• 2 days ago
I TROLLED a $1 Rivals Coach!

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00:00This $1 Rivals coach claims to take you to a 300 win streak in a matter of minutes,
00:04but my subscriber who just finished his session told me it was a complete
00:08scam. So to get revenge for my subscriber, I'm playing with the same $1 coach right now,
00:12and I have a list of five trolls to use on him that get crazier and crazier. Starting with
00:16pretending to be a noob. Coach John, let's start playing. I need this win streak, bro.
00:20Whoa, hang on, hang on a second. First, before we get to the streak, I need to train you a little
00:24bit. This is how he begins his scam, I bet, but let's see what he has to do. Follow me to the
00:28range. Okay, coach John, I've never played. Hold on, how do I... Wait, where's the shooting range?
00:32Oh my God. No, it's over here. Turn around, turn around. You know how to use your S key? Yeah,
00:36yeah. SW, yeah. This way, this way. Oh, it says target, target, ting.
00:41Shooting range, what? Okay, what gun should I pick?
00:44Probably just a grenade. We'll start you off really simple.
00:46Perfect, okay. Boom, I threw the grenade. Wait, no, no, no, no, no. No, I didn't say
00:50smoke grenade. I said a regular grenade. Come on, we're just trying to do our aim over here.
00:52Oh, I'll shoot it out. I'll shoot it out. I'll shoot it out.
00:54What is this? What the hell is this guy doing? All right, look, stand right here,
00:57and we're going to start by aiming, okay? We're going to aim at these targets. You're going to
01:00click your left click to shoot. Okay, I'm aiming at them. Here we go.
01:06Oh my, what do you know? Pull out your assault rifle. Hey, stop, bro, stop. You're going to
01:11eliminate me. Oh, I got it. I got the target. I am not the target. Oh my Lord. Don't aim at me.
01:17Turn around. There's targets down here. You see those targets? Yep, I'm shooting them.
01:21Pull your mouse down a little. If you were a good coach, maybe I could do this.
01:24Oh my God. Chat, chat, do not listen to this guy. Okay, this guy's just an idiot. I promise,
01:28I'm actually a great coach. This guy is literally just an idiot. It's only a dollar if you want to
01:32buy it, by the way. Oh my God, I just embarrassed him in front of his stream, and he's trying to
01:34promote his scam to more of his viewers. This is so bad. I need to see what this scam is, bro.
01:39We're just going to move on to a different skill that maybe even you can understand,
01:42because later in this coaching session, I do really want to get you that 300 streak in literally
01:45only two minutes, okay? Okay, I'm down. All right, follow me, follow me. All right,
01:48the next skill is to find me. I'm hidden in the best spot on graveyard. All right,
01:52and it's really important. You need to learn this, because there's a lot of campers in this
01:54game. And this is perfect for my next troll, because we're literally at a private server,
01:59so that means I can just go into free cam and I can find him in seconds. Where are you,
02:03Mr. Coach John? You're never going to find me. Really? Is that so? Oh man. Hey,
02:09Coach John, can I ask you a question? Yeah, sure. Are you possibly in the church? No,
02:13no, I'm not in the church. I found you, bro. Wait, what? How did you find me? Dude,
02:18my chat knows I'm literally the best hider in the game. This is the first spot I checked. Dude,
02:21you are terrible at hiding. Right, all right, we're just going to move on to the next skill.
02:24All right, that was a really lucky one, though. You're not too good of a coach, bro. Like,
02:28why are you being toxic to me? I'm supposed to be your student. Yo, shut up, bro. Yo,
02:32do you want your 300 shrink in two minutes? All right, dude, all right, dude. Let's move
02:35to the next one. Next, you need to be able to win a game of ranked. Okay, well, I'm gold,
02:39dude. You're unranked. Yeah, yeah, this is my coaching account, okay? So obviously on my main
02:43account, I'm max ranked, all right? Okay, yeah, sure, yeah, sure. Anyways, this is perfect for
02:47my next troll, because I realized that I recognized this coach. He lives with one of my
02:52friends, so I paid my friend to sneak into his room and steal his mouse while we're playing.
02:57This is going to make him lose his placement match, and he's going to get really, really bad.
03:00All right, all you have to do is follow my lead, all right? I'm going to carry you. I got you.
03:04Right, right, okay. I see it, bro. As long as you can just try and not die. Wait, wait, wait.
03:08Dude, what's going on? These are silvers. No, no, no, he's really weak. He's really
03:11weak in front of you. I got him, got him. Yeah, you're welcome. You're welcome?
03:14I got more damage. More damage? Where? I don't see that anywhere.
