• 20 hours ago
Khawaja Gharib Nawaz Welfare Trust - Ramzan Zakat Appeal

For Donations

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#khawajagharibnawazwelfaretrust #ramzanzakatappeal #aryqtv
00:00O' Lord of the world, grant me the chastity of a pure wife.
00:16O' Lord of the world, grant me the chastity of a pure wife.
00:20Fill this nation with the grief of Shabbir.
00:24Fill this nation with the grief of Shabbir.
00:28Grant the children a smile like Ali Azgar.
00:35Grant the old a look like Habib Ibn Mazahir.
00:43Teach the mothers the way of Saniye Zahra.
00:52Give the prayers of the sisters the effect of Sakina.
00:56Give the poor the rain of wealth and jewels.
01:00Pay all the debts of the poor in secret.
01:04Pay all the debts of the poor in secret.
01:08O' Lord of the world, grant me the chastity of a pure wife.
01:12Fill this nation with the grief of Shabbir.
01:16Respected viewers, peace be upon you.
01:21Respected viewers, Syed Adnan Khalid is here to serve the programme KGN Telethon Transmission.
01:27And in reality, Khwaja-e-Khwajgaan, Khwaja Gharib Nawaz, Moeen-ud-Din Chishti,
01:32Ajmeri Sanjari, Rahmatullah-e-Ta'ala, Alayka Faizan, Khwaja Gharib Nawaz, Welfare Trust,
01:37Alhamdulillah, will present their telethon transmission in front of you.
01:42Before the arrival of the month of Ramadan, a series of telethon transmissions are being presented to you.
01:52And we humbly request you for those deserving people in Pakistan,
02:00for that poor class, for that class that pays less,
02:05for that class that is white-collar,
02:09for that class that is most dependent on expressing its needs in front of others,
02:15and for that class that knows the death of its conscience to express its needs in front of others.
02:23Respected viewers, in order to sustain such a class,
02:27in order to show love for such a class,
02:31in order to praise it, in order to cry for it,
02:35and in order to bring a smile on its face,
02:38Khwaja-e-Khwajgaan, Khwaja Gharib Nawaz, Welfare Trust,
02:42are getting the privilege of presenting their efforts and efforts,
02:46this right understanding, this continuous action.
02:50For the past 15 to 16 years,
02:54Alhamdulillah, on a very large scale,
02:57we are providing support and assistance to our Muslim brothers and sisters in different areas of life.
03:05And in all this good work,
03:07our esteemed donors,
03:10the chosen people of those people,
03:12those who are capable,
03:14their cooperation is definitely the backbone of all our good work.
03:19And we are addressing you,
03:22to come forward and during this KGN transmission,
03:28call us and become our supporters,
03:31become our companions,
03:33and together with us,
03:34for those people,
03:35present your help and support,
03:37which is waiting for you right now.
03:39On my right, I have with me,
03:41the esteemed scholar of religion,
03:43religious scholar,
03:44Dr. Azghar Hussain Ashrafi,
03:47Almaroof Mir Ji.
03:49I welcome you.
03:52Once again, you have stepped forward.
03:55Thank you very much.
03:57And with that,
03:58on my left,
04:00Muhammad Ibtihaj Siddiqui,
04:02Khushawas Khushgulu Sana Khan.
04:04It is your pleasure to be here.
04:07Today is the day,
04:09of Hazrat Imam Maula Hassan Mujtaba,
04:13may Allah be pleased with him,
04:15with his personality,
04:17and this day has a special connection with him.
04:20So, we will talk about this as well.
04:23And since today is your day,
04:25so with this in mind,
04:27I would like to take this opportunity,
04:30and make this opportunity,
04:32the crown of my head.
04:34I am presenting four misras,
04:36and along with that,
04:37we will include in the program,
04:39Hamdibari Taala,
04:40that both the eyes of the government,
04:43are half Hassan, half Hussain.
04:46Both the eyes of the government,
04:49are half Hassan, half Hussain.
04:52Bee Fatima Ke Dil Ke Chain,
04:55Are Half Hassan, Half Hussain.
04:58Bee Fatima Ke Dil Ke Chain,
05:01Are Half Hassan, Half Hussain.
05:03Ab Kya Rahe, Girne Ka Dar,
05:05Pakde Hue Hai Baed Kar.
05:07Ab Kya Rahe, Girne Ka Dar,
05:10Pakde Hue Hai Baed Kar,
05:12Gaye, Sooeh Shahe Mashree Qayn,
05:15Are Half Hassan, Half Hussain.
05:18Aad-e-Hassan, Aad-e-Hussain, both are the eyes of the Lord.
05:23Aad-e-Hassan, Aad-e-Hussain.
05:25I would like to request Mohammad Ibtiaz Siddiqui to start the recitation.
