• 2 days ago
KREW’s only hope? The train! Can they survive the chaos in Dead Rails?
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Roblox Dead Rails

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#ItsFunneh #KREW #Roblox
00:00Daily news come get your daily news. It's hot. It's fresh straight out of the press
00:06How much for one paper five bonds?
00:11It's a huge ripoff bro, that's the cost of an arm and leg sir. Why are you charging so much for daily news?
00:17Yeah, this is some high quality print look at how HD it is
00:23See, it's so HD. I can even read it in my peripheral vision
00:28New illness spreading a new form of influenza is spreading through the nation
00:34Health officials reported over 1,000 new cases in Texas alone
00:38If you experience a fever, please limit your exposure to others
00:43The long-term effects are yet to be discovered. Well, thank you there sir for reading the entire newspaper for free
00:52Hey tricked me. Let's go. Thanks for the news fresh from the press
00:59Bro does it you bunch of bandits Draco
01:03We're not gonna support your paper business that you just took over two seconds ago. Why because you can't read
01:12Okay, okay howdy y'all we're crew and today we're going on a rootin tootin deads rail
01:21Yeah, boy it um, didn't you guys hear the news? There's an influenza going around rainbow
01:27There's always an influenza going around
01:30That's why we're leaving this place
01:32Yeah, we gotta leave this dump and we gotta head on a train that just keeps going now everybody keep your eyes peeled
01:39because we're outlaws
01:43And we got to survive on our own I thought we were good cow
01:52Girls and cowboys funny. I'm we're not cows. Hey, I'm to my hat
01:59What the bank took it back because we were just renting them Oh
02:03Dre gold bar to sell to the table. Hey
02:07I want my cowgirl hat back guys. Look over there a trading post for us
02:13What's over? Oh, this is where the gold bars
02:16Everyone don't my gold bar gold bar. No, no, my name's gold. It's my Jack. Oh, I'm gold. This is
02:23Okay, it's mine. I mean gold is right. Her name is gold. That's what I will help her put it on the table
02:40Yeah, um, I only have like $50 though
02:46Give us
02:51Dude instead of fighting over $50. Let's just go finish this quest
02:55Okay, I want to start going on our back hole from the general store. Oh, oh, but we need coal to start the train without coal
03:02We cannot power the train to go. Yeah, you gotta go to the general store
03:07All right. Hello. Oh
03:10Right here, you know, we are
03:14Honest people we are gonna put our cash down here. Do you guys have $50 to know?
03:26I'm buying you this coal to help power. That's me one. I bought two
03:31All right, leave your money on the table. I take one in the bag serve
03:38Hey gold, give me what they go. Oh, you're just taking everything
03:47That's the point of the bag
03:49Anyways, let's go find ourselves a hatch because it feels breezy above my head. I want a hatch gold
03:56There's no time for hat. It's time for us to venture out west. We're going west, right?
04:02Yes, we're totally not going east
04:08Fuel ready time one who's driving start
04:12Everybody ready?
04:14Yeah. Yes. Yeah, let's go. Wait. I think we're moving
04:18We are not
04:20No, we aren't. Is anyone here a conductor? Oh
04:24What I am the conductor. Oh heck. No who let Jack will be the conductor
04:33Where are we heading off to you know, I don't really get to introduce myself by the way my name
04:40I'm a cowgirl the most famous in town. So why don't I know you?
04:47Right, why do I need to introduce myself?
04:50You guys never heard of me. No guys over here. Clearly. She's gunslinger gold the worst in the West
04:57Thank you
05:02West I'm the best in the West funny best and what's your guys? I never heard of you
05:08Chasing our train. I fell off the train. I fell off the train
05:11Somebody's not because I don't I care less look at those guys. They call me
05:17Stingy funny
05:39Told you she's the worst of the West
05:43Told you Luna just drives their dad. Oh wait, these corpses are fuel for the train. Oh
05:57No, some people say me I have dumb luck, you know somehow you drop your shovel
06:04Oh gold, you need to pick up your shovel. All right, I'm gonna drive the train. No more waiting. Can I tell you something?
