• 2 days ago
Civilization 7 is here and the developers decided to give me access for the last few weeks to help them find interesting bugs, glitches and exploits with the game. Low and behold the game is full of them and I have been doing my best to package them up into fun and silly videos. This today is my magnum opus where I will be showcasing some of my favourite exploits I will be decimating the games balance with overpowered combinations and perfectly balanced gameplay bugs. We will be showing off a way to get infinite science, infinite culture and infinite gold. Basically Going infinite and destroying the game.

00:00 - Intro
01:01 - Satellite Exploit
03:50 - This Game Is Broken
04:50 - Maximum Colonisation
07:33 - Diety AI Exploit
08:31 - Going Infinite
16:20 - Civilization 7 Is Broken

So what is Sid Meiers civilization 7: Civilization VII, as a 4X turn-based strategy game, has the player oversee the growth of a human civilization from early settlements to an advanced culture. The player uses various units, representing military and civilian units, to explore the map, grow their civilization through additional cities, culture, and technology, gather resources from the geography around their settlements, and defeat threats from foreign civilizations also attempting to grow. The player can win the game through a range of possible victory conditions, ranging from peaceful solutions to full military domination of the world.

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new title: CIV 7 IS THE MOST BROKEN CIV GAME - Civilization 7 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game And I am Its God
title: GOING INFINITE - Civilization 7 Is A Broken Game And I am Its God

#gaming #civilization #funny
00:00Hello there ladies and gentlemen, I'm the Spiffing Brit, a professional exploiter of video games,
00:05and as of a few days ago, I am the world's best Civilization VII player. For those that missed
00:10it, I went on a sponsored trip to Germany and won a tournament hosted by the game's developers.
00:15Now before the event, I was informed that the developers were happy for me to use exploits,
00:19but they gave me a warning that they'd designed the tournament to be more balanced. This meant
00:23that we started off in the exploration age, couldn't use mementos, and had our leaders
00:28and civs chosen at random. This meant that I was forced to play at a fraction of my total
00:32power level. Despite these limitations, I still ended up winning, but I did not get
00:37the opportunity to show off some of the exploits that I had been saving for the special event.
00:41So I'm making this video here to showcase why I am the world's handsomest, smartest,
00:46and most humble Civilization VII player. So grab yourself a nice warm cup of tea,
00:51give the video a like, write an extended comment about how much you dislike this game's UI,
00:56and let's dive into this video.
01:01Now, I've got a bunch of exploits, and some of them are really, really disgusting,
01:05including literally going just completely infinite in the game. That's right, infinite science,
01:10infinite culture, you name it, everything can be broken. Before that, I think we should start
01:14with a nice silly exploit to let you go beyond the reaches of the game in an unexpected way.
01:22Now this exploit doesn't require much setup, but I'm going to show you the optimal way to
01:26do it anyway. You're going to want to grab yourselves the Travels of Marco Polo and the
01:30Imago Mundi Memento. The Travels bonus gives you gold for every 100 tiles you explore,
01:35and the Imago Mundi makes your scouts even more overpowered. At the same time,
01:39we're going to be playing as Trung Trac because she gets an overpowered army commander,
01:42and that's going to make this even faster. Alright, welcome into the game. We have
01:46ourselves a lovely little map, and we're ready to play. Now normally in this game,
01:50what you'd want to do is rush your way down to Mysticism and grab yourself an overpowered
01:54Pantheon. We're actually not going to do that because thanks to our lovely upgrades,
01:58for every 100 tiles we explore, we get 50 gold, which is actually really overpowered. Now we can
02:03actually boost the amount we're able to scout thanks to our other Memento, meaning that our
02:08scouts kind of become satellite navigation systems. They're pretty darn good indeed.
