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Fortnite Exotics Only Chapter 6 Season 2 gameplay with Typical Gamer!

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00:00There's brand new exotic weapons in Fortnite and today I'm gonna try winning a game by using them all. Let's jump into it
00:05Exotic weapons are only found in the secret back rooms of the black markets
00:10So that's why I'm gonna go ahead and start by going to magic mosses
00:13But I'm sure I'm gonna have to visit every black market if I want to win this challenge
00:16All right. Let's go ahead and focus on our landing here jump through the window and there's somebody here
00:22That's good. We're running
00:24Run run run run run open this door up
00:27We're going down and we got an outlaw chest here. Let's open it up. You see we get oh my gosh
00:32I didn't get anything. I thought that gave me a dill bit. Oh, this is bad
00:36Okay, I wanted to buy this lawless Trinity assault rifle exotic and the slap cannon, but that's not happening. I'm closing the door
00:43Oh, no, I'm not. I'm gonna go ahead and just rift. Oh
00:47My goodness gracious that was almost bad so bad
00:50Okay, I need a loot of all quick or I need to get the train. Let's go with the train
00:55Somebody already stopped the train. Okay, let's uh, let's go over here then I guess
01:02I'll grab this drill. I'll grab this
01:08And you know what I changed my mind one more time
01:10I'm gonna go ahead and take my Jeep Wrangler here and they're probably breaking into the train right now
01:14But I'm not entirely convinced that they're gonna take the dill bits right away
01:17I think I could distract them and take them myself. This is a grand heist
01:23They took the dill bit, oh they took one
01:30I'm here for it
01:32In the dill bit. Oh
01:34My gosh, that's a heist. I just heisted him. I just heisted him. Wait, is he in my car?
01:40He's not in my car. We're good. Oh
01:42My goodness, I can't believe I'm alive. I'm out of here, buddy. Holy smokes
01:47I'm gonna go ahead and pop this mini though while I'm at it. Thank you. Let's go back to magic mosses
01:52There still might be somebody hiding in the back rooms area, but we'll just figure it out. All right, I'm back. I'm here
01:59Okay, let's spend my one dill bit. Do I get the lawless slap cannon or the lawless trinity assault rifle?
02:04I think I'm gonna get this exotic over here. There we go. Oh my goodness. Okay now before Warren this thing shoots weird
02:11It's up Brutus. I'm gonna go ahead and spend some gold get a gold splash
02:15I think it's time to go into battle get a blob splash one more time. Oh
02:19My goodness, it's like a shotgun. Holy smokes. Okay. Well, that's good
02:24I got to know when to use it in the right situations, but I think I can make this work, you know
02:29I need get some more exotics. Oh
02:33Wow, I am moving right now
02:37It is like a shotgun what is this AR at range though as you can see Wow
02:43I actually did a lot of damage at range. This is a lot better than I thought. All right, let's move it people
02:48I'm gonna go over to this mansion here. See if I can get some more dill bits
02:52Wouldn't mind making all my heels exotic too. All right, here we go
02:57Nobody's little the vault yet gives me prime opportunity to do so. Oh wait the looting it right now
03:01Someone's using the rocket drill to try to get in there. Hey, they can do all the work
03:08Goodbye I gotta take out the guards now
03:10It's my fault me commence the drilling progress isn't working for me anymore
03:16That's alright. I
03:18Think there's two more things or me one more. I guess there's just one more. All right more dill bits, baby
03:24Let's go. This is perfect. Excellent a oh my gosh everything. I wanted more
03:30And I just go ahead and break these with guns no, I can't okay, well, let me get these
03:34I don't really have a lot of gold. So, all right, we are out of here
03:37I'm gonna go ahead and making my first order of business to go back and get that Chuck in. I
03:42Need that chug cannon a little slide off the RV. Why not? We are into action right now. Look at us
03:47We're zooming and booming right now. Oh, I need get the medallion. That would make me go even faster
03:52Come on, get over here. Come on
03:55Give me
03:57Should be nobody here. Hello Joss. All right. Now, let's go ahead and let's buy the lawless lap cannon. Perfect
04:03Okay, we got our heels. Although I did have really good heels there. Let's go ahead and ripped
04:11And I think next order of business will have to be grand city is although I'm pretty good with this exotic AR
04:18I want some more exotic weapons. Oh, it's people fighting here. One of them might have a dill bit
04:23So I'm going oh that guy definitely has the rocket launcher thing
04:34It's pressing me
04:40Keep healing he's trying to take me out with that drill
04:45Took him out. Oh my gosh. I got some dill bits. Oh, there's like a there's the mythic shotgun in here. Oh my
04:52He had the mythic shotgun, what did this guy have didn't really have anything great one shockwave I'm gonna use that
05:01Just gonna keep on going drill baby drill top in the car solid gold baby. Let's go over to this black market
05:06I've got two dill bits now, which is perfect
05:08And if there's an outlaw chest in here, I might be able to get another dill bit to oh boy. Wait a second
05:13There's a car here
05:14Slightly concerning. All right. I'm so brave
05:25Are you going dude
05:27Where are you going? Oh, he has the lawless shockwave rocket launcher exotic. I'm taking it. Thank you and a dill bit
05:33You ain't holy smokes. Okay, this rocket launcher is awesome. Wow, they really pieced up this place
05:39Let me just put a little kiln there. It doesn't look like anyone's there might be somebody chillin up here
05:42All right. It's time to buy the lawless blink pump and dump exotic. Oh, oh
05:47Now I got a full
05:49Exotic inventory, this is awesome
05:52You know, they all have their own different unique effects and let me show you so this lawless trini assault rifle
05:58This one's pretty unique shoots like three bullets at a time
06:01And it's more of a close to mid-range weapon
06:03The lawless blink pump and dump is really interesting because you know
06:07You can shoot the SMG and shoot with the shotgun and you can actually reload them at different times
06:11So say I'm reloading with the SMG. I can still shoot the shotgun
06:14Well, whenever you reload either a shotgun or the SMG you get the blink effect which is
06:19Absolutely nuts go ahead and heal up. You still clearly take fall damage from using it. So just heads up there
06:24Oh my goodness
06:25and then of course my favorite thing the lawless shockwave launcher if you use this one you go ahead and can shoot it yourself and
06:30You fly creates a shockwave at you if you had opponents with it, they fly
06:35So use it to your heart's content here it is so much fun. Where are you going, buddy? Oh my god, she's really going in
06:45Oh my gosh, it's like target practice
06:5114 damage. What is that?