06:10Come here
06:12you guys I
06:14read on the paper once that's
06:21She's crazy she went to this town to change her name
06:25But the south doesn't even exist only the east and west you know, she comes dude, dude, she comes from the swells guys
06:32What's over there? It's a burning house
06:48No, they're trying to leave I want their guns though I under
07:00Did you oh I ran over there no, no, no Lunar ran over there
07:09Feel worse is dead Lunar Lunar. Oh man, but there is a store over
07:20Told you what I say. She's crazy. Yeah
07:24Lulu I see it
07:26Rainbow, who are you? I
07:29Guess I am
07:31Shovel rainbow rainbow. I have a better one for you. How about you rootin tootin rainbow? Oh
07:36There's just a bunch of you all I am I rootin tootin rainbow because every time you lose you go rootin toot
07:47Okay, okay, I got it I got it I got some coal let's bring it back to our train
07:53That is messed up gold your chair
08:08You are making our train
08:16Okay, we got a burn these you let's go no tackle these are my chairs you can't even use them
08:22You have to weld them. No, it's gonna fly away
08:29Draco just be like gold. Okay gold. How do you feel on a dead horse? It's quite
08:37Wait, can we actually
08:41Funny fell off
08:44I was pushed what that my fault funny. I think you're gonna need to wear a seatbelt
08:51Wait, why don't you guys just have chairs for me or something?
08:55Guys, I'll say I'll say chairs. Okay, go everyone
08:59Do you know who funny is and do you know why she does all these extreme stunts? No, I've never heard of funny
09:08North now where it's ice and cold. Okay, and they rumored that no matter what you could never get rid of her
09:16The most dangerous things it's like she's a cat with nine lives, okay
09:21Oh, very I'm cool back and over here everyone. We are crossing the great Canyon
09:27How do you know about this daily news Draco? Yeah from daily news. Don't you know? I run the daily news. I would know
09:35I'm scared. It's okay. I got a torch check that house out. Yeah
09:40My last thing out number one rule you never check the burning houses. Okay, so what?
09:49The burning houses it is evidence that there's bandits in there
09:57What was that noise
10:00What else would it be but what is known as the werewolf?
10:04I'm dude. I don't know. She's trolling us. I don't
10:08Literature I can we go there. I think it's just coyotes you guys
10:17There's a town out right up front though lunar lunar keep going straight there's a big
10:25This train nice, maybe we can take a break up there. Yeah
10:32Wait all that village on fire
10:41I dropped my torch. It's too late danger. Thank you. It's moving. I should go. Hey stop stop. All right, everyone
10:47This is the pit stop
10:49Go restock on your
10:55I don't like this. I don't like this at all. Oh my gosh. Look behind you. There's a werewolf
11:04It's not safe
11:35What I've used Roblox to revive but I don't think I'm gonna make it again rainbow just run
11:45Following rainbow jump on and Luna's gonna watch the ship
11:58Give us your gun
12:00All right, go get the fuel everybody wait great fuel rainbow actually killed the werewolf
12:05With light I just died twice. I think the Sun I think the sunlight killed the werewolf
12:11No way, we should go. No, we got more seats. Everybody rainbow. I think that is a werewolf carcass
12:18No way
12:20Buddy, it's true. You do have nine lives. Look your torch. It burned all the way
12:27Wait all of that. Hi guys. Come on. This is so much fuel cooked all of them
12:33Guys, I just figured out you can store the corpse
12:39Yeah, it's a new newspaper this isn't mine
12:43It says cure found
12:46Government officials announced today that Mexican scientists have successfully developed a treatment for the zombie plague
12:52Authorities are urging all survivors to seek refugee in the capital where the cure will be distributed
12:58This breakthrough is expected to bring new hope to communities still grappling with the crisis
13:07And we don't need this anymore we burn it guys, um, I think we're heading to the capital taking us. Yeah
13:14Luna I was totally taking you there
13:18Wait a minute. I wasn't just gonna drive aimlessly until we found a one of you infected. No, no, no, I
13:26Mean maybe rainbow she got bitten or something earlier, but I'm not me
13:52Well, I have something that worried I got a bunch of corpse
13:57Those you can't trade those. How much is it?
14:01Quick nothing. What do you have any um dead bandits? They have bounties on them
14:10Did you burn all the dead bandits this one this one has a bounty I got one I might got one
14:15See this is why you don't mess with stingy funny
14:20No way
14:22$35 for a bandit. Yes. We should get more of these guys. I agree
14:29Now I can wait for some dynamite are you sure none of you need to go to the doctor
14:35No, no, I just heard rainbow cough track. Yeah. Um, I have a zombie. Are they accepting zombies?
14:42No, you didn't know zombies are just fuel was just a cough because there's so much sand everywhere. Hmm. I
14:51Heard I have a pretty high bounty on my head. How much do you think I'm worth?
