• 2 days ago
Fazail e Ramzan - Episode 15

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#FazaileRamzan #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:00Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen, wassalatu wassalamu ala sayyidil anbiya wal mursaleen, amma baad
00:23faqid qala Allah tabarak wa ta'ala fil quranil kareem, a'uzu billahi minash shaytaanil rajeem,
00:30bismillahir rahmanir raheem, laqad kaana lakum fee rasoolillahi uswatun hasana, sadaqallahul
00:37azeem, wa sadaqa rasooluhun nabiyyul kareem, assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
00:44Ladies and gentlemen, you are watching the program on AYQ TV, Faza'il-e-Ramadan, which
00:50is a series of conversations between me and you on AYQ TV during Ramadan Mubarak.
00:55Ladies and gentlemen, as I said yesterday, that Ramadan Mubarak is not limited to specific
01:02It is a time for a person to reflect on his whole life, to purify himself, to leave sins,
01:12to increase his virtues, to realize his responsibilities as a Muslim, and to make the world a better place.
01:20So, in this regard, the topic we started yesterday was the upbringing of children.
01:25On the same topic, as I said yesterday, that today we will continue our conversation.
01:30Ladies and gentlemen, the fundamental rights that I stated yesterday in front of you, and
01:34which you cannot see tomorrow, surely those programs are available on QTV's social media.
01:39Ladies and gentlemen, after that, the first responsibility of a person is to raise his
01:44children well.
01:46Earning for the children and spending on them is not worldly.
01:50Earning for the halal provisions for the children, then taking care of their non-profit, earning
01:55halal provisions, then taking care of their education, earning halal provisions, then
01:59providing all needs of good life to your family is not worldly.
02:04And this is the commandment of Allah and His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him.
02:09Ladies and gentlemen, in the Holy Qur'an, in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse number 233, Allah
02:14the Almighty states, in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse number 233, Allah the Almighty states,
02:19that it is necessary to spend on the children according to the constitution, i.e. to take
02:24care of their food, to take care of their clothes, to take care of their basic needs,
02:30to take care of their basic needs, i.e. to spend on them according to the constitution
02:35which we have given them.
02:38Allah the Almighty is instructing us in the Holy Qur'an.
02:41Then, ladies and gentlemen, in Surah Al-Talaq, verse number 7, Allah the Almighty instructs
02:45us to spend on our children according to their status.
02:48People earn well, as I said yesterday, they do not spend.
02:51It is necessary to spend on your children.
02:54It is their livelihood, it is their livelihood, it is their education.
02:57It is necessary to spend on them.
03:00Then, Allah the Almighty instructs us in the Holy Qur'an.
03:03It is a consensus of Bukhari and Muslim.
03:05The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, states that when Allah the Almighty
03:08has given you wealth, then start spending on your family members.
03:11That is, start spending on your family members.
03:15People spend on themselves, they spend on their belongings, they spend on their friends,
03:20they give charity, they do everything, but they do not spend on their family members.
03:25It is a consensus of Bukhari and Muslim.
03:28The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, states that when you spend,
03:31then start spending on your family members.
03:35This is a Hadith of a Muslim.
03:37Hazrat Jabir bin Samrah, may Allah be pleased with him, is the narrator of this Hadith.
03:40The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said that the wealth Allah has given you,
03:44you should spend on yourself and then spend on your family members.
03:49You have a responsibility to spend on your family members.
03:52This is a Hadith of Tirmidhi.
03:53The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, states that it is necessary for a person
03:57to spend on his family members.
03:59When someone spends on his family members, Allah will reward him for his good deeds.
04:05Allah is Great.
04:06Viewers, what a beautiful religion we have.
04:08A person is spending on his family, on his children, on his parents,
04:12but Allah is also rewarding him for his good deeds.
04:18This does not mean spending, this does not mean spending.
04:21A person is spending on his family while fulfilling his responsibility.
04:24Allah will reward him for his good deeds.
04:29Viewers, this Hadith is found in Muslim.