02:13Right, and on turn 7, we've unlocked the ability to start this exploit because we've been given an
02:17army commander. Now army commanders are pretty snazzy little units, and our army commander starts
02:23out even stronger than most others. Basically, the way this is going to work is we're going to
02:27stack our scout's abilities over and over again. You see, by pushing this button here, our scout
02:32enters into a stance called Lookout. It converts the scout from instead of being a boy who can run
02:36around the map and do scouting stuff, to becoming a watchtower with increased sightlines. It's
02:41useful for discovering when your enemy is about to start attacking you, but outside of those niche
02:45situations, it's not the best. With our lovely Memento though, it's even more powerful and we
02:50can cover more ground. So by pushing this button, we discover, ooh, the Grand Canyon. That's pretty
02:55good. Yes, we can now see perfectly all the way out to here. And by discovering all of that extra
02:59land, we get extra money, which we can use to buy ourselves a settler. That's right, by exploring
03:04land borders, we've just bought ourselves an entire human being. But still, we can do better.
03:09So we then move into the next turn, and we're in an interesting situation where our scout is still
03:14on his lovely Lookout podium, looking around the world map. And we can now see for quite a nice
03:18distance. That's great. However, our army commander has a special ability. He can pick up nearby units
03:24and store them inside of his army. So by clicking on our army commander, we gobble up that scout.
03:29The problem is though, that now that our scout's gone, our vision has gone. However, our army
03:34commander can actually deploy our scout back onto the exact same tile he was at. And you'll notice
03:38we get all of that vision back. But here's the problem. Our scout isn't in his Lookout stance.
03:43Oh, that is bad. He shouldn't be able to see all of this land. And then what happens if I push the
03:47button again? Oh, well, the Lookout range just increases more. Ah, yes, this is very interesting
03:55indeed. We've now met lovely BJ Franklin. What a lovely guy. Now when you meet a new civilization,
04:01you can spend influence to see their capital. This might be a good idea as revealing tiles makes us
04:06money thanks to that special memento I picked. Well, you would be wrong. Remember, this is a
04:10multi-million dollar AAA game. So of course, pushing that button just takes your influence
04:15and does nothing. Besides, we don't need to pay to reveal their capital. We can just use our mega
04:21scout exploit and see everything. So anyway, we'll press next turn. We're then in a lovely situation
04:27where our lovely commander can assemble his army, deploy the army back out again. We get all of our
04:32vision back and then we pop the scout's ability once more. And would you look at that? Our range
04:36and vision just keeps growing. Our entire early game economy is just all about converting these
04:42wonderful money gains from scouting into tangible items that we can buy with gold like settlers.
04:49So once again, we assemble our army, redeploy our army back out, click on the scout, have him scout
04:54some more and that's even more money. There we go. Fantastic. We just keep growing out in loads of
04:59different directions. Now, you technically don't need to be doing this with an upgraded commander.
05:03However, if your commander has the first promotion in the assault tree so that units can move after
05:08you unpack them, that allows your scout to do its scout ability on the same turn that you spit it
05:13out, which is very useful indeed. And oh my goodness, what is that over there? Oh, well,
05:17it's a brand new continent, ladies and gentlemen. That's right. Even though we are in the antiquity
05:22age where we are only meant to be able to stick to our starting area, I have been able to discover
05:28the new world. Yeah, that's just how horrifically broken this exploit is. So once again, my commander
05:34will pick up our scout. I'll plop him down on the ground, but this time I'll plop him down onto a
05:38different tile because this will actually change his sight lines by placing him here. He can
05:43discover even more land. And would you look at that? That's a bunch of new city states discovered.
05:47I can then push the lookout boost again. And oh my look, it's the border of Charlemagne's
05:52Aksumite Empire. Now, this is quite a problem indeed, ladies and gentlemen, because in this
05:56age of the game, there is no way for another player to reach the other continent. This means
06:01that when you're playing a multiplayer, you and all of your friends are stuck on this continent
06:05for the entirety of the first age, which should be around about 250 turns. However, by using this
06:10exploit, we're able to discover the new world. But remember, we have no way to traverse the open
06:15ocean, so you can't really do anything about it other than make money from mementos is what you
06:20would think. However, of course, I am a dastardly British individual, and that means I like to think
06:25a little bit outside of the box, especially when it allows me to mess with my friends. You see,
06:29by doing this exploit, we're able to discover brand new city states. And by negotiating with
06:33these city states and becoming their suzerain, we can eventually push a button, which for a
06:37few hundred influence will allow us to integrate the city state and turn it into one of our own
06:42cities. This means that by discovering this city state over here, we can send them a lovely friend
06:47request and after several turns become their bestie, annex them and then start training
06:51settlers. This allows you to begin colonization in 3200 BCE. Now, if that isn't the most British
06:58thing in the universe, I don't know what is. I do like that the luxury chocolate says this is a
07:03distant lands resource that will be attainable in the next age. No it won't, game. I'll be attaining
07:07that chocolate now, please. And of course, remember, with our other memento, we make money every time
07:13we discover new tiles. So by moving our overpowered mega scout around, we not only have perfect vision
07:18of the entire map and all of the world's troop movements, we also have a huge amount of money.