14:55Draco if I ever saw your shining beautiful face, I would say you're worth one whole dollar
15:03What hey funny what I sell pistols in here
15:08Pistols, how much are they?
15:10Well, I do need a pistol
15:14Wait guys, we can actually be gunslingers
15:25Got my ammo pew pew guys
15:28You have no fuel. That's one. Nice revolver funny
15:32Thank you. Can I can I borrow it, please? Thank you gunslinger gold. No, this is mine gold
15:38Maybe if we go out more, I'll give you this gun, but you haven't proved to me that you're a gunslinger. You're right
15:46The first rule of a gunslinger is don't waste you just wasted your ammo. Yeah, that's why I'm a call
15:53You sharpshooter funny now. No, I like stingy funny
16:00You know everybody is always like sharpshooter but you never heard of stingy before stingy will really leave a mark
16:08All right
16:10We can't go we don't have any fuel the horses there's fuel right here
16:16That's not fuel. Those are our chairs
16:19But we need to go and I don't want to buy coal. It's true
16:23Fuel is quite empty. Don't take it and put it in
16:27That train is going
16:30Whoa, whoa, wait up. Look, huh? Why I fell off my chair Lulu
16:35Do not do not look at your passengers before you start your engine guys. I feel like we'll never go anywhere
16:40Yeah, cuz people keep falling. I heard something. Did you guys hear that funny? Get your revolver out?
16:46I think it was just a zombie. I hear danger. Huh, honey. Are you wasting ammo? No
16:56Okay, how much yo, do you seriously think I'm wasting ammo it's not me. Oh, it's zombies we're running over zombie
17:07Taco everyone. Why did you learn to be the train conductor? I don't know. She sat in the seat and then
17:17My god, that was a waste of ammo
17:25Yo, that scared me guys, I'm bored do you want to play a game I made
17:32All right. Stop the train Luna
17:42Over here, you guys do you know, this is a really really dangerous hot hot
17:49Hmm hot potato rainbow. No, I'm not playing this game. My game is dangerous. We're gonna have to play hot potato
18:04Wait if he explodes with that that's his dumb is there free furniture right there in that story?
18:13We should finish the train, I think I think you could get valuable stuff in there. Wait, what about my hot potato? Oh
18:22My god
18:31Looks like there's a rare statue
18:34Hey, hey, buddy
18:37What you doing, bro?
18:38Draco you made me lose my ammo
18:41Now your ammo is just somewhere what's in there we guys looking at
18:49Wait what and it's a retro camera we should put this on our train with us. This is so can we sell it? Whoa
18:58You can take a photo I think you can sell it I think it's worth something I whoa
19:04Hurry pick it guys. How am I in third person? I don't know. Oh, it's because of the camera
19:11All right, we're taking these
19:16Valuable very valuable
19:19You're damaging the good guys. I have a feeling this camera is very expensive
19:26Okay, and the statue now we are a fancy train
19:32More we stand around the more fuel we waste on the train. So you must get going. Okay, I see free roaming horses over there
19:40wild horses
19:41Wait, some horses will sell for good money, right? Yes, it will and it'll be good
19:48Let's go
19:52Hurry wait, how do we tame a wild horse? I think you just like sit on it until it's tamed
19:59like minecraft
20:00Okay, is that how I see a beautiful white steed over there? I'm gonna go grab it. Whoa gold. That is so dumb
20:08Dibs dibs, it's mine
20:10Anything in here? Wait. Yes. There's a nice vase. Oh more stuff and a lamp
20:17The lamp doesn't I can't collect it. Wait. Darn it
20:21Let's take this some cool
20:24Junk. I found a lightning rod. That's pretty good. You can put that on the train
20:35This is this is not possible. Wait, wait rainbow we can corner it
20:47Rainbow we are cornering the horse
20:53Just wait
20:55Go closer go closer. Come on. We're sorry. Yo, yo, I can almost touch it. No
21:04I'm lunar. Okay, she's leaving. This is dumb
21:08Horse is going to you
21:10No, come here jump on it
21:25Guys I'm coming up with the white horse somebody grab it, please
21:47No way, oh, that's so cool. Wait, there's a black one. Does it listen to you though?
21:54No, it's not really listening to me guys, can I give it a pet?