04:31Hazrat Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, is the narrator of this Hadith.
04:34The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, states that there is one Dirham
04:37that you spend on Allah.
04:38Viewers, it is very important to listen to this.
04:40People spend on their family members and think that it is better to spend on charity.
04:44It is better to spend outside.
04:46It is better to spend outside.
04:48Do charity.
04:49Do it in the way of Allah.
04:50But this does not mean that you spend outside.
04:53It is okay to spend outside.
04:55Your life is perfect.
04:57Your family members are living a life of poverty.
04:59It is not like that.
05:00The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
05:02Look, what a beautiful religion we have.
05:04The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says that there is one Dirham
05:06that a person spends on Allah.
05:07There is one Dirham that a person frees his slaves from.
05:10There is one Dirham that a person gives charity to the poor.
05:13There is one Dirham that a person helps a poor person.
05:17He gives charity to the poor.
05:18And there is one Dirham that a person spends on his family members,
05:21on his children, on his parents, on his family members.
05:26The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says,
05:28In the presence of Allah, the greatest thing is that a person spends on his family members.
05:33This does not mean that after today we do not want to give charity.
05:37After today we do not want to help a poor person.
05:39After today we do not want to take care of a poor person.
05:42This means that the first right you have is to fulfill the needs of your family.
05:48The first right you have is to spend on the education of your children.
05:52The first right you have is that your parents should be happy with you.
05:55You should serve them well.
05:57And then Allah gives blessings in this.
05:59So a person should give charity.
06:01There is so much virtue in it that no one can calculate.
06:04Charity avoids calamity.
06:05Charity becomes the reason for the acceptance of prayers.
06:07Charity becomes the reason for the blessing in sustenance.
06:09Charity in the world, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says,
06:11When someone gives charity to a poor person, he reaches the hands of the needy later.
06:15Allah accepts him first in his right hand.
06:18So this does not mean that we do not want to give charity to the poor.
06:20This means that the most beloved act of Allah is that a person takes care of the needs of his family.
06:26A person fulfills the needs of his family.
06:29And after fulfilling their needs, then Allah spends more.
06:33Dear viewers, to understand this, I will tell you another hadith.
06:37Then you will understand the narrative.
06:39A man appeared to the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him.
06:42He said, O Messenger of Allah, I have a little money. What should I do?
06:45The Prophet of Allah said, Spend it on yourself.
06:47O Messenger of Allah, there is one more. What should I do with him?
06:49The Master, peace and blessings be upon him, instructed,
06:51Spend on your family, on your children, on your wife, on your parents.
06:56O Messenger of Allah, there is one more.
06:57The Prophet of Allah said that he should spend on his slaves.
07:00O Messenger of Allah, there is one more.
07:01The Prophet of Allah said, give him charity in the way of Allah.
07:04This means that first of all, when a person fulfills the needs of his family and his parents,
07:11then a person should take care of his slaves.
07:13It should not be that his slaves are starving and he is distributing all the charity outside.
07:16The people inside him, when they have to give charity,
07:19when they have to give charity for the sake of Allah's pleasure,
07:21then they should not give it with their salary.
07:23Salary will be there, bonus will be there and charity will also be there.
07:26They should purely fulfill their needs for the sake of Allah's pleasure.
07:29And then take out what Allah is giving you.
07:32Viewers, some people are very stingy when it comes to spending.
07:35For example, I was told that I have to take my wealth to the grave.
07:38Spend it on the way of Allah, spend it on your parents, spend it on your children,
07:42and then spend it on yourself, spend it on your business.
07:45Invest in that and keep increasing it.
07:47This is also a lesson we get from the hadiths of Huzoor.
07:51Viewers, this hadith is found in Tirmidhi.
07:53The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, says that
07:55the one to whom Allah has given children, the one to whom Allah has given daughters,
07:58and he gave three daughters and raised them properly.
08:02Then he sent them away, that is, he married them.
08:05The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, says,
08:07He will be as close to me as two fingers are joined together.
