• 2 days ago
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See the entire INANIMATE INSANITY series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU4y8Uu0CFt5FFnIuD20WzJhhFCHf4dP4

Fifteen contestants receive a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to compete for one million dollars! Sounds like a no-brainer, until they meet their host MePhone4, who's full of surprises- and voices. Many voices.

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Inanimate Insanity created by Adam Katz.
Series directed by Adam Katz and Brian Koch.
Series inspired by Jacknjellify's "Battle for Dream Island."

Featuring music by Kevin MacLeod.


00:00Greetings and salutations! I'm your host, Mephone 4, and this is Inanimate Insanity,
00:09a show where these 15 objects compete for one million dollars! You see, the team that
00:16loses each episode will have to vote off a contestant, and that contestant will leave
00:21the game, never to return, ever. So, it's time for their first challenge!
00:30Okay, so, the first challenge will be- I'm sorry, I just, is that how you actually
00:44sound? Yeah! Isn't it professional?
00:48Yeah... Uh, no, it sounds like crap!
00:53And now, these 14 contestants will compete in their first challenge!
00:58So, we're stuck with the voice, then? Fine, I'm willing to change it, but only
01:03if you're willing to face the consequences! We'll take a vote!
01:07Sound claim! The ayes have it!
01:10There! I can't imagine any problem with this!
01:12Try again! No, I'm committing to this!
01:15Then I'm committing to death! You might just be, because in this challenge
01:19I brainstormed just 5 seconds ago, you'll be jumping off this 60-foot clip!
01:24The first two contestants to jump off this clip win, and get to pick this season's teams!
01:28This should be easy! What about that is easy?
01:32Oh yeah, one more thing! You must land into the safe zone filled with clean spring water,
01:37because if you don't, you will never land! What? What do you mean, never?
01:45Ever. Wow, that is one crappy cliff.
01:52So, everyone ready? Well actually, I had a question about-
01:55Start! Don't worry guys, I have loads of experience
01:58in jumping off cliffs. And it looks like Pickle is out, in 3 seconds!
02:04That's just sad. That's existentially terrifying!
02:07This challenge is mine! Oh crap, this is not good!
02:14Come on Salty Salt, let's jump together! I'm sorry Pepper, but there is no way,
02:19no way that I am doing that! But we are BCFFs, we have to be together!
02:25You're right, let's continue to be codependent! Hooray!
02:32Marshmallow's failure to use gravity correctly eliminates herself, so keep going!
02:36Wait Taco, don't do it! No!
02:40Wow, Lightbulb actually wins, thanks to Taco!
02:44Thanks a lot Taco, it's your fault Lightbulb won!
02:54Whoa dude, this doesn't seem right! Well, what do you suggest?
02:58Much better, and you're next!
03:01Okay, okay, I'll make you a deal, I will change my voice, if you jump and lose on purpose.
03:09How's this? I like the other one.
03:12Yes, I'm so close!
03:21Balloon also wins, which means they can pick the teams!
03:27But next episode!
03:30Yeah, you heard correctly, next episode!
03:33Oh, come on!
03:36So, is this the rest of our lives now? Falling, forever?
03:44Well, at least we have each other!
03:47I mean like, I could kill all of us if that's battle!
03:50Settle cream!
03:52I'd have it!
03:57Hello? Hello?
04:06If you're a new viewer, we'd really appreciate it if you hit that subscribe button
04:09so we can continue making animations on this channel.
04:11And if you're a returning viewer or a longtime fan, first of all, thank you for your viewership,
04:15and second of all, we did want to make it super clear that the continuation we talked about in December,
04:19the remaster is not that project.
04:21We also want to make it really clear that as we're remastering the show,
04:24the original uploads will still be up on this channel, so don't worry about those going away.
04:28More info on that continuation will be coming soon, so please stay tuned,
04:31and thank you so much for watching.
