The latest installment of "Where Are They Now?" What people do you want me to follow up on next?
Catheter video:
Varicose video:
Projectile fun video:
Visit for gear!
Catheter video:
Varicose video:
Projectile fun video:
Visit for gear!
00:00Hey everyone, welcome back to a very overdue installment of Where Are They Now, and if
00:04you're a dude, you might find some of this episode a little bit painful.
00:10What's off?
00:11It's off.
00:12You know, as a paramedic that's been doing this for a pretty long time, I feel like I've
00:16mastered the ability to keep a straight face no matter how horrendous the collar injury
00:21But, when it comes to someone losing a section of their Johnson to a very violent and forceful
00:26catheter incident, that's where I tend to lose it.
00:32You see, catheters have a balloon at the end of them, so once they're in place, the balloon
00:36can be inflated so it'll remain inside of the bladder, and then deflated once it's ready
00:41to be removed.
00:42But, if you forget to deflate, an exploded hot dog is what you'll make.
00:49It's truly hard to describe what it's like seeing four grown men saying, there's no way,
00:55over and over again, because none of us could believe what we were looking at.
00:59But the good news is, it sounds like they were able to get this guy a full set of twig
01:04and berries again, and us as much therapy as we're gonna need.
01:08Then why are you covered in blood?
01:10My varicose vein exploded.
01:11I've seen people shot, stabbed, impaled with eight foot lightning rods, bleed a little
01:16bit, but I've never seen someone paint their home like they're the Picasso of human lube
01:22like someone who's had a ruptured varicose vein.
01:26Blood everywhere.
01:27You see, the hardest part of controlling a severe varicose vein bleed is you can't just
01:30use one tourniquet like you would in an arterial bleed.
01:33You need two.
01:34One to stop all the arterial blood from coming into the leg, and then another one to stop
01:39all the blood that's inside of the leg ejecting out of their varicose vein blowout.
01:45Big summer blowout.
01:46But, thankfully, we were able to control the bleeding, get this guy down to the hospital,
01:50and then stare into the endless void wondering when my leg veins would ultimately betray
01:55me, sending me into a lonely death.
02:00The one thing I was told when I was learning about Narcan was never slam it.
02:05Well, have you ever heard the phrase, oh my God, there's vomit everywhere?
02:08Well, you will if you ever give Narcan too fast.
02:12But to be fair, everyone has different reactions when it comes to being given Narcan, and in
02:16my experience, most people are pretty chill when they wake up from their opioid sleeping
02:21But, from time to time, you're going to get the joy of experiencing you and your entire
02:28ambulance being doused in whatever they had for their last three meals.
02:34But I'm happy to report that that person was dropped off at the hospital, feeling fine,
02:39and I went back to the station, burned all of my clothing, and never looked at bologna
02:43sandwiches the same again.
02:47You see, some catheters have a hot- I have a hot dog.