07:22And that money can be used to allow us to completely run away with the game. Yes, your
07:26games genuinely won't even be in the slightest bit fair if you start using this exploit. And you
07:31should, because it's incredibly fun. But what if you're fed up of actually playing games with your
07:35friends in multiplayer? And what if you just want to have a little bit of an advantage? Well,
07:39ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you in a multiplayer game, you could actually double all
07:44of your yield without actually having to play the game? Say hello to the disconnect deity exploit.
07:49Basically, when playing a multiplayer game, if for whatever reason you drop out and miss a turn of
07:54the game, the AI of the game takes over your sieve. This is very useful in the event of a player
07:59crashing or maybe someone just going to make a cup of tea but not wanting to pause the game.
08:04If before the game started, you set the AI difficulty to deity, then you as the player
08:08will receive those deity bonuses when you alter for the game. In the right situations, this is
08:13absurdly powerful. Let's say you're trying to build a world wonder, but you and your friend are both
08:17two turns away from completing it. Well, the deity AI gets a massive production bonus. So if you alter
08:22for the game and let the AI take over, they'll get that wonder built in one turn. Now that's what I
08:27call perfect multiplayer balance. Say hello to Ahsoka, the world conqueror. He's kind of an
08:36explosive conquest save that relies a lot on happiness. However, conquest and happiness
08:40usually don't go hand in hand because you need access happiness in order to hold lots of cities.
08:45However, we're going to be able to choose the game with him and gain happiness at a rate that
08:48would cause medical concern. In order to make this exploit even more powerful, I recommend the
08:53momentum that gives you an extra cultural attribute point and the momentum that gives you 200 gold per
08:57age at the start of an age. Now you can pull this exploit off in a normal game, but just to speed up
09:02the process, we're going to hop directly into the modern age. Now you can play as any nation. However,
09:07I find Mexico is generally the best for this cheesiness. For difficulty, we're going to go on
09:11deity, but you can generally do whatever you like. So let's throw ourselves into the game.
09:15So here we are starting in the modern age. It is 1750 CE and we get to pick ourselves an advanced
09:22start. Now the way our leader works is quite simple. For every five excess happiness in cities,
09:27we get plus one extra production. So in our capital city that has 21 happiness, we get an
09:33extra plus four production. That's not exactly anything too exciting, but we can cheese this by
09:38quite a bit. So step one, we're going to want to grab ourselves all of the wild card attributes
09:42that were allowed. Step two, we want to grab all of the lovely civic advantages. Step three,
09:46we'll grab ourselves a few extra towns to place down. So by starting the game like this, we get a
09:52few little advantages, all of our civic boosts, and we can start researching political theory
09:57right away. At the same time, we have a large amount of leader attributes to spend. You can
10:01see that on this difficulty, though, we're at a massive disadvantage. The AI has some huge bonuses
10:06and they haven't even placed down all of their cities yet. Deity AI is just built different,
10:11and by built different, I mean a cheating bastard. So what we're about to do is break the
10:16game a little bit. In order to do this, we want to spend as many points as possible down the cultural
10:20leader tree as we need culture to unlock a specific social policy so we can start the exploit. And the
10:25exploit is more efficient, the more points we have. So that's exactly what we're going to do.
