• 5 hours ago
#dresstoimpress #roblox #funny

Me and @vanilbean are back with another Dress to Impress video. This time we are playing the new Style Showdown game mode to see who is truly the best at making outfits πŸ’…

Let me know if you want to see more videos like this and what I should play next!

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#kreativekyle #dti #dresstoimpressroblox #funnyroblox


00:00Hey, what's up guys, it's your boy fabulous katrina here back with another video in today's video
00:06We're gonna be playing some dress to impress, but we're gonna be playing the new game mode. It's uh
00:12Style showdown. Yeah, I literally have no idea what this is. I didn't even read anything about this update
00:17Yeah, I haven't really seen any tiktoks about it either. So
00:20Let's see. All right, let's go in let's do this. Come on
00:23Oh, yeah, i'm so excited. Okay. Whoa, this is like a cut scene. Okay. Oh camera's flashing
00:30What is this? What is that lana? It's a house
00:37What's happening
00:38Photographer. Oh, okay. What but like how is this different than normal just to impress? Oh my god the whole map changed wait
00:45But okay, but that's the okay. No, i'm so confused. Oh my god. What's happening mom?
00:50Oh, wait, the whole map is changed. This is so weird. You get less time. I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out
00:56What you get oh, oh no, oh no gulps
01:05Okay, oh my god, I you have to run this is so much more stressful. Oh my god, where's everything
01:10Yeah, we're oh no. Where's the camera struggles cutely? Of course. Okay, please tell me if you find a camera
01:16I think i'm not gonna tell you if there's a camera. No, no, no. No, you have to you have to no
01:21I think i'm actually not gonna do that. Okay, this actually kind of eats this actually kind of eats but where's the camera?
01:26Saying eat in 2025. Yeah. Well, I mean, is that surprising? Um,
01:30Oh, no, yo, there's literally not enough time. Oh my I literally look so fugly. Oh my gosh
01:36Oh my god, I look horrible. Oh my god. I I know I look terrible too. Okay. Oh my god
01:43I've got my shoes. Oh, no. Oh my this is so much harder than the normal just impress. Oh, this is me dreams
01:50This isn't that bad. I don't even have shoes on I forgot. This is you. Oh, this is not bad
01:55I forgot my shoes. That's okay. Photographers don't even wear shoes. That's right. That's what I thought
02:00Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I love coping the fact that they had photographer and didn't put a camera
02:06Wait, do you think all the items are randomized? That's probably what it is. That's probably what it is
02:10All the items are randomized. Okay, so what's going on now? What's this now that you've all strutted down the catwalk?
02:17Okay to vote for your three favorite outfits. Oh three favorites
02:21Remember contestants outfits were voted. The least will be a risk for elimination you get eliminated. No
02:28Bye-bye. Oh my gosh, you know you get eliminated. What is this?
02:34Wait vote for your three favorite outfits. Can I vote for myself? Okay. No, i'm definitely gonna vote you
02:39This one is really good. Okay, and I like this one, too, please
02:42Congratulations your outfits dare to impress. Oh, yes. We made it. Let's go
02:47This is just got way more intense i'll be deciding on who gets eliminated. Oh, wait, only one person gets eliminated choosing to eliminate
02:56Oh, what?
02:58How did she get like the least amount of votes? Oh, they just killed her
03:04They did they just killed her. She's dead. Mr. Beast games. Yeah. No. No, this time is our beast games
03:09This is like it's like saw
03:12Oh my gosh, just just impress more like we're like dressed to die. Oh my god bestie hang out. Oh
03:22Oh, no, this outfit's sorry, I don't even have shoes I literally don't even have shoes on this is horrible
03:26I look so bad. Oh my god. I I can see you over there. You're uh, are you laughing? No
03:33I heard you. I heard you laugh. You're like
03:35I can see you over there. Um, oh
03:38That's a nice hair choice, yeah, I thought because it's like we're getting we're doing each other's hair
03:44Yeah, no, if anyone would like to use an immunity idol now is immunity idol. What are we playing survivor?
03:51Well, i'm not using immunity idol. I'm not what is this?
03:55Why do we have an immunity idol?
03:57What kind of game is this? Okay. Um, i'm gonna go
04:01That girl i'll go with you
04:04And I guess i'll go with the girl that looks like you
04:07I didn't make it. I voted for you. Oh my god