08:10Now I will not say that Huzoor said this, said that,
08:13as Huzoor said, no one can do it.
08:15But Huzoor, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, joined his two fingers,
08:18and Huzoor, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said that
08:20as two fingers are joined together,
08:22Huzoor, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
08:24he will have such a closeness in Paradise.
08:26He said, O Messenger of Allah, if anyone has two fingers,
08:28Huzoor said, if he does so with two fingers,
08:30Allah will give him this blessing.
08:32He will be as close to me as two fingers are joined together.
08:34He said, O Messenger of Allah, if anyone has only one finger,
08:36Huzoor said, if he raises one finger,
08:39if he is happy to have one daughter,
08:41if he raises her in the right way,
08:43if he sends her away in the right way,
08:45he will have such a closeness in Paradise,
08:47as two fingers are joined together.
08:49Viewers, one is for children,
08:51the other is his responsibilities,
08:53which I have mentioned, which started from birth,
08:55after that, the biggest responsibility of children is
08:57the education of children.
08:59To give the best education to children,
09:01Allah and His Messenger have made it obligatory
09:03on parents to give the best education to their children.
09:05As I mentioned in yesterday's program,
09:07the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
09:09said that the best gift that a father can give
09:11to his children is good education
09:13and good upbringing.
09:15So, first of all, it is necessary that a person
09:17should give them good education, good upbringing,
09:19teach them in the best way,
09:21give them worldly education,
09:23and most importantly,
09:25give them religious education.
09:27Even if he is not a scholar,
09:29he should know the basic religious principles,
09:31he should know the obligatory knowledge,
09:33he should know how to walk on religion,
09:35he should know how to walk on the path of religion.
09:37Dear viewers, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
09:39says that Allah should have mercy on those parents
09:41who cooperate with their children
09:43in obedience.
09:45If the children are obedient,
09:47then it is the fault of the children
09:49that they are your obedient children.
09:51Such problems will be created,
09:53such tension will be created
09:55in their obedience,
09:57that they will look at those disobedient children
09:59and say, O you, you are good,
10:01they are living their life properly.
10:03If the children of parents are obedient,
10:05if four children are not listening,
10:07sometimes one is listening,
10:09instead of showing mercy that this is an obedient child,
10:11the entire burden of responsibilities is placed on him
10:13and he is humiliated for small things.
10:15If they are obedient,
10:17then for God's sake, give them so many orders
10:19that they do not have to
10:21test their obedience
10:23for no reason.
10:25Dear viewers,
10:27the most important thing in education is that
10:29parents should be self-educated.
10:31Now, one thing is that
10:33a person who does not know about obligatory knowledge
10:35will not be able to teach his children.
10:37A person who does not know about religion
10:39will not be able to teach his children.
10:41If someone has a 30-year-old child,
10:43he is the best in business,
10:45my son is great,
10:47he has increased the respect of my entire family.
10:49He is my child,
10:51he speaks English in such a way that
10:53there is no harm in speaking English.
10:55Children should come and learn,
10:57they should definitely learn.
10:59As I gave an example in the last few days,
11:01we compulsorily tell our students
11:03to learn these languages,
11:05but my son will comment
11:07on political issues
11:09in such a way that it will be amazing.
11:11And my son does not even know about obligatory knowledge,
11:13he does not even know about the obligation of ablution,
11:15he is doing your business very well.
11:17Children do not know about compulsory knowledge.
11:19Children do not know how to perform
11:21a proper prayer.
11:23Children do not know how to perform a proper ablution.
11:25Children do not have the knowledge
11:27of obligatory knowledge.
11:29So, you are considering yourself as a successful person,
11:31but you are the most unsuccessful one.
11:33Children do not know about Matters of Purity,
11:35and you say that children will be very successful.
11:37Teach your children about Matters of Purity
11:39in their childhood.
11:41Teach your children how to offer prayers.
11:43You have to remember the Nazri Rhymes, sit properly and remember the Namaz.
11:47When you have a 7 year old child, you have to instruct him to do the Namaz.