10:29I'm going to sink all of my points so that we fill out this entire tree. And now that we're at the
10:34bottom, we'll even spend an extra point to gain a plus five percent repeatable culture bonus. Now,
10:38when you load into the game, you get a random selection of civs that the game basically says
10:42you're playing as in the previous age. We rolled very lucky and have picked up these wonderful
10:47bonuses here. Shenry gives us plus one gold for every five surplus happiness in our cities,
10:52and a trash gives us plus one science for every five surplus happiness. These are great as they
10:57synergize perfectly with our leader's natural bonus. If I have way to get infinite happiness,
11:01then we can turn it into infinite yields. Now, along with our main exploit, I'm also
11:06serving it up with a complimentary bugged wonder, the Doggo Onsen. And it was the first exploit I
11:11actually found in the game. The reason it's bugged is because every time you enter a celebration,
11:15which is achieved by having excess happiness, you get plus one extra population in the city you
11:20build it in. The problem is, instead of it giving you plus one population in just that city, it
11:24gives you plus one population in every city. This is not good at all for the game's balance,
11:29as you end up with far, far too much population. So combine that with our strat of getting too
11:34much happiness, you just know it's all going to get out of hand. Oh, I'm fantastic. We've finally
11:39got enough excess happiness for our first celebration. Now, celebrations are determined
11:43by your government type. And as we're playing as Mexico, that means we have only one option
11:47at the moment, and that's plus 30% culture, which is good for us. And because of the celebration,
11:52we're also about to slot in a new social policy. I'm going to grab extra culture from natural
11:57wonders because we have ourselves this lovely redwood forest. That's going to give us a nice
12:01boost to our culture output. Oh, I'm fantastic. We did get to build ourselves the Doggo Onsen.
12:06Lovely. Oh, I've also researched my civic at the same time. Now, this is normally the point where
12:11you would pick democracy, fascism or communism. However, we're going to get a little bit cheesy
12:16and instead go for nationalism, which when research gives us a social policy that breaks the game.
12:22Right, turn 15. And because we have some excess happiness lying around, we actually get ourselves
12:26another celebration. Very nice indeed. I'm going to say the buildings cost less happiness and gold
12:31to maintain, which would give us some excess happiness. Most importantly, though, because
12:35we enter a celebration, we get some excess population and this excess population from
12:40our wonder is going to be sent to every single city we have, including all of our tiny little
12:45towns, meaning they just rapidly expand faster than the game is really expecting them to,
12:50which is great for me. Although it's not good for players who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome
12:54because you're going to be doing a lot of extra clicking. And fantastic. We finally unlocked the
12:59civic I was waiting for. You see, by researching nationalism, you unlock a social policy that you
13:04can slot into your government. This is demagogy, a policy that actually isn't really that useful.
13:10You're definitely not going to pick it over anything else, as this policy gives you happiness
13:14on just your palace. So only your capital city equal to your cultural attribute. Now, of course,
13:20you will remember that I spammed a lot of points into my cultural attribute tree. In total, 12
13:24attribute points have been spent on this tree, meaning if I were to pick up this policy and
13:28slot it into my government, we will be gaining 12 excess happiness in our capital. So that's
13:33exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to pop in demagogy and we're going to notice that my
13:37happiness goes up to two to five. And in my capital, our happiness isn't up to fifty four.
13:42Thanks to our leader bonus, we get plus one production for every five excess happiness in
13:46a city. This gives us a production boost. And because of the social policies we have slotted in,
13:51we also gain science and gold. That's all very nice and balanced. However, let's say I didn't
13:56actually want that policy. And so instead of keeping it in, I simply removed it and then
14:01pressed confirm. Well, if we go back to our city, interestingly, our happiness hasn't gone down,
14:06but it definitely went up. Right. Well, there's only one way to check. I'm going to put demagogy
14:10back in. And then if I go back into my city, oh, oh, it's up to 66 now. Well, it wasn't that high
14:16before. And oh, my gold's gone up. So is my science. And so is my production. Oh, dear, Sid.
14:22Oh, dear. And if I unslot it and then just slot it back in again, is that going to also make my
14:28science go up? Yes. Yes, it is. And then, Sid, I wouldn't do it, you know, a third time. I mean,
14:34there's no way that I, a British person, would. I've done it a third time, Sid. I have done it.
14:38I'm good. I'm doing it a fourth time, Sid. You can't stop me, Sid. You can't stop me.