05:30In the name of Allah.
05:48There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
06:09He is alone, with no partner.
06:15There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
06:30He is the fruit of the womb of God, and has no partner.
06:49He is the fruit of the womb of God, and has no partner.
07:09There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
07:23Even though I have been buried in the ashes of the world,
07:52I have been commanded to call upon the name of Allah.
08:05Ilaaha Ilaaha Ilaaha Ilaaha Ilaaha Ilaaha
08:22Khudiyat-e-Fasala Ilaaha Ilaaha Ilaaha Ilaaha
08:39What to say, Ibtiaz, you presented the view of Hamdi Bari Taala in a very beautiful way.
08:44May Allah accept this recitation in His holy court.
08:48Please come to my right, Dr. Azghar Hussain, Ashrafi, Almaroof, Mir ji,
08:54Damat Barkatuhu Mualaliyah.
08:55What would you like to say?
08:57Today, we have a special connection with Hazrat Maulana Imam Hassan Mujtaba R.A.
09:08What was the practical example of the message of strength and determination that we get from the family of Ahlul Bayt?
09:20And what would you like to say about the message of serving the people that we get from the family of Ahlul Bayt?
09:26How did you present it?
09:30We praise Him and send blessings upon His noble Messenger.
09:33After this, I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
09:35In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.
09:36Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Mualana Muhammad al-Jadid al-Hassan wal-Hussain.
09:40Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Mualana Muhammad al-Jadid al-Hassan wal-Hussain.
09:42Assalamu alayka ya Sayyidi ya Rasulullah.
09:46Alhamdulillah, today is the day of the birth of Hazrat Maulana Imam Hassan Mujtaba R.A.
10:00When the Holy Prophet was informed of the birth of Hazrat Maulana Imam Hassan Mujtaba R.A.
10:10Because his birth took place after the Zuhr prayer.
10:17And Alhamdulillah, when this happened, the Holy Prophet's family and the family of the Holy Prophet
10:24In the case of the Ahlul Bayt, the government and the family of the Holy Prophet spent a lot of time in poverty.
10:34They took over the wealth of poverty.
10:36Yes, they took over the wealth of poverty.
10:38And I am telling you this physically.
10:40Wherever you look, the case of the family of the Holy Prophet is a mess.
10:46So, the case of the family of the Holy Prophet is a mess.
10:49And Alhamdulillah, in the case of the Holy Prophet, the government and the family of the Holy Prophet
10:54physically, the Holy Prophet spent a lot of time in poverty.
10:56But when Hazrat Maulana Imam Hassan was born, the government and the family of the Holy Prophet
11:03made him shave his head.
11:06So, they took his head and placed it on a scale, and placed silver on it.
11:12And according to the amount of silver, they gave him charity.
11:16You see, where there were such cases, in the joy of his birth,
11:22according to the day of his birth, they took care of the poor and the needy first.
11:32And after that, when he expressed his happiness,
11:35he used to sacrifice a goat in the joy of everyone.
11:38He sacrificed a goat and in the birth of Maulana Hassan, he sacrificed two goats.
11:43He sacrificed two goats in the way of Allah.
11:45He sacrificed two goats.
11:47And after that, in the birth of Maulana Hassan, he said to the boys,
11:54that you see, he sacrificed, and after sacrificing, he distributed it among the poor and the needy.
11:59So, you see, the case of the family of the Holy Prophet is such that
12:03from the day of his birth, they took care of the poor and the needy.
12:09From the first day.
12:09From the first day, they took care of them.
12:12So, when the family of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
12:17in their joy, they took care of the poor and the needy,
12:22in the birth of Maulana Hassan.
12:24You see, we celebrate the joy of birth,
12:26but the first thing he did was to give charity.
12:32He gave charity.
12:33So, when Allah gives you a blessing, a thing,
12:38no doubt, in accordance with the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
12:44you should also take care of the poor and the needy.
12:46Yes, and for the sake of giving charity, I would like to say that
12:52in just 400 rupees, in the land of Pakistan,
12:56on that desk where Allah's creation,
12:59on the basis of daily, i.e. from the first day of Ramadan to the last day of Ramadan,
13:04which is a beautiful arrangement of Dawah-e-Iftar,
13:08Khwaja Gharib Nawaz Welfare Trust is doing,
13:10so there, if you give 400 rupees as a gift,
13:14as a charity, as a gift,
13:17as a gift from Zakat,
13:19then believe me, in that amount of 400 rupees,
13:23there, in that area where people are deprived of the basic blessings of life,
13:29there, for those people, you are seeing on your television screen,
13:32what a dignified, dignified arrangement is being made.