11:51And when he is 10 years old, you have to strictly instruct him to do the Namaz.
11:56But this will only happen when you yourself are committed to the religion,
12:00and then you take out time for the child.
12:02Mothers need this especially.
12:04This is the responsibility of mothers.
12:06The father fulfills his other responsibilities as well.
12:08He earns money for the house, takes care of the expenses.
12:11He carries the burden of the house on his shoulders.
12:13It's not that the father doesn't have a responsibility.
12:15The father has a responsibility as well.
12:16But the most important role in this is that of the mother.
12:19My sisters are listening to me.
12:21The most important role in this is that the child is being brought up.
12:25If we look at all the great elders of the religion,
12:27if we look at the biography of Syedna Ghawth-e-Adam,
12:30then the fundamental role is of the mother's upbringing.
12:33The fundamental role is of the mother's upbringing.
12:36If we look at Pakistan,
12:38there is a shrine of Hazrat Baba Fareed Masood Ganshah.
12:41When he was young,
12:43you will realize that this incident cannot be told to anyone at the age of 13-14.
12:48No one at the age of 10-12 can say this.
12:51This is definitely less than this.
12:53Hazrat Baba Fareed's mother used to tell him,
12:55son, get up and pray Fajr.
12:57If you get up a little earlier and pray to Allah,
13:00then Allah will give you sugar.
13:02Hazrat Baba Fareed used to get up every night.
13:04Hazrat Baba Fareed's mother used to keep sugar under his pillow.
13:07She used to get up and say,
13:08Fareed, get up and pray, Allah will give you sugar.
13:11Baba Fareed used to get up and pray.
13:13Now you think for yourself,
13:14a child of 10-12 years cannot be called like this.
13:16This is definitely less than this.
13:18He used to get up and pray Fajr,
13:19sugar used to come out of his mouth and he used to eat it.
13:21He used to be very happy that I got up and prayed,
13:23and Allah gave me sugar.
13:24One day it so happened that Hazrat Baba Fareed's mother said,
13:27I slept early, I forgot to keep sugar.
13:29She said, when I got up in the morning, I was very worried.
13:32I said, Fareed must have got up today,
13:34sugar must not have come out.
13:35He must have understood what the matter is.
13:37Or his heart, Masood's heart,
13:39may have become weak from the side of prayer,
13:41that sugar did not come out today.
13:43Baba Fareed's mother says,
13:44I asked my little child in fear in the morning,
13:46that Masood, did you pray in the morning?
13:48Did you pray?
13:49He said, I did pray.
13:50He said, sugar came out.
13:51He said, the sugar that came out in the morning,
13:54I have never eaten such sugar.
13:56The sugar that came out in the morning,
13:57I have never tasted such sugar.
13:59Hazrat Baba Fareed's mother goes in prostration,
14:01and thanks Allah,
14:03that O Allah, you have kept my honor,
14:05and accepted my prayers.
14:07Ladies and gentlemen,
14:08today if mothers themselves,
14:10will continue to watch drama serials,
14:12drama series, one will end,
14:14another will end,
14:15fourth, fourth will end,
14:16sixth, one country will end,
14:18so and so country,
14:19will continue to watch dramas on dramas,
14:21and will give new cartoons to children,
14:23that we do not have to educate,
14:24do not eat our head,
14:26do not ask us any questions.
14:27So I will say with great respect,
14:28then you have to remain a drama.
14:30And the child has remained a cartoon.
14:32If you want that in your house,
14:34the children of Baba Fareed's character come,
14:36the children of Sayyid-ul-Auliyah Ghawth-e-Azam's character come,
14:39the children of Mujaddid-ul-Bissani's character come,
14:42then you will have to adopt the character of mothers,
14:45which was the character of their mothers.
14:47There can be no example of their mothers,
14:49but you will have to follow that path.
14:51You adopt the character of their mothers,
14:53Allah will give you the children,
14:55who will follow their path.
14:58The character of mothers is the most important.