14:42There we go. On 23, we've now got 500 happiness per turn, which is very good indeed. It's a
14:50ridiculous amount of happiness that will allow us to enter celebrations far more often. And,
14:55of course, thanks to the Doggo Onsen, each celebration increases our population by one
15:00in all of our settlements, allowing for even faster uncontrollable growth. That's double
15:05exploit potential, baby. Our celebrations also get even more powerful when you go down the Mexican
15:10civic tree. For example, we can get plus 30% science from a celebration. Ooh, now that would
15:16be nice and pair very well with our current 222 science per turn. Before we achieved 500 happiness,
15:22our capital was only on 87 production per turn, 40 gold per turn, and 33 science per turn. By
15:28boosting it up this high, we can build wonders even faster. We make more money, and most importantly,
15:34we have a lot more science. And I'm going to continue this exploit even further beyond. Yes,
15:39I have a limited finite time on this planet as a human being. However, I've become immortal after
15:44drinking so much tea, and so this doesn't really bother me. Also, the developers didn't release the
15:49game with Britain for some reason, and I'm still salty about that. So yes, it only seems fair that
15:53I have to snap the game like a twig. I'll see you after a refreshing cup of tea. So here we are on
16:01turn 24 with 10,000 gold per turn, 10,000 science per turn, 5,000 culture per turn,
16:08and 47,000 happiness. This is the highest amount of science ever recorded in a game of Civilization
16:157. And it also might be the only time a statistic this high is ever recorded. Then again, probably
16:20not because the developers intend to add 500 DLC this year. So that means they'll probably keep
16:24accidentally adding bugs into the game. So for the moment, I am clearly in the lead and absolutely
16:30decimating all of the AI. All of our technology takes zero turns to research, and all of our
16:35civics take only one turn to research as well. My goal is very simple. I'm going to try and finish
16:40the modern age as quickly as possible. There we go. That's globalism. That's combustion.
16:48All right, next up, we're going to grab flight followed by militarism. I'm going to buy myself
16:52a railway station in my capital city. It is causing a lot of lag for me to do that. An aerodrome,
16:58also quite a bit of lag to place that bad boy down. I mean, here comes the UI, and here we are
17:02at the end of the civic tree. Fantastic. Why not? The game's broken. We might as well continue this
17:07nightmare. There we go. That's future civic researched. Right, now we're beginning our
17:11research on aerodynamics so we can get modern fighters, dive bombers, and heavy bombers.
17:16Let's also immediately trigger a celebration, which I don't think did anything because we're
17:20already in celebration. Right, we're now into the final tech of the tree, which is rocketry.
17:25I'm sure it's historically accurate that the Mexicans discovered how to fly into space in 1810.
17:31We launched our first satellite, which means we now have vision over the entire map. After that,
17:36we're going to be able to win the space race. More science. There we go. 20,000 science in a game of
17:42Civ. So I should probably end this game in style. And on turn 35 of the modern era, ladies and
17:47gentlemen, glorious victory. Perfectly balanced indeed, if I do say so myself.
17:56Now, of course, you don't just have to use the exploit to create infinite science. There are
18:00other social policies in the game that when you remove from your government don't actually stop
18:04their effect. Same for mementos. I'm not going to list all of them because I still think there's a
18:08fair bit of fun in you guys discovering them yourself. Anyway, those are just a few fun,
18:12silly exploits that I've been messing about with in Civilization VII. But if you could do me just
18:17one favor before you all click off, scroll on down into the comment section. Yes, I know you
18:21can click the subscribe button on your way down there, but I'd like you to write a message asking
18:25the developers to please add the UK into the game. I know the developers watch my videos,
18:30and this is probably the fastest way to get them in without me having to give them tea.
18:34And I am not sharing my tea. Anyway, as always, thank you very much to our lovely YouTube members
18:39and patrons for bankrolling these videos. Your generous support is greatly appreciated. If
18:43you're looking for a video to watch, look no further than this one on screen now. I think
18:47you're going to love it. Anyway, I'll see each and every one of you in the next one.
18:50Have a lovely day and goodbye for now.