22:06Guys guys return to the train. We have the white horse gold. I have it. Okay, I'm gonna bring it's rideable
22:11It's rideable now funny. Are you sure did a good job? Yeah, it's it. It's right. Oh, it's running. Oh, I
22:17Guess it's not rideable funny
22:20Okay, guys, we're really dumb
22:24The werewolves coming out it's time to go back to the train right now. We have no horse. No, we don't meet
22:31Funny you still have your gun, right? No. Oh, yeah, I got six bullets
22:37Zombie to the left
22:41Nice follow the light follow the light nice shot funny. Come on. Come on. Come on guys
22:53It's 6 a.m. And we barely traveled any distance guys, we got to do better. Yeah, cuz we have no feel
23:00Okay, let's go
23:03Now hurry up before y'all get left for the play furniture stores usually have valuable items
23:09like sofas and
23:12banjo, oh
23:15A band-aid was it me playable?
23:19Don't know. Oh, you can play it. Wow. Hello everybody. No way
23:26Let's go wait that will keep me entertained on there
23:30My name is funny. I
23:33Traveled the south and north
23:36Only to end up in the center
23:40I'll give you some bond for singing on this boy. Okay?
23:44Okay, just get me get me on the train first and drive it and I'll sing a song from afar
23:50Yeah, looks pretty good. It looks like very luxurious. Oh, wow
23:55Rated it
23:58Wait up Lulu. Why do you never wait for your passengers Jack? Oh, why are you?
24:03My song about Draco, you know, this means we're going okay dusty Draco of the West
24:11Why am I not to be the best with?
24:19Okay, that's horrible. What?
24:23Throw your banjo away
24:27You know, you know what you do song take it guys. Hey, I think if we did
24:33Zombies, there must be something in this town
24:37No guys, no go Luna just keep going this ain't worth it true. We're just gonna die
24:43Okay, Draco's what's my song dingy funny, she's so cheap she doesn't spend a dime
24:55Jack will give me that I was horrible
24:58Well, I'd like to see gold
25:04I know I'm gunslinger gold. I'm not a musician. Okay, she's no jester
25:12Guys we are at almost 20,000 meters and we still haven't found this capital
25:24Okay, nobody sell the banjo
25:27Okay, I won't sell the banjo. But do you think we can finally get like a machine gun?
25:31No, I think we're too broke for machine gun
25:34I'll sell the vase
25:36All right, where does one sell this expensive camera take this? How much is this worth?
25:43Wait, what?
25:46Nothing a photo is priceless. Don't you know?
25:51Yeah, no one wants this guys, why are you trying to go into Fort Constitution?
25:58Guys we want to rob them funny. Why there's so many zombies? Why and what is cool trying to take out modern-day selfies?
26:09I didn't know you were a news station. Wait, come on
26:15Funny I got a revolver now, too
26:18Wait, I saw this bouncy space on a poster
26:27Well, come on, let's go
26:30You know what a little revival actor that special zombie was worth 150. I saw the wanted poster and Luna
26:39Bandits are worth a lot of money
26:50Why a supply depot
26:57Wait, there's someone on a horse. We want them first
27:05Supply Depot
27:08Wow, whoa
27:10It's a little good guys. We get a cannon
27:14No way
27:19Let me practice money first. Give me a second buddy. Stop doing it. We need help. Oh
27:23All right. Oh my gosh
27:27I gotta do this
27:31Well to news I got a welcome to a car
27:36Guys I need nobody's out. I know girl, but
27:47Wait, I just took I just took it. Let me scrap this a little bit this
27:59Are we good? No, how many of these are there?
28:11Guys guys, I'm heading into the Bracks. Okay. Oh you go you go stingy buddy
28:20There is no money here
28:23Money money
28:28No money, no, the last place is the armory has a bunch of guns
28:38Okay, this is too much guys Wow
28:40Wait, wait, did you get all the bandages from the armory stingy funny? Yes, I did and I'm bringing it all here
28:48Okay, guys, what's army I don't care wait wait, oh there's gone if you crawl to the top you get those cannons
28:58What ourselves there's the ultimate loose guns here funny hurry what lunar I can't believe you miss this stingy funny
29:06I messed up Brian messed up
29:10Whoa a real shotgun
29:22Just took all the bandages I didn't take any ammo
29:25Guys, I think you should go to the right side of the fort and steal those
29:29Cannon, oh, but we can't we can't unweld this cannon. We can take the ammo though. Wait. No, we can't
29:35Just oh my god. Are you trying to kill me? No
29:40What the
29:44Think he's trying to kill you. We need to travel far guys. So let's drop our corpse. Boom
29:50You just drop them over here funny. They'll instantly burn. Oh
29:59We got a cannon we got a weld it and
30:03This is perfect
30:06We are ready to leave
30:08I'm getting more of y'all
30:10Please tell me we have enough feel everyone. I am in control of the cannon. Is it face perfect?
