• vor 8 Stunden
US-Präsident Donald Trump will nach eigenen Worten am Dienstag mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin sprechen. Bei dem Gespräch solle es um die Beendigung des russischen Krieges in der Ukraine gehen, sagte Trump vor Journalisten an Bord des Präsidentenflugzeugs Air Force One.


00:00I think we're doing pretty well, I think, with Russia and we'll see if we have something to announce maybe by Tuesday.
00:08I'll be speaking to President Putin on Tuesday.
00:11I think we'll, you know, be talking about land.
00:15It's a lot of land, it's a lot different than it was before the wars, you know.
00:19And we'll be talking about land, we'll be talking about power plants.
00:23That's a big question.
00:27But I think we have a lot of it already discussed very much by both sides.
00:32Ukraine and Russia.
00:35We're already talking about that.
00:38Dividing up certain assets.
00:42And they've been working on that.