03:20Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Give me my mouse back. Oh, he did it. He did it. Give
03:24me my mouse back. He literally ran outside my door. Dude, he ran outside the front door. John
03:29is crashing out. All right, I'm plugging this in. Why is this mouse not working? I literally,
03:32I have an extra mouse, and this isn't working. And he's literally playing. He's playing with
03:36my mouse right now. He's playing. Oh my god. Oh, you just fell off. No, no, no, no, no, no.
03:41Coach, what's going on? I need you to carry me. What happened? Are you just trash? I don't have
03:45a mouse right now. Did you not hear me? Coach, we're going to lose the placement match. No,
03:48no, no, I got to hide. Okay, just literally just kill them. Just kill them. This isn't my fault.
03:52I thought you were a good coach. You're supposed to take me to a 300 streak. If you can't help me
03:56rank up, how am I supposed to get a streak? What's going on? Don't even worry, coach. I'll carry you.
03:59I know you need it. I'm literally, I'm going to lose. I'm going to lose. I'm literally going to
04:02lose. I'm not going to be able to win this game. I need to, all right, I need to go get my mouse.
04:06I think the coach just left to grab his mouse, so I'm just going to walk off the map. Goodbye.
04:11I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. I'm back. Oh my gosh. I'm back. I have my mouse. I have my mouse.
04:15Oh, he's right on me. Oh my gosh. He's right on me. Am I going to be able to say this? Am I the
04:18best coach ever? Oh, oh, oh. And you're dead. And we lost the match. Coach, why were you playing
04:24like you don't have a mouse, dude? Just look around. Here's something you need to understand.
04:27You need to open your ears. First of all, secondly, my roommate came into my room and he took my
04:30mouse. Uh-huh. Yeah, like we believe you, bro. He took my mouse, dude. He took my mouse, Chad.
04:36Full rage baiting this guy right out, dude. Buy me, dude. I'm a good coach.
04:39Okay, John, if you're a good coach, just load us to a regular 2v2. Teach me what you have to
04:44teach me in a real game. All right, easy. Yeah, I got that easily. Now, luckily, I have my pro
04:48player friends trying to stream snipe us. And what they're going to do is just destroy the coach and
04:52then let me win. So he looks like a noob and I look like a pro. Oh my God. Oh my God. We got
04:56my friends. We got my friends. Okay, I'm going to unmute. Coach, these guys are some high levels.
04:59Do you think you can actually beat them? No, no, no. This is going to be super easy. Just follow
05:02my lead, like I said. All right, ready? Let's see it. And they're hiding. Oh, there they are. Oh my,
05:06they're hiding. They're hiding. You got decimated. What happened? Because they're cheating. First of
05:11all, they're cheating. They're sitting in a corner. You're not supposed to play like that.
05:14Yes, yes, yes. Nice, nice, nice. Wait, coach, I thought if they destroyed you, how am I beating
05:18them? All right, my coaching skills are working up. Bro thinks this is coaching skills, but these
05:22guys are just letting me win. See, Chad, literally, I am a good coach. He clutched on those guys.
05:26Those guys are pretty good too. They got good aim. Okay, show me how good of a coach you are,
05:30John, by going and destroying them. You're supposed to give me a 300 streak in two minutes,
05:33right? Yep. Oh, I just got sniped. I just got sniped. He had the luckiest no scope of his life.
05:38Dude, that's two in a row that you've died. What's happening? Wait, you're cooking them. Oh my gosh,
05:42you're cooking them. Nice. Pull out your pistol. Scythe. Look, I got him. What happened? Wait,
05:47wait, wait, wait, wait. Someone in chat just said K is better than you. No, he's not, bro. No,
05:52he's not. These guys are hitting lucky snipes. And I'm gone again. I'm gone again. I'm about
05:55to crush out. Coach, what is happening, dude? They're just targeting me. I'm doing all the
06:00bait. I'm doing a little damage. It's easy for you to clean up. Dude, you're not even doing any
06:03damage. Your damage is 64. I have 10 times more damage than you. That's not true, dude. My tab
06:09button is broken. I literally can't open it to even see, but that's not true, bro. Here, let me
06:12tell this to your chat. I have a 563 damage and you have 64. That's not true. My tab button's
06:18broken. That's not true. I'm literally doing more damage than you. Oh, now I have 887. No,
06:23it's literally lucky. And also you have molotov, dude. I'm literally using med kit, so. Okay,
06:26I won't use molotov. Redemption arc right here. Here we go. Yeah, you're on your winter arc. Come
06:30on. Lock in, lock in, coach. I'm locking in. I'm literally locking in. Oh, watch your back.
06:34Watch your back, coach. No, no, no, no, no. What is he doing? He literally has a sword. What?
06:38What is that? You don't know what the gun blade is? I thought you were a pro. What was that? I've
06:43never even seen that weapon. How are you destroying them? How are you destroying them? I'm the goat.