15:00Keep an eye on their company.
15:02The Prophet said,
15:04The religion of man is on his friend's religion.
15:07It is said,
15:08A man is known by his company he keeps.
15:10This is the translation of this Hadith of the Prophet.
15:13The Prophet said,
15:15A man is on his friend's religion.
15:17It is necessary to take care of their food,
15:19their friends,
15:21their clothes,
15:22their sitting and standing,
15:24with whom they are sitting,
15:25with whom they are standing,
15:26where they are going,
15:27where they are coming,
15:28and it is necessary to teach them faith.
15:30If your children have not learned faith,
15:32why are some young people going towards atheism today?
15:35Why are young people being attacked by atheism?
15:38If a person is a true believer,
15:40if he is connected to the religion,
15:41it is not possible that his child goes on the wrong path,
15:44or goes towards atheism.
15:46The children,
15:47who did not teach religion to their children in childhood,
15:49put them towards these cartoons,
15:51put them towards these rhymes,
15:53put them towards these things,
15:54and did not care about their beliefs,
15:56did not care about their beliefs,
15:58did not teach them beliefs,
15:59then the child is becoming an atheist,
16:00then why are the parents crying today?
16:02Did they not realize in childhood,
16:03that the children have to be taught faith and beliefs?
16:05The children have to be told about their beliefs?
16:07For the children,
16:08it is necessary for you to teach them beliefs,
16:10to teach them beliefs,
16:11to teach them the belief of oneness,
16:13to teach them the belief of Prophethood,
16:14to teach them the belief of Ahl-e-Sunnah,
16:15and connect them with them.
16:16But Huzoor-e-Waala,
16:17for this,
16:18first of all,
16:19you will have to learn your own beliefs and beliefs,
16:21so that you are able to explain your children
16:23the beliefs and beliefs.
16:24You should not talk to your children about religion,
16:26because if they ask you a question,
16:27you will say,
16:28where will I go?
16:29Do not do this.
16:30If they are asking a question,
16:31then write the question,
16:32ask the right believer,
16:33and then answer that question to your child,
16:35so that he can connect with religion.
16:37Put your children in a gathering of scholars,
16:41and Ahl-e-Jamaat,
16:42so that they are close to religion,
16:44and learn religion.
16:45Ladies and gentlemen,
16:46this is one of the basic responsibilities of parents.
16:48Parents should be self-trained.
16:50Now, as I said,
16:51if they are not self-trained,
16:53then how will they raise their children?
16:55First of all,
16:56when a child is born,
16:57you have to make a room for the child.
16:59If the child is not born yet,
17:00you should first find out
17:01whether the child is a boy or a girl,
17:02so that you can buy his clothes,
17:03buy a swing of that color,
17:04paint a room of that color,
17:05start buying toys of that color.
17:08First of all,
17:09you have to sit down and think,
17:11you both parents,
17:12to understand,
17:13to realize your responsibility.
17:14If a child is coming to our house,
17:16then we have a responsibility.
17:18We should be trained.
17:19If you are trained,
17:20then you will train him.
17:21If the parents are not trained,
17:22you are just playing with the children.
17:24If the parents are not trained,
17:26and become parents,
17:27then it is like
17:28making a teacher of a child
17:30a person who is ignorant himself.
17:32If you put an ignorant professor in a university,
17:34then who is the son of the university student?
17:36If you make someone a spiritual teacher,
17:38and make him spiritual or spiritual,
17:39and if he does not know anything,
17:40then the disciples will be destroyed.
17:43if the parents are not trained themselves,
17:45if they do not have self-training,
17:47if they do not know the religion themselves,
17:48then how will they train anyone?
17:50So when you know,
17:51you are coming to know,
17:52that you are being parents,
17:53that you are becoming parents,
17:55then it is your responsibility
17:56to start training yourself
17:58so that you can train him in the future.
18:00Because the Lord of the Universe,
18:01the Seal of the Prophets,
18:02the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah,
18:04is present in Bukhari.