30:18Yes, the cannon is indeed facing the correct way funny, okay, okay funny you got this
30:24Okay. All right, stingy funny. You see you see a werewolf. What you do. I
30:32Give it an explosion
30:42That's a waste of my canning me and we'll drop the vanishing vampire wait wait guys guys
30:47Camp what camp camp? I don't know. It's so far away
30:56Crew got off their train
30:59Now they're gonna go rob a campsite. No, it looks like
31:03Visit we're gonna go visit. I see something goes like a nice shirt that I'm out
31:12Go here, this is a
31:16Shell we was on B world
31:20Wait, I just got a chest plate. Cool. We turret ammo. Whoa
31:26Have a turret
31:29You call me stingy funny, please look at you you have full armor on
31:40All right, I
31:42Lost my shotgun earlier. I'm kind of disappointing. I'm taking the statue first
31:47Guys guys hurry back. I see something up front. I don't know what that place is more. Yeah, I think it's a new town
31:55It's another infected town. Whatever. Let's go. Got it. Got it. Oh gold in the back
32:02Guys the cannon is not loaded right side is fully
32:06Not protected
32:09Funny I fear there are zombies. Yeah
32:14Do this kind of turn actually use this sheet metal to protect the right side
32:19I'm turning I'm turning
32:27Was doing modification eat a cannonball, bro. Hey wait, just go just go doesn't do anything
32:38It barely did damage
32:43We are now at the checkpoint again everywhere we are at the main city where we can be stopping our glue
32:49We can turn in our expensive bounty
33:07Told you funny was a legendary shooter. Look what I brought guys. Let's go sell them gold. Oh
33:18Honey this place has auto turrets. We don't have to do anything. Oh, wait, are you saying I didn't I didn't?
33:28Okay, that's that's kind of embarrassing I literally thought I killed it
33:34Why did you put a zombie in front of our train to show everyone we mean business
33:39Please good. I need money
33:43I got money money
33:45There you go
33:47How about this money?
33:51I'ma sell my bandages
33:57Thank you cold a silver watch
33:59It's worth seven dollars
34:02Better than nothing. I think it's time for me about these werewolves and vampires. Oh
34:10They go into the trading post. Excuse me sheriff. We got a bad criminal. That's totally alive walking
34:17Look laughing. Well broken sit. He can dance. He's alive and give me my money. Oh
34:26Guys we have enough money for a machine gun
34:35All right, we're ready to put it up. Yeah, put it up here and look what I have tons of turret ammo
34:40All right. Let's go draco. Can you get up there? Yeah, I got it
34:46What is our distance? We're at almost 30,000 meters. Let's go
34:52Think we need more of this though sheet metal
34:56Yeah, we have to find whoa, whoa
35:00Wait, why is your guy? Hey, why are y'all your guns out? Oh
35:05To protect you guys why else is it out? Give me your money unless I
35:11Actually funny is the richest
35:15$57 then you are right. I have
35:21What no bandits want to come steal our stuff, huh? Yeah, do we look too scary?
35:27Are you bandits?
35:32There's a zombie town, are we ready?
35:37I just want to get to the capital. I
35:41Pick that I'm sorry. This is way too fun. Look at it
35:52And cares
36:02Honestly, I don't mess with us. I don't think they can catch up shots. Yeah, like they can't even catch us
36:09We're actually raiding a place at night
36:11I have a bad feeling about this guys. This is a castle. We're gonna get swarmed in here. I know zombies
36:18There's nothing. It's too quiet. Oh
36:25Whoa, we're wolf die die, okay
36:29That's good fuel
36:31Yes, beautiful. Coast is clear. Whoo. Ah, is this the werewolves house? Oh, it's a vampire
36:39That's how what you eat
36:44Hmm nothing of value
36:46The vampire is rich. Yeah, they have gold
36:50Dollars. Oh, they have tons of gold dishes
36:55Bro, oh
36:57Funny died while being gold. We're looking at gold dishes. I only care about fuel
37:03Wow, I like how there's danger, but we're just stealing their
37:09Yeah, there's a lot of
37:13Guys there's a lot of yeah, we gotta take all of this
37:20Whoa, this mansion is looted guys, there's like literally tons of guys
37:29Draco how much did you steal everything?