04:11No, wait, I didn't I could use I didn't use the immunity idol because I thought I was gonna be safe. No
04:17I hope it's not you. I hope no
04:19Don't vote me out already eliminate is no, please. Please. Don't don't do this. Lana
04:30Oh my gosh, no
04:32There's no way I already got eliminated
04:35Wait click to revive. Oh, I can revive
04:38I'm back in chief. You're that's crazy
04:42I'm back, baby. Let's go wonderland. I don't like that. Ew take that off
04:48Wait, you can't take items off. Why don't you put them on? Oh be very careful. Oh my gosh, don't miss click. Okay
04:54Okay, yo people vote me out again. I swear I swear I swear i'm going to explode. He's gonna get really angry
05:01Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh I ate I ate say I ate that's actually I mean for you. That's pretty good actually
05:07What do you mean for me for me?
05:09No in general, I couldn't find those puffy like shoulder things. I was trying to find them
05:14No, surely surely. I don't get voted out twice in a row. There's no way. Yes. Yes
05:24This is trash, this is a trash. Oh my gosh, I completely agree. I'm not having a good time. No, i'm getting eliminated
05:30I'm getting eliminated again. I didn't even change the color. Oh my gosh
05:33I forgot to change the color of the stupid outfit and put on for me. It was so bad
05:38I'm, my outfit was so bad. Okay, let me vote for you always vote for me, please please honestly
05:45I'm gonna vote wait, you can only vote two. Yeah. Oh, I I removed your uh thing back. Wait. No, no, no
05:51That is you
05:53Wait, no, I didn't vote for you. Oh, no, it will reveal. Oh my god. No, it's showing we voted for it
05:58I didn't vote for you by accident. I'm, so sorry
06:01No, I clicked on somebody and it removed the vote. No, it's gonna be me. No
06:06No, i'm so sorry. No, it's not gonna be you
06:10Okay, okay. Okay
06:13And then it's like oh, it's gonna be a double elimination
06:17Hey, you just immediately drop. There's no tension buildup grand finale of style showdown
06:23Woo, we made it mama made it. Ooh
06:27Wait, why are you in the middle? That's kind of that's rude the player with the most style stars is me. It's me
06:33Wow, okay. Yeah. Yeah, it's because you're a youtuber. Yeah, you cheated everyone in this lobby knew you it was rigged
06:39What you have to please your case to the jury on why you should win. Love you
06:43Oh my god
06:46This girl doesn't even want to get the votes like just vanny, please friend me this girl say well if you vote for me
06:52No, no, no. No, you're not bribing. Huh? Oh, I type free robux if I win. Yes the same players you eliminated
07:01Wait, are they even players in the jury though? Wait, who's even in one one person pumpkin pie? No, okay
07:06But that's that's not fair because they're your fan
07:09They're your fan
07:16You're actually a traitor let's go pumpkin. Yay
07:22You actually you get like an actual item in the game
07:27Let's go. I actually did I got something
07:30God destroyed. Well guys, I mean, I don't know what to say except I think we now know
07:36Officially who is the best at just to impress but here's the thing. Here's the thing vanny. Come here
07:41I got something to tell you. Yeah, I actually think that technically you won because I didn't get no free item
07:48I got eliminated. So even though I won at the end, i'm going to give the unofficial victory to you
07:58Okay, I take it back i'm taking it back what was that
08:15Mike drops walks away. Anyways, thank you guys so much for coming out to the video. I really really appreciate it
08:21Make sure you guys go check out vanny's channel link will be in the description
08:25Also, make sure you guys follow me on twitch and tiktok or voice crack
08:31And make sure you guys use starcode kyle when you're buying robux because I get a little bit of money
08:35Every time you guys use my code and it helps support the channel and it's very much appreciated
08:39And also let me know what you guys think of the new showdown game mode. You guys are enjoying it and
08:45What you guys would change about the game mode? I thought it was pretty fun, but it's also really stressful like very stressful
08:52Vanny, how are you feeling about this epic defeat? Um, my voice hurts
08:57My throat crying yeah crying because of the loss i'm screaming. Yeah, um
09:02Screaming bloody murder into my mic screaming crying because you got destroyed by crab. Kyle the absolute glamour fashionista
09:09queen of the runway
09:13All right, guys, thanks for coming out to the video. I'll see you guys next time