18:05The Prophet says,
18:06that every child is born on the nature.
18:08That is,
18:09no non-believer is born.
18:10No one is born on any other religion.
18:12Every child is born on the nature.
18:14These are the parents
18:15who make someone Hindu.
18:18They make someone Jewish.
18:22They make someone Christian.
18:24And if a fortunate Muslim child is born in the parents,
18:27then they will bring him to Islam.
18:29These are the parents.
18:30Then when Allah gives him consciousness,
18:32when he comes to knowledge,
18:33when he struggles,
18:34when he determines his religion
18:35and comes to Islam,
18:36then Glory be to Allah.
18:37But the first Hadith of the Master of Salat-ul-Islam
18:40is that the child is born on the nature.
18:42Then there are the parents
18:43who take him to their religion.
18:45So Imam Ghazali comments on this,
18:47and says that
18:48the upbringing of the parents is so important
18:50that when a child is born,
18:52he is dependent on the upbringing of his parents
18:54to determine his religion.
18:56To determine his religion,
18:58the upbringing of his parents counts.
19:00So what can be more important than this
19:02in the upbringing of parents?
19:03How important is this?
19:04Hazrat Imam Ghazali says,
19:05that the child is Allah's trust to the parents.
19:08He is like a clear mirror.
19:10Whatever you do in front of him,
19:11he will adopt it.
19:12You see,
19:13we often play games in front of children.
19:15If someone walks like this,
19:16the child will start walking like this.
19:17If someone speaks in a loud voice,
19:18the child will start speaking in a loud voice.
19:20The child will try to copy whatever the person says.
19:23They are walking like a mirror.
19:25They are walking like this.
19:27We think of it as a game.
19:28This is not a game, viewers.
19:30It is necessary to understand
19:31that these children are at that age,
19:33in that phase,
19:34that what we think of as a game,
19:36they are setting the ways of their life.
19:39You teach him misbehavior in the game.
19:41You know that at one age,
19:42you want to get rid of his misbehavior.
19:44The misbehavior that you have taught him,
19:46the child is not letting it go.
19:48The reason is that
19:49we think of it as a game.
19:51In reality,
19:52he is setting the ways of his life.
19:54The environment of the house is important.
19:56For example,
19:57the child will adopt whatever he sees.
19:59If I am lying,
20:00and I say,
20:01if someone calls me,
20:02the child will pick up,
20:03I will say,
20:04son, tell me,
20:05is father not at home?
20:06My son will say,
20:07father is not at home.
20:08When the child lies tomorrow,
20:09will I be in this position
20:10to ask the child,
20:11why are you lying?
20:12I must have taught him to lie.
20:13If I am watching porn movies,
20:15and I tell my child,
20:16son, don't watch porn movies,
20:18am I in this position
20:19to tell my child not to watch it?
20:21I have taught him to watch it.
20:22If I stop a car somewhere,
20:24bribe a policeman,
20:25and go ahead,
20:26am I in this position
20:27to tell my child
20:28not to bribe him?
20:30I have taught him to bribe.
20:31How do I justify this in front of him?
20:33The principle of Shariah
20:34and the law
20:35are different for you
20:36and for me.
20:37That is why,
20:38first of all,
20:39it is important
20:40to make the environment
20:41of your house religious.
20:42If your environment
20:43is religious,
20:44then your child
20:45can also be religious
20:46and if the environment
20:47of the house
20:48where the crime is committed,
20:49then the child
20:50will witness the crime.
20:51The second thing is,
20:52if the parents
20:53can do a huge help
20:54for their children,
20:55then they can do
20:56is to keep
20:57the environment
20:58of their house
20:59easy and religious.
21:00If the environment
21:01of the home
21:02is religious,
21:03then children
21:04will be born religious.
21:05And if the environment
21:06of the home
21:07is not religious,
21:08then you can not
21:09be religious
21:10in any case.
21:11You have given the child a difficult environment in the house itself.
21:13You have given the child an environment in the house itself so that he does what he wants to do.