37:39Wow, look at that art these people are rich
37:44Well, they've been living forever
37:48It's time to sell our valuables we need to make money what no no guys I don't want to make money
37:54I want to keep it now
38:06Is that rare a rare Draco, yes
38:12It takes life when you
38:15Are you trying to take it? No and put your gun away
38:19Okay, but anyways, I agree with funny. I think our train looks. Yeah. I say we go for a gold plate
38:24Let's go sell the gold plates and then call it a day. Well, well plates. I like my gold plates
38:29Okay, so you want to keep everything we were here to make making a stack of gold play
38:35I've been sitting on this train day and night from east to west south to north
38:41What is our destination guy? I don't know
38:44Hey, you're complaining we are 10 kilometers away 10 kilometers to Mexico. Oh
38:50Okay, let's go. Let's go. I don't want to be gunslinger gold anymore. I just want to be normal gold guys guys
38:55Did you know we've actually been sitting on this train as long as the train takes like an hour? Yeah
39:02Actually two hours. Well, I think I should go buy ammo before we head to Mexico
39:08Um guys I think it's time
39:11It's time to sell
39:15There's no I'm gonna take this all of this
39:22Hey, hey save some for me save some for me that silver statue is only $20
39:28We're just gonna loot. Oh
39:31How much loot do I have
39:3445 they're funny. I'm just gonna sell and you collect the money. I don't really need it. No, are you sure?
39:39Do you have enough? What if there's a what if there's something? Yeah, I told you I don't need it. I'm careless at this point
39:50Do you know at the end of every like long travel there's a boss battle
39:55It's written in the stars or the code
39:59That's why I have the legendary fighter right so they could protect your paul's is not even on you girl your shoulder pad it
40:10But it's not my fault you put in the money so slow
40:14Funny can you buy tons and tons of turret ammo? Okay, guys, I have 300 weight guys. I have
40:21$384. Tell me what you need
40:24lots of
40:27This is it everyone it is the final destination we'll be going to Mexico and
40:35Hey wire, I have this mother top
40:37Okay, we're ready our eyes appealed lunar let's go guys, let's shoot one bullet because we are the best gunslingers of the
41:14You saw nothing. I did not just rob. I came in here and I'll get a bunch doing
41:19Okay, guys, I'm a lot of fuel. Let's go. Let's go. We don't have time. Okay
41:23We are about to make it to Mexico
41:26Yeah, just gonna double check to make sure there's nothing of value
41:32newspaper statue and a painting gold no more lootin I
41:37Sure funny
41:45Unless we have bandages you guys gold in the towns too late
41:51Funny it's one shot. Okay, not two. Well, I have a revolver gold. This is a waste. We must return
42:13Go go go go. Oh, no, we're in danger. Hurry. Wait up. Wait for me
42:23We should go back yeah
42:26Dude that's sick. There's a fortress
42:30Wait, I think this is Mexico. Wait, we're here here. Let me see. Let me see think we are
42:55Are you kidding me? I'm not gonna die
42:58There's no way we're dying our gold. We have to get to those money. Why do you gotta lower the bridge?
43:05There's a going up. I'm going up right on the right. There's a crank a what?
43:10To the right of this bridge is a crank right there
43:15You varmint, how dare you?
43:18All my ammo is gone, bro. They surprised attacked us guys animals down here. Okay, I need one luring the bridge
43:26Okay, just gotta crank this
43:29There you go
43:32Did you do it nice, okay
43:35Traveled a DKM. Is that it?
43:37Okay, so we need to wait until this bridge gets lowered but bandits keep coming in and we are low on ammo
43:44Yeah, we're in danger guys. Hmm. Oh, no, and now it's night time
43:57In this house hurry I
44:00Watch the door. Oh my gosh. Thank you. What no rainbow
44:05They're going past the door. Um, you guys you need to help cat
44:09I'm surrounded
44:11She's surrounded
44:14Rainbow don't go in there. It's death though. Wait, but there's also turn around
44:28Bring this out
44:31Like there's never been a battle before oh my goodness that was a nightmare guys
44:38How long does it take the lower bridge?
44:40Wait, I don't know 20 seconds. Come on 20 seconds revolve over here. Lunar rainbow. I really need I saw someone go
44:48There's a bunch of turn
44:50Who dropped I think we get that turn ammo
44:55I think we have to move
45:05Yeah, look at that we get a beautiful sunset and it is sunset and we get an epic quote
45:13Two hours of time that I will never get back, but it was worth it cuz I've got a badge