• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Insegna ai bambini dai 4 ai 12 anni e alle loro famiglie come costruire pasti equilibrati. È il progetto Nutripiatto, un programma di educazione nutrizionale, i cui risultati sono stati presentati al ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito. Realizzato da Gruppo Nestlé con il contributo scientifico dell’Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma e della Società italiana di pediatria preventiva e sociale, il progetto, che ha coinvolto migliaia di scuole, si compone di una parte teorica e una pratica, guidando genitori, insegnanti e bambini nella preparazione di pasti bilanciati attraverso una metodologia chiara e coinvolgente.


00:00Not only a theoretical project, but a real practical tool that guides parents, teachers and children in the preparation of balanced meals through a clear and engaging methodology.
00:15NUTRIPIATTO is the nutritional education program made by the NESTRE group with the scientific contribution of the Università Campus Biomedico di Roma and the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics,
00:26which teaches children from the age of 4 to 12 to their families how to make balanced meals, the results of which have been presented to the Ministry of Education and Merit.
00:36Thanks to an innovative approach based on educational, interactive materials, educational cards and educational activities, the project has already reached thousands of families and schools throughout Italy.
00:46It has been presented from 2019 to today to about 500,000 children in schools, thus certainly contributing to inform and improve their knowledge of their families on good nutritional education.
01:02In promoting a correct diet, companies have a double role.
01:07First of all, to continue to improve the quality of their products with scientific research and innovation, in order to make them more and more suitable for today's food challenges.
01:16And then they also have the role of being active in the communication, dissemination and information of good practices and correct eating habits,
01:25which we have been doing for years in collaboration with these scientific entities and with the help of the Ministry of Education and Merit for access to schools.
