• 6 hours ago
Today Omz, Roxy, Crystal, Lily, Violet, and Megan (Crazy Fan Girl) have a sleepover at Violet's house and Crystal gets jealous... #minecraft #minecraftmod #omz
00:00Mail mail you've got mail. Oh
00:03Awesome sauce. Who is this from? It's from anonymous user
00:07Underscore 69 anonymous user. I don't know anybody like that, but but who is sending me mail
00:14Let's read what's inside
00:16You're invited to the bestest sleepover ever. Holy smokes. Who could have sent you that?
00:22Hmm. Well, maybe it's Roxy. We're gonna have a bro sleepover or maybe it's Lily
00:29We could make cakes all night or maybe it's crystal we could
00:33Never mind. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. What were you about to say about crystal? Nothing or maybe it's Kevin and we could show
00:39How can we did say anything about Megan? I don't want to have a sleepover with Megan
00:42She's crazy, but it says meet me in the spawn tree. Oh, that's right over there. All right, I'm gonna meet him over there
00:50Oh, I wonder who it could be. Yo, Roxy. Are you at the spawn tree? Yo, Roxy. Hello
00:57Hmm hello
00:59Hello, where is everybody? Wait, I think I see Roxy. He's at his house. Hmm. Is Lily at her house? Huh? Hmm
01:07Yes, she is. She's in her room. Where's crystal at is crystal in her house. Maybe this is crystal sleepover
01:14Uh, never mind. I see her at her window. Well, maybe it's Megan's is
01:19Megan's home too. What? Oh, it must be Kevin. Yo over here. It's me
01:24That sounded like a deep voice it must be Kevin Kevin I'm coming over. Hello Kevin. Are you serious right now? Hey
01:33Guess what? I sit up for us. What do you mean for us? What's going on here? Follow me. You're gonna love this
01:42Did she just phase through the bushes? Oh my gosh, and huh? What is down there sugar?
01:50Don't be afraid. All right. Wait, are you serious, right?
01:55What in the what is happening right now? What is this sugar?
02:00I made us the most loving W sleepover first
02:04You're gonna check it all out and then you're gonna fall in love with me and smooch
02:08What are you talking about? You heard me sugar. I made this so we can fall in love
02:14I don't want to fall in love with you. That is gross. Just follow me over here and let's check out the television
02:21Okay, what is that bro? It's you proposing to me. Don't you love it? No, I don't love it
02:28This is not real. This is photoshopped. I'm pretty sure that's whose skin is that? It's clearly me violet skin dummy
02:35No, I'm calling crystal up. I don't like this one bit. Hey, you are not allowed to call that girl to my home
02:40Yeah, crystal. Hello. Hey, babes. I need to track my phone and I need you to come save me. Give me the phone. Oh
02:48Okay, crystal track my phone. Bye
02:50Okay, I'm tracking I'm tracking it. Are you serious? Oh, you want someone to ruin our special moment, don't you? No
02:57I'm just afraid you have a gun come over here and follow me. Oh gosh. This girl is crazy
03:03What else did she do? Check this room out over here. It's the art room. Oh, I love these flowers
03:10They're actually really really
03:12What is that?
03:13It's me and you touching fingers cuz we're in love. That is absolutely
03:20Disgusting. Oh
03:24Is that me pooping? Yes, sir. I have to watch you while you poop. Oh my gosh and wait
03:32These are actually kind of dope. I like this one. I like this one. I don't like that one at all
03:36Maybe if you made it blonde and made this girl cyan, I'd like it sugar. Why do you like that ugly rat crystal?
03:43Hey, she is not an ugly rat. And can I see my phone real quick? I just want to check something
03:47I'm not gonna contact anybody. Hmm. All right, but don't call nobody. All right. Thank you. Just throw it over. Thank you
03:53Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Boop. Hello crystal crystal. Where are you? It says that you're in the middle of the town
03:59I'm underneath the tree underneath the tree get the whole home screw sugar drop your phone now
04:05Oh, oh my gosh, okay, here you go. There you go. There you go
04:09No, hopefully crystal went to get Roxy come and admire my artwork. Ohms
04:15Okay, I'm admiring it and this one's gross. That one's fire fire and blue and purple forever
04:23Violet we are not forever. We're not even a thing sugar. You love me and now come over here
04:27Let's go to the sleepover area. What?
04:29Whoa, wait, it is kind of fire. I'm not gonna lie, but it's very very suspicious. No, it's not. Okay. Wait
04:36What's this over here? It looks like there's a sign and it says to my sugars house. What's up? Oh
04:44My god, is this nah, bro? None. Are you serious right now?