06:5716 damage
07:02I'm gonna do
07:14He's using the outlaw shotgun, I think I
07:23Need reload everything he's gonna rock it out here in a second
07:32Wow now fun fact I can just go ahead and blink into his box with it is
07:37Really really good at doing that. So this rockets the most fun
07:40You still do damage to opponents when you hit him with the rocket just makes him fly from like a shockwave effect
07:44Yeah, let's move it. My inventory looks so cool. I absolutely love it
07:48We got to go for the person with the medallion. It looks like they are at Seaport City
07:52You can also go ahead and check out this black market to are you having trouble playing with all the brand-new exotic weapons?
07:57I got you covered go to the left of play and hit the search button type typical gamer
08:01Go over to creators top of my profile picture here and then go ahead and hit the favorite button
08:04That's gonna follow me in fortnight. We're almost at
08:07800,000 favorites in game which puts us as the number one most followed crater in fortnight
08:11So thank you so much, but the job ain't done. We got to get to 1 million folks
08:14So hit that favorite button and then you're gonna want to head it over to super red versus blue click on that and then hit
08:20Select and then hit play if you play with a friend you can complete a bunch of the quests involved in getting the free
08:24Duplicate skin now what you want to do is just turn around when you spawn and grab some weapons
08:28You try out all the new stuff here as well and just play with your friends and have fun
08:31The one thing you can do is aim for headshots. You'll see a headshot there. I shot there
08:36Just from that. I mean I've gotten but 35,000 XP 38,000 XP
08:41Yeah, so go for headshots. Make sure to hit the favorite button recommend if you enjoy it. Oh, hello. So look at this range
08:48Okay, if you get headshots at this mid-range, it's incredible again
08:52This is a mid to short range AR
08:54Which is odd the fact that you can hit three bullets at once gives this potential to do a lot of damage
08:58Let's see this Ranger
09:02As you can see doesn't do as much pretty good we're going to seaport city
09:12That's an NPC what
09:15You also shoot the rocket really fast
09:24That's insane it's so broken. I love it. I can I loot this. Oh, yes, I can with the rocket, too
09:31Give me the dill bit. Give me the medallion
09:33Baron's mythic double down pistol and we also have Midas's gilded I drum gun mythic. Holy smokes
09:39I got a I also have a bunch of boons. All right
09:41Well, let's check out the last black market back room and see what other exotics are there. We got two really cool ones
09:47I'm going in get me in there. I
09:49Got the medallion now run fast into the back rooms. We go. It's Midas. Okay, you can see that
09:54We got two exotics here. I'm not gonna buy the stink rifle. I'm gonna buy the heavy impact tracking rifle
10:00I'm gonna trade my AR for it. Believe it or not
10:02I love you AR but I want to try this thing out. Let's go ahead and
10:05rift over here
10:09And then we're gonna ride our bullets into battle look at us luckily I have this chug cannon that's basically never ends
10:16But it did add durability to it, which is odd 72% durability. Oh
10:21You shot it. Oh
10:24Man this thing flies straight it has no bullet drop. Hello
10:32Oh my gosh, I
10:34Zoinked them. They got absolutely bodied. They deserved it for peeking me so much
10:38Honestly now the cool thing about this sniper and what makes it an exotic is that you can shoot it near an opponent and it
10:43Marks them. Look at that. Now. I know where they're at. Can I hit another crazy shot? Wait?
10:47This seems like a heavy sniper better
10:52All I know he's gonna come around the corner I
10:55don't know how that didn't hit him, but
10:57How are these hitting up cuz he's marked I'm going over there
11:00You know what at least this epic trick shot moment I could hit something crazy. Oh my gosh spin it
11:08Okay, if I hit that that would have just been nuts
11:11It's gonna
11:12Drain that guy down. That's great about this. Lala slap cannon is that it gives me the ability to run forever
11:17Basically, it's we love this sniper
11:19But putting away I go and I hit it
11:22Come on, it's so close
11:27Blink over there and blink again
11:30Blink to the other side
11:32How are they building there from there? That's illegal. Can't be doing that. This exotic loadout is overpowered
11:40It's actually nuts. All right, we're flying. See if I can find more rocket ammo the 1v1
11:47And we win the game. Let's go
11:49Absolute W exotic weapons only baby. You love to see it GG