13:36Our volunteers, our dignified companions,
13:41who are currently on the ground, serving there,
13:45and there, the same things are being given, dear viewers,
13:49which we ourselves like for ourselves and for our families,
13:53and the same for all those loved ones who have adopted the wealth of poverty.
14:00This is a Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
14:04Huzoor warned the Companions in this regard.
14:07Huzoor said, keep a lot of ties with the poor, the needy, the orphans,
14:14because they have a lot of wealth.
14:16The Companions said, O Messenger of Allah, what wealth does the poor have?
14:20Huzoor said, Allah the Almighty has given them the power that on the Day of Resurrection,
14:27when they are present in the field of resurrection,
14:29Allah the Almighty will say to them that here in the field of resurrection,
14:34look at those people who have given you clothes to wear in this world,
14:38who have given you food to eat in this world,
14:41who have given you water to drink, who have done good to you in any way,
14:46so here, look at those people and take them with you to heaven.
14:50And this wealth of poverty was taken by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
14:55and his family, the Ahlul Bayt.
14:59Hazrat Maulana Ali Mujtaba Shah Karamullah Wajhul Kareem's personality,
15:04with regards to his personality, I am saying this for the first time,
15:08and then I will leave it to you,
15:10that a beggar comes to the door of Hasanain-e-Karimain to ask for something,
15:15and he comes and says, I am very hungry, please give me something to eat.
15:21So, Hazrat Imam Hassan is present, and Hazrat Imam Hussain is present,
15:27you give him something to eat,
15:29and when he takes the food, he says, not just for me,
15:33I am seeing such a personality on the way,
15:36who is eating dry bread dipped in water,
15:40an old man is sitting a little far, give him something to eat as well.
15:44When he said this, Hazrat Imam Hussain's face changed,
15:48and he said, O person, whom you consider an ordinary old man,
15:53he is our father, Maulana Ali Mujtaba Shah Karamullah Wajhul Kareem's personality,
16:01who has come there, and you are considering him,
16:05that perhaps he is needed, this is his house,
16:09where generosity is being done,
16:11where whatever is possible for the creation,
16:14whatever is easy, whatever Allah is saying, is being presented.
16:18What will you say to the Khan-e-Aal-e-Bait,
16:20on this style of action of the Khan-e-Aal-e-Bait,
16:22and on this generosity, and this style of generosity?
16:26When you spoke about Maulana Ali Murtaza,
16:30I will speak about Sayyid-e-Pak as well.
16:31Sayyid-e-Pak, Khatim-e-Jannat Fatimah Zohra, peace be upon her,
16:35was on her way,
16:37she saw a Khatim-e-Khatim, who had many goats, 40 goats,
16:43so she asked Sayyid-e-Pak,
16:46if I want to spend it in the way of Allah, how much can I spend?
16:50So he said, you can give one goat,
16:53if you want to spend this much, how much can you spend?
16:55So he said, one.
16:56So he said, if this was with you,
16:59then he said, I would have done everything.
17:01I would have done everything in the way of Allah.
17:03So he said, you asked me for one,
17:06and you are saying that I would have done everything.
17:08So he said, I have told you the Shariah,
17:11and what I will do myself is Taqwa.
17:12What I am saying to you is my Fatwa, it is the Shariah,
17:16and what I will do myself is my own Taqwa.
17:18So this was the style of the Ahl-e-Bait,
17:20this was the style of kindness, that Alhamdulillah,
17:23that he said that he would have given everything.
17:26JazakAllah Huzoor, thank you very much for your presence.
17:28Dr. Azgar Hussain Sahib, Almaroof Mir ji,
17:31was with us, and also Muhammad Ibtihaj Siddiqui was with us.
17:35In the end, he will also give a speech.
17:37I would like to ask for your permission,
17:40that the soil of Dar-e-Shabbir, which becomes the crown of my head,
17:47surely, it becomes the abode of my fate.
17:54If the people of Karbala stop giving charity,
18:02this world becomes dependent on grains.
18:09I would like to ask my guest, Syed Adnan Khalid,
18:11for his permission for this special KGN Telephone Transmission.
18:16May Allah bless you.
18:19Dil-o-nigah ki duniyaan nahi hui hai,
18:46Duroodh padhte hi yeh kaisi roshni hui hai,
18:59Mai bas yuhi toh nahi aa gaya hu mahafirne,
19:28Kahin se izan mila hai, toh hazli hui hai,
19:50Yeh sar uthai jo mai ja raha hu jaanib khul,
20:17Mere liye mere aqaan-e-baat ki hui hai,
20:38Dil-o-nigah ki duniyaan nahi hui hai,
20:49Aur hazaar shukr Ghulam-an-e-Shah-e-Batgha mein,
21:18Shuru hi din se meri hazri lagi hui hai,
21:46Duroodh padhte hi yeh kaisi roshni hui hai,