06:47I'm the goat. No, no, no. I know. I'm the goat. I'm the greatest coach alive. I don't think it's
06:50your coaching, dude. You're dead. You are not the greatest coach. Best dollar you've ever spent
06:55right here. Dude, I just beat them again. Lock in. Are you sure you can get me a 300 streak in two
07:00minutes? Or is it a scam? No, that's okay. That is not a scam. Stop. All right. First of all.
07:03Secondly, these guys are literally... Dude, like I said, I'm just doing bait right now. I'm doing
07:07bait. Look how much damage I'm putting in. Yep, 11 right there. Another shot. Boom. Here, coach,
07:11you just sit in the back. Watch me get them. I don't even need your help. All right. Yeah,
07:13I'll let you do that. I'll let you. Watch. I got one. Okay, where's the other guy? He's coming for
07:19me. He's coming for me. Coach, what happened? I thought you said you were going to get him. I was
07:23trying to sit in the back and then he automatically goes towards me. Right, right. And I'm still going
07:27to get him. Like that. Five owed. Five owed. I have 10 kills and 1500 damage. What just happened?
07:32I literally don't even... Wait, what is going on? No, you know what? You know what? I'm done. I'm
07:35done. You know what? You're getting scammed and I'm getting off. See ya. Wait, wait. You really
07:39got to scam me in front of your entire stream? You haven't got me the 300 streak yet. What is
07:43going on? All right, all right, all right. Fine. I have one more skill that we could go for before
07:48the 300 streak. And you have to win a game of free-for-all. Okay. That's so doable. All right,
07:53all right. But really quick before the free-for-all chat, also, I really just have to use bathroom.
07:56Give me just one second, okay? Wait, this is perfect. My fifth troll is that I'm going to get
07:59a bunch of subscribers to join and target him in the free-for-all. And now that he's gone,
08:03I can just get them all in this lobby and start the free-for-all before he gets back. All right.
08:06Okay, I'm back. I'm back. Wait, what? Wait, you already loaded us into a free-for-all? Yes,
08:09it has not started. Lock in. Lock in. Come on. I want to show you that I can win a free-for-all.
08:13Easy, easy. All right. Free-for-all. Oh, my gosh. I'm getting targeted. Okay. Whoa,
08:17I just got beamed. All right. Easy, easy. Come on. Come on. Watch out, Coach John.
08:21Got you. Oh, wait. Yo, yo. You just killed me. Wait, what? It was easy. Wait a second. Why is
08:26everybody just shooting at me? Yo, shoot at this guy. Shoot at this guy. Slow. What is happening?
08:31What is happening? And easy, easy, Coach John. Dude, come on. Lock in. How? How? How are you
08:38beating me? How are you beating me right now? Where are you, bro? Me and my goons are trying
08:42to kill you. What do you mean goons? Did you set this up? Maybe. Obviously, I'm the only one that
08:47everybody's shooting at. Oh, my God, bro. Oh, my God. Coach, why are you losing, bro? Like,
08:52you're terrible. Are you that bad? I'm not losing. I'm not losing. By the way, I'm still ahead of
08:56you. I'm still ahead of you. And actually, I'm winning. Not for long, bro. Not for long. My
09:00subscribers are letting me kill them, and then they're just targeting him. This is insane. Hey,
09:04Coach, I'm one off. You're about to be my kill. I'm ahead of you, dude. What's going on, Coach?
09:08No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is so unfair. They're only targeting
09:12me. Target the other guy. Target the guy in the red shirt. What do you mean? No one's just
09:15targeting you. You're losing to your own student that you were calling bad, bro? Don't remind me.
09:19I don't know. I don't think anyone should buy from you, dude. You're in fourth place. Like,
09:23you're not even in the top three. How? How am I not in the top three? Dude, what?
09:27What is happening? It's literally everybody targeting me, bro.
09:31Dude, this is the easiest free-for-all ever, bro. Yeah, because nobody's shooting at you. That
09:33makes sense. What? Dude, everyone's beaming me right now. Like, they're definitely just not,
09:38like, standing still and letting me shoot them. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Totally, totally. Like,
09:42what is that? I literally see them doing that for you, bro. Dude. Oh, my gosh. Oh, no. I didn't hit
09:47100, but I still got first. I'm really out of breath. That was literally, that was scam. That
09:52was a literal scam. I don't know what that was. You set that up. Oh, that was a scam. What about
09:57when you scammed my subscriber and me out of a dollar by saying you could get us a 300 win
10:01streak in two minutes? Wait, what? Wait, how did you, who told you that? How did you figure that
10:04out? No, no, you know what? No, no, no. I'm ending stream. I'm done. I'm done. I'm out. I'm leaving.
10:09And you know what? Maybe even I'll uninstall Roblox. I'm gone. Oh, my gosh. Dude, that's what
10:14this guy gets for being toxic. And if you guys enjoyed this video, be sure to click another
10:17video on screen and subscribe for more. I will see you guys later, and bye!