04:50You have a secret area to my house. Of course, I do sugar. I have one for everyone's house. Even the girls. Oh
04:58My nah, bruh, you have one to the house of the two random people who are friends with sugar
05:05What are you talking about? I see pink and then red. Wait, is this for Roxy and Lily? Oh my god
05:10They're not randoms. They're my best friends sugar. I don't like them and I think you should move in with me
05:16Oh my gosh, that is so disgusting. And then this one says to the weird fangirls house
05:22Wait, is this Megan and crystals? Of course it is sugar. They're disgusting. Whoa, wait, it's actually kind of crazy
05:29You have a path all the way to crystals house. Does it actually lead what?
05:33Inside brah. How has nobody found this? How long have you had these pads for I've had them since I stalked you
05:39What that's been like a few weeks now. That's actually crazy work. All right, I'm going back over here
05:45And you know what? I'm gonna give you a chance. Maybe this place isn't too bad. Oh my gosh sugar follow me
05:50You're gonna love this. Um, okay. Let's see. Where are you taking me sugar?
05:56Sanctuary what like literal sugar sugar open up the doors. Okay. Oh
06:03What oh my gosh, what is this
06:07It's where I fall in love every day. Okay, and what does that lover do in case of emergencies?
06:13It opens a secret door silly. What I heard a piston. Where was that from? Where was that from? Oh
06:22What is this and game for me and my sugar what together forever
06:29this is a graveyard with Oh
06:32Violet oh my gosh, you are insane violet. I just wish one day we could die together. Okay. No, no, no, no
06:38No, no, no, no, this is so weird and wait name tags
06:42I see Megan Megan Megan. No, um, I hear him somewhere
06:48Guys the bushes the bushes homes and you are not allowed to speak or I will shoot you in the face now
06:54Come follow me. Oh my gosh. All right. Fine. Where are you taking me?
06:58Whoa, what is this area over here? Get all the rings for a prize. Oh, I could do that
07:05Is this like a hamster maze sugar? Just get the rings. All right, I'm going
07:09Every single one's gonna be mine. I wonder what I'm gonna get. Is it my freedom sugar? It's something even better
07:16Okay, I
07:18Got him. I got him every single way. There was 34, right? Sure. There's a little bit more
07:24Above me. I see I see I see it. Oh, give it to me. Give it to me. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom
07:28I'm double it up. I'm double it up. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh my gosh
07:32I have over a stack. Okay, was there 69, but why are you wearing a dress sugar?
07:39Your prize is me and a dress. Oh
07:43my gosh
07:45That is disgusting
07:47super disgusting actually and
07:50What in the what is this over here? It's our animal farm cuz I want to raise a farm with you
07:56Oh, yeah, you do sound like you're from the countryside. So that does make sense
08:00Yes, sir. Don't get over here and follow me. This is gonna make you love me. Okay, what's over here?
08:06Whoa, is this a bathroom? Yep, it's gigantic now come here and jump in the tub with me. Okay, and
08:13Why is it purple? And why does it smell weird? Oh, that's just my pee. Oh, oh my gosh
08:18Why is there pee here sugar smile? What is that a camera on top of the toilet?
08:25Do you also have a camera? No, that was not me sugar. I don't know what you're talking about. Oh my gosh
08:31Yo, this is so obvious, why don't you at least try and hide the camera sugar you do not tell me how to stalk you
08:37Okay. Okay, put the gun down. Just just put the gun down. Just
08:41I'm sorry. Now follow me. You're gonna love this one. Um, I don't know bro. I'm not really liking any of this
08:48Where are you taking me this room over here? You're gonna absolutely love do not enter
08:56Why are you just scared of it? I didn't mean to say that sugar. Just just go inside. It's a fun room
09:01Why do the camera? Oh my gosh, what's inside here? Just go inside sugar. Don't be a little baby. All right, fine
09:07I'm good. What is this ruler?
09:12Is that a creepy cloud what is rock are you serious sugar I got you being scared
09:17I'm gonna put that in my collection. What what collection in the art room dummy? Oh my gosh boy
09:24No way, whatever go there and hang on my phone back. No way sugar. You're not allowed. Oh
09:30I didn't want to contact my friends. I need them to come down. They're right over there
09:34Guys, hello. Wait, I see footprints. I see footprints. Whose toes are those?
09:41She's right there crystal just break that bush I hear him in my dreams girl
09:47You're insane. You not hear him. I'm telling you I hear him crystal. It's not your dreams. It's literally me
09:52Just break the leaves underneath you. Oh, okay. Oh my gosh
09:57The way we're coming to save you, holy smokes, that's pretty funny. What is this?
10:06This is really awkward
10:08Holmes, why are we in a purple house? And is that violets face on the TV? What? No, babes. You're cheating
10:15No, I'm not cheating. I do this
10:18It sounds like you invited some guests to our sleepover, it looks like we're gonna have to pause our kissing what we're not kissing
10:26Oh, no, um, you and Viola were kissing you guys have hearts around you. That is clearly just on her side
10:33Babes, are you serious?
10:38You're with Violet now, no, I'm not with Violet now. She's being weird sugar. I love you more than anything
10:45Why I didn't I didn't say I love you Violet. Yeah, I do want to marry you come we can do it in this room
10:52Over here what the art room? I don't want to go in here. Is that a giant statue of me on the roof?
10:56Oh my gosh
10:58Babies, what is this? It's nothing crystal. I is nothing. Why is there are of you and Violet smooching?
11:08You definitely made this was violent. Hey Lily stop talking. I did not make this was violet Ohms. I'll kill you both
11:16Actually Megan relax cuz guess what? Um, what's me and Ohms already technically died together. Come here. Follow me
11:24Oh gosh, don't go in this room crystal. No, no, you're gonna be very mad. What is this?
11:28Dude, just don't look just don't look. Oh my gosh
11:32It's a secret room
11:35Babes why does this say together forever on the walls?
11:42And it says I'm game for me and my sugar
11:48Crystal wait show show show show show show show look there's graveyards with their names on it Kevin. No, there's not
11:55Oh, oh my gosh, there is crystal. I say we just kill both them and we move on
11:59Yeah, I can wish a date Roxy and Kevin now. Whoa
12:04I don't mind this. I don't mind this stop talking girls. I'm not a part of this Ohms. Why were you here?
12:11It's because I got an invite. So babes you wanted to sleep over with her you cheating evil boyfriend
12:17No, oh my gosh, Violet. Tell them the truth. Well, the truth is gosh come follow me over here
12:23What hey, no, Violet. No, no, no, no guys. Don't follow her. She's gonna show you more sus things
12:28I want to see I want to see you guys stop. What? Oh my gosh, Violet
12:33No, no, don't put them in that room everybody if you want to know the secret between me and Ohms step in this room here
12:39Oh move. I want to see you. No, I want to see move
12:43Oh my gosh
12:46What is this place it's all red and creepy, huh? Yeah, where did that cloud thing go Violet? Where'd it go sugar?
12:54I don't know. What?
12:59But anyways joke is over and guys look there's a convenient exit so we could all go home this is to my house
13:06This is to Roxy in the lease house. This is the Megan and crystals house. I say we all just forget about this, babe
13:12That's it. I'm going home. We're breaking up. What's up crystal? No, I didn't mean it
13:17I did not come here against my own free will she co-horsed me co-hers stuff
13:21I don't even know what that means. We are done
13:25You have always been cheating on me with girls like a lily Megan and now violet and today's the last day
13:34Crystal what are you talking about?
13:36Ever come to me again. Oh my gosh
13:40Sugar, this is the best day of my life. What are you talking about? Violet? This is not the best day at all
13:48We still love me
13:50Don't worry sugar. I can take care of her. I'll be right back. Huh? Where is she going? Hey, hey
13:57Hey, I don't want you to hurt or anything. Yo, Violet. What are you doing sugar?
14:00She's making you feel bad and nobody makes my boyfriend feel bad
14:06Where are you? Isn't that the clown room? Yeah, that's the clown
14:10Violet what are you doing in there?
14:12Nothing sugar. I just had to go tell some commands. All right, come on. Let's go. Enjoy our sleepover guys. You're all invited
14:20What's up? Hey, what do you mean? What did you better do? I don't know but this place is lit
14:24Yeah, ohms, I guess I could enjoy it. But I still love you. What's hey, hey, hey, is no one tripping?
14:30She just commanded a clown to do something. Where's the clown at sugar relax. Let's just come sit down and watch some TV
14:37Let's watch
14:39Hmm. I don't know something feels suspicious. I'm calling up crystal with my second phone. Boop. Yo crystal. Um, is everything? Okay, babes
14:47Yeah, I'm okay. What do you want? Oh, okay. I just wanted to check in
14:52Babes I just heard something on my door. What? Um, okay. What did it sound like?
15:03Guys guys guys, I was just on the phone with crystal and she just screamed like something happened
15:09Where did you get that phone from sugar? It's my second phone. I don't think crystals. Okay quickly. We got a run guys
15:16Relax, it's probably nothing. I don't know guys. I don't know. She sounded for real. Oh caution
15:21She blocked off her house was uh, where was it? Where was it? It was one of these holes Roxy. Help me. Look help me
15:27Look, we're never gonna find it like this. Oh gosh, where was it? Oh, oh my gosh. Ohm. She's definitely dead
15:34So good just ignore it. We don't have to go over there violet. We have to check
15:38It sounded like something deadly dangerous happened to her. Oh, okay
15:52Sugar I can explain it's just ketchup in a body actors head of crystal. Yeah body actors. What are you talking about?
