you never got a car?
09:41Did the father curse you?
09:43It is necessary to respect both the mother and the father.
09:45And it is necessary to be thankful
09:47to the mother and the father
09:49for their kindness.
09:51And it is necessary to pray for both the parents.
09:53And it is necessary to mention them.
09:55Dear viewers, remember this.
09:57A father wants to give a gift to his son.
09:59A father wants to give his son
10:01the best house.
10:03So he says, yes, I gave my son the best thing.
10:05Someone says that I gave my son the best cars,
10:07or the best things.
10:09So I gave my son's right.
10:11Certainly give this.
10:13It is also part of your responsibilities.
10:15Do serve your children as much as you can.
10:17But remember this.
10:19There is a narrator of Hadith.
10:21The Prophet said that
10:23the best gift a father can give his children
10:25is to teach them good manners.
10:27He has to give them good upbringing.
10:29A father's best gift for his children
10:31is to give them good upbringing.
10:33I am not saying not to give him things.
10:35Some people spend a lot on their lives.
10:37They spend a lot on their friends.
10:39But they live a life of beggars.
10:41This is not appropriate.
10:43Your parents and your children
10:45have the most right on your wealth.
10:47This is what Allah has stated.
10:49But dear viewers, keep in mind
10:51that the first thing you need to give
10:53is to give them good upbringing.
10:55It is necessary to connect them with religion.
10:57It is necessary to teach them beliefs.
10:59It is necessary to teach them good manners.
11:01It is necessary to teach them good character.
11:03Dear viewers, write this on my heart.
11:05Remember this.
11:07If you are not able to give your children
11:09good upbringing,
11:11then Allah will give them respect
11:13and wealth through that upbringing.
11:15But if you have given your children
11:17wealth but not good upbringing,
11:19wealth but not good manners,
11:21wealth but not good character,
11:23then Allah will waste your wealth.
11:25If you have given them good upbringing
11:27but not wealth,
11:29then Allah will give them respect
11:31and wealth.
11:33But if you have given them wealth
11:35but not good upbringing,
11:37then Allah will waste your wealth.
11:39He will ruin your name in this world
11:41and ruin your wealth in the hereafter.
11:43The first thing you need to do
11:45is to give them respect.
11:47The most important example for this
11:49is the Holy Prophet Muhammad.
11:51What a beautiful upbringing
11:53the Holy Prophet Muhammad
11:55gave to Hazrat Sayyeda Kainat.
11:57What a beautiful upbringing
11:59the Holy Prophet Muhammad
12:01gave to Hazrat Sayyeda Fatima.
12:03What a beautiful upbringing
12:05the Holy Prophet Muhammad
12:07gave to other princesses.
12:09Then we see the character
12:11of Hazrat Imam Hussain
12:13or Imam Hassan
12:15or Imam Hussain
12:17or Imam Hussain
12:19or Imam Hussain
12:21or Imam Hussain
12:23or Imam Hussain
12:25or Imam Hussain
12:27or Imam Hussain
12:29or Imam Hussain
12:31or Imam Hussain
12:33or Imam Hussain
12:35or Imam Hussain
12:37or Imam Hussain
12:39or Imam Hussain
12:41or Imam Hussain
12:43or Imam Hussain
12:45or Imam Hussain
12:47or Imam Hussain
12:49or Imam Hussain
12:51or Imam Hussain
12:53or Imam Hussain
12:55You will learn the language and learn the ethics.
12:57Allah has given this responsibility to you.
12:59They are your children, it is your responsibility.
13:01Later, when the children leave your hands,
13:03then you say that today the children are not becoming our support.
13:06When it was time to make an attachment with them,
13:08then where were you at that time?
13:10That is why the religion of Islam is telling us again and again
13:12to make an attachment with your children and give them time.
13:14Dear viewers, if we talk about the rights of children,
13:17then first of all, the right of the children is that
13:20when they are born, the Prophet said that
13:22the call to prayer should be recited in their ears.
13:24We will quote the rest of this hadith.
13:26The Prophet said that
13:28when a child is born,
13:30first of all, recite the call to prayer in his right ear
13:32and the call to prayer in his left ear.
13:34Some people wait that two weeks have passed
13:36and the child has not yet recited the call to prayer in his ear.
13:38What is the reason?
13:39They say that our Hazrat Sahib will come, our Pir Sahib will come.
13:41Then they will recite the call to prayer.
13:42Oh brother, the Pir Sahib will come and recite the call to prayer.
13:44The Pir Sahib should recite the call to prayer a hundred times.
13:46But the first purpose is that
13:48if the child's ear is heard first,
13:50then the call to prayer should be heard.
13:51Because the thing that begins with the name of Allah,
13:53with the name of the Prophet,
13:55that thing is blessed.
13:57And today science also says that
13:59the first thing that goes into the mind of a person,
14:01has a deep impact on the mind.
14:03So when Allah's name will go in the ear of a person,
14:05Allah's name will go in the ear of a person,
14:07then for sure, in the whole life,
14:09it will be a blessing for a person.
14:11So it is important that first of all,
14:13the call to prayer should be recited in the ear of a person
14:15and then the call to prayer should be recited in the other ear.
14:17The Prophet said that
14:19recite the call to prayer in his ear.
14:21And then the call to prayer should be recited in the other ear.
14:23Then, ladies and gentlemen, the Ghutti.
14:25We think that the Ghutti is from our
14:27traditional and cultural traditions.
14:29It is not from our cultural traditions,
14:31it is from the traditions of our religion.
14:33It is a Hadith of the Muslim of the Prophet.
14:35In the court of the Prophet,
14:37the companions used to bring their children.
14:39Hazrat Ayesha says,
14:41that the companions used to bring their children
14:43and the Prophet used to give them the Ghutti.
14:45and the Prophet used to give them the Ghutti.
14:47and the Prophet used to give them the Ghutti.
14:49And it is Sunnah to give the Ghutti of dates.
14:51So it is a good thing if the father gives the Ghutti.
14:53It is a good thing if the mother gives the Ghutti.
14:55But it is known that
14:57if the Ghutti is given to the righteous,
14:59if there is a saint of Allah,
15:01if he gives the Ghutti to the children,
15:03then surely it will have a greater reward.
15:05And then to shave the children's head,
15:07this is also not a tradition,
15:09it is also Sunnah.
15:11It is proven by the Sunnah of the Prophet.
15:13On the seventh day,
15:15the Prophet gave the children the silver as much as their hair.
15:17There is no limit to this.
15:19It is to be done as little as possible.
15:21And even a white-haired person can do this.
15:23Allah has given you as much as you can.
15:25Allah has given you as much as you can.
15:27Give as much as you can.
15:29So that Allah gives you blessings.
15:31The more you do,
15:33the better it will be for you and your children.
15:35The more you do, the better it will be for you and your children.
15:37It is mentioned in Tirmidhi,
15:39when Hazrat Hassan was born,
15:41the Prophet ordered to shave his head.
15:43And then the Prophet ordered to give him
15:45as much silver as his head.
15:47This is one of the traditions of our religion.
15:49In the birth of Hazrat Hassan,
15:51the Prophet also ordered
15:53that when a child is born,
15:55his head should be shaved on the seventh day
15:57and his hair should be given as much
15:59as their hair.
16:01And then to shave his head,
16:03this is Sunnah.
16:05If a son is born,
16:07then two goats,
16:09and if a daughter is born,
16:11this is Sunnah.
16:13When Hazrat Hassan was born,
16:15the Prophet also ordered
16:17to shave his head
16:19as much as his hair.
16:21This is a form of charity.
16:23This is a form of gratitude.
16:25Shaving his head on the 14th, 21st,
16:27or 28th day is Sunnah.
16:29Otherwise, whenever you get a chance in life,
16:31the Sunnah of Aqiqah can be performed.
16:33This is Sunnah.
16:35It should be done.
16:37And if someone wants,
16:39if he does not have money,
16:41and he has a son,
16:43then he can do one.
16:45But then the Prophet said,
16:47if he gets money later,
16:49then he can do two.
16:51If you are making a sacrifice
16:53for Eid-ul-Adha,
16:55if someone will contribute
16:57a part of it,
16:59then it will be done.
17:01If he wants to do Aqiqah
17:03for his children,
17:05then he can do this.
17:07If he has a part,
17:09he can do Aqiqah
17:11according to his share.
17:13The Prophet also said,
17:15when you do Aqiqah,
17:17pray that Allah,
17:19protect the animal's blood
17:21for the sake of this animal,
17:23protect its flesh for the sake of this animal,
17:25protect its bones for the sake of this animal,
17:27protect its hair for the sake of this animal,
17:29protect its skin for the sake of this animal.
17:31You should pray to Allah
17:33for protection.
17:35Then, to get a haircut is a must for a Muslim to get a haircut.
17:42The Holy Prophet ﷺ states that there are five things that are in the nature of Bukhari.
17:46The Holy Prophet ﷺ stated that getting a haircut, getting your hair cut under your navel,
17:50the Holy Prophet ﷺ stated that cutting your nails,
17:53and the fifth thing that the Holy Prophet ﷺ stated is cutting the hair below your neck.
17:57This is the nature of Bukhari.
17:58And remember, no one has a more pure word than the words of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
18:03And no one has a better word than the words of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
18:07So these are our responsibilities.
18:08Then the Holy Prophet ﷺ stated that it is the right of your child to choose good names.
18:16This hadith is found in Al-Targheeb and Al-Tarheeb.
18:18Ummul Mu'mineen, Siddiqa bint Siddiq.
18:21Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa ﷺ states that the Holy Prophet ﷺ would often change the names of animals, cities, and humans.
18:29Sometimes we say that there are effects of names.
18:31People say that there are no effects of names.
18:32The Holy Prophet ﷺ states that we learn from the teachings of the Holy Prophet ﷺ that there are effects of names.
18:37This is why Ummul Mu'mineen says that the Holy Prophet ﷺ would often change the names.
18:41So you should choose good names.
18:43But if someone's son's name is Hassan,
18:45if someone's son's name is Hussain,
18:47if someone's daughter's name is Fatima,
18:49or if someone's companions' names are mentioned,
18:52or the names of the prophets are mentioned,
18:53or the names of the Ahl-e-Bayt are mentioned,
18:55then he should not change those names.
18:57Because those names have blessings, and there is nothing other than blessings.
19:01You should always mention the names of your children.
19:02Then we say that we want a new name.
19:04We have a child. We want to give him a new name.
19:06We want to give him a unique name.
19:08Now, will you give him a unique name like Bijli?
19:10Will you give him a current name?
19:11Will you give him a wire name?
19:12Give him a new name.
19:13This is a very good thing.
19:14But to give him a new name,
19:16you should use the names of the prophets,
19:18which are not very common.
19:19You should use the names of the companions.
19:22You should use the names of the Ahl-e-Bayt and the Ahl-e-Athar.
19:24You should use the names of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
19:26The Holy Prophet ﷺ said that whoever uses the name of his child in my name,
19:30he will not go to hell.
19:32Dear viewers, it is important to use the names of the Quran,
19:36the Hadith, the companions, and the Ahl-e-Bayt.
19:40There is no need to use a new name.
19:42You should make fun of it so that its blessings are included in a person's life.
19:46Then the Holy Prophet ﷺ said that you should use my name,
19:48but do not use my title.
19:50The title of Abul Qasim is the title of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
19:53Do not use the title of Abul Qasim in the name of your child.
19:54Yes, if someone has a son,
19:57and the name of that son is Qasim,
19:58then his title will be Abul Qasim.
20:01But do not use the name of Abul Qasim specifically.
20:03The Holy Prophet ﷺ forbade this.
20:05Then the Holy Prophet ﷺ said that do not use the names of the angels.
20:09For example, Mikail is the name of the angels,
20:11Jibrail is the name of the angels,
20:12Israel is the name of the angels,
20:13and the names of the angels,
20:15Israfil is the name of the angels.
20:16The Holy Prophet ﷺ said that do not use the names of the angels.
20:20We get this from the Hadith of the Holy Prophet ﷺ again and again
20:23that there are ways to use the names.
20:25Therefore, it is better to choose the names.
20:27Dear viewers, these were some basic things.
20:29But tomorrow, Inshallah, we will continue the discussion on the upbringing of children
20:31according to the Hadith of the Holy Prophet ﷺ
20:33and according to the biography of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, Inshallah.