21:16Then how will he be able to do things in his own way?
21:19It is important for the parents that when the child is younger,
21:22when the child is younger than his teenage years in particular,
21:24or when the child is in his teenage years, then the parents themselves become his ideal.
21:28When the parents become his ideal, then the parents should keep the ideal for him,
21:31the Prophet's personality, that we have to connect him with them.
21:35Today, the parents do not send the child to the school.
21:37They do not send him to the scholars.
21:39They do not send the child to the gatherings of the scholars.
21:40The child will become a mu'allibi.
21:42You should go to the scholars,
21:43to the scholars,
21:45to the scholars of truth and to the saints,
21:47and send the child to them.
21:49I swear to God, if the child goes to the worldly people,
21:51it is possible that when you are old, he will leave you in the old house.
21:55But when he connects with the teachings of Muhammad and the Prophet,
21:58then when you are old, he will be able to see your footsteps.
22:01It is possible that when you take the child out of the house,
22:04he will take you out of the house tomorrow or he will say that I have to go and take my house tomorrow.
22:08If you send him to the world,
22:09when you send him to Muhammad and the Prophet,
22:13then the child will say that I have to serve my parents,
22:16because the Prophet has told us that Allah's will is in the will of the parents.
22:20It is possible that if you send the child to the world tomorrow,
22:22then he will be addicted to drugs.
22:23He will go to drugs and will not be in a position to run your business again.
22:28But if you connect him with the religion of Islam,
22:30then the religion of Islam will stop him from doing this bad thing.
22:34And the religion of Islam will teach him the principles of business.
22:37And the religion of Islam will teach him the principles of the lawful sustenance.
22:40And he will be seen in the lawful sustenance.
22:43If you send him out, it is possible that at 4 in the morning,
22:46he will be coming out in a state of addiction.
22:47But when you connect him with the religion of Islam,
22:49then he will be free from these things.
22:51So viewers, first of all, the parents need to understand that
22:55the parents can do the biggest favor on their children
22:59that they give their children a religious environment, a good environment,
23:02and connect them with the religion of Islam.
23:04Then connect with yourself.
23:05Learn to respect your children.
23:07The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
23:09Give your children the best upbringing and the best respect.
23:13Respect your children.
23:15Dear viewers, the children who give their self-confidence
23:18because of the lack of attention from their parents,
23:21then no one in the world can destroy their self-confidence.
23:26The parents should do justice to their children.
23:28If you are giving a kiss to one,
23:30then the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is saying that
23:31do justice in giving a kiss.
23:33Worldly matters are worldly matters.
23:35So love the others so that the other does not feel neglected and leave.
23:39Then the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
23:42Give respect to your children.
23:43If you do not respect your children,
23:45then how can anyone respect your children?
23:47If you insult your elder brother in front of your younger siblings,
23:52will the younger brother respect his elder brother?
23:55Will he respect his older siblings?
23:57He will never.
23:58The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
24:00Give your children respect.
24:01Then the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
24:02do justice to them.
24:03Then Huzoor said, try to relate them with respect.
24:08This is the meaning of the hadith.
24:09Huzoor said, try to make them a good relation with you.
24:13Ladies and gentlemen, if we make the biography of Rasool Allah as an ideal for us,
24:17and make the biography of Rasool Allah as a role model for us,
24:21then believe me, there is no branch of this world,
24:24there is no path of this world in which a person is not successful.
24:27The last hadith is that Rasool Allah said,
24:31teach your children the etiquette of three things.
24:33One, Huzoor said, teach them the etiquette of reciting the Holy Quran.
24:36Second, Rasool Allah said,
24:39teach your Prophet Muhammad the etiquette of love.
24:43Third, Huzoor said,
24:45teach the etiquette of love to my Ahl-e-Bait-e-Athar.
24:51Ladies and gentlemen, may Allah enable us to follow the path of Huzoor.
24:59Tomorrow, InshaAllah, we will meet you again on this channel.
25:03May Allah enable us to follow the path of Huzoor.