16:04I can't believe this. Oh
16:07What happened? I don't know but I have a feeling I have something to do with violet sugar. What could it possibly be? Oh
16:23There's a username behind
16:26Roxy, um, what are you talking about right over here?
16:31Nah, bro. Oh, nah sugar. What are you talking about? Nothing's there? What it's right there. There was a dude named wacko
16:37Really bro right over here
16:39What where'd he go?
16:43No, I'm not he was right here
16:45Violet what is going on sugar? I don't like how you're acting all crazy and stuff guys
16:50I say we all go hang out in my sleepover room Megan. You want to hang out with me?
16:56Depends on where I don't really like you we can go into the um sanctuary area and watch him. Oh, yeah
17:02I'll meet you over there girl. All right, you head on over there first and I'll catch up what Megan?
17:07I wouldn't recommend going anywhere by yourself mate. Oh my gosh violet. What's your plan? Are you planning to kill my friends sugar?
17:14I would never do that
17:16Mmm, all right, whatever. Come on guys. We gotta catch up with Megan. I don't like how she's a load
17:20Megan Megan. Oh my gosh. Come on quickly. We gotta go. Oh, oh MG. This is so much fun
17:30Sugar just stay over here. Oh
17:34What oh no, oh
17:37Roxy I know you see that name tag. Wait, I do. Oh gosh. Violet you tricked her into getting killed
17:44No, no, no, no, Megan. Are you in here?
17:50My gosh, where's the wacko he has to be here somewhere everyone look around
17:55Graveyard, is he here anywhere? Hello sugar. He's not in here. Stop looking around like a crazy person guys
18:02Are we sure he's not here anywhere?
18:07Okay, whatever but Violet what happened to Megan? She got killed. Oh sugar. It's obviously a fake like a fake head
18:14She she definitely went home
18:19Hey, no, no Kevin, this is what happens when we split up you're gonna die dude, I'm going home. I don't like this
18:30Oh my gosh, which way do you go which way do you go?
18:40Kevin's dead
18:42Okay, wait, I'm starting to freak out no, no sugar we should all evacuate Lily go ahead head on home
18:48Okay, if you say so, I'll head with you Lily. No, no Roxy. You should hang out with me over here
18:53You're too good at PvP. Oh, what? Thank you. No Roxy. She obviously wants Lily alone Roxy
18:59No, no, go with Lily go with Lily. I'm good at PvP. She wants to see my moves
19:03Um, yeah, Roxy do some moves over here. Oh my gosh. I'm going to Lily. Huh? Oh, this is not good Lily Lily Lily
19:09Let me call her up. Boop. Hello, Lily. Are you at your house? Yeah, I just got home. I'm totally safe
19:14Oh, okay. If you say I see the wacko's name tag. Lily, you're gonna get killed. Lily, you're gonna get killed
19:23Oh my gosh, he's here he has to be in here. Where is he?
19:28He's in here somewhere. Wait wacko. He's your names outside. I'm gonna get you
19:33What no, no, no, I could have sworn. I just saw him. Oh
19:37No, this is not good and wait
19:41Roxy's alone with Violet. Boop. Hello, Roxy. Are you good? Yeah, Violet's just taking me to the room and she left me here
19:48Get out of that room Roxy. Get out of that room. I'm coming right now
19:51Oh no, oh no, oh no. Wait, wait, ouch. Oh my gosh. Hey Violet move and where's the door? Oh my goodness. Oh my
20:03What did you do sugar if you didn't want to come over to the sleepover I would kill all your friends
20:10What where's the wacko? Where is he? I see his name tag. Are you still in the cloud room? You crazy person?
20:16Oh my gosh. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. I was not expecting that. Okay, wait
20:20Let me redo that. Let me redo that
20:22Hello scary person. I was expecting you. Um, did you kill my friends? Uh, does he speak sugar?
20:29He doesn't speak. He just does what I say. Oh
20:32My gosh, you are insane Violet. Sugar stop being a baby. Now come and have a sleepover with me. Oh
20:40My gosh, wait a minute
20:43Hello, mr. Wacko. You know that technically Violet has a crush on me. So you work for me
20:47Do you wanna do what I say? Uh, uh, you want to do what I say? Please please? Uh, oh
20:55Okay, mr. Wacko kill Violet. Uh, oh my gosh, it's working sugar. Hurry up
21:02What are you doing outside of your cage? Wacko? Wait, wait
21:08Wow awesome now, it's just me and you um, you wanna have a sleepover I guess no one else is here
21:15Oh, yeah. Okay. I guess uh, you want to get purple? I get blue. Does that work with you?
21:19Oh, okay. That works with you. All right, and that was an awesome adventure
21:22If you want to join us on the next click right here